Open Brotherhood vs Heta Omega: Tug of War

Maggie quickly joined her team, being of little help as they attempted to pull the boys off their feet. She could feel them getting pulled further, and Maggie dug her heels into the ground, hard, hoping others could think of a decent strategy.
Morrie wasn't in the mood for physical activity but hearing Vanity's shouts and the boys starting to win was like a call to war. Morrie jumped in after the Ravenclaw to help the girls side. "AARGH C'MON WE CAN'T THE BOYS WIN!" She yelled.
Elio snorts at Eury cheering them on, it's funny to see her with Rose who is just watching silently, and for Eury to be causing such a racket. "Careful Jonah, don't let her distract you!"

@Jonah Edogawa
Eury was practically grinning by the time Jonah yelled back. She hadn’t really expected to have fun watching her friends because she’d been expecting to watch the girls from Heta Omega - girls that she wasn’t even really friends with. It was surprising to know though that she knew quite a number of boys from the Brotherhood so it was easy to forget cheering for girls she wasn’t friends with to boys that she was. Well, it was easy until someone from Heta Omega began yelling at her that she jumped in surprise.

Eurydice did not get along with Vanity Mettlestone who was supposedly her Heta Omega big sister. This just made her hate the girl. Hina-nee would have never yelled at her like that. And just who did she think she was to tell Eury what to do? There was certainly no way she was going to be helping out now and in her anger, she left her spot beside Rose and stomped all the way to the Brotherhood side - right to the vacant bit of rope right in front of Elio-nii. “Move,” she snapped before grabbing the rope and pulling with the boys. “HOW’S THIS FOR TRAITOR?!” If she was going to be yelled traitor at then she was going make sure she was going to deserve that.
Todd loosened his grip on the rope when a girl joined the Brotherhood side, if she could then he could swap too. "Sorry guys, and er, girl, but my girlfriend needs me more," It felt so good to say that and even better dropping the rope and moving to the girls side to pull for them instead.
Penelope was near the front of the line of girls, so when a bunch of shouting happened behind her she wasn't sure what it was about. She was surprised when one of the girls on the sidelines shouted back and then joined the brotherhood, wishing this wouldn't turn into a conflict. She had hoped this would just be a fun little game to play. She was delighted but also surprised when Todd decided to also switch sides. It was perhaps a touch unfair, swapping a first year girl for a seventh year boy, but she thought it was such a sweet gesture she couldn't be mad at it. Unfortunately, it seemed like it was too little too late.
Grace watched the drama unfold with raised eyebrows, unsure if she should step in or not. She watched as one of the boys switched sides, but it didn't seem to matter. The brotherhood pulled the rope over the marker and Grace blew her whistle. "Brotherhood wins! Take a break and we'll do a round two." She said, hoping no one had been hurt.

OOCOut of Character:

The first coin flip is tails making the score -3 and in favor of the Brotherhood

Round two will start in roughly 24 hours, maybe a little earlier because I was late today, apologies!
Vanity was enraged when the first year decided to join the Brotherhood, where was her sense of loyalty? Penelope should kick her out of the club for this. When the Brotherhood also won quickly after, Vanity saw red. She let go of the rope and moved over to the girl, her hands still burning from the game. "She should kick you out!" She yelled at her.

@Eurydice Nightray
Hinata had only come to watch the tug of war because her younger siblings and cousin were part of Heta Omega and the Brotherhood. It had been quite cute to watch Eury so passionate in cheering for her friends and Jonah that she’d forgotten to cheer for her clubmates. Or well, at least until more yelling happened until her younger cousin seemed to have exploded and chosen to change sides. She didn’t think too much on it since an older boy switched sides as well and a first year and a seventh year didn’t seem much of a fair trade anyway. It didn’t seem like one of the Heta Omega girls saw it that way though as they started to round on poor Eury that had Hinata standing up from her seat and start running towards the whole thing. Unfortunately, she was up watching in the stands and it’ll be a bit till she gets down to the Pitch.
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Jonah could hear the some of the girls yelling. But after Elio-nii had told him not to get distracted, he focused on pulling the rope instead. Putting his back to it like what Eury had yelled. Well, he planned to not be distracted but it was kind of hard when Eury was suddenly stomping their way, a look of anger on her face that Jonah ever rarely saw and that had him gulping and quickly scooting forward to make space for her behind him as soon as she demanded. He was quite surprised when she joined in pulling the rope - not because she joined the Brotherhood but mostly because she joined at all. And then an older boy decided to switch sides and he supposed it’s suddenly become a free for all? Except that they won pretty quickly once the older boy let go of the rope and Jonah erupted into a cheer, hugging the one in front of him in excitement. Or well at least until one of the older girls started stomping over and yelling at his cousin. That quickly got Jonah moving to stand between the unknown older girl and Eury though he didn’t know what to say in the face of such rage and he hoped someone would come help.
Elio doesn't want to say anything that might get him into trouble, but as soon as a Slytherin girl made her way over to Eury, he steps up to stand protectively behind her. She's not really his sister, but she might as well be and given his relationship with Mikael, well, that's another thing entirely. "Take a walk and go cool off, you got a boy in exchange," he says, eyeing the girl hard.

@Vanity Mettlestone @Eurydice Nightray
Lumos cheers as they win the game, his body going rigid when he feels someone hugging him. He turns to note that it seems to be Jonah and that makes him freeze a little. He hasn't really spoken to Jonah since he kissed him at the study session, so he doesn't know what to do about it now. When Jonah lets go of him, he relaxes a little and goes to sit on the ground to wait for the next game. Only there seems to be a lot going on and Lumos raises an eyebrow as he spots an older Slytherin girl making a bit of a fuss.
Audrey had mixed feelings towards Vanity, but she couldn't help but agree with her on this. "If she didn't want to be a sister, she shouldn't have joined the sisterhood." She figured it was better to show some solidarity and teamwork. She turned around and cupped her hands around her mouth to yell. "ALRIGHT, GIRLS, PUT YOUR BACKS INTO IT THIS TIME!"

@Vanity Mettlestone
William couldn't believe how much drama Eury had caused simply by cheering on her friends but when she joined the boys on their side of the robe he grinned and continued to pull. He was happy they were winning so far and hoped that round two would prove just as productive for them.

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