Dear [Whomever]

Dear roommate,

You've told me before that if I have a problem with you to tell it to you, yet you don't have the guts to do the same with me! I'm glad I didn't sign the lease and I'm glad you told me to move out by June 1st. I'm sad that I have to quit my job at the library because of this and I'm sad that I don't have a friend in you anymore. But really, I think our friendship was long gone before we even moved in together and I didn't go to school to work in a library. You're not a nice person. And I feel really bad for the next person who moves in here with you. I'm done trying to be your friend and reaching out to you, while you purposefully make me feel like I don't belong in the place I'M CO-PAYING FOR. I hope your life goes well and yes I'm taking the microwave, because my boyfriend bought it with his money for our use. And considering you've only ever been rude to him, you don't deserve something he paid for, so when I leave he is taking it back for his own use. Him and I also agreed that when we get married you won't be invited to the wedding nor your boyfriend who was equally rude to me.


P.S. I'll probably say all this and more to your face when I walk out the door for the last time. But in a more constructed and nicer fashion.
Dear my loving grandma

No, I'm not leaf blowering the backyard. You just came in minutes ago, frantic, that there's a freaking garden snake outside. You know me, I'll probably be in Mexico by now if I'm the one who saw it.

Yours truly,
Grand daughter
Dear Hair,

Please turn out the right shade of blonde without being ridiculously damaged.

Dear life,

*head nod* Thanks.

Dear, my brother from another father and mother xD

I know you're excited about the second movie of Now You See Me Now You Don't but stop throwing Yugioh and pokemon battle cards around the house. You're even terrorizing the dogs. You ain't got magic in you, you're a no-maj.

Sincerely, your sister from another mother and father ... I guess :cyndi:
Dear Face,

Could you freaking not?


P.S to Body: You, too. Stop it.

Dear YOU!!!!!

God! forgive me but I want to slap you on both of your cheeks. My reasons? Firstly, I know I have poor diction/English but making fun of it does really hurt. Didn't you ever realize I'm not from this country? I try my best to speak English good but being bilingual is hard (try living in a house with parents that has different nationality and different mother tongue) I sometimes mix up my words, I even sometimes accidentally speaks on my native tongue while speaking to an English speaking person. I really try, so, I'm sorry if you're so smart. And secondly, STOP calling me a H**K*R!!!! because I'm not a h**k*r, I have a freaking decent job (the same job you have) that will be paying my college and stop acting like you live in the hood, you don't live in the hood. Please, act like a lady sometimes. Oh, and third, if you don't like working and would like to quit, please, do so in a way that I'm not involved. I mean seriously, putting a deflated beach ball for costumers? What are they going to do with it? *face palm*

Thanked the lord I'm a good co-worker, I'm not a snitch and a suck up. But please, I'm getting depress every morning thinking I'm working with you. Coffee can't help me either and this why I'm going back to school, to get out of there.

Sincerely me

P.S: Thank you HNZ for having this thread ... I'm so much better now :)
Dear you,

Four months feels like a long time to not see you. You are such a big part of my day-to-day life, or rather you have been for the past year. I'm going to miss you so much. I hope we're still us when we meet again. I hope things won't change too much.

Dear Self,

Learn to accept the things you cannot control. You'll be much happier in the end.

Dear Housemate,

We literally have a week left with each other and you're taking this time to be moody and awkward with me. Why are you wasting the last week that should be filled with fun and laughter and instead we all have to tiptoe on eggshells around you because we don't know how you're going to act with us. We've lived together for three years and i've put up with this rubbish for so long now that I don't have the energy or strength to fight you or put up with your attitude anymore. If you want to ruin these last few days that we have together then go ahead, I've lost the will with you now.

From, me.

What the f*c* !!!!!!!!!! Y'all are freaking unfair we aren't in New York City right now which the weather is on the 70's. Idling your car in a 100 degree weather is not amusing!!!!! Build a freaking bridge already!!!! From dock to dock is like half mile or not even. Y'all waist me tax money!!!

Sincerely, a very fried lady
Dear AC,

Please arrive soon.

Dear rain,

I did not sign up for this.

Scottish person who gets more than enough rain the rest of the year.
Dear Self,

You need to be patient.
All good things come with time.

Dear You,

Look, I know we're friends, I know this. I try to make time to spend with you and everytime I do you're busy. That's fine, I don't blame you, it's a busy life we live, I get it. So I don't think it's fair that, the few times I hang out with our mutual best friend and you aren't invited, you get mad at me. Are you serious? I mean, really? I've invited you out evey other time but the one time I don't invite you is the one time you can suddenly come? I mean, yeah, I would've been happy to invite you along if you'd mentioned it to me calmly, but you know what I'm going through, you can't act all hostile and expect me to stay on the phone. Guilt tripping is also a huge no. Seriously, grow up and learn some respect. We don't call you by your nickname for nothing...

Dear Internet Connection,


Dear Moana,

I wish you luck in Utah! I don't really follow religion but I'm happy that you are achieving your dreams of being a missionary. The church is lucky to have you. Congratulations Sister Soakai.

That friend you tried to convert once (and you almost succeeded ;) )
Dear Manager and Supervisor

*Le sigh* I don't know why I deserve a suspension last month. I do my job very well, people like my good attitude and they like how I smile every time they see me. I have work my behind non-stop for the past five years in that company without me complaining. I mean, try doing an eight hour shift without eating lunch sometimes? Thankfully I have not fainted yet on all of those occasions. Telling me to be loyal at the owners was out of the line, I have always been so loyal to them, that's why I work hard. I'm a good sport, though, BUT the whole clan wasn't. I think everyone were mad and wanted me to quit already because they know what I do and how hard it is. I have decided to move on and quit soon, there are too many backstabbing people and I don't want to be a victim and get in trouble. FYI, that suspension really did get me, I have never let depression get me but this time it did. Maybe I'll find a job that has less drama because being depress sucks :cry:

Both of you, good luck sweet talking them. Ya'll are good at it :)
Your co-worker who's sick of your b*llcr*p
Dear Ann, Jarrod and Riley

God I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry. Fran was a wonderful person and we all loved her so much. I know I lost a close relative but you lost a mother and grandmother. I'm so sorry we couldn't be with you. I'm with you in spirit. We love and care for you. My condolences for your loss.


Dear Fran,

You will be greatly, greatly missed.
Dear B.

You are a crappy friend, but I'm tired of being angry.

How could I possibly be angry, when I grieve for you so? There are so many problems you are unwilling to recognise within yourself. Nobody wants to hear someone tell them they have issues, and I understand why you were upset with me, but it is damaging to everyone who wants to help. Worst of all, it's damaging yourself. You are self-destructive, unrepentant in your selfishness.

The truth, while not soft, is something you need to acknowledge. We have been friends for so, so long. I probably couldn't pin down a time when we weren't. There was a time when I lived for your stories, for when you visited home once a year if I was lucky. I missed you. I miss you.

We have had so many adventures, and you've made my life richer and brighter just for touching it with your presence. But you have also blackened it around the edges, and tarnished some of my happiest memories.

You are my best friend, my brother, and the dagger slipped between my ribs.

There must come a time - a single time in our history - where I put my own needs above yours. And I'm sorry, I am so sorry, but that time has come. It's time to close the chapter, lay this story to rest.

With more love than I think either of us realised,


[sub]Perhaps one day, when I find the embers of my courage, you'll see this letter.[/sub]
Dear neighbors,

Thanks for being out on your porch until 4am and then having your kids outside at 9am on a Sunday morning because you want to sleep in. Thanks for keeping it down too. Sure, I don't mind any of that happening outside my window.

Sleepy & Grumpy
Dear Nana,

I was just thinking about you. I've been thinking about you for weeks, and now that you're gone you rarely leave my thoughts.

I just remembered what I think is the last thing you ever said directly to me, and that was that you loved my hair colour. "A lovely dark blonde," you said. I know it's your favourite kind of hair because you never stopped letting us know when mum and I changed the shade slightly =r

I wish I hadn't been able to hear the last things you actually said. You were a bit delirious and you were quite distressed, something I could have done without, but then you could have done without that, too. I'm glad you passed away swiftly and peacefully soon afterwards.

I'm also glad that mum took me to see you most Tuesdays for six years. My other sisters didn't get that opportunity because they had children to look after, and whilst they had their rare moments with you, I was gifted with many joyful hours.
I feel very sad for my family, my sisters and my mum and my uncles and aunts. No one got as much time with you as they wanted, except Mum, Aunty Mary and I. We were your carers.

I haven't been to a funeral in a long, long time. I hope there isn't a viewing. I want to remember you just as you were- small and round, with lovely skin and long curls that you never let anyone cut.

I'll be honest with you, after I got sick, lost my job and drifted away from a lot of friends because of my illness, I haven't had much to look forward to. It's just Charlie and I in this little apartment, and he works 9-5, Mon-Fri. The cat helps, but I really looked forward to Tuesdays with you and catching up with mum. I needed you as much as you needed me.

I don't know what I'm going to do, now. Perhaps Mum and I will carry on the tradition of Tuesdays together. I hope so. Either way, it won't be the same without you.

I love you,
Rest peacefully.

Your granddaughter Kelsey.
Dear, Mum

Whhhhyyyyyy do you have to bring up your ex-husband because of my weight? It's been 21 years since he left us. God knows where he is now or if he's even alive. Please, spare me. I will eat whatever I want to eat, they're delicious. He's not connected to that.

Love you lots,
Your daughter who doesn't give a sh*t about him
Dear Phobia,

You suck so bad. I'm going to be so tired tomorrow D:

But on the plus side, thank you for giving me so much time in the peace and quiet to get things done :party:


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