Apparition 3

Irene Finch

Head of the Dept of Magical Transportation
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Knotted 14 Inch Rigid Spruce Wand with Doxy Wing Core
Before the end of the lesson, Irene Finch hoped that all of the students would succeed in apparating to their target. She knew that wouldn't be the case, but the pressure was on for the students. This was the last practice after all. Several of the students had managed to apparate during the last lesson even with the splinching that had happened, but that didn't always translate to success at the exam.

Addressing the small group of sixth years, Irene walked as she spoke. "Today, we will resume practicing" she began, her icy blue eyes staring at each of the students in turn as she spoke. "I am hopeful that those of you who weren't able to apparate last time will do so today. The next time we meet will be your exam and you will only get one opportunity to succeed or fail. Your test will require you to be accurate when you apparate." She let that sink in before continuing on.

"Line up beside me please." It didn't take them long to queue up. "Alright...I'd like you all to attempt apparating from this end of the Great Hall to that end" she said, pointing towards the doors of the Great Hall. "The red X marks the spot" she added, knowing that they had probably noticed an X etched onto the floor with magic as they walked in. Glancing at all the students beside her, she hoped there would be no splinchings today, though she had asked for one of the school nurses to join them once again. "You can begin whenever you're ready" she said to the student who was first in line. "As soon as you feel comfortable, you may leave. But, please do remember that this is your final opportunity to practice before your exam." They were adults by wizarding standards or close enough anyway, so she wasn't going to force any of them to stay. It was in their best interests to take advantage of the time provided to them though.
Practice attempting to apparate one by one. Practice as many times as you'd like. Please warn me via PM if you plan on splinching.
Rose had to admit, she was still scared. But she knew this was something she had to do. She couldn't chicken out of this forever. She lined up with the other students, taking a deep breath. She waited a bit longer, letting many of the others go before she did. Eventually, Rose took a calming breath and stepped forward, focusing her energy. There was a twinge, and it felt like she came apart at the seams. When she opened her eyes, she was standing on the other side of the room, just barely on the red X she'd been aiming for. Feeling a bit sick, Rose moved to lean against the wall and rest. She would try again during her exams and just hope for the best. She was relieved when they were dismissed, hurrying out of the room and hoping to cuddle with Iris until she felt better.
~Ren is not the proper lazy idiot taking this class~
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Ajaccio was always busy it seemed in the second semester, ever since accio, but it made sense, accio was of course something issued between his last class week and the exam week, which also happened to be the busiest period for other things. At the very least he didn’t have all his exams in one go which did make this a little bit easier, Ajax was opting to not thing about how difficult the final year of his schooling would be with all this. It wasn’t time for that anyway. He was getting himself together, making sure that he was packing up all the different things he would need that day and sticking firm to the places he needed to be and what he had planned for each part of the day. He was sure it would be a good day but he was going to be tired. He grabbed the last few things he needed before heading out the door.

Ajaccio walked into the great hall with the rest of the class and one look at the front of the room told him exactly what they would be doing. Though he thought it would be rather chaotic for them to all be apparating to one X at the same time, so the professor’s explanation helped ease those. It meant they’d have to apparate in front of people but given that they’d be apparating in front of people once they passed, he didn’t mind. He queued up and watched as people went before him, and then it was his turn. He stood at the head of the room. He focused on getting to the X, seeing it in his mind and then leaning in to that feeling he’d felt before. With a crack he was across the room. He felt a little unsteady on his feet, but nothing was missing, so he was pretty happy. With that he joined the back of the queue and was able to do it a couple of times before the lesson was wrapped up.
Chloë found apparition to be a little nerve-wrecking but at the same time she tried to tell herself that if she focussed and did what she was supposed to do things should be fine. And if they weren't then there was always somebody nearby to help out. Although she'd much prefer things going smoothly. She stood with her classmates as she listened to the explanation of how they would be practicing today, squinting her eyes to look at the red X all the way at the other side of the great hall. That was a lot further away than the hoop right in front of her last time. Which meant more options to do something wrong. But she wouldn't. She just needed to focus. She could do that. She watched as some of her classmates attempted to appear right onto the X before her, stepping up when it was her time to do so. Right. Destination, determination and deliberation. That was what she needed. Chloë closed her eyes, focussing on where she needed to be and after an unpleasant tugging feeling opened her eyes to find herself at the other side of the hall. She wasn't exactly dead centre on the X but she did have a foot on it, which was a good start. She tried a few more times to make sure she was confident enough she would get it, glad to leave the hall after and sit down for a little bit.
Emma was excited about this final apparition lesson, though she was a bit nervous too. It would be the final lesson before the exam, so it'd be their last chance to practice until they had to take the exam. The instructor was as impatient as ever, and Emma mostly tuned her out as she waited until they could start. They had to line up so they could apparate to the end of the great hall. A great X marked the spot they had to aim for. Emma waited for her turn, then apparated to the great X. At least, she tried to. She didn't quite make it there. Emma frowned and returned to the line, apparating a few more times until she got it right every time. She was glad when she managed it consistently, feeling more and more confident about the upcoming exam. When the lesson was over, Emma waited for Nicole or Lysander. She wanted to boast a bit about how well she had done.
Apparition was making Iris quite nervous. She wished she could practice for it between lessons, but that wasn't possible while at Hogwarts. She knew the exam was coming up, so she knew she needed to make the most out of this lesson. The instructor told them they would resume practicing and put a bit more pressure on people who hadn't managed to apparate yet. That made Iris feel nervous for Rose, and she glanced her way anxiously. They all had to line up and take turns apparating to the big X on the other end of the great hall. Iris took a few attempts to get there, but when she did she at least managed to do so consistently. She noticed Rose wasn't looking so well and she felt worried for her. When they were dismissed, Iris followed Rose out of the great hall.
After managing apparate with some level of success during the last lesson, Poppy was feeling more confident than usual when she walked into the great hall for their last lesson before the exam. She had hoped they’d be practicing with the hoops again but she wasn’t so lucky. She got in line with the rest of her classmates and waited for her turn. The red X they were aiming for seemed a lot farther than she felt ready for but she chewed on her lip as she watched those who were going ahead of her. Thankfully no one splinched themselves before it was her turn. Suddenly she was just as nervous as she had been last time and it wasn’t exactly comforting to have Ms. Finch’s standing right next to her either. But she took a deep breath and repeated the words again as she studied the X in front of her. The sensation was still unsettling and made her stomach flip uncomfortably but when she snapped back into reality she didn’t see the X and she frowned. She turned around quickly and saw that she had over shot the target by a step or two. Poppy wasn’t sure if it was better or worse than coming up short, but she had managed to apparate in one piece which was still a victory in her mind.
Arthur wasn't really looking forward to his Apparition classes, but he knew that he needed to take them if he wanted to make his adult life with Kiara work properly. He was slowly discovering he would do pretty much anything for his girlfriend. He followed the others into class, listening as the woman went on. Knowing he probably shouldn't rush this, he moved to his spot. He spent a moment breathing, before attempting to apparate. There was a pull in the pit of his stomach, and when he opened his eyes, he was standing dead center on the red X. He smiled, and pleased with himself, he left the class. He didn't want to overdo it, after all.
Although things had gone better than he expected in the last class, Connor still didn't quite trust himself in apparition. He tried to ignore the fear twisting his stomach as he joined his classmates in the Great Hall, listening carefully for the day's instruction. He could do this, he tried to remember. He had done it before, and this was.... mostly the same, just... further. Taking a deep breath, Connor waited in line for his turn to come, focusing on the X when it was his turn. It took an embarrassingly long time for anything to happen, and Connor felt a little silly, just standing here in front of his classmates with nothing to show for it. Finally, though, he felt the same tug and relaxed into it as he apparated across the room, landing just a little to the left of the X. Pleased with himself, Connor rejoined the line and continued to practice until class was over, getting a little bit more accurate each time.
Thomas came on time this time because this was before the last lesson, which will be the most important, so the stress was even greater. However, walking to the Great Hall, he tried to get himself in the mood that everything would go well and later he would be able to be proud of himself. He stood in the herd and listened to what awaited them today. At first it seemed nothing crazy, but in the end, when you had to do it yourself, then again the signs of stress appeared. He looks at others, but then he decided to try it himself, he probably won't meet on the first try. More try, the better will come.

All that was left was to focus on the red highlight, then try and even several times. Approaching his turn to try, he had to wait until he came even closer, there was another one who would try. Until Thomas turn came, he looked at X, then focused his thoughts on the sign alone. He kept in mind the idea of three D, what they learned in the previous lesson, when he felt a dragging and specially do not resist, but allowed themselves to be dragged. Thomas was already across the room on the X mark at one point. Until he realized that everything had worked out, he rejoined the back of the line and then tried practicing a few more times until they were dismissed.
Nicole had been emboldened by her success in her previous apparition lesson, though the nerves she'd felt last time came flooding back the second Ms Finch turned her eyes on the class. She wondered if looking scary was a requirement for working for the ministry or not as the instruction explained their task for the day. It sounded simple in theory, but Nicole still let herself stand back until several people had already lined up to practice. It had been hard enough on their own last time, now they had to do it in front of the whole year and not mess up? Yikes. At least Kiara's boyfriend had already thrown up in a lesson so it would be pretty hard to beat that in terms of complete embarrassment.

Nicole hesitated as her turn approached, repeating the three D's in her mind as she stepped forward and stared at the X. She could do this, if she did this she could go to France with Ajax and visit Jenna in Queenstown. Nicole felt like she'd been standing there too long, but a slow breath and a moment longer she felt the pull, relieved when she finally apparated with a pop across the hall. She'd missed the X, but at least she had plenty time of time to regroup as she joined the back of the line. Nicole lingered for the rest of the lesson, mentally tired by the time she had to return to normal classes, but feeling marginally more confident for their upcoming exam after managing to land on the X (or very close at least) a few more times.
Kas arrived to today's apparation lesson with a new sense of determination. Which he supposed was appropriate. There was no way he was going to fail this exam, it just wasn't an option. He shuffled impatiently as the instruction went over the task for the day, wasting no time lining up to take his turn aiming for the X. It did mean he didn't have much time to mentally prepare for his turn however, and suddenly Kas was feeling just like he had in the previous lesson, staring down his destination with zero results. Kas scrunched up his eyes, figuring he needed to picture it in his head. He'd thought it must have helped, squinting an eye open to find he hadn't even moved. Holding up the line, Kas simply shrugged, even if his stomach was somewhere near his toes, and moved to the back of the line. He'd get it. He had to, right?

Kas spent the entirety of his wait in line with his eyes partially closed, mentally picturing the X until it was his turn to step forward and it was infront of him for real. This time Kas fully shut his eyes, envisioning himself on the X. Finally, finally, it must have worked, Kas finally felt the squeezing, shifting sensation, opening his eyes in time to stumble forward as the ground appeared in a different spot from where he'd been standing. He wasn't on the X, but he was only a few metres off and Kas took it as a win. He had more success on his next several attempts, though still not making it on the X, he was counting it as a win. He could pass this, he was sure.
Lysander had, admittedly, attempted to practice apparating on his own, with absolutely no success. He knew there was an anti-apparition jinx around the school, just as there were with a lot of homes, but he thought if he tried hard enough he might just be able to pull it off. Or get outside the schools boundaries anyway. It would have been a feat worth boasting about, but instead, he'd just made himself dizzy by spinning on the lawn over and over again. Still, he hadn't hurled like some of his classmates that, and he took that as a win.

It was hard to miss the X as they entered the room. Harder still to miss Finch's icy stare. Lysander gave Emma a nudge as he shuffled into line, and listened to the instructor explain what they'd be doing. He let out a low whistle. Apparating one by one, in front of everyone? Sheesh. He was glad to have at least given it a practice run beforehand. He watched as everyone gave it a go, more itching to get it over with than anxious about his turn coming up. It didn't take too long, and he did his best to focus on the spot. It took a few minutes, and some semi-successful apparition partway across the room, but after a couple of ballet-style pirouettes, he felt his ears pop and looked down to find himself coming to a stop on the edge of one of the X's arms. Good enough! He gave a thumbs up, and went off to the side to catch up with Emma.​
Freya was beginning to come around the the benefits of being able to throw her entire body elsewhere to escape uncomfortable situations. It still felt weird and wrong in a way that reminded her of being a first year, unfamiliar with magic and just trying to keep up with everybody. When it was her turn, she squinted at the red X for a second before turning and going to the back of the line again, staring determinedly at the ground so she wouldn't see anyone reacting. She'd already done it once, so she wasn't sure why she was suddenly scared. Freya steeled herself for her next attempt, a little calmer after watching more people successfully apparate. She closed her eyes and focused on where she wanted to go, tensing up as she felt the tugging sensation and landed just off the X. Sliding her food to the left so it was actually touching the X, Freya mentally shrugged and went back to keep practicing.

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