Dear [Whomever]

Dear you,

You've come so far, your time is coming. Just stay focused.

Dear self,

There's so much you have accomplished this year. You never thought you could do it, but you did.

I'm so proud.

Dear Weather,

Please just pick a season you want to be. Stop this temperamental sh1te. First really cold, but then sunny, but then windy. Pick one, stick to it.

Someone whose tired of dressing wrongly for the weather.

You are not allowed to lure me into watching you under false pretences. That's rude. If you make me think you have a happy ending, you are supposed to have a happy ending!

The girl who just wanted to smile :(
Dear me,

I know you feel alone right now but please don't let it take over you. I know you've had a rubbish time but you can make it through. This is just one bad day, try not to think about the negatives and try to stay positive. I know it's hard but you made it through the tough times earlier this year and this is minuscule compared to that. You'll be okay.

Love, Me.
Dear life,

I'm trying so hard. Why must you sabotage every chance I have at being happy? I don't know what to do any more.

Dear, Back button

WOW! Seriously? Half way to my application you just decided to go back like nothing happened? WOW! you know how hard to do a sample roleplay in 3rd person from all the years I've been in hiatus? *face palm* Kill me now.

Sincerely, The girl that will kill you someday
Dear sleep schedule,

Why do I always mess you up? I hate waking up at 9pm. You're whack.

My tired brain
Dear Me,

Whhhy? Why didn't you just listen. Why did you have to be such a pushover and not look at all the evidence. Why did you always look at his good side. Why couldn't you see what EVERY SINGLE other person saw? You should just tell him he's a sh!t . Even now after knowing what he is done, you can't say anything mean to him, you can't give out to him. Because at the end of the day, you think he doesn't mean it. To be honest you have seen a side no one else has seen of him. That made you think everyone else was wrong. But if he has done what he has done.. Then you were the idiot.

Dear, You

I added you as a friend but that's it, no more. Don't talk to me.

Sincerely, That girl of the past
Dear Jayjays

Could you send me some of those harry potter shirts? I'm not dressed to go out and I want them. Pretty please?

Dear, Little Hacker

You just not ruined my day but now I have to change all of my password. If you want to make an Instagram account, make your own email account first! you little twip!

Sincerely, That sick old woman
Dear sleep,

Why are you so elusive these days?

Sleepless in NY
Dear You,

I am so sorry this is happening to you. No one deserves this, but especially at our age. Please know that I'll be here for you whenever you should need me. I understand you'll want some space for a while, but I'll be here for you when you want company, anytime you need me don't hesitate. I wish you all the luck in the world and I look forward to hearing that you've beaten this. You're so strong, I believe in you.

Three years isn't enough.
Dear you (yas, YOU THERE! :claire: ),

Just in case you'd forgotten, the world is a brighter place with you in it. No matter what anyone has told you, you are capable of achieving anything you set your mind to, and life will take you to wonderful places if you just hold on through the rough bits.

If you ever need someone to talk to, hit me up. I really don't care how insignificant or silly you think what's bothering you is, I'll always listen.

Someone who cares about you.
Dear flights,


I just wanna see my best friends so bad but they live in London. Damn u Canada.

Dear people who talk loudly in study spaces,


Do you have one volume setting for every situation in life?

Shh, keep it down. I'm trying to finish my lab report.

Dear phone,

I'm sorry I spilled water on you. :( I really am. But pretty please stop acting up. I need you to work properly.

Dear Universe,

I understand you like to play cosmic jokes on us citizens of the universe, but don't you think you've gone far enough? It's one thing to give a girl a serious illness, practically incurable. She had hope, she had so much willpower and expectation. She did everything right, so went to the meetings, she worked out her plan, she kept herself fit and healthy, she was on the right track, the good track. She was happy, cheerful and altogether loving of her life, despite her current circumstances. Things were beginning to look up, we all thought that she could beat this with just a cheerful disposition, it certainly seemed like it was working... but no, you had to rip away the one last hope she had, the one thing that was keeping her sane. With all the miracles in the world... you couldn't spare her just one?

We all just want her to smile again.
Dear Time,

Please speed up. I'm rather bored at work and just want to nap.


Dear Roommate's Stupid Cat,

Don't jump on me in the middle of the night, also leave things alone in the middle of the night. Some of us don't have the option of sleeping all day.

Dear you

I love you, you're family but please, understand that I'm not a teacher. So, I can't help you with skype, Facebook and other social media thingy. I might be good at it but do understand.

Sincerely, you know who I am
Dear you,

It will never stop hurting seeing you with her.

Why couldn't it be me?
Dear, my adorable chiweenies

Once I enter my bedroom and opens my laptop beware entering because once I read a funny thread and y'all are relaxing on my bed, expect to be disturb the whole night. So, the sofa is your best chance to save yourselves.

P.S: If you want a pizza from me ... Please, do not eat the pizza delivery guy

Sincerely, Your human

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