Dear [Whomever]

Dear right leg (the one I'm sitting on)

YOU CAN WAKE UP NOW!!!! I have gotten past the pins and needles, but will you please WAKE UP??!!!

The rest of me

Dear SQA,

Okay, Why are Highers so difficult?
I can't write that fast, it makes it difficult to write two decent essays in an hour and a half. Why is maths so hard? I felt like crying after the paper one. I know I could've studied more, but I don't think it would've helped. I want to stay in all my higher in all my classes, but you make them all so hard. I just did 5 exams in four days (you do the math of that), my neck is really sore, and I can hardly move my hand. It hurts to flex it.
Please fix the problems.
I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels this way.

Disgruntled and Tired Higher Student.
Dear Everyone,
Everyone is expecting too much from me. My teachers expect me to remember every word they say, the play directors expect me to remember everything they teach me even though they only took 2 minutes teaching it, my friends expect me to be my joyful self, and my enemies expect me to be able to put up with all of this! And it doesn't help that my best friend is embarrassed to be seen with me in public, is currently best friends with people who have made me cry for hours, and is too scared to stand up to the idiots! Who cares if they tease you, genius? I've survived! And get used to it, life's the way it is. Oh, and add on to that list of stuff that is expected of me, I need to remember stuff for sports or my team will get mad at me for messing up. They'll want me removed from the team. Just... don't expect so much from me! I feel like crap with all this pressure put on me!
Dear Allison and Claire,
You suck. Go and move to another state. Just not California, you don't deserve to annoy him instead of me. Claire, you know what I'm talking about. Explain it to your dumb friend. Idiots.
Dear Calculus and AP Exam,

I swear, if you get any more difficult, I will stomp on you.

A tired student
Dear Friends.
You probably dont know who i am. you will think of me as shut shadow who has been following you for the last three years. I may seem a little quiet but that doesn't mean that i dont want to be spoken to. just a simple hello at the start of the day and a goodbye at the end would be nice start than maybe a little more recognition through lunch and recess. as today i was thinking that if say i disappeared no one would notice i was going except for the fact that the persistent little voice from the start of the class would be gone.
I dont know how i became that wy but i have ben thinking and i think that it was due to where i used to live in england, with only my parents and sister for company it was hard and i had to find ways to survive on my own. but now this lowliness is killing me, i feel like i am drowning, i dont particularly enjoy those walks i vo on during the day but i would rather them than sitting alone in the common room and being ignored. i now realize why i am such an achiever, i want to know that i am good for something. as i hate being no one, so the person i am is better than the nothing i would be. Please include me tomorrow else i think i will loose it like i almost have done three times today. and it isn't fair, if anyone else was a little left out they would do something or someone would notice, but no one notices me, they dont look at me, dont speak to me dont notice me.
Please think for a change
p.s. thanks for letting me got this off my chest even if you dont actually read it.
Dear Best friend,
Get over what happened in book club. People are just loud and come on this is like the third time this week you've sloped and it's only Tuesday! Do me a favore and for once hold a smile on your face before we all go insane. My friends already think your no good for me and one of them even asked how I can stand you and your mood swings. Insulting me the way you do WTF I'm not the one that's doing whatever's getting you down so lay off.
Truly yours,
A true friend.
Dear Physics,


Hannah Banana, who doesn't get physics :doh:
Dear Family,

Why are you all insistent upon never letting me have what I deserve? Why do you all make me feel like crap when I want to go on a shopping spree with my mom's credit card when she said I could! I take care of kids that aren't mine because certain parents are too busy with partying to care, I clean the damn house you live in, I buy your kids their Valentine's cards for school with my own money and I call and make appointments for your kids and I make sure they have something to eat everyday and I change every freaking diaper - so WHY can't I just have this ONE day to go to the mall by myself and splurge a little with money that isn't mine?!

Yes I'm well aware of the fact that I have my own money, but so do you guys and yet you still use Mom's card. I've NEVER asked Mom for anything (I know through plenty of experience that she never pulls through) so when she literally tells me "Take my card and spend $100 on anything you want" I'M GOING TO DO IT BECAUSE I FCKING DESERVE IT. I need a break! It's not my fault that it took me TWO WEEKS to find some free time in my busy schedule that involves taking care of YOUR kids, so frankly I don't care that I emptied out her bank account. It's her fault too for buying stuff online for a house that she doesn't even live in and tells us we're not allowed to use it.

With no love,
The Black Sheep

Dear Me,

Wipe the tears away and remember that come August, this'll all be over. You're going to New York this year, I know it. I can feel it. We're doing everything right this year. We've waited so long for this (two years too long!), and it's time for the phrase "Good things happen to those who wait" to come true for us. Keep praying and doing things right, it's going to pay off for us. We're going to make it. We're going to live in New York soon and never look back at El Paso and this'll all be over soon.

Patiently Waiting

Dear The Big Bang Theory,

I LOVE YOU, I really do, and I only just started Season 2. (Srsly, you make science seem soooo fun & interesting and high school basically RUINED science for me!)

A Shenny Shipper
Dear today,

You've been great so far, so please continue to be wonderful.

My thanks,

Dear Rick Riordan,
I love your Percy Jackson books! I am your #1 fan (Well, a ton of people say that but I LOVE LOVE LOVE your books) I just want to tell you that the people who made "The Lightning Thief" movie totally ruined it! They left out so much and changed a lot, too! Please write more books. Or else. I won't give you cookies.
Dear Writers of "The Lightning Thief",
:glare: You changed too much and left out so much, too! Re-make it. NOW! GET TO WORK! Fine. Don't blame me if critics are calling your movies horrible. Not my problem. :glare:
~Unhappy Viewer
Dear Army,

Could you please get off your lazy duff's and tell me where the heck I'm supposed to be stationed? The 15th of March is coming up in a month and I am still slated to go to four different places. I think I have been very good to you for the past three years. I joined you and than I went and married another of your people and if that was not enough I even let you take him from me for a year and a half. I have not even counted everything. So could you please do me a favor and get everything done so I can be out of you and just with my husband. I know it seems like I'm asking for a whole lot but it's really not.


Dear Mischief, (My Cat)

I get it already you like the window! But when the blinds are down that means you may not be in the window. I mean really this is the third set this month that you have brought crashing down on your head. While it is very funny watching you running for you life in terror the 15 bucks I have to pay for each new is set is not. I would like to know how do you manage to brake them all? Remember I love you to bits but the next time I catch you in the window while the blinds are down I'm stuffing you in the carrier and your going to the vet.

The person who saved you from a life of no love
Dear Article

PLEASE stop going over my head and let me understand you. It's very difficult to write a summary on something that I don't understand and not to mention, understanding you is 20% of my grade!!!

Just simplify yourself please,

Yours, Confused Uni Student.
Dear Head cold,

I would really like it if you would go away now please. It has been a week and you are still hanging around. Don't you have someone else you would like to visit? I have a lot of things that I need to do in the next few days and you are slowing me down. Please leave my body at once and go and bug someone else. Like the skateborder down the hall. You remember the one that skates down the stars at 2 am in the morning waking us up if I had managed to fall asleep by than. Go and say hello to him and than once your done with that go and bug someone else. Just leave me alone.

Sick of being Sick
Dear Snow,

This is not the year to take a break. I really want more Snow days and to possibly go get with the snowing soon please.

I'll make you snow if I have to...

Dear Long Essay I Must Write,

Could you not do it yourself. Like write yourself. Then I could just remember it.
It's just what I need to do to be able to do the exam. And I want to pass this class. I need to pass this class. So Please! Make it easy. Strike me with the genius to be able to write it. And tell me how to even write it. Please. I'll love you forever.

Dear Flatmates,

OK so I told you I would go out on my first Wednesday night of in...well since I started Uni because I had Thursday off so I could have a lie in. But now that I am feeling very sick and that I have to go in on my day off I would appreciate if you could understand that I DO NOT WANT TO GO OUT!!! :mad: I don't care if you all have work to do and still don't mind going out, fair enough that's your choice, but for me, no thanks! I prefer not going out a night before I have Uni!

Nor do I have the wish to EVER get 'completely pissed!!' It is a stupid thing to do in the first place. Now I don't mind the odd drink or two when I go out but I know my limits for crying out loud and quite frankly I don't have the money to go out, I have to apply for another loan just to keep me going to the end of the school year.

I know I promised that I would go out more this semester (even though that was more for my classmates who I have to know and work with for the next 4 years of my life, whereas I will probably never see you again after May, and yes I know that sounds harsh and we have become somewhat close, but I honestly don't think you'd care ever not seeing me again it's not like I've made as much of an effort as I probably should have to get to know you all as well as you know each other, but that was my preference and there's no going back now).

Now I probably will end up going out and you know what I probably will enjoy myself, I'd just wish you all wouldn't be so pushy about it for crying out loud.

- Your flatmate who prefers to sit in her room on the computer and is quite happy doing so ^_^
Dear future career,

No one told me that it was going to be so stinking expensive to become a nurse. Why must you cost so much? Nearly $900 to just register and take the test. My poor bank is going to shrivel up and blow away from being so empty.

The Future Nurse ^_^
Dear Stupid Law,

I want to change my last name and I've been wanting to change it for years. I have a good reason for the name change as well, which I explained it thoroughly too. It isn't like I'm changing it to something wacky! To my mother's maiden name, who btw, has sole custody, that pathetic excuse for a man only has access should I want to see him, which I don't. Why would I have to get his approval of a name change? It isn't bleeping fair! Sixteen and seventeen aren't that far off, I don't see why I would have to wait one more year just to change my surname, it is a stupid regulation you have and you should change it!

The Sixteen Year Old.
Dear 'Best Friend',

What happened? I guess I was just the replacement for you when you and Breanna were fighting last year over some stupid guy. Thanks for making me feel accepted and then dumping me on my ass as soon as you two made up. We did everything together last year and now the only time we talk is during match class when you have no one else to talk to, and even then its pretty obvious you would rather be talking to someone else. I'm not gunna take being ignored anymore, screw you.

Dear Stupid Boy,
You are so stupid. And now I feel stupid. And guess what? It's all your fault. What you planned to do on Valentines day. That is an all time low. Send roses saying you love me? What a joke. Especially when you planned to send them to three other girls as well. I want to scream when I think about how cocky you've become. I can get away with anything I want? Who do you think you are? I laugh at myself for liking a guy like you. Everyone's beginning to hate you and all you can think about is how to manipulate your next target. I hate guys like you. But I'm still your friend. I'm still putting up with your crap because I'm hoping you will snap out of it and stop playing girls the way you have been. I won't believe your words, but I will believe that this isn't you. But don't expect it to last very long. You're on thin ice when it comes to our friendship.
Stupid Girl
Dear Idiots,
This is your final warning. Continue to be idiots and your dewmz will follow. :)

~The Destroyer of Idiots. :shifty:
Dear Real Mommy

Stop nagging me to work this summer and stop nagging me how driving will affect my college ...

And STOP bossing me just for me to wash the dishes every hour ...

Love, Your real daughter
Dear ex,
Look. I do want to be friends, because you and I do get along well usually, and you are friends with my friend and so I don't want to be confrontational and cut you out.
I feel really selfish saying this, but have you considered how much it hurts me when you tell me that you like my best friend and want to date her? I know I can't stop you from dating her, and I know she probably wouldn't do that, but part of me doesn't want to stand in the way because it makes me feel selfish and horrible - and the other half feels extremely hurt that you would break that social rule. I hope she knows well enough that friends don't date friends ex boyfriends.
I want you guys to be happy, I really do. But I feel completely isolated from the world because you two are the only people I ever hang out with, and you spend more time with each other than with me. And you're going to the Navy later in the year, so it would be stupid to go start a relationship with her, even if she would say yes. 18 month training camp. She wants you to write letters all the time, but you couldn't have a relationship.
I know you two really would be better off without me hanging around. And I want you to be happy, even if that means with each other - but I wish you'd understand how much it would hurt me to hear you say all the nice things you said to me, to her.
With all due respect,
Your hateful ex girlfriend, i.e. the girl that stands in the way.

To the powers that be,
Please. I'm begging you. I need a job soon. I can't stand flipping burgers any longer.

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