Dear [Whomever]

Dear Sleep,

I'm coming to get you :r

The girl who you don't visit often enough and misses you terribly when you're away :(
Dear Me,

...School, ah.. don't try and change the subject. School starts again on friday.. and your not even in the slightest bit ready. Pull yourself together man :glare:

The rather small voice in your head that still has sense.

Dear Sleep,

It's been 4 days now, I'm sorry to say I don't miss you at all.. Yes I know the bed is comfy and all.. But that's the bed and not you my friend.
So in the words of Ned Kelly, "You'll never catch me alive" :ph43r:

Soldier of a losing battle.

Dear Sanity,

...Why did you leave me? Am I really that terrible to you? .....Actually yes, I suppose I am. :r

Believer in the Muffin of Doom.

((..ok lets try going a little deeper michael, I know you can do it))
Dear mum,

.......-headdesk- Sorry for the past.

Son lost for words

Dear Hormones,

....Well.. Do you have anything to say for yourself? No? Oh yes you screwed up. What the hell is wrong with you damn it. You realized she had a boyfriend right? Well that didn't stop you now did it :glare: We'll continue this later.
Dear Me

I'll still love you when no one else seems to. :hug:

Yourself ^_^
Dear J,

It's so obvious you have a crush on me, that even my betrothed has noticed. Please, stop. I feel bad for you, because you are such a wonderful person that you deserve someone who returns your feelings. Hope you find that lucky girl.

The nerdy chick that you go out of your way to wave at when I come in the book store, and when you leave it.

Dear little old lady,

First off, I'm pondering if you are sexist. When J helped you find your book you were so sweet and complimented him to everyone. Then when I was ringing you up, you slowly began to turn. I offered you a Borders Rewards card(FOR FREE), you accepted. Then, you began your long string of complaints about how you want the other book(That you didn't have with you or even your receipt for it because you bought it like a day ago) on your Borders card.
When I explained that I didn't have access to that you began to get angrier and call it ridiculus and blaming me for the last cashiers mistake of not asking you if you wanted a Borders card. Not my fault.
So, I know you don't understand, but when I tuned you out because I could feel the anger burning in my chest and I felt like I would snap at you, it was for the best. What made me angrier is that you said, "You're not even listening." and when I denied it(LIES.) you asked, "Well what did I say?"
To be fair the last part was spoken low, so I honestly couldn't hear you. Anyway, when you said, "Just forget it." and stormed off, you should be happy that I bidded you a great day.

In truth, I hope you get what's coming to you. I hope the next cashier you get is as rude to you as you were to me. Like, I said, you cannot blame me for the last booksellers mistakes. Also, I did explain everything to you. (THE CARD IS FREE!)

Screw you, old lady. I'm glad you're only down here for vacation, because I really couldn't stand living in the same state as you.

The girl who now despises you and will remember your face.

Dear Writer's Block,
I really hate you. Please go away! I need to write a book report and I can barely write this letter because of you. GO AWAY OR ELSE!!!!
The Girl Who Is Annoyed By You
Dear Hershey's Bar,
I :wub: you! :) Please bring your siblings over, but make sure they don't make me eat them all in one day. :wub:
The #1 Fan Of Chocolate
Dear Mrs. Fecteau,
I'm supposed to be finished with my book by the end of this week? It's huge! And I have play rehearsal, basketball, and Hebrew School, which I can't miss. I need to practice for the play, I need to work on basketball skills, and you understand the part about Hebrew School, I will miss too much and then I'll be horrible at all those things and have to make up for it, which will make me really stressed out. I'm already stressed out enough! I need a break! It's too much! It doesn't help that I'm about to go through a huge Jewish ceremony and I don't understand what we have to learn yet. There are going to be old people I don't even know watching me as I mess up! It's really stressful, it's just too much for me. My brain is like a computer that has too much stuff downloaded on to it, I losing memories. Then I get extremely tired from working on all of those things, and I can't sleep as long because:[ul][li]The night before I have to stay awake to do homework.</LI>
<LI>[li]In the morning I have to get up for school.[/li][/ul]
I am sorry, but I just need a break! Is it okay if I don't finish all of the homework for a little while? Just a little while, and I will get to almost everything, but with the Mid-Year coming up I'm really nervous. You know how I am, I hate getting things wrong, especially on tests.
Ilana (who feels like a computer who is supposed to remember all these things but can't)
Dear Mrs. Recinos,
Give us more time to study! I was absent when we started this chapter because I was sick. With the play and everything else going on, I cannot study in that short amount of time! I need more time, and I need a break. Please, just go a little easy on me for a while. How am I supposed to remember all of this information, stuff for school, stuff for the play, stuff for sports, and enjoy myself? I'm sorry, it's just too much. Don't treat me like I'm my brother, either. No matter how hard you try, you can never make me be him. I am myself, accept it. Don't announce how much you think we studied when we get tests back, either. Do you want us to hate you because you embarrass us in front of the whole class. I have an enemy in the class, never do that again. For your information, I was sick on the day I was going to bring my book home, so I didn't have my book. Plus, that was a ton of information and I had to do it all on the computer. It's not my fault I was sick! I hate you, now. :glare:
Ilana (who feels like a computer who is supposed to remember all these things but can't and also a person in their older brother's shadow)
Dear Ari,
I know I annoyed you when I was younger (okay, sometimes I still do), but I am really sorry. Why do you have to take it out on me by making the teachers that you had think I'm just like you? I don't want to live in your shadow! I am myself, nobody else. You can understand that, but I wish I were the older one so you would understand what it's like.
Your Sister (who really hates you right now because she doesn't want to live in your shadow)
Dear school.

Please don't start again. Please don't start again. Please don't start again.


The girl that doesn't want to fail NCEA

Dear NCEA,

Why do you have to install this... fear in students?? I might be talking for myself, but knowing that this assignment will judge my future is fuzzing scary!!!!


Dear Wicked,

Come to Canada!

Envious of NYC.
Dear Jason Mraz, Bushwalla and Dawn Mitschele,

Same for you, but more specifically Ottawa! I love your music and it would be so BAMF if you came across the border instead of staying in stinky ol' America that gets all the good performances.


Dear Allison and Claire,
Oh, so now winning a game is a huge deal, right? What about when my team wins and we cheer, you say it's just a game? You have to stick to it once you say that. And yes, if my team messes up, we notice. You don't have to point it out. Go kiss a gorilla's butt and leave me and my friends alone.
Your Enemy For Life
Dear BumFace...

I love you and all, but somehow I feel as though I'm not getting any in return. How you gaze at them with loving eyes, around them I doubt you think anything of me. I seriously think you have some sort of sick crush on them :erm: <_< .

You only want love from me when they're not around.. I offer you love, but you just leave it aside until they come back and offer you something better. And you eat it up. You bloody can't get enough and you make me sick. I love 'them' too. but you are just freakishly blinded 'Oh they're so amazing, so beautiful,' Well honey, there isn't much they can give that I can't.

In every way, you don't even to think to look at me as they walk by, you fall over yourself, shamelessly. When they're not around you look at me with respect and you adore me. When they come, you toddle after them like a sick little love struck puppy dog. There is nothing awe striking about this person, what so ever, if anything they are the same, you have a weird fettish.

With contempt

Dear Catastrophe Waitress,

I'm sorry if you think you've got the weight of the world on your shoulders...

Dear self,

Please don't quote songs in this topic. You look stupid. :lol:

Kindly, self.

Dear hormones and emotions,

Good God! I'm eighteen, I'm an adult. Why can't I keep myself in check! I had a great day and a lot of fun with my friends, and felt really happy. So why fifteen minutes after the last person left, why did I have to have a crash and get all depressed for the rest of the night? Geez, what's wrong with me? D:

Love, the person who has to deal with this.
Dear You,
Stop making me mess up when I'm dancing and singing at play practice! Well, it's actually not your fault you make me extremely nervous that I'm going to embarrass myself, but still. You have me messing up every move because I can only think about one thing. I'd love to think about something else, but I can't. Sure, there's nothing wrong with thinking about you, but I need to get my head in the game before it's time to perform it in front of that huge crowd.
A Secret Admirer

P.S. I overheard you talking about me several times, at least I think so. Is it possible I make you nervous, too? No, it isn't, you're a born comedian. :)

P.P.S. Want a hint about who I am? A few years ago on the writing project to make up a monster, mine was "Chomping Charlie".</COLOR>
Dear Jules,
What's up with you? When Allison or Claire passes by, you act like you hate me. How many times do I have to tell you? It doesn't matter what they think. It feels like you really are embarrassed of hanging out with me. We've been best friends since we were two, don't tell me after all those years we are going to be enemies? I can't be friends with a person like you. Just stand up to them. What's the worst they can do? They won't hurt you. Sure, there are rumors, but you can survive. I'll help you through it. What do you say? Best friends like old times?
Your BFF (who isn't so sure that we are best friends anymore)
Dear Allie,
Okay, I'm not your best friend. But you need to know something. Elizabeth, she doesn't like you. There's no use in being mean for her to like you. Get back to your old self, the self you were when I was at Angela's house and we were biking and you lived in the neighborhood so we biked together. You were nice then. Just because Elizabeth hates me it doesn't mean you do.

P.S. If you ignore this letter, at least tell her to stop acting like she's superior to everybody. She's actually on the bottom of that list.
Dear boys on the bus,
Don't talk about those things! Why would I want to hear about lesbian girls? Just shut up! And you're tlking about things I could never repeat.... you realize everyone can hear you, right? Don't make me tell the principal. You're making me feel like I am going to throw up on the bus because of the things you are saying really loudly.
Girl on the bus
Dear Mrs. Recinos,
Don't make me your favorite student just because of my brother. I hate being compared to myself because I am myself, not my brother, not my father, not my mother, just me. So please treat me like I am.
Upset Younger Sibling
<COLOR color="purple">Dear Lucy,
No offense, but I don't want to talk about the play and my part all the time. I don't like the part I got, in fact I'm quite unhappy, so I don't want to be reminded of it every second.

Last night I dreamed of you again. I dreamed that you were back, and you wanted me. It was so real, and such a long dream that when I woke up it was so hard to realize that it was only a dream. But tis only a dream.

Could it mean something?

That nerdy chick that misses you.
Dear Obvious,
Obviously if I don't go to sleep now I'm going to be late getting up. And depending on the time I obviously get up I may end up missing breakfast and my obvious cup of coffee. Without my cup of coffee I obviously began to throw tantrum like any first grader would do if they obviously didn't have no orange juice. So with me being obviously late, to travel half way across town to obviously do my homework. Only to miss yesterday assignment because I was obviously late yesterday morning. So where those that leads me? Oh right obviously failing classes, to obviously take my courses over the summer again.
Love, MaDDerZ the girl with different OBVIOUSLY identity
Dear Nintendo,

Thank you for making exercise so much fun. I didn't think I'd ever enjoy it.

On the other hand, boo to you for Wii injuries. I demand you send me a hot, single, straight man between the age of 18 and 21, who can give me a massage and then maybe play more Wii with me and trade Pokemon on DS. And will help me play Ocarina of Time.

Love, a shameless Nintendo fangirl who is in a lot of pain right now.
Dear That,

How dare you, how dare you ruin my life without me even noticing it! Now that I know what you've done to me, you'd think I could change it, couldn't you? But I can't. Not yet. For now, I am irrevocably loveless and it's all because of you. You utter b*stard.

Dear Those,

I offer everything I have save one thing, and you ask for it all? I'm sorry but it can't be done. Too many people have asked silently and too many people have been torn down. I don't want to see it again. Please ... whoever's next, don't ask me, please. I beg you.

Dear Them,

Just do whatever you want. It's only my feelings. They're not as important in comparison to yours. Selfish, selfish and unseeing past your own fleeting whims.

Dear Exams,

I hate you so much :( You make me study, stay up late, and loose sleep over you. Just go away and never come back again, please? :(

- The girl that suffers when you come around.
Dear unhappiness,

Why do you creep up on me unexpected? Tis not fair.

Unhappy girl.
Dear Brandy

I get that thunderstorms are loud. I get that the laundry (where you sleep) is small-ish and you get frightened. But seriously. WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BARK AND CRY FOR 4 HOURS EVERY THUNDERSTORM NIGHT??!! I am getting no sleep. And you know what that means.

So do you seriously have to be soo terrified of thunderstorms? It's just electricity moving around and some sounds. They will not harm you, so please, just GO TO SLEEP during storms, instead of making me calm you down between 10pm and 2:30am!

Please, go to sleep already!

Love, zombie owner

Dear parents

WHy don't YOU take a turn calming down the dog every night? I am a teenager and need some sleep, instead of feeling like a mother with a new born baby. That isn't supposed to happen yet!
And why can't we just let her bark for a little while, instead of sending ME down there every time she starts barking and crying. A few barks won't kill us!

your zombie teenager
Dear Ex-Boyfriend,

I really don't want to hang out with you every single day, to be perfectly honest. I'm fine with talking to you on MSN, because we get along and all, but sometimes I just want to get away. Like tonight. Your house is small and smells weird and I hate having to walk home at stupid hours, regardless of whether you walk me home or not. If I'm walking home, I want to have a good reason for being out in the first place, and you wanting to get cheap pizza and play video games isn't exactly a good reason.
So then you disappear for hours and hang out with my best friend at work. Which closed 40 minutes ago, wtf are you guys doing?
Honestly, I wouldn't hang out with you as much as I do if it weren't for you and my best friend being so close. I'm really hoping you get accepted to the navy, just so you'll be away from me. Sure, I won't go out as much, but hey, I'll be saving money.
And I know you don't want to get between me and my best friend, but honestly, she seems a lot closer to you than me nowadays. It doesn't help that you had to go tell me everything she doesn't like about me. Now I just think she doesn't like me at all and only wants to hang out with you.
I know you think all the stuff I say is just a joke, but really, how can I help but worry? I know nothing will come of it, but I kinda wonder if there is an attraction there? I can't really fault you if there is, but I guess it'll still hurt.
So in summary, I need to broaden my horizons and hang out with more people. Really. Because hanging out with you and my best friend, or just either one of you (more often you than her) is really getting awkward and uncomfortable.
Politely, I ask you to back off and understand my reasoning. If I have to walk home from your place at midnight again...

Sincerly, your psycho betch ex.

PS. Stop joking about those guys at work! You know full well that the only one of those who is acceptable would never like me back, if I liked him. Besides, none of the other guys would like me either. Sheesh. Please stop being so idiotic, it's getting on my nerves.
Yes You Again,

Don't just ignore me, because I like you alot! You make me happy when we talk, and sad when you are sad. Why don't you just talk to me about it; let me inside. Or is someone else already there. I want... no I need to know; baby. Please, please just trust me.

I've already fallen.
Dear back,

Stop hurting! I haven't been able to get a sports massage yet, be patient!

The rest of the body.
Dear teachers at school,

Please don't keep worrying. Everyone else does and its really weird. If I stop writing will there be less of an excuse? Its a lot to ask... :erm:

And for the teacher which I will not name... I'm pleased you don't teach year 11. Another year would be torture. And you wonder why I almost failed maths :glare: .

Anyway, I know I have to see you all today. I can't keep hiding (excuse = holidays!). Just make it bearable (none of the "You are smarter than that" cr*p) and I'll try not to mess up. Thank-you.

:wub: , teacher's pet.
Dear students of OGHS,

I promise to be a little more sensible this year. No more 'sugar highs', fees notices hats, high pitched talking days, squealing, etc. I won't even destroy the library. Although that really depends on who got head of library :r .

All I ask for in return is a bit of politeness and a bit less annoyingness. Or I'll move to Canada and live with the rest of my family. Okay?

Thankyou, Resident Nerd Geek *nods*

I am no longer a nerd, nerds do well at school. I am now a GEEK.

Dear Grammy,

Swear you have the absolute worst time to go off and die on us, but I suppose it's not really any of my say how life works. I remember how much of a mother I thought of you as and I appreciate you always going out on your way to spoil me even when I truly didn't deserve it. If I could have I would go back and spend more time with you, would have written more, and probably stopped hiding those ugly sweaters you used to send me. But you always told me that you never realize the good thinks in your life until you don't have them anymore, and I think now that I'm older I finally understand what you meant.
I think what I'm trying to get here in my own way is, I miss you..already

-Jessye //Aka, The favorite grandchild. xD//

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