Open Brotherhood vs Heta Omega: Tug of War

Professor Grace Holland

Mother | Caring | Flying Instructor
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight (Dominik)
Straight 14 1/2 Inch Unyielding Spruce Wand with Kelpie Hair Core
2/2027 (35)

Grace didn't often get asked to assist in school events, so she was oddly honored when the Brotherhood and Heta Omega leaders approached her with an idea. She though it sounded fun. A tug of war event was a new one, and she wondered how the two clubs would fare against each other. Both leaders had gathered their club members at the Quidditch pitch where a rope had been prepared, as well as a marker on the grass to show how far they had to pull. She waited until both leaders had spoken to their groups, as she was more here as an official referee than anything else.

OOCOut of Character:
This is tug of war between Heta Omega and the Brotherhood, the event is run by Penelope Marshall and Teddy Pirrip as a fun competition between the two groups. First we'll just do arrivals, which you can post after Penelope and Teddy both post. Then the game will begin, which we will do as follows:
  • You can post your character participating in the game/reacting to what others are doing
  • Roughly every 24 hours either me or Verity will post an OOC post with a coin toss. Heads for the girls, tails for the boys.
  • If the boys win, the imaginary score moves down by 1, if the girls win the score will move up by 1 (you can see this as either team winning ground)
  • The game will end when it's either at 3 or -3, with 3 being a Heta Omega win and -3 being a Brotherhood win
  • If the game finishes quickly we'll do a second round
  • If neither team wins within 2 weeks it will end in a tie
So in summary: it is pretty much up to chance but you will get the chance to react to your team winning/losing ground in this game.

If there's any questions feel free to PM either of us.

You're free to post after Teddy and Penelope both post below
Teddy gathered the Brotherhood members as they arrived for the new Brotherhood vs Heta Omega competition that he and Penelope had set up with Professor Holland's help. He was pretty sure nothing like this had happened before and he was interested to see if the concept worked for possible future themed competitions against the girls.

"Alright, Brotherhood," he called out once everyone had arrived, "We are lacking in numbers compared to the girls, but obviously, we’ve got the strength advantage for tug o war." He glanced over at the Heta side. "But keep an eye on those girls. I expect some of them will play dirty." Turning back to the Brotherhood, Teddy clapped his hands and said, "Anyone who wants to sit this one out can if you want. Otherwise, grab the rope, dig your feet in, and pull on go!" He said, getting the side ready to start.
Penelope hoped the girls would like this event, it was pretty different from the sort of things they usully did, but Penelope thought it could be fun. She smiled at the group of girls in front of her, vaguely hearing Teddy speak to the boys too. "Okay everyone, we're going to do our best today. But more importantly, we'll have fun and work together." She said encouragingly. "If your hands start to hurt and you need a break, just yell it out before letting go so we can anticipate it." She rubbed her hands together in anticipation. "Let's do this!"
Audrey had to get one up on Teddy. She was strong, she had good arm muscles, and she was ready to pitch in and get the girls a victory. "Yeah! Let's send them off crying for their mummies." Audrey readied her grip, preparing to dig in her heels.
Michael was in good shape, but he wasn't exactly the strongest. Still, he felt confident in his ability to participate in the tug o war. He wasn't going to underestimate the girls, of course. He was used to the strong girls in the Ravenclaw team. He nodded at Teddy and rolled his shoulders, prepared for a tough battle.
This was the kind of thing Dahlia enjoyed. Definitely more of a team sport than Quidditch felt like most of the time. She wasn't as fit as she was before since she didn't have netball to play anymore, but she had been focusing on trying to dance a bit to supplement acting. So she felt like she could at least not let the girls down.
Beatrice wasn't particularly strong, and while she did technically play a sport, it was a solo activity. Plus, she didn't have to use her upper body strength like would be necessary for whatever activity this actually was. Was this a magic version of tug of war, or were they really just going to play a regular game? Beatrice hesistantly stood next to Maggie as she looked around with her arms crossed.
Maggie was stoked to compete against the boys. She may only be eleven and 4'5", but she was going to use all her strength to help the Heta Team. She pulled out some face paint and made Beatrice being her model, starting with writing "H" on one cheek and "O" on the other. She giggled, quickly realizing that look silly, and helped her sister wipe it off, quickly taking her brush and writing "Heta" on one cheek and "Omega" on the other sloppily and definitely not smudgeless. "Does anyone else want face paint?" she called, handing the brush to Bea so she could also support her team.
The Tug of War against the Brotherhood seemed like a good idea and Marley knew she was going to enjoy this. They hadn't done many mixed events with both clubs, so this was definitely going to be interesting. Marley nodded along to what their president had to say, agreeing with everything that she said. Marley had a good feeling about this.
The first person Todd noticed when he arrived for Tug of War was Penny and he wished he was on her team instead of the Brotherhood, but the Brotherhood needed numbers so he didn't feel he could switch now. He listened to Teddy then nodded a greeting to Michael before lightly picking up the rope behind him.
Ezra enjoyed being part of the Brotherhood, and he wasn't opposed to doing anything with the Heta Omega girls, but he would have preferred a party or something. At least an activity that actually resulted in conversation with the girls. Though he supposed playing a game could be fun too. Ezra snorted when Teddy said he expected some of the girls to play dirty. For some reason, Ezra had the feeling the Heta Omega leader was less likely to do that than Teddy. He grabbed the rope and waited for the starting signal.
Vanity was torn. On the one hand, she felt like a game like this was beneath them. They were girls, ladies. They shouldn't play games like this. But on the other hand, she really wanted to win. Unsurprisingly, the competitive part of her won out. She grabbed the rope and glared when Penelope said girls could take breaks if their hands hurt. That was a weakness.
As the boys and girls gathered on each side of the rope, Grace got her whistle ready. "Set? Ready?" She called, looking at the club leaders. Then she whistled. "GO!" She watched as the boys started with a lead, which was perhaps unsurprising. They seemed to have more older students.

The first coin flip is tails making the score -1 and in favor of the Brotherhood

OOCOut of Character:
Feel free to still join!
Teddy was right, they did have the strength advantage especially with older students and took an early advantage on the girls. "Good work, keep it up!" Teddy called out.
Physical games like tug of war aren't usually Elio's thing, but for the Brotherhood, he doesn't see any reason not to participate and anyway, it's just a bit of fun. He sees Rose and gives her an encouraging smile, determined that she feel good about being here. He's heard she hasn't been all that keen on Heta since she joined and that doesn't seem fair on the poor girl. He nods to Eury as well, and looks to Teddy as he explains what's going on. He tugs when told, and is grinning when they take an early lead.
Of course, as soon as Aroha heard about a game of tug-of-war she was all in - especially since it was against boys. She'd do almost anything to prove how strong girls could be, contrary to popular opinion. They had numbers on their side but at the moment it looked like the boys were getting headway. This got to Aroha, who tried to tug even harder than she was at present. She also tried to think of something witty to say to Teddy once Heta Omega inevitably won. Aroha couldn't picture any other outcome.
Tug of war sounds like a really fun game, he's played with his siblings before, but never in a group like this. He tugs, the rope burning in his fingers a little, but he won't let that stop him as he buckles down to keep the girls from taking their lead from them.
Tori is so excited about the tug of war, even against the boys that she almost lets the rope slip out of her hands, meaning the boys get an easy lead. Well, she won't be accepting that, not at all, so she buckles down harder, making sure she can't be easily tossed aside even though she is smaller than some of the others being a first year.

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