10th Annual Global Moderator Appreciation Day!

Cyndi Kingsley

Former Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core

It's June 1st, and that means it's Global Moderator Appreciation Day! :party: 🧁 🎉

Our Global Moderators, past and present, comprise a special group of people who joined this site for leisure and yet still took on the task, completely voluntary mind you, to help clean up, organize, and ensure the site that we all love runs as smoothly as possible. The task isn't always fun and I hear the admin can sometimes be a little tough :r , but they do this job day in and day out, often until they choose to leave the site or life leaves them in a position that they can no longer do this work. When the site is running smoothly, it's sometimes easy to forget the team that's behind making sure that happens. So June 1st was decided to be the day to bring them to the forefront to share our gratitude and thanks for their work. We hope you'll all join us!

You may not know all the names but here is a list of all of the GMs- Abby :abby: , Linda :linda: , Kaitlyn :kaitlyn: , Pat :pat: , Donna :donna: Kait :kait: , Marga :marga: , Claire :claire: , Lovi :lovi: , and Maia :maia: . Thank you all!

And a special thank you to our current group of GMs who helped with the transition to Xenforo. It was not easy work and they often took on some of the most boring, tedious tasks so that admin could focus on other...boring tedious tasks. :p

This year we've decided to put the GMs in their true group 'Team Awesome' for the next bit. They are that and more. 🌟
From us to you, our Awesome GMs, Thank you, for everything. :hug:

:cyndi , :emzies: & :nick:
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Happy appreciation day!! :wub:
Thank you guys for everything you do, both GMs from past and present, you’re all lovely and you work so hard! ❤️
Happy appreciation day!
We greatly admire your continued time dedicated to making this site the best!
Yaay!!! I hope the mods have a great day, they deserve it. Thanks for all the hard work!
Thank you guys so much for everything you do! You're all incredible, and HNZ wouldn't be the same without you :wub:
Aaw, did the biggest double take when I saw my group this morning!! :lol: :wub:
Thank YOU all so much for the kind words, and for making HNZ such a lovely site to moderate for <3
Awhh you guys, thank you so much! :hug: ^_^
I’m loving this new group. Thank you guys! You’re so sweet!
Woohoo! Thank you all for all you do to make this site run so amazingly <3

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