- Messages
- 528
- OOC First Name
- Jamie
- Blood Status
- Half Blood
- Relationship Status
- Single (Looking)
- Wand
- Curly 15 Inch Flexible Chestnut Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
- Age
- 21
" Sometimes we need fantasy to survive the reality."

" Sometimes we need fantasy to survive the reality."
Crystal Genevieve Holmgaard
NAME MEANING- Crystal (Kris-tal) From the English word crystal for the clear, colourless glass, sometimes cut into the shape of a gemstone.
- Genevieve (Zhu-nu-vyehv) Genevieve means woman of the family and from french orgin.
- Holmgaard (Holm-ga-ard) Holmgaard is a very rare surname, few people in Denmark have the family name and might be arised from Denmark. There is no meaning to be found.
NICKNAMES/ALIASCrystal doesn't have many nicknames, since her name is already short. Her parents often call her angel by her personality and the way she looks, with her white blonde hair.
BLOODSTATUSShe's an half blood witch, both her parents are magical. Her father's parents come from an muggle-born family.
PLACE OF BIRTHCrystal was born in Copenhagen, Denmark. She likes coming there. She spend her first six years there.
CURRENT RESIDENCEHer parents, siblings and Crystal now live in London, England. It's more crowdy for Crystal, but she is fine with living there.
NATIONALITYBoth of her parents are born in Denmark and she is she. She speaks the language but don't use it that much still. She has an residence permit for England.
BIRTHDAYCrystal was born on June 20th, 2041

HISTORYCrystal was born on June 20th 2041 in Copenhagen, Denmark. As the youngest and third child of Cathryn and Olaf. As the youngest she got a lot of attention from both her siblings and parents. She was an very sweet child who always looked up to her older sisters. Just as Athena she is her mothers proud and especially her apperance is an gift to her mother with the hair colour which really makes her special. Just like her father she has an love for magical creatures and got inspired by him. She grew up further in England after moving and likes to be there, but feels very good in Denmark as well as they go back in holidays. Crystal loves her family a lot and tries to live up to expectations, although she doesn't believe she is as strong and good enough comparing to the rest. She spend an alone childhood, only playing with her sisters and staying a lot with her parents, very shy to play with others. Her parents also kept her a lot to themselves and spoiled her with love, so Crystal is not used to dangers or stuff that is negative. Crystal never made her friend other than her sisters in her childhood which she deeply wanted when coming to Hogwarts.

Young Crystal

🌪 Air: Your paired element is air and as a Gemini, you have the more fluid connection with air than any of the other signs. The influence of air causes a seeking of knowledge to stir inside you, as if it was coaxed by a gentle wind. Once you find an interest that really excites you, the wind picks up force and direction. These qualities of moving air make you ever the student, always willing to learn more. At times, air can be stagnant, which is reflected in those times where you fall into the uninterested state of aloofness.

Emilia Clarke
HAIRCrystal has got very light blonde long hair. She has some tiny curls and often wears her hair down. Her mother makes beautiful creations in her hair with braids. And she has learned it from her mother to do it herself with magic. Her hair really stands out to others, and almost gives light in a way.
EYESHer eyes are of a blue/green colour. She has her mothers eyes.
HEIGHTShe is not extremely short, but also not the tallest of people around her age. She would like to be a bit taller, like her siblings but is not complaining to much about it also.
PIERCINGSCrystal does have both her ears pierced when she was seven years old. Both of her sisters has it, so she wanted it as well. She usually wears earrings in them.
DOMINANT HANDHer dominant hand is left.
CLOTHING STYLECrystal likes to wear dresses. She usually wears them. The common wizard and witches clothing she likes, the traditional. She isn't that into fashion and the latest trends, but because of her family and business into that industry she tries to wears some pieces from het cousin Evelyn. She is influencable in her way of looking. And chances it often to try the be cool.

- Gullible: Easily persuaded to believe something;
- Pleaser: Someone who cares a lot about wheter other people like them, and always wants others to approve of their actions
- Studious: Spending a lot of time studying or reading.
- Sweet: Pleasing in general; delightful.
LIKESCrystal likes Dragons, Magical creatures, Her family, Dresses, History story's, Music, compliments and learning stuff.
DISLIKESShe doesn't like Bullies, Fights, Small places, Being in the spotlight, High expectations, Getting dirty and angry people and letting people down.
SECRETSCrystal carries the secret with her that she has been bullied a lot at Hogwarts Scotland and because of that has trouble trusting people that are nice to her. She pretends that nothing of this happend and lies about her experiance.
GOALSCrystal wants to make friends badly, and she also wants to learn more about Magical Creatures so that she can work with them in the futur and care for them with all the knowledge she needs.
FEARSCrystal fears a lot of social stuff, also being in small rooms, and to stand in front of an big crowd by herself, and to be bullied again.
STRENGTHSCrystal is very sweet and doesn't hurt an fly. She would want to help others always even if that means that her own stuff need to come second. She desperatly wants to make friends and thinks that when you do good, she will get it back also. Also she is intelligent and mostly about magical creatures, she has read of them already a lot and has an facination for dragons. Most of the people would be scared, but deep down she is very brave of facing those creatures. She thinks most of the creatures are misunderstood and she is very good with animals, and very calm. She is more calm with creatures or animals than with people. She talks a lot to her owl Mysha and makes her feel relax. And Crystal is also very humble, whenever she is good at something she will not scream it from the roofs. She doesn't take the spotlight from someone else, even though she will be good in something.
WEAKNESSESCrystal is gullible and that is something people can easily take adventage of. She doesn't really know it herself, but she see's mostly good in people and because of that she wants to be popular and not being bullied she will easily take on an opinion or task of someone. And whatever people will tell her she will believe, and doesn't have other thoughts about that. Also that makes her an pleaser she does what people want her to do and doesn't do what she wants to do herself than always. She will always put people before herself, because she doesn't want to dissapoint anyone. That does mean also her parents, she wants to make them proud. But find the high expectations difficult sometimes and that can give her stress. Also she is insecure about herself, an sometimes an perfectionist through that. It is never good enough and can always be better, whenever she looks in the mirror she is insecure but also about her qualities. She is an true thinker and not someone who acts directly. So she can be an bit absent sometimes.
PERSONALITYCrystal is an sweet girl who puts her own wished to the background before others. She is very insecure about herself, especially comparing to the other strong woman in her family. She feels less than them and feels pressure as the youngest one to live up to expectations. Crystal wants to belong with people and usually please people through that, more than actually is normal. That makes her also gullible, she see's the good in people and will believe what they say to her. She doesn't dare to go against people, even if she doesn't feel good in their company. She is an true follower and doesn't picture herself as an leader. Being in front of an crowd, is something which could make her freeze. She has an facination for magical creatures and other animals. She feels more comfertable around them than humans. Especially her facination for dragons is high, she read a lot about them and had seen one before which made a lot of impression on her. She was not scared at all and although she is very scared for a lot of things, she is not afraid of facing dangerous creatures. Around them she is calm and she tries to calm the creatures as well. She can be really girly in her clothes, she loves dresses and to dress up nicely. But she doesn't have the same interest as her older sister for fashion and all.

She would smell Fire, Peppermint and Roses
MIRROR OF ERISEDIf Crystal would look into the mirror she would see herself sitting on an dragon, ready to take an road in the air.
Her boggart and worst fear is the memory of her getting food all over her in the Great Hall in Hogwarts Scotland. And people laughing at her.
- Wood: Chestnut Drones' says the old poem - but Chestnut most commonly takes on the attributes of the core that it holds within it - though it may have a unique attraction to those wizards and witches who excel in herbology, taming beasts and flying.
- Core: Dragon Heartstring Core: This wand core is popular with the dark wizards, but useful for all as wands of this nature seem to learn spells with more ease than other wands do. A wand with dragon heartstring will contain a great deal of power, so it is advised that the wand caster know how to handle such powe
- Flexible: Not easily broken, this wand performs under strenuous circumstances with little effort - though how well it performs is ultimately up to its weilder.
- Inches: Crystal her wand is 15 Inches.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, New Zealand, Hogwarts Scotland (4th and 5th year)
Crystal was not very happy with being sorted in Ravenclaw. She is the only member of the family who was sorted in that house. She wanted to be in Gryffindor just like her sisters, so felt like she wasn't good enough. She always felt like she wanted to be different and in an different house.
CLUBS AND ACTIVITIES- Heta Omega (Started Y38, joined again Y43)
- Ravenclaw Quidditch Team (Joined Y43)
TITLES EARNED- Keeper from Ravenclaw Quidditch Team (6th Year)
FAVORITE PROFESSORHer favorite professor is Professor Stark and Burleigh
LEAST FAVORITE PROFESSORHer least favorite professor is Kalif Styx, because he scares her a lot and she believes he is an vampire.
FAVORITE CLASSHer favorite class is Care For Magical Creatures and she also likes Charms a lot.
LEAST FAVORITE CLASSHer least favorite class is Defence Against The Dark Arts, but mostly because of Styx who teaches it and he scares her.
OCCUPATIONCrystal is currently an student at Hogwarts New Zealand.


![]() FATHER Olaf Ian Holmgaard BLOOD STATUS Half-Blood RELATIONSHIP STATUS Happily married EDUCATION Hogwarts New Zealand alumnus HOUSE Gryffindor OCCUPATION Guard | ![]() MOTHER Cathryn Eleonora Holmgaard-Manning BLOOD STATUS Half-Blood RELATIONSHIP STATUS Happily married EDUCATION Hogwarts New Zealand alumnus HOUSE Slytherin OCCUPATION Model Scout and Creative Designer at 'EVELYN' | ![]() SISTER Athena Isabella Holmgaard BLOOD STATUS Half-Blood RELATIONSHIP STATUS Dating EDUCATION Hogwarts New Zealand alumnus HOUSE Gryffindor OCCUPATION Model at 'EVELYN' | SISTER Christina Sofia Holmgaard BLOOD STATUS Half-Blood RELATIONSHIP STATUS Single EDUCATION Hogwarts New Zealand HOUSE Gryffindor OCCUPATION Student |
Crystal has an good relationship with both of her parents. She has been raised with an lot of love and felt always safe with her parents, sometimes a bit too much and now she is going on her own to Hogwarts she see's the world as scary discovering it by herself. From her mother she learns a lot of stuff about dressing up nicely, make-up and hair tutorials. Also with her mother she can speak about stuff she is scared of and her mother comforts her always. With her father she shares the same interest for magical creatures, and she learns from her father and his way of looking at creatures. He always tells her nice stories and she can be an bit more herself with him.
RELATIONSHIP WITH SISTERSWith both of her sisters she has an good relationship.She looks up to Athena a lot, and see's her as an example in how things should be or how her mother wants her to be. Athena helps her out with feeling more confident about herself and helps her with what to wear and how to look an bit. With Christina she admires the bravery of her sister a lot, sometimes she doesn't really understand all the stuff she likes since Crystal doesn't like to not please her parents. But Christina can also talk along about magical creatures and possible adventures. She has an normal relationship with both of her sisters, but feels less than them any way.
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