Hands You an S2 Plot Thread and Runs

Elliot Briar

| '54 Grad | Ollivander's Asst. |
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Demi (Alice)
10 1/2 Inch Alder Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
6/2036 (25)
/cracks knuckles
Okay, I want to get back into things and I really miss plotting and being active so I want to post this with the caveat that I'm trying to ease in so if I'm a lil slow or selective it's okay cause I don't wanna leave folks hanging too long ❤️ (This also serves as a blanket apology for dropped or lost plots from my last plotting attempt, sorry!!)

That being said I'm going to pile in pretty much every char I wanna use cause I am cautious but also stupidI've included suggestions for some sort of plots in most of my descriptions where I have them, but I'm open to any ideas or just some casual plot spaghetti if we wanna play it fast and loose so let's go 💪


Brooke Townsend
Slytherin Seventh Year
18 - Single | Heta Omega, SDA

Looking for: Friends, enemies, flings, romance (any gender), anything!
Brooke has reached her final year with very little to show for it academically or socially and she's extremely bitter about it. She's felt she's worked hard all her life but no one's ever given her credit and now she's in her last year it's starting to boil over for her in a way I'd love to explore. Maybe she and your character could get into a big fight because she's frustrated, or she could find a kindred spirit who's experiencing something similar?​

Sawyer Carnahan
Ravenclaw Seventh Year
17 - Interested in Someone | CAC, Quidditch Captain

Looking for: Friends, people to make fun of his hair, students in need of terrible advice
Sawyer is a mess, I don't think he's fooling anyone, but he has somehow found himself in a position of authority none the less. He's also become involved in a long, drawn-out romantic dance with Estella Fuentes. I'd love any plots related to his question Quidditch or leadership abilities or around his struggling romantic feelings for Estella. Sawyer likes to view himself as the voice of reason and I'd love a few plots that prove he's not as level headed as he likes to think he is (it would not be hard).​

Salem Lee
Gryffindor Sixth Year
16 - Single | Wild Patch, CAC

Looking for: Friends, people to annoy, romance (girls only)
Salem's a simple soul and I'd love some friends to shake things up. She's always struggled with slowing down enough to focus on actually mastering any particular skill or with embracing traditional femininity so I'd love any plots that might focus on exploring those sorts of ideas or pick at her insecurity around them or exasperate someone who's just trying to help (did someone say failed make-over attempt?). Salem's also not good at staying still for long, so if someone's interested in a fling that falls apart because she can't commit her time, Salem's your girl!​

René Tofilau
Hufflepuff Fifth Year
16 - Seeing Someone (for now) | BoM, Quidditch

Looking for: Enemies, future romance (any gender), people to impress
René spent the first few years at school trying to hide and as of fifth year he's finally starting to shake that impulse. Now he just needs a way to stand out that's not just limited to how tall he is. He started this year by dating Jenna Irons but as you can probably guess that is doomed to fail. René's a good kid but he's got a petty and jealous streak I'd love to explore more with any students who might poke at his ego either positive or negative or help influence him into making a few questionable decisions in the name of popularity.​

Cameron Roswell
Slytherin Third Year
13 - Interested in Someone | Accio! Photographer

Looking for: Enemies, awkward conversations, ill-fated crushes or romance (any gender)
Bad at expressing his emotions, Cameron is hard to get along with and he's perfectly okay with that. He has his handful of friends, of whom he's very defensive of and he's happy to write off everyone else after a history of sticking his foot in his mouth when he tries. He's also pretty terrible when it comes to doing well in class or even just performing basic magic and I'd love to explore that more, either with some other struggling students, people who want to call him out for how he acts, or concerned older students/staff who are will to try and lend a hand even if they'll likely be rebuffed until Cameron gets over himself.​

Marnie Frogg
Hufflepuff Second Year
12 - Too Young | CAC

Looking for: Friends! Innocent crushes, people to annoy
I feel like one can sum up Marnie best by my inclination to end every sentence about her with an exclamation point! She's excitable, chatty, and loves any artistic endeavor. I'd really love her to establish a few really good friends at school, bonus points for anyone who finds her exasperating but still enjoys her company somehow. Maybe you have a character who needs someone to get them out of their shell a bit? Since she can carry on a conversation entirely by herself she'd do great with anyone with a quieter or shy character or even an equally excitable one for maximum chaos mode. Marnie also gets crushes constantly, so I'm always on the lookout for her next crush of the month.​

Raafe Khatri
Gryffindor First Year
11 - Too Young | Lurker

Looking for: Friends, literally anything, my poor boy
Poor Raafe hasn't had much time to shine so far this year, though admittedly that's something he's well used to. He's Anisha Khatri's cousin and not often seen without her so I'd love threads with characters who know or are friends with her already. On his own though, Raafe can be kind of odd and glib, his sense of humour or deadpan way of talking can put people off or entertain in equal measure but it's very hard to tell when he's being serious. I'd love for some threads or relationships built off that misunderstanding or really just anything with fellow first years to establish some dynamics.​

Dorian Fitzwilliam
Ravenclaw First Year
11 - Too Young | SD

Looking for: Enemies, people to put up with his ego
Surprise, another terrible boy for you. Deep down, Dorian is very, very shy, only really comfortable alone with a book or if you're lucky, when he has his friend Ezra Ito to hide behind. Even then, he comes across very hostile or rude when interacted with and I'd love to build up his reputation in his year group and around the school as a grouch you don't want to bother with. I'd be happy to have one or two classmates or housemates who put up with his inadvertent rudeness, but ideally I'm looking for threads where he can purposely or accidentally offend folks and I can flesh out how he handles social situations (i.e. badly).​


Maris Wormwood
HNZ Caretaker
42 - Single

Looking For: Romance (any gender), students to punish/complain about, staff to commiserate with​

Professor Angel Castillo
Herbology Professor | Slytherin Head of House
44 - In a relationship (Josephine Arora)

Looking for: Friends/fellow parents with young kids, students interested in herbology/struggling in class, Slytherins to interact with​

The Blue Lady
Magical Portrait
Old - She's a portrait?

Looking for: Students/staff to keep company/chat with, rulebreakers to scold, Ravenclaws are her favourites​


Briony Mettlestone
Unsorted | Niffler Scout
8 - Actual child

Youngest Mettlestone and little sister to Emery and Vanity, Briony often has her head in the clouds and would be fun to RP with future students who are equally dreamy or perhaps conflict by being more down to earth.​

Roman Hyde
Scitorari Upstanding Citizen
36 - Single (Not Looking)

Clever and up to no good, Roman works hard to maintain a friendly and innocent persona to hide that his intentions with the Necromancy Scitorary are far from good. Fellow scits feel free to check the forum for some ideas...​

Zelda Wigham
Vibez Owner | Wizengamot
67 - Married (Waldo Wigham)

Zelda considers herself the neighborhood mum and is happy to take all and anyone under her wing who might need a hand. She's also a big supporter of local businesses and events and is always happy to make appearance.​

Oscar Brooks
Muggle | Architect
51 - Seeing Someone (Miles Cresswell)

Elliot Briar's dad, though the two aren't on the best of terms right now, Oscar's trying his best to be more involved in the magical community and would love to talk to more Muggle or Muggleborn parents.​

Sia Tofilau
Muggle | Victoria University Grad Student
25 - Seeing Someone(October Alcott)

René and Sully's only muggle sibling, Sia had a chip on her shoulder when she found out about magic. Now she's a bit of a muggle rights activist and eager to talk to any witch or wizard who will spare the time.

AJ Ari
Ilvermorny '54 Grad | Macaw's Beater
22 - Seeing Someone (Lillian Lockwood)

Still pretty new to NZ after being drafted into the Macaws out of Ilvermorny, AJ is hoping to find more friends here in NZ, especially among Quidditch fans or teammates.

Elliot Briar
HNZ '54 Grad | Ollivander's Assistant
21 - Seeing Someone (Alice Holland)

Your friendly neighborhood wandseller, Elliot's been getting more and more invested in learning wandlore and would love to meet any fellow wandmakers or craftsman.

Sydney Townsend
HNZ '55 Grad | Scitorari | Pro. Duelist
21 - Single (Women only)

Deeply invested in mind magic, Sydney is highly interested in meeting any occlumens, legilimens, or conquering the mind scits. She's also up for any duelling matches with fellow professional duelists.

Solomon Tofilau
HNZ '55 Grad | Experimental Charms
21 - Seeing Someone (Chloë Thompson)

Older but not necessarily any wiser and newly minted member of the ministry, Sully is keen to meet up with fellow ministry employees, especially in his department, or catch up with old school friends.​

I have other characters not listed here due to laziness or because I'm content with their current plots, but feel free to suggest plots with them as well if you have ideas!​
i too am trying to ease back in slowly so take my hand run away with me lets plot way more than we have the time or inspiration for and suffer together

Brooke - She & Hester left things on pretty awful terms so it could be fun to throw them at each other again? Could wind up with a fun new clash or with a bit of Hester's happy-go-lucky style rubbing off on her?

Cameron - It's been Forever since we rped them but I like to think he & Ngawaiata have been hanging out off camera. If you want someone for him to work through his issues with spellcasting with, she's a straight O student and never talks to anyone so she'd be a safe bet in terms of not spreading his secrets to anyone.

Marnie - I mentioned this on Discord the other day, but I suuuuuuuuuuuuper want Marnie to take Daria under her wing and help her out of her shell a little bit. I don't think Daria has any friends at all at the moment and Marnie's exactly the kind of person who could help her out there.

Raafe - I feel like he and Thistle would either be brilliant or terrible as friends............

Blue - Could do something with Daria as well - she's got no people to talk to but maybe paintings are good friends...........

Bryony - daydreamy bryony and Force Of Chaos lucy best friends when

Sia - Just looked it up and she and October have just had their seventh anniversary......... we should prob... figure out what our long term plans are....... 💍 💒 👰‍♀️ 👰‍♀️ ????????????????????

Elliot - Could get in some quality time with Ainsley mentoring him a bit in wandcraft?
I mean, yes, I'm here

Salem/aubrey: I miss them, they need to be buddies. also Salem/Jordie.

Charlie/Rene. Inquire for details but I have thoughts.

If we're talking bad ideas, then Cameron and Evie.

I have many ideas for Marnie. Hamish. Charlie. Evie. Kyon. Emrys. Zerrin.

The Blue Lady has a few thoughts... Valerius. Mallory. Hamish.

Zaros and Briony.

Zelda. Kia, of course, but she could adopt Abner? He's a shopkeep with traumaaa.

Kami could be friends with Oscar? She's a Lockwood, so he would be able to know her through the Briarwood connection?

Where is Sia based? Evan might be able to be friends with Sia?

aj and Lily, of course. But we could do Rose and aj, or Ren?


That's just the top of my mind for now, might have more later. Got some new charrie ideas, but meh.
literally only just started getting my muse back and still stuck on a few characters so I am also taking it slow buuuuuut-

1. I can throw Michael at either (or both) Sawyer and Marnie? I am a bit stuck on what I want to do with him but I am...trying... he's mostly just trying to get good at Quidditch because he really likes being part of a team and doesn't want to let them down. He's not that shy but I imagine he's just kind of been in his own world because I'm bad at writing him and him and Marnie interacting last Yule Ball was fun.

2. I swear I will stop writing massive word vomit posts with Aine one day so I stop making replying so difficult :r I just keep getting hugely In Her Head but we can see where this terrible headbutting between Aine and Cameron goes!

3. I have also been neglecting my firstie girl, Dahlia. She's roommates with Anisha so she'd know Raafe at least enough to say hello I'm sure. I think she'd be a little thrown off by his deadpan ways and maybe completely take him at face value (she's sort of decent at reading people but she is also played by me, so.....). Or she could just be completely thrown off by Dorian and be annoyed by him!

4. I feel like Gabrielle is the type of woman to sit and have a chat to a portrait because she is Stereotypical Ravenclaw at heart 20 years after graduating, so that's an option for Blue. Or she could hang out with Maris and they could commiserate, lol.

Anyway feel free to ignore any or all of these, just a couple of things that popped into my head while I am lying here in a daze.
Krisss! Hiii! I see that there is already a lot being offered to you, so ill try and not give you too much hehe! Though there are a few that i want to offer! (feel free to decline any of them)

For Rene I'd like to offer Nolan - Their roommates and I don't think they've had many threads together but I think they'd talk to each other from time to time behind the scenes - I'd like to have them interact a little more.

For Cameron I'd like to offer Abby - I like their dynamic a lot and I'd like to somewhat develop a little more! Not sure what we could do with them, but I'd like to develop their friendship a bit! :D

For Marnie I'd like to offer Joshua - I think we've had a couple of threads together, lots of fun and a bit chaotic hehe! But I'd love to grow their friendship a little more too! I dunno what we could do with them though either!

For either of your first years I'd like to offer Conan - I'm happy to offer Conan to either or! We can always put them in a thread with either together and see what happens!

Lemme know what you think, and feel free to decline any offers as well :)
Ooh Kris Plots.

Okay. here are my first few ideas. I am sure there are more but I don't want to overwhelm either of us. but I am open to any other suggestions.

Marnie/Sky. they could hang out in the CAC. doing whatever they do in the club. Sky is primerally a musician but is trying different ways of expressing herself. they could be friends, or sky could be a innocent crush if you want.

Angel/Rhiannon. they could meet at some kids nursery. I am not sure how "young kids" you mean but Chi's kids are 3 and newborn.

briony/Ivy: to be honest I am still working out ivy's personality. but they could maybe meet each other on the playground. or at scouts.

Zelda/Elvera they both have a similar vibe. and I am sure that they get on off screen. plus they both own stores in the mall. and have been to each others events for a few years (and that is events that I can remember them holding.

Eliot/Selene. I am pretty sure they are friends or at least friendly aquatences.
Dear Krisis, here are some plots

Brooke x Delilah: Would love for them to have an actual fight.... I feel like it's been simmering for so long and could be interesting. Delilah is pretty chill this year and is kind of riding out the time which might rub Brooke the wrong way if she feels like she's the only one trying.

Sawyer x Felix: I think some brother tension might be fun. Maybe Sawyer tries to give Felix some dating advice and he can reject it and accurately point out that he hasn't actually had a lot of luck in the field.

Leah x Raafe: She's already pretty good friends with Anisha since they're roommates and would probably get along with him just fine. Or maybe she could assume she'd get along with him since she's friends with Anisha and she talks about him all the time but in reality it's a bit of an awkward start?

Leah x Dorian: Love for these two to make butt heads a bit. I could see him saying something unintentionally rude and her not having it but I think she'd have enough patience to not write him off completely. Idk, I'm open to anything.

Briony x Elise: weird girls weird girls weird girls. I feel like they'd make up their own language so they could send notes no one could read. Anyways would love these two to hang out and be friends.

Sydney x Avery: We should do the things we have talked about doing 👀 The worst duo in the whole world.

Also down for friend thread's of obvious combos but didn't feel like listing haha.
For Cameron&Demetrius - idk why I just really like the idea that they get off on the wrong foot, because neither are great with people, and are just enemies/frenemies.
I was all psyched to post this response immediately and then work shot me in the foot and I haven't written all week oops. Excuse me if I cherry pick a few but I am excited for many things 👀
i too am trying to ease back in slowly so take my hand run away with me lets plot way more than we have the time or inspiration for and suffer together

Brooke - She & Hester left things on pretty awful terms so it could be fun to throw them at each other again? Could wind up with a fun new clash or with a bit of Hester's happy-go-lucky style rubbing off on her?

Cameron - It's been Forever since we rped them but I like to think he & Ngawaiata have been hanging out off camera. If you want someone for him to work through his issues with spellcasting with, she's a straight O student and never talks to anyone so she'd be a safe bet in terms of not spreading his secrets to anyone.

Marnie - I mentioned this on Discord the other day, but I suuuuuuuuuuuuper want Marnie to take Daria under her wing and help her out of her shell a little bit. I don't think Daria has any friends at all at the moment and Marnie's exactly the kind of person who could help her out there.

Raafe - I feel like he and Thistle would either be brilliant or terrible as friends............

Blue - Could do something with Daria as well - she's got no people to talk to but maybe paintings are good friends...........

Bryony - daydreamy bryony and Force Of Chaos lucy best friends when

Sia - Just looked it up and she and October have just had their seventh anniversary......... we should prob... figure out what our long term plans are....... 💍 💒 👰‍♀️ 👰‍♀️ ????????????????????

Elliot - Could get in some quality time with Ainsley mentoring him a bit in wandcraft?
Brooke x Hester - Ohh yes, I've always found their dynamic super interesting. In Brooke's mind she went out on a limb to be nice to Hester and she threw it back in her face for no reason so I'd love them to get to hash out some unresolved feelings in that regard if we can come up with a reason for them to speak again.
Cameron x Ngawaiata - It could be fun to maybe sow some groundwork with their relationship to build up for him asking her to help. I don't think he'd accept it right away but I don't think she'd care about his defensive bullsh*t either. Maybe we could do a thread with them working on their homework together and he gets all prickly when she's having an easier time cause he doesn't want to admit he's struggling?
Marnie x Daria - I meant to respond to this but yess I am so down. It doesn't take much for Marnie to try to engage with someone, Daria can be doing anything mildly interesting and Marnie will involve herself to start that conversation.

I'm gonna start with those three though I'm def keen on the others esp Raafe and Thistle and Briony and Lucy (and we already discussed Siatober) but look, we're pacing ourselves we can do it!!

I mean, yes, I'm here

Salem/aubrey: I miss them, they need to be buddies. also Salem/Jordie.

Charlie/Rene. Inquire for details but I have thoughts.

If we're talking bad ideas, then Cameron and Evie.

I have many ideas for Marnie. Hamish. Charlie. Evie. Kyon. Emrys. Zerrin.

The Blue Lady has a few thoughts... Valerius. Mallory. Hamish.

Zaros and Briony.

Zelda. Kia, of course, but she could adopt Abner? He's a shopkeep with traumaaa.

Kami could be friends with Oscar? She's a Lockwood, so he would be able to know her through the Briarwood connection?

Where is Sia based? Evan might be able to be friends with Sia?

aj and Lily, of course. But we could do Rose and aj, or Ren?


That's just the top of my mind for now, might have more later. Got some new charrie ideas, but meh.
Jesss I know we talked some about a few of these already but for my own bad memory:

Salem x Aubrey/Salem x Jordie - I’d be down for both but I think we’re overdue some SalemxJordie time if you’ve got time. I think there could be some fun contrast on Salem’s very laid back approach to school vs how busy and stressed Jordie is with everything on his plate. Maybe she can try to impress on him that he needs to slow down?

Rene x Charlie - We talked about this over discord already but do you want me to go ahead and start something for them?

With Marnie, Kyon and Emrys are in the same year as her, maybe we can throw one of them in a thread with her and see how they interact?

For the rest I wanna revisit after we get these threads rolling, esp Blue and Hamish or Mallory and Kami and Oscar. Also for the record, Sia is based out of Wellington, which is close to Obsidian Harbour.

literally only just started getting my muse back and still stuck on a few characters so I am also taking it slow buuuuuut-

1. I can throw Michael at either (or both) Sawyer and Marnie? I am a bit stuck on what I want to do with him but I am...trying... he's mostly just trying to get good at Quidditch because he really likes being part of a team and doesn't want to let them down. He's not that shy but I imagine he's just kind of been in his own world because I'm bad at writing him and him and Marnie interacting last Yule Ball was fun.

2. I swear I will stop writing massive word vomit posts with Aine one day so I stop making replying so difficult :r I just keep getting hugely In Her Head but we can see where this terrible headbutting between Aine and Cameron goes!

3. I have also been neglecting my firstie girl, Dahlia. She's roommates with Anisha so she'd know Raafe at least enough to say hello I'm sure. I think she'd be a little thrown off by his deadpan ways and maybe completely take him at face value (she's sort of decent at reading people but she is also played by me, so.....). Or she could just be completely thrown off by Dorian and be annoyed by him!

4. I feel like Gabrielle is the type of woman to sit and have a chat to a portrait because she is Stereotypical Ravenclaw at heart 20 years after graduating, so that's an option for Blue. Or she could hang out with Maris and they could commiserate, lol.

Anyway feel free to ignore any or all of these, just a couple of things that popped into my head while I am lying here in a daze.
Here's to all of us finding the energy to write stuff @_@

Michael x Marnie/ Michael x Sawyer - Yes to bothhh if you’re up for it haha. I enjoy the dynamics on both of them and I definitely think Marnie would just adopt Michael after their previous interactions. I also think there’s some fun parallels to be had between Michael’s take on the team and Sawyer’s; maybe we could do a thread in the lead up to the final match where they can remind each other it’s just a game :r

Dahlia x Raafe - Ohh yes, I’m def keen on having Raafe interact with some of Anisha’s roommates and just build up the Gryffindor first year group vibe, yes please

Gabrielle x Blue - I like the idea of Blue building up a report with some of the professors haha. Maybe she can take a late night detour through a painting in Gabrielle’s office and they could get chatting?

(And as for Cameron and Aine I love them very much and am enjoying seeing where this takes us but obvs. if we ever wanna plan more in detail just lemme know)
Krisss! Hiii! I see that there is already a lot being offered to you, so ill try and not give you too much hehe! Though there are a few that i want to offer! (feel free to decline any of them)

For Rene I'd like to offer Nolan - Their roommates and I don't think they've had many threads together but I think they'd talk to each other from time to time behind the scenes - I'd like to have them interact a little more.

For Cameron I'd like to offer Abby - I like their dynamic a lot and I'd like to somewhat develop a little more! Not sure what we could do with them, but I'd like to develop their friendship a bit! :D

For Marnie I'd like to offer Joshua - I think we've had a couple of threads together, lots of fun and a bit chaotic hehe! But I'd love to grow their friendship a little more too! I dunno what we could do with them though either!

For either of your first years I'd like to offer Conan - I'm happy to offer Conan to either or! We can always put them in a thread with either together and see what happens!

Lemme know what you think, and feel free to decline any offers as well :)
Marriiaaa. I’m always happy for alll the plot ideas, even if we have to only start with a few 👀

Rene x Nolan - Yess I’d be keen, I like to think they hang out off screen but it’d be fun to give their dynamic a lil more screentime. In my mind, Rene’s a little jealous of Nolan since he thinks he’s cooler/popular/a prefect and all that, maybe he can try to impress him (especially after awkwardly going on a double date with his sister, perhaps he can try to brag about his new girlfriend or something).

Cameron x Abby - Yes pleaassee! I love them too, she’s definitely one of the few he considers a friend even if he’s not the greatest at showing it. Does she have anything going on right now that he can complain about at her over or something haha?

Conan x Dorian - I’d love to have these two interact as roommates some more and work out how they get along (if at all). I was kind of seeing Conan look like the peacemaker of the roommate group in the first night dorm thread which could be interesting to poke at
Ooh Kris Plots.

Okay. here are my first few ideas. I am sure there are more but I don't want to overwhelm either of us. but I am open to any other suggestions.

Marnie/Sky. they could hang out in the CAC. doing whatever they do in the club. Sky is primerally a musician but is trying different ways of expressing herself. they could be friends, or sky could be a innocent crush if you want.

Angel/Rhiannon. they could meet at some kids nursery. I am not sure how "young kids" you mean but Chi's kids are 3 and newborn.

briony/Ivy: to be honest I am still working out ivy's personality. but they could maybe meet each other on the playground. or at scouts.

Zelda/Elvera they both have a similar vibe. and I am sure that they get on off screen. plus they both own stores in the mall. and have been to each others events for a few years (and that is events that I can remember them holding.

Eliot/Selene. I am pretty sure they are friends or at least friendly aquatences.
Ohh Mia plots

Marnie x Sky - Ngl I have 100% considered Sky as crush potential but I kept laughing at Marnie repeatedly crushing on the Hufflepuff CAC leader. But maybe we can have them do a one on one thread and see how it goes, I’d say they’re already at least vaguely friends just through club stuff and Marnie would be happy to talk her ear off if Sky is trying out any sort of new craft.

Briony x Ivy: Knowing Ivy’s family I feel like they could definitely get along and I’d love Briony to have a few friends before school, scouts or otherwise! Maybe we could say they’re at some magical kids birthday party or something and just hanging out, I feel like that’s a thing that could happen.

Zelda x Elvera: In my mind these two should be BFF already considering how close they work together, Zelda loving Div, and their general vibes. I feel like they probably have a regular meet up for tea or something at the very least, maybe at the Eye since I’m sure Elvera keeps the good tea on hand.
Dear Krisis, here are some plots

Brooke x Delilah: Would love for them to have an actual fight.... I feel like it's been simmering for so long and could be interesting. Delilah is pretty chill this year and is kind of riding out the time which might rub Brooke the wrong way if she feels like she's the only one trying.

Sawyer x Felix: I think some brother tension might be fun. Maybe Sawyer tries to give Felix some dating advice and he can reject it and accurately point out that he hasn't actually had a lot of luck in the field.

Leah x Raafe: She's already pretty good friends with Anisha since they're roommates and would probably get along with him just fine. Or maybe she could assume she'd get along with him since she's friends with Anisha and she talks about him all the time but in reality it's a bit of an awkward start?

Leah x Dorian: Love for these two to make butt heads a bit. I could see him saying something unintentionally rude and her not having it but I think she'd have enough patience to not write him off completely. Idk, I'm open to anything.

Briony x Elise: weird girls weird girls weird girls. I feel like they'd make up their own language so they could send notes no one could read. Anyways would love these two to hang out and be friends.

Sydney x Avery: We should do the things we have talked about doing 👀 The worst duo in the whole world.

Also down for friend thread's of obvious combos but didn't feel like listing haha.
Dear Kadidi how dare you give me plots that I asked for.

Brooke x Delilah - I could def see Brooke blowing up at her, though in my eyes Brooke’s struggling with everyone making assumptions about her character, possibly Delilah included. She comes across catty or aloof but she does genuinely care about Delilah and Ivy in her own way, it could be nice to have some sort of altercation around that? But also at the same time there is def some resentment that Delilah’s a prefect and unaffected while Brooke is fighting for her life with nothing to show for it haha.

Leah x Raafe - Yess exactly what I wanted is to have Raafe befriend or at least interact with all Anisha’s friends. Maybe we can see if Daph’d be down for a group thread with her too?

Leah x Dorian - I want them to fight let’s go. Or maybe she can see through the act but still think he’s a jerk haha.

Will def return to the others as well, though I did finally join Felix’s hospital wing thread with Sawyer at least...
For Cameron&Demetrius - idk why I just really like the idea that they get off on the wrong foot, because neither are great with people, and are just enemies/frenemies.
Hello my darlingbee.
I would be thrilled for Cameron to have some frenemies vibe with Demetrius. He's muggleborn right? So maybe they could both be struggling with some sort of new magic for the third year and begrudgingly acknowledge the other needs help even though they think the other is a jerk (and Cameron would probably swear him to secrecy if he sees him practicing some easy charm or something)
what's planning in detail :r

But yes I am down for those! For Dahlia and Raafe I will reply in the ball thread once Emzies posts so at least there's interaction there and we can do a thread in s2 or later if you would like.

Remind me to sit down and request a banner for Michael and settle on a PB I'm happy with this week which will probably help motivation. Totally down for both, especially leadup to the game (hopefully the game lasts a bit longer) but I'm also keen for something with Marnie, not sure if you had anything in mind though I could have him trying out arts and crafts just to branch out a bit or failing to study in the lounge.

And yes I am happy to start a thread in Gabrielle's office if you wanted (which will let me make up the existence of some portraits for Blue to visit lol)
Brooke x Hester - Ohh yes, I've always found their dynamic super interesting. In Brooke's mind she went out on a limb to be nice to Hester and she threw it back in her face for no reason so I'd love them to get to hash out some unresolved feelings in that regard if we can come up with a reason for them to speak again.
Cameron x Ngawaiata - It could be fun to maybe sow some groundwork with their relationship to build up for him asking her to help. I don't think he'd accept it right away but I don't think she'd care about his defensive bullsh*t either. Maybe we could do a thread with them working on their homework together and he gets all prickly when she's having an easier time cause he doesn't want to admit he's struggling?
Marnie x Daria - I meant to respond to this but yess I am so down. It doesn't take much for Marnie to try to engage with someone, Daria can be doing anything mildly interesting and Marnie will involve herself to start that conversation.

I'm gonna start with those three though I'm def keen on the others esp Raafe and Thistle and Briony and Lucy (and we already discussed Siatober) but look, we're pacing ourselves we can do it!!
Yes to all of that, sounds perfect! The homework idea is a good idea for Cameron & Ngawaiata! I could start that one and Marnie & Daria if you're ok to start Brooke & Hester?
Marriiaaa. I’m always happy for alll the plot ideas, even if we have to only start with a few 👀

Rene x Nolan - Yess I’d be keen, I like to think they hang out off screen but it’d be fun to give their dynamic a lil more screentime. In my mind, Rene’s a little jealous of Nolan since he thinks he’s cooler/popular/a prefect and all that, maybe he can try to impress him (especially after awkwardly going on a double date with his sister, perhaps he can try to brag about his new girlfriend or something).

Cameron x Abby - Yes pleaassee! I love them too, she’s definitely one of the few he considers a friend even if he’s not the greatest at showing it. Does she have anything going on right now that he can complain about at her over or something haha?

Conan x Dorian - I’d love to have these two interact as roommates some more and work out how they get along (if at all). I was kind of seeing Conan look like the peacemaker of the roommate group in the first night dorm thread which could be interesting to poke at
Yesssss to all of this hehe!

Rene x Nolan - Yess I defs agree that they hang out off-screen! I think Rene bragging about his girlfriend would be interesting, Nolan wouldn't really know how to react at first, but I think it would be interesting to try hehe!

Cameron x Abby - Yay!! At this stage Abby doesn't really have anything going on right now. Just her being a shy and lonely girl doing her usual art hehe

Conan x Dorian - Oh! Yes! I'd love to see how this dynamic would go! Conan would defs be the peacemaker of the dorm, I can defs see it hehe

Was there any thread in particular you wanted to start at all?
hello I'm here, I'm tired, I keep forgetting to respond so here are my v limited replied (can def go into detail later when my brain works thanks)

Sawyer x Ana: interrogation!!!!!!!!!!!!! (which she would probs be very bad at but who cares)

Rene x Ivelisse: I feel like this might be interesting. Not sure in what way yet, but definitely interesting. Could be something nice. Could be her poking at his ego.

Marnie x Senna: I know we started that before and I let it slip (sorry) but give me all the enthusiasm!!

Maris x Joseph: Anything really, he just needs some more social contacts

AJ x Chloë: could always become friends because y'know, teammates

Sully x Chloë: always up for anything

I'm sure there's more but just keeping it at this for the moment since there's already been quite a few replies
Kris :wub:

for Sawyer: I would really love to work on an rp with Sawyer and Theia hanging out, we could work on something short during the holidays or an owl thread of some sort, whatever is easiest. I just want to rp Sawyer and Theia more :D I am happy to RP Marcus and Sawyer as well if you have any Carnafam ideas or something you would like to rp involving Marcus.

for Sully: I think it would be fun to work on some kind of a casual rp with Knox and Sully catching up and trying to keep in touch since graduating. Knox is a bit of a layabout outside of when he is working and he doesn't really have a productive way to spend his time so he would welcome the chance to spend time with a friend he had in school and keep their friendship going.

Let me know what you think :D
Dear Kadidi how dare you give me plots that I asked for.

Brooke x Delilah - I could def see Brooke blowing up at her, though in my eyes Brooke’s struggling with everyone making assumptions about her character, possibly Delilah included. She comes across catty or aloof but she does genuinely care about Delilah and Ivy in her own way, it could be nice to have some sort of altercation around that? But also at the same time there is def some resentment that Delilah’s a prefect and unaffected while Brooke is fighting for her life with nothing to show for it haha.

Leah x Raafe - Yess exactly what I wanted is to have Raafe befriend or at least interact with all Anisha’s friends. Maybe we can see if Daph’d be down for a group thread with her too?

Leah x Dorian - I want them to fight let’s go. Or maybe she can see through the act but still think he’s a jerk haha.

Will def return to the others as well, though I did finally join Felix’s hospital wing thread with Sawyer at least...
Brooke x Delilah - Delicious. I think maybe they could be talking about end of the year and Delilah could mention Brooke forgetting about them after graduation and/or how Delilah just plans to work at a shop after school. Besides the prefect thing, I don't think she's really noticed the Struggle Brooke has been going through. I think she only really sees the cattiness and how she needs to be on guard in their friendship.

Is there a Leah thread you'd like to do first? Or we could do all three if you're up for it?
Ohh Mia plots

Marnie x Sky - Ngl I have 100% considered Sky as crush potential but I kept laughing at Marnie repeatedly crushing on the Hufflepuff CAC leader. But maybe we can have them do a one on one thread and see how it goes, I’d say they’re already at least vaguely friends just through club stuff and Marnie would be happy to talk her ear off if Sky is trying out any sort of new craft.

Briony x Ivy: Knowing Ivy’s family I feel like they could definitely get along and I’d love Briony to have a few friends before school, scouts or otherwise! Maybe we could say they’re at some magical kids birthday party or something and just hanging out, I feel like that’s a thing that could happen.

Zelda x Elvera: In my mind these two should be BFF already considering how close they work together, Zelda loving Div, and their general vibes. I feel like they probably have a regular meet up for tea or something at the very least, maybe at the Eye since I’m sure Elvera keeps the good tea on hand.

Marnie and sky. We should totally do it. I think she may have a bit more of a chance than her last crush. But there is still a couple of years age difference. Would you like to start a thread or do you want me to?

briony and Ivy. I like the kids birthday party idea. Unfortunately ivys is in august. I think they know each other from scouts so it come be some random scouts party.

Zelda and elvera. Yes I defiantly consider Zelda one of elveras closer friends. And probably her only close friend outside of the school (not counting family). And yes I am sure they have regular after work tea catch ups

Let me know which ones you want me to start.
God I’m So Good At This at least I’m setting the right tone for my replies with this… (thanks again all for being patient ❤️ )
But yes I am down for those! For Dahlia and Raafe I will reply in the ball thread once Emzies posts so at least there's interaction there and we can do a thread in s2 or later if you would like.

Remind me to sit down and request a banner for Michael and settle on a PB I'm happy with this week which will probably help motivation. Totally down for both, especially leadup to the game (hopefully the game lasts a bit longer) but I'm also keen for something with Marnie, not sure if you had anything in mind though I could have him trying out arts and crafts just to branch out a bit or failing to study in the lounge.

And yes I am happy to start a thread in Gabrielle's office if you wanted (which will let me make up the existence of some portraits for Blue to visit lol)

I dropped the ball at yule (lol) but maybe we can do an open thread in the common room for Dahlia and Raafe now that the semester has started?

For Sawyer and Michael, do we want to try and squeeze in something before the game ends? Maybe I could start something for them if you wanna start a thread for Marnie to come bother Michael in? Or vice versa, i'm easy.

And yes I'd love if you could start one for Blue and Gabrielle! To trade off I could do the one for Raafe and Dahlia.

Rene x Nolan - Yess I defs agree that they hang out off-screen! I think Rene bragging about his girlfriend would be interesting, Nolan wouldn't really know how to react at first, but I think it would be interesting to try hehe!

Cameron x Abby - Yay!! At this stage Abby doesn't really have anything going on right now. Just her being a shy and lonely girl doing her usual art hehe

Conan x Dorian - Oh! Yes! I'd love to see how this dynamic would go! Conan would defs be the peacemaker of the dorm, I can defs see it hehe

Was there any thread in particular you wanted to start at all?
Yesss sounds good, I could start something for Rene and Nolan if you wanna start something for Cameron and Abby? And maybe we could do an open thread in the boys dorm again for Conan or Dorian? Or maybe something set during class or a study period at the library?
Yes to all of that, sounds perfect! The homework idea is a good idea for Cameron & Ngawaiata! I could start that one and Marnie & Daria if you're ok to start Brooke & Hester?
Yess sounds perfect, thank.
Sawyer x Ana: interrogation!!!!!!!!!!!!! (which she would probs be very bad at but who cares)

Rene x Ivelisse: I feel like this might be interesting. Not sure in what way yet, but definitely interesting. Could be something nice. Could be her poking at his ego.

Marnie x Senna: I know we started that before and I let it slip (sorry) but give me all the enthusiasm!!

Maris x Joseph: Anything really, he just needs some more social contacts

AJ x Chloë: could always become friends because y'know, teammates

Sully x Chloë: always up for anything

I'm sure there's more but just keeping it at this for the moment since there's already been quite a few replies
Sawyer x Ana - 👀 👀 This would be hilarious I'm down if you'd be up for starting something?
Rene x Ivelisse - ooh yes I'd be curious to see how they interact, especially since Rene's got a kinda weird relationship going with Celia. Maybe I could start something for them to see how they get along?
Maris x Joseph - I feel like Joseph is almost too amiable for Maris, maybe they could have a slightly combative relationship (I could see her holding some of the messier students tracking in animal hair and the like against him etc).

I'm also def down for the other stuff especially with Chloë but maybe a lil later once we get these things going haha
for Sawyer: I would really love to work on an rp with Sawyer and Theia hanging out, we could work on something short during the holidays or an owl thread of some sort, whatever is easiest. I just want to rp Sawyer and Theia more :D I am happy to RP Marcus and Sawyer as well if you have any Carnafam ideas or something you would like to rp involving Marcus.

for Sully: I think it would be fun to work on some kind of a casual rp with Knox and Sully catching up and trying to keep in touch since graduating. Knox is a bit of a layabout outside of when he is working and he doesn't really have a productive way to spend his time so he would welcome the chance to spend time with a friend he had in school and keep their friendship going.
Since I've already missed the holidays oops maybe we could do a letter thread with Sawyer and Theia? He could keep her updated on what the other sibs are up to etc.
Sully and Knox would be fun too maybe we could start something a lil later once I get some other threads rolling?
Brooke x Delilah - Delicious. I think maybe they could be talking about end of the year and Delilah could mention Brooke forgetting about them after graduation and/or how Delilah just plans to work at a shop after school. Besides the prefect thing, I don't think she's really noticed the Struggle Brooke has been going through. I think she only really sees the cattiness and how she needs to be on guard in their friendship.

Is there a Leah thread you'd like to do first? Or we could do all three if you're up for it?
Eats the drama with a spoon. Maybe Leah x Dorian first if you wanna start that and I'll do Brooke x Delilah?
Marnie and sky. We should totally do it. I think she may have a bit more of a chance than her last crush. But there is still a couple of years age difference. Would you like to start a thread or do you want me to?

briony and Ivy. I like the kids birthday party idea. Unfortunately ivys is in august. I think they know each other from scouts so it come be some random scouts party.

Zelda and elvera. Yes I defiantly consider Zelda one of elveras closer friends. And probably her only close friend outside of the school (not counting family). And yes I am sure they have regular after work tea catch ups

Let me know which ones you want me to start.
I don't think Marnie's gonna actually date anyone for real for a few years but I enjoy her having a crush every few months cause it's fun to RP haha. But if you don't mind starting something for Marnie and Sky I could do Briony and Ivy and then maybe we can do Zelda and Elvera a lil later?
Since I've already missed the holidays oops maybe we could do a letter thread with Sawyer and Theia? He could keep her updated on what the other sibs are up to etc.
Sully and Knox would be fun too maybe we could start something a lil later once I get some other threads rolling?
Sounds good :D did you want to start an owl thread?
Yesss sounds good, I could start something for Rene and Nolan if you wanna start something for Cameron and Abby? And maybe we could do an open thread in the boys dorm again for Conan or Dorian? Or maybe something set during class or a study period at the library?
Yes sounds like a plan! I can try and get something started between Abby and Cameron and send you a link when I can :) I think a study period in the library would be interesting, do you wanna start that? Or did you want me to start that one too?
I think a study period in the library would be interesting, do you wanna start that? Or did you want me to start that one too?
I can start it in a little bit but if you're feeling particularly inspired to start it sooner I won't complain :r
Eats the drama with a spoon. Maybe Leah x Dorian first if you wanna start that and I'll do Brooke x Delilah?
Sounds good. Will send a link when I get it up 🤝
I can start it in a little bit but if you're feeling particularly inspired to start it sooner I won't complain :r
If you could start it, that would be amazing! 🙏🏻 No rush for it hehe :D
Sounds good, I'll start ones for Blue and Gabrielle and Michael and Marnie! Up to you whether you want to squeeze one in before the game (hey we could always win and have to play Ilvermony, though I hear they have some pretty cool beaters :r ), no pressure either way!
So, I'm posting (actually now, I swear) so I would love to shoot some light thoughts.

Brooke and Nik - well, they seem quite similar, they could go to the Valentine's dances together and just kinda become friends after all that time?

Salem and Kaia - some dating with them as we thought maybe? Kaia could also try to give her some makeover that totally crushes?

Marnie and Mila - they are dormmates and she's really outgoing? That could maybe work?

And for Dorian Akira? She would try to put up with all his acts tho he could piss even her off eventually?
Sawyer x Ana - 👀 👀 This would be hilarious I'm down if you'd be up for starting something?
Rene x Ivelisse - ooh yes I'd be curious to see how they interact, especially since Rene's got a kinda weird relationship going with Celia. Maybe I could start something for them to see how they get along?
Maris x Joseph - I feel like Joseph is almost too amiable for Maris, maybe they could have a slightly combative relationship (I could see her holding some of the messier students tracking in animal hair and the like against him etc).

I'm also def down for the other stuff especially with Chloë but maybe a lil later once we get these things going haha

Sounds good! I'll see to getting the Sawyer x Ana one started and I could perhaps also do the Maris x Joseph in a little while.

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