Clifton Ward

Clifton Ward

english 👓 geek 👓 awkward dinette cook
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Dogwood Wand 13" Meteorite Dust Core
1/2036 (27)

Name: Clifton Michael Ward
Meaning: Clifton – Settlement by the cliff, Michael – who is like god?
Birthdate: 23rd of January
Zodiac: Aquarius

Strengths: Witty – Clever – Humanitarian – Inventive - Original
Weaknesses: Stubborn - Unemotional – Sarcastic – Rebellious – Aloof

Being an Aquarius born on January 23rd, your personality is characterized by adaptability and originality. You can easily adapt to just about any situation. At times, you actively seek out new experiences and environments, where you can thrive. Socially, you love to meet new people and thrive in situations where you can display your unique point of view and way of thinking. Your friends and family would be the first to describe you as original. In all aspects of your life, you reject the status quo, instead choosing to embrace your individuality.
Hometown: Coventry, England
Birthplace: Coventry, England
Blood Status: Mixed
Wand: Dogwood Wand 13" Meteorite Dust Core

Dogwood wands are mischievous, and like the same in those who wield them. They refuse to perform non-verbal magic (and are often quite loud), and look for fun and excitement. However, in the right hands a wand with this wood should not be underestimated. This wand core works well for people who adapt easily to their surroundings while still maintaining their own personalities. Meteorite dust seems to produce wands that are useful in Divination work.
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff


Hair: Clifton's hair is black and forms thick, tight curls, which he usually keeps fairly short.
Eyes: Dark enough brown to almost be black.
Build: Clifton is on the scrawny side, but quite tall for his age. Could be described as gangly.
Complexion: Clifton's dark, warm skin shows his mixed heritage, and he is somewhat prone to acne.
Style: Clifton likes to make himself laugh with his own wardrobe, usually choosing goofy looks to compensate for his lack of sense of style.
Distinguishing Features: Clifton has a very loud, noticable laugh.

Playby: Justice Smith


Personality: Clifton can be something of an uncomfortable person at times, never quite sure what is and isn't appropriate to say. He tries his best, but he makes mistakes more often than most. He sees himself as a lovable class clown type, and sometimes his sense of humour is his biggest strength, but sometimes his jokes fall flat. He has trouble making friends at first, but is sincere and loyal when he has them, for the most part. He doesn't always make the best decisions, even when he means well.
-Clifton always approaches life with good intentions, even if his actions aren't always quite appropriate.
-Clifton isn't easily discouraged, and will put his best effort into any task, even if it takes him a long time to accomplish.
-Clifton is funny, and likes to make people laugh.
-Clifton often misjudges what's appropriate in different situations, and can anger people easily making the wrong call.
-Clifton can get stubbornly tied to how he wants to do things, and miss better options because he's so focused on his first thought.
-hes just kinda a disaster kid tbh
Flute – Clifton has played the flute in orchestra since he was young, and considers himself a decent musician.
Collecting – Clifton has a variety of collections... comics, novelty socks, figurines... if something catches his interest, he'll collect it.

Comics – To that end, Clifton has a fondness for vintage comics, and has spent quite a lot of time reading them.
Personality Type: INTP (The Logician)
The Logician personality type is fairly rare, making up only three percent of the population, which is definitely a good thing for them, as there’s nothing they’d be more unhappy about than being “common”. Logicians pride themselves on their inventiveness and creativity, their unique perspective and vigorous intellect. Usually known as the philosopher, the architect, or the dreamy professor, Logicians have been responsible for many scientific discoveries throughout history.

Strengths: Great Analysts and Abstract Thinkers, Imaginative and Original, Open-Minded, Enthusiastic, Objective, Honest and Straightforward
Weaknesses: Very Private and Withdrawn, Insensitive, Absent-Minded, Condescending, Loathe Rules and Guidelines, Second-Guess Themselves

History: After moving around the globe from his family for work, Clifton's father felt isolated in his life in England. It took him a long time to settle, but he eventually found friends in a local comic shop, where he met Penny. They dated for a long time before getting married, but when they decided to start a family they were told it was almost impossible that they would have a child. Clifton was a happy surprise, then, and much doted on and cherished by his parents, who shared everything they loved with him. He grew up happy at home, but to his dismay, when Clifton began schooling he had a very different experience. He found it difficult to connect with people his own age, his best efforts to make friends often misplaced or misjudged, and he was bullied a lot all through his early schooling. When it came time to think about magical education, after much discussion with his parents it was decided that he would go to Hogwarts in New Zealand instead of Britain, to get a fresh start with family members around to look after him.

Health: Clifton is relatively physically weak, with a weak immune system, and has a bad astigmatism he needs glasses for.


Goals: Get better at talking to people
Fears: Bullies
Secrets: Clifton has never had a close friend before, and actually finds the idea of letting someone close frightening.
Regrets: Never standing up for himself

Colour: Olive green
Food: Bangers & mash
Smell: Old comics
Music Genre: Classical and rock

Animal: Hedgehog

Penny Ward
Date of Birth: 4/2000
Blood Status: Muggleborn
Occupation: Wandmaker
Jeremy Ward
Date of Birth: 7/1994
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Occupation: Dept of Magical Transportation,
Ministry of Magic, England
Matt Alcott-Ward
Date of Birth: 3/2007
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Occupation: HNZ Headmaster
Amy Ward
Date of Birth: 9/2024
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Occupation: Gambol and Jape's Owner
First Cousin Once Removed
April Ward
Date of Birth: 4/2032
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Occupation: Dancer
Zodiac information from here and here. MBTI information from here.
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Hogwarts in New Zealand was supposed to be a new start for Clifton, on the other side of the world from his bullies, with family around to keep an eye on him. Arriving in Hogwarts Clifton was relieved not to encounter any bullies immediately, but still struggled to make new friends. He tried his best, and managed to make a couple, but he found it difficult to connect. Towards the end of the year, despite his fear, Clifton accompanied some of his classmates into the Forbidden Forest in hopes of making some better friends.
Clifton was well aware that Hogwarts was big, but compared to his school in England it felt positively gigantic. The reality that he was going to live in a castle was only beginning to sink in, and the sheer amount of people he was surrounded by felt overwhelming. It was hard not to be nervous, thinking that any of these people could turn out to be a bully, but any of them could turn out to be a friend as well, and it felt better to focus on that possibility. As the group of new first years made their way into the Great Hall Clifton's eyes snapped to the professors table first, quickly searching out his cousin. Matt was easy to spott, to his relief, and he waved quickly, with a bright grin. He didn't remember which table April had said she would be sitting at, but after looking over the tables he quickly, spotted her, giving her a big wave too. There. Everything was going to be alright, no problem. He wasn't alone here, whatever else happened.

Heartened by the sight of his family, Clifton tried to listen to the Headmistress's speech, but only half took it in, nudging the person next to him at random when a comment popped into his head as she spoke about the off limits forest. "Spot on name, eh?" He commented, a bit louder than he intended. "Where's the Completely Welcoming Forest?" Not noticing any irritated looks at his interruption, Clifton listened to the rest of the speech, then waited for his name to be called, growing less and less patient as the time went by. As they worked down the alphabet, he nudged another person still waiting in the dwindling group. "Couldn't have done it by first name, could they?" The names just seemed to go on and on forever and Clifton eventually tuned it out, making faces at April to pass the time until finally, finally he was called. Looking over at the Headmistress, Clifton grinned in excitement and hurried over, stumbling over his own feet in his rush. As the hat sank down over his eyes, he chuckled. "Blimey, do kids over here all have enormous heads or what?"

"You're intelligent, no doubt, and would do well in Ravenclaw. But, oh, I see it now. It's your adaptability that will lead to your success. You belong in...Hufflepuff!"
New Home, Same Old FamilyWith April Ward
So Many OptionsWith Amy Ward and Rory Fergusson
A Too Quiet NightWith Elliot Briar and Peregrine White
The Smell Led Me HereWith Lauren Davenport
Adventure Time!With Sierra Woodlock, Madeline Kaimarama, Jasper Night, and Elliot Briar


Having had a surprisingly calm and safe first yeat at Hogwarts Clifton returned for his second year, hopeful that things would continue that way. He found the courage to try and branch out a bit more and expand his friend group, with mixed results, but throughout the year Clifton managed to gain both more friends and a few confidence, and by the end of his second year at Hogwarts he was feeling much more at ease around his schoolmates than he had first arriving in New Zealand.
Annoyed, But OkayWith Kengi Smile
Far From HomeWith Aonghas Fergusson and Elliot Briar
A KlutzWith Lily Lockwood
Gentle NotesWith Mark Ross
Yellow PuffsReceiving Valentines Rose with Cyrus Baros


By his third year, Clifton was finally beginning to feel like Hogwarts New Zealand was a place he could really be safe. Nobody had picked on him since his arrival on this side of the world, and Clifton didn't know if that was down to having family at the school or this simply being a safer environment, but either way, Clifton finally felt comfortable. He went about his year with more confidence in himself and his safety, and even branched out from his safety zone, joining both the school yearbook and a music group with his classmates. Over time he realised he was developing a crush on his classmate Lily, and struggled with how to act around someone so far out of his own league.
Y34/S1 Hufflepuff House MeetingWith various Hufflepuffs
SolitaryWith Lily Lockwood
Accio Y34 MeetingWith various Accio members
Yule Be SorryWith Solomon Tofilau and Aisa Hunter
Badger Rose DeliveryReceiving Valentines Rose with Scott Baker
Yellow Rose For CliftonReceiving Valentines Rose with Avaria Lockwood
I'm SorryWith Lillian Lockwood
The Sound Of MusicWith Isla Zephyr and Aisa Hunter
Wybie from Coraline
Yule Ball & Valentines Dance
Intern Photographer


Returning to school, Clifton didn't know quite what to do with himself as his crush Lily seemed to want to spend more and more time with him. Fumbling and awkward, he did his best to keep his cool around her, an effort that paid off as he discovered that Lily had a crush on him. Overwhelmed with happiness, Clifton had no idea how he had gotten so lucky, but was desperate not to waste it, dedicating himself to being the perfect boyfriend for Lily.
NotesWith Lillian Lockwood
The Changing Of The SeasonsWith various attendees
Y35 Hufflepuff House MeetingWith various Hufflepuffs
If You WantWith Lillian Lockwood
Lost With YouWith Lillian Lockwood
Trick or TreatWith Lillian Lockwood
Pink Like SpringReceiving Valentines Rose with Alice Holland
Jolly DeliveryReceiving Valentines Rose with Emma van Houten
First of ThreeReceiving Valentines Rose with Stanislaw Kurek and Allison Beckett
A Night With YouWith Lillian Lockwood
Disco Dancer with
Lillian Lockwood
Yule Ball & Valentines Dance
With Lillian Lockwood


Clifton could scarcely believe how lucky he was as he entered his fifth year at Hogwarts. He was in a relationship with the girl of his dreams, and the longer the relationship went on, the more Clifton felt as though he had finally sorted his life out for real. If he could somehow be a good enough person that Lily loved him, maybe he was really past the years of hiding from bullies.
Hufflepuff House Meeting Y36With various Hufflepuffs
Quiet MomentsWith Lillian Lockwood
A Love Like OursWith Lillian Lockwood
Red For Love & A BadgerReceiving Valentines Rose with Samantha Jacobs
Mellow YellowReceiving Valentines Rose with Selene Le Fey
Sweet NightsWith Lillian Lockwood
Yule Ball
Lillian Lockwood
Valentines Dance
Lillian Lockwood


Clifton's happiness of the previous year proved far too good to be true, when his terrible failings with words lead to the end of Clifton's relationship with Lily. He was devastated over the dumping, though his fortunes in that area quickly turned around thanks to a surprise Felix Felicis-fuelled proposition from a Gryffindor he had never met before. Clifton found talking to Knox surprisingly easy, and it was with happiness and relief that he fell into a new relationship with the Gryffindor. As his heart slowly began to heal Clifton and Lily began to patch the rift between them, hoping to return to the friendship they had lost.
Hufflepuff House Meeting Y37/S1With various Hufflepuffs
The Things I Didn't SayWith Lillian Lockwood
Simple HalloweensWith Aonghas Fergusson
Fortune and FavourWith Knox Ivers
Picture PerfectWith Knox Ivers
Fresh Air and FeelingsWith Knox Ivers
Hufflepuff Camp Fire Y37/S2With various Hufflepuffs
Out Of Sight, Out Of...With Lillian Lockwood
Fondant and FlavourWith Knox Ivers
A Pharaoh
Yule Ball
With Knox Ivers
Valentines Dance
Knox Ivers


Clifton's final year at Hogwarts began with the bonus surprise of finding a job in his chosen field, working as a baker at the dinette. He entered the first semester in high spirits, though they quickly fell as first he had a fight with his roommate, followed by an unpleasant encounter with an acquaintance of his boyfriend's. Things escalated very quickly, and Simon's distaste for Clifton ended his relationship with Knox, leaving Clifton to pick up the pieces of his heart again. As much as he didn't want to lean on his ex, he found himself spending more time with Lily again, culminating in a kiss and an uncomfortable discussion at the Valentines dance. Feeling entirely overwhelmed, Clifton was relieved to patch things up with Elliot just in time for the graduation he absolutely dreaded.
Makutu Dinette's Decorate Your Cupcake Competition!At work with various attendees
Hufflepuff House Meeting Y38/S1With various Hufflepuffs
Ratted OutWith Elliot Briar
Not FunnyWith Simon Thorne
One Year LaterWith Knox Ivers and Simon Thorne
Breaking and BrokenWith Lillian Lockwood
Another Yellow RoseReceiving Valentines Rose with Oscar Davies
Yellow WardReceiving Valentines Rose with Charlie Helkovaara
Second ThoughtsWith Lillian Lockwood
An Olive BranchWith Elliot Briar
Y38 Graduation CeremonyWith various attendees
Yule Ball
With Knox Ivers
Valentines Dance
With Lillian Lockwood
Pokemon Trainer
Days as important as today came so rarely in a person's life, and Clifton knew he should be cherishing it. Should be remembering every detail of his last day at Hogwarts, should be making plans to catch up with all the friends he would soon be missing, should be taking photos to look back on when he was old and grey. Instead he had barely been able to unknot himself from the anxiety in his stomach, fighting the urge every moment to wrap his arms around himself and just curl up in a ball. He had changed so much in his time at Hogwarts, quite sure he was now a person his eleven year old self would barely recognise. And yet, at the same time it felt like he had learned nothing. Feeling grown up when you were the oldest person in your school, and actually stepping out into the adult world were two very different things entirely.

Still, Clifton did his best to keep himself together, shoulders hunched and hands fidgeting as he tried to at least sit upright through the speeches. It was strange, listening to Elliot speak so soon after patching things up with him. He knew the speech should be comforting, but it only made Clifton's anxiety worse. Soon everything would be up to him, and that was not a situation he tended to do terribly well in. He caught himself starting to wish he had just... flunked a class, maybe had to repeat a year, just given himself a little more time. But no, he was here now, and there was nothing to be done but sink or swim on his own terms. Selene's speech didn't help his anxiety any, though he quietly thought perhaps he should be listening to his gut right now.

He hunched over more in his seat as they started reading names, cursing how late in the alphabet he fell. As long as he could just... keep himself together, everything would be fine. Clifton barely looked as his classmates accepted their diplomas, too consumed by his own anxieties. He almost didn't even hear his own name, jumping up much too fast when he realised it was time. He tripped slightly on the stairs up to the stage, wincing and hunching more. He couldn't bring himself to look at his friends or family in the audience, taking his diploma as quickly as possible and slinking off the stage, face hot, wishing just once he could have managed not to completely make a fool of himself. Of all the days, of course he would be clumsy and useless on such an important one.
"I would rather be passionate about something than be apathetic about everything." - Masi Oka
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