Bi Weekly Update

Stefan Archer

head librarian
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Fir Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
4/2015 (46)
Welcome, welcome, welcome! To this BWU on the eve of the new semester. There is a lot to get through so I'm just going to jump right in.

We are now in semester one, classes for week 1 start tomorrow. Everyone with students in 3rd year and above will need to sign up to classes, those in 1st and 2nd year are automatically signed up to their classes. Professors should get their classes ready and be ready for week one. If you have any issues with the gradebook please reach out.

We welcome Professor Elijah Watson taking over Potions y5-7 and Professor Warren Spencer for muggle studies y5-7. We also want to welcome back all professors, since we know this is a lot of work and can be challenging but we greatly appreciate all the work that professors put in. This IC year, following the recent site update we have updated all of the class areas enable articles for lessons. We would ask that people post their lessons as articles. If you have any questions on how to do this, please get in touch and we can talk you through it.

Quidditch and Clubs
Come check out all of our Quidditch tryouts: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Slytherin, Ilvermorny and Beauxbatons. If your student wants to try out then have them! (if they are first years contact the captain before you do so) Be on the look out for the club fair and the ability to join one of Hogwart's many fun clubs.

The transfer deadline has passed and the decisions have been issued. If you submitted a transfer app check that account to see the outcome. Transfers will now be closed again until next sorting.

Prefects and Head Boy & Girl
As many people will have noticed the promotions for prefect and head people took place this week. Your new head people and prefects are:
Elliot Briar and Selene Le Fey
Chloe Thomson and Thomas Jusantrea
Jenna Jusantrea
and Connor Holland
Nicole Fisk and Daintree Vaskevold
Poppy Perkins and Ajaccio Skey

A huge congratulations to all these students.

Sorting is still open and will as ever remain open for another week. If you have a last minute desire to sort someone do it now before you need to wait until the next one. We've had a good sorting year so far and once sorting is closed we'll share our final numbers. If you haven't seen it already be sure to check out the sorting thread here.

Holiday Areas
The holidays areas will be closed very soon so be sure to wrap things up with those threads as soon as possible.

Accio! Y37
The yearbook was released a few weeks ago, be sure to check it out here if you haven't already!

Applications: Closed
Applications remain closed for now but we do aim to open them towards the end of this week so keep your eyes peeled for that.

GM Changes
With a new year, we have some GM changes, Donna who took a break for several months will be rejoining the team, so welcome back to Donna! Kait will be stepping down and taking a break from GMing, we want to give Kait our heartfelt thanks for the work she has put in over the years.

Shopkeeper Opportunities
We still have shopkeeper apps open, check them out here. If you want to have a go at managing something. a shop is a really good place to start and we have some great options open for people so be sure to check it out.

We didn't have a January spotlight, so our first spotlight of 2021 is Tamara's character Rosemarie Chatwin, you can check out our announcement about it here, and you should definitely check out her bio here! A huge congrats to Tamara!

Shouty experiment
As Nick announced here, we are running a shouty experiment. You should read all about it in his post and check it out. Lots of people have created different rooms to chat about specific things so there's something for everyone.

Calendar Updated
The calendar has been update for the next IC year so you can check out when things are happening. You should keep an eye on the calendar for when things get added to know whats going on in any given HNZ year.

Send in your plot highlights!

MORE Sorting
First years breaking MORE rules?!
Valentines Day!

So that's everything from me! I hope everything has had a good weekend, has a good week! If you have questions/comments/etc leave them below

~ Emzies
(On behalf of the HNZ Site Staff)
Thanks for the update Emzies, so much going on! Congrats to the new professors and head people/prefects! Thank you Kait for all your years as GM, and welcome back Donna!! Loving all the start of year excitement :party:
Thank you for the update Emzies!!

Kait thank you for all your GM work :hug: and welcome back Donna!! :party: :party:
Thanks for posting! Can't wait to see how this semester shakes out!!
Thanks for the update, Emzies!
Thanks for the update :D
Interesting stuff... Thank you sm
Thanks for the update! Excited for the year to start officially.

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