🐺 Birthday Werewolf! 🐺

Sorry, I meant that at Jamie. :lol:

I'm so tired, but I want to stay up a little bit longer to see if more people get on to discuss before I put in a vote.
ahaha sorry I forgot I wasn't the only one talking about odds.

I think I'm also going to vote for Jamie but I'm not 100% sure yet, so I'm going to wait a bit more too.
Isn’t the only thing left to claim the seer/fool, assuming it’s not a double claim?

Also I included Dan and Mia bandwagon as both being suspicious despite not knowing who Mia is because any bandwagon voting to me is quite a safe bet. Even as a wolf, in previous games ive voted for my wolfie friend to avoid looking suspicious xD

I’m not gonna be around much today cause i’m going out very soon. I do think it’s weird Jamie is talking about lynching camilla and daphne to prove kaitlyn especially when she agreed taking teig out earlier was silly too. I don’t feel like jamie is a wolf though, I don’t know what it is but gut i guess.

I’m still wary of Mia, and honestly still Donna. But it’s not because i’ve got any extra information, only what i’ve said before. I think we’re getting to the point now where if we don’t get a wolf out tonight we are gonna be in danger.

I also had a dream about this game last night although i’m pleased to not wake up to the same posts that featured in my head =))
Isn’t the only thing left to claim the seer/fool, assuming it’s not a double claim?
I mean you can claim to be a villager, in my understanding. Or is it a term only used for special roles?
I’m still wary of Mia, and honestly still Donna. But it’s not because i’ve got any extra information, only what i’ve said before. I think we’re getting to the point now where if we don’t get a wolf out tonight we are gonna be in danger.
TBH I'm wary of those two too, but I think Jamie is a bit higher on my suspect list after her last few posts.

I also had a dream about this game last night although i’m pleased to not wake up to the same posts that featured in my head =))
I'm very curious about this xD
This feels like a strange thing to say to me but I could be just very tired xD
Well everything I say seems strange so far to you. So not suprised xD But why strange. Since I can say I don't have a special role but are not on team wolf, so well you can guess than. But would you believe that? It has no point of saying because it's not gonna help me. But I just warn you that you will be helping team wolf by choosing for me. And that there are not gonna be a lot of 'normal' people gonna be left.

The logical thing would be that Kaitlyn gets killed of tonight? You mean with what you say Daph?
Isn’t the only thing left to claim the seer/fool, assuming it’s not a double claim?
Who would you say is the hypnotist than?

I’m not gonna be around much today cause i’m going out very soon. I do think it’s weird Jamie is talking about lynching camilla and daphne to prove kaitlyn especially when she agreed taking teig out earlier was silly too. I don’t feel like jamie is a wolf though, I don’t know what it is but gut i guess.

THANK YOU! Let me remind you guys that it's one of the first time I'm playing this. So not that experianced in what is handy to say or not. But If you look at the facts this is something risky what I've suggested. But I NEVER said I was gonna do it yet, just dropping it. I was curious at your opinions and am not the only one who has brought it up once. If I have dig my own grave with throwing this up than it is what it is. But please do not :cry: So if just throwing something is directly mean OMG you are the wolf that is quickly.
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It has no point of saying because it's not gonna help me.
ohh now I get what you meant, sorry. The wording made me wonder if you were trying to say you did have some sort of role that would be hard to believe for us.
The logical thing would be that Kaitlyn gets killed of tonight? You mean with what you say Daph?
I mean that if she is the doctor and she used her only protection for tonight then yes, odds are good the wolves are getting her.

Who would you say is the hypnotist than?
I think what Pheeb meant is that the hypnotist is not something anyone would claim.
I’m still wary of Mia, and honestly still Donna. But it’s not because i’ve got any extra information, only what i’ve said before. I think we’re getting to the point now where if we don’t get a wolf out tonight we are gonna be in danger.

I'm a little wary of voting for another "not as active" person at this point, even if I am of course still sus of Donna and Mia. Because obviously, that strategy hasn't been helping us lol

I mean you can claim to be a villager, in my understanding. Or is it a term only used for special roles?
I'm glad you clarified this because I'm over here like.... "is there another special role I missed?" :lol: But yeah, you can claim to be villager, for sure. I just think it's harder to prove.

Ainsley Lynch (Rowan)DeadVillager #1
Professor Killian Borisyuk (Kaitlyn)AliveDoctor
Amber Chou Wilson (Daph)AliveNot a wolf
Adorah Zumwalt (Kiersten)AliveSpellcaster
Poppy Perkins (Kadi)DeadSeer?/Fool?
Professor Elvera Le fey (Mia)Alive
Amortentia Layton-King (Pheeb)Alive
James Cade (Dan)DeadVillager #3
Mary Lou Layton (Teigs/Zazz)DeadVillager #2
Analei Louw (Donna)Alive
June Davenport (Jamie)Alive
Elliot Briar (Kris)Alive
Aine Thompson (Camilla)AliveNot a wolf
Harper Alston (Ana)Alive

Updating this. Orange is assumptions that can't be substantiated yet (obviously until they die). Theoretically, we'll lose 2 in the next day unless the wolves decide to not kill Kaitlyn and she ends up protecting the right person tonight. If that's the case, we'll have 8 left tomorrow, 3 of those being Team Wolf (unless the wolves accidentally kill the hypnotist if they haven't figured out who it is yet).

I don't have anything to contribute to that at the moment, and I'm not sure voting for Jamie is the right thing, but our tactic of voting for quieter players hasn't worked well so far.
I’m still wary of Mia, and honestly still Donna. But it’s not because i’ve got any extra information, only what i’ve said before. I think we’re getting to the point now where if we don’t get a wolf out tonight we are gonna be in danger.
Jamie is definitely psyching me out a lot (and has since day one, lol) a lot, and while I'm not sure I understand what about Mia has everyone up in arms I do agree that Donna's relative quiet makes me uneasy (I suppose that's also why Mia has everyone spooked, but I kinda seem them both on the same level of activity here).

I'm mad busy at work but I actually think I get what's going on here with Jamie regarding her voting choice... at least enough to see if she has more to say for the moment. For now, I think I'd actually rather cast my vote for Analei Westwick (Donna)
Just bringing this over.

VotingDay 1Day 2Day 3
Ainsley Lynch (Rowan)---
Professor Killian Borisyuk (Kaitlyn)Did not voteJames Cade (Dan)June Davenport (Jamie)
Amber Chou Wilson (Daph)James Cade (Dan)Professor Killian Borisyuk (Kaitlyn)
James Cade (Dan)
Adorah Zumwalt (Kiersten)Mary-Lou Layton (Teigs)Aine Thompson (Camilla)
James Cade (Dan)
June Davenport (Jamie)
Poppy Perkins (Kadi)Mary-Lou Layton (Teigs)-
Professor Elvera Le fey (Mia)Mary-Lou Layton (Teigs)Analei Westwick (Donna)
Amortentia Layton-King (Pheeb)Analei Westwick (Donna)Adorah Zumwalt (Kiersten)
Professor Elvera Le fey (Mia)
James Cade (Dan)Did not voteProfessor Elvera Le fey (Mia)-
Mary Lou Layton (Teigs)Did not vote--
Analei Louw (Donna)Did not voteProfessor Elvera Le fey (Mia)Professor Elvera Le Fey (Mia)
June Davenport (Jamie)Poppy Perkins (Kadi)Professor Elvera Le fey (Mia)
Elliot Briar (Kris)June Davenport (Jamie)James Cade (Dan)Analei Westwick (Donna)
Aine Thompson (Camilla)Did not voteAdorah Zumwalt (Kiersten)
Harper Alston (Ana)
Harper Alston (Ana)Poppy Perkins (Kadi)
James Cade (Dan)
Adorah Zumwalt (Kiersten)
Professor Elvera Le fey (Mia)

James Cade (Dan)

Voting Totals:
June Davenport (Jamie) - 2
Professor Elvera Le Fey (Mia) - 1
Analei Westwick (Donna) - 1
(unless the wolves accidentally kill the hypnotist if they haven't figured out who it is yet)
Good point! I keep thinking of the 3 as a team but that's not entirely what's happening. Considering they can't talk outside this thread, it would be very difficult for the wolves to figure out who the hypnotist is. (could look back and see if anyone has been dropping subtle hints but idk how you'd even do that, hypnotization puns?)

Kiersten your predictions are grim, and I agree with your stance on the more inactive people, though I don't think we should entirely discount what Pheeb pointed out about Mia's question about the hypnotiist early on.

For now I'm going to join you in voting for Jamie, though I don't have the energy to update the table right now. If no one else can do it either I'll try to at least update it before the day is over!

EDIT: 🙏 kiersten u are great
I mean you can claim to be a villager, in my understanding. Or is it a term only used for special roles?
Oh yeah, true true. I guess whoever claims villager too will help us pin point the last seer/fool although that might not be the best idea xD

I had a dream someone turned on me :cry: It was all very suspicious.

So I know Daphne and Camilla might still be other roles, but if we’re focusing on who is a wolf, using Mias chart, here’s my thoughts on them:

Mia: Initially sus although I will say her long explanation yesterday did make sense. She tried to kill Teig the first night but wasn’t really around for that discussion. Then she voted for Donna and if they’re not on the same team, that points eyes at Donna.

Jamie: Jamie voted to save Teig on the basis of maths, then lynched Kadi. i’m not sure why Kadi thought because she’d not done anything. Second night she voted for Mia off my thoughts rather than her own. Now she’s being very aggressive and not looking at anyone except the most innocent. I’m growing more sus of Jamie as I write this out..

Kris: Kris didn’t want to vote for Teig, nor did she vote for Kiersten during my “strong” theory. Kris has always been sus of Jamie although honestly I can’t recall as to why so early on. Then Kris voted for Dan because of a lack of info he was giving which although I didn’t agree, also makes sense. There’s others that could help more. Kris is still one of the least sus in my eyes (although that much couldn’t be said about Kris in my dream 💔)

Donna: Donna was one of the least active at the beginning, potentially skating under the radar, which has been noted that previous games she’s been a wolf she’s done that before. When she did come to vote day 2 she joined the Mia bandwagon, and today she’s the first to continue to Mia bandwagon. If Donna and Mia are not on the same team.. makes me less sus of Mia.

Ana: Ana was agreeing it was silly to vote for Teig round 1. Instead she went to vote for Kadi and then changed to Dan when she realised Kadi was hinting about being a seer. Day 2, She also voted for Kiersten then Mia then Dan, but to me it doesn’t look sus that she keeps changing when she has more information. That’s being pointed out as a wolfie move but wouldn’t it also be villager move? Ana, if there any way you can put a gif up for each of these above people i’ve mentioned, to confirm who you’re most suspicious of? Let’s say, Office meme for Mia, Harry Potter gif for Jamie, Shrek for Kris, Schitts Creek for Donna =)) No relation with who has what but they’re each very distinguishable xD

I’m gonna do this for the Hypnotist too, however two of the five above have to be wolves. To me it’s clear it’s Donna, but also maybe Jamie?
Yeah that's all pretty reasonable, and sorry for putting pressure on you, Jamie. It just felt like some weirder logic to go for after being very anti-voting for Dan. :lol:

I need to sleep sooner or later and I know I won't be awake before the phase change. I'm about halfway convinced to vote for Elliot Briar (Kris) though. I think the odds are a bit more solid in my view, anyway. Make of that what you will.
I need to sleep sooner or later and I know I won't be awake before the phase change. I'm about halfway convinced to vote for Elliot Briar (Kris) though. I think the odds are a bit more solid in my view, anyway. Make of that what you will.
for clarification, is this a vote? just asking because I tend to use the bolding to actually vote so its easy to see later

EDIT: this was a quick reaction because I wanted clarification but now I'm also curious, why Kris?
Right sorry, yes it's a vote, was putting it in now so I don't go to sleep without voting at all lol.
VotingDay 1Day 2Day 3
Ainsley Lynch (Rowan)---
Professor Killian Borisyuk (Kaitlyn)Did not voteJames Cade (Dan)June Davenport (Jamie)
Amber Chou Wilson (Daph)James Cade (Dan)Professor Killian Borisyuk (Kaitlyn)
James Cade (Dan)
June Davenport (Jamie)
Adorah Zumwalt (Kiersten)Mary-Lou Layton (Teigs)Aine Thompson (Camilla)
James Cade (Dan)
June Davenport (Jamie)
Poppy Perkins (Kadi)Mary-Lou Layton (Teigs)-
Professor Elvera Le fey (Mia)Mary-Lou Layton (Teigs)Analei Westwick (Donna)
Amortentia Layton-King (Pheeb)Analei Westwick (Donna)Adorah Zumwalt (Kiersten)
Professor Elvera Le fey (Mia)
James Cade (Dan)Did not voteProfessor Elvera Le fey (Mia)-
Mary Lou Layton (Teigs)Did not vote--
Analei Louw (Donna)Did not voteProfessor Elvera Le fey (Mia)Professor Elvera Le Fey (Mia)
June Davenport (Jamie)Poppy Perkins (Kadi)Professor Elvera Le fey (Mia)
Elliot Briar (Kris)June Davenport (Jamie)James Cade (Dan)Analei Westwick (Donna)
Aine Thompson (Camilla)Did not voteAdorah Zumwalt (Kiersten)
Harper Alston (Ana)
Elliot Briar (Kris)
Harper Alston (Ana)Poppy Perkins (Kadi)
James Cade (Dan)
Adorah Zumwalt (Kiersten)
Professor Elvera Le fey (Mia)

James Cade (Dan)
Jamie 3
Mia 1
Donna 1
Kris 1
Also for the record I do not think revealing roles at this stage is safe, we know some important ones that help but anyone else risks muddying the water or accidentally flushing out or accusing our Seer/Fool. Hoping they already have enough to know which they are by now
Also for the record I do not think revealing roles at this stage is safe, we know some important ones that help but anyone else risks muddying the water or accidentally flushing out or accusing our Seer/Fool. Hoping they already have enough to know which they are by now
That's exactly what I meant earlier but said a lot better xD
Okay I am now getting ready to go out while I type this =))

Hypnotist - Important to note they could also be any of the five previously mentioned.

Daphne: Confirmed non wolf. Didn’t want to vote Kadi first round, ended up going for DN early on for being active but not actually active, which is understandable. Voted for Dan again night 2. I’m not really sus of Daphne either.

Camilla: I feel like Camilla also has a lot of gut instincts. That being said she’s been voting for Ana and Kris which make the least sense to me? If She’s trying to get out innocents though, I think they also may be some of the hardest to convince as to why they’d be a good idea?

In my head I am starting to see some teams although I don’t really want to say them out loud. It’s also important that the seer/fool may have checked someone last night and now they’ve already voted off that basis.
Pheeb the voting for Mia was not only following your points . I already said in the previous round I thought it was strange that she dropped Mary Lou and didn’t understand that. We were just agreeing.

But just as someone had mentioned claiming you are a villiager is harder than any other role. Because I can’t prove anything. But the fact I was “agressive”/ how I like to call it “competetive” over lynching a villager may or not support my claim. I was one of the only ones actually naming Dan, mostly people were just focussing on the night. Like they don’t care another villager is not anymore.

I’m needing to go. Perhaps I try and check in a break in my match. But if I am lynched than I am not able to defend myself. Because I’m COMPETETIVE in my tennis game.

For now my vote goes to Professor Elvera Le Fey. Since my opinion didn’t changed from previous.
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Also as noted at the start of the game, the Hypnotist visited me night 1. That means they know i’m not the wolf. Who hasn’t even glanced in my direction =))

BUT in the hypnotists eyes i could also be the second wolf I guess.. so who HAS been sort of semi looking my way? Donna and Jamie xD
VotingDay 1Day 2Day 3
Ainsley Lynch (Rowan)---
Professor Killian Borisyuk (Kaitlyn)Did not voteJames Cade (Dan)June Davenport (Jamie)
Amber Chou Wilson (Daph)James Cade (Dan)Professor Killian Borisyuk (Kaitlyn)
James Cade (Dan)
June Davenport (Jamie)
Adorah Zumwalt (Kiersten)Mary-Lou Layton (Teigs)Aine Thompson (Camilla)
James Cade (Dan)
June Davenport (Jamie)
Poppy Perkins (Kadi)Mary-Lou Layton (Teigs)-
Professor Elvera Le fey (Mia)Mary-Lou Layton (Teigs)Analei Westwick (Donna)
Amortentia Layton-King (Pheeb)Analei Westwick (Donna)Adorah Zumwalt (Kiersten)
Professor Elvera Le fey (Mia)
James Cade (Dan)Did not voteProfessor Elvera Le fey (Mia)-
Mary Lou Layton (Teigs)Did not vote--
Analei Louw (Donna)Did not voteProfessor Elvera Le fey (Mia)Professor Elvera Le Fey (Mia)
June Davenport (Jamie)Poppy Perkins (Kadi)Professor Elvera Le fey (Mia)Professor Elvera Le Fey (Mia)
Elliot Briar (Kris)June Davenport (Jamie)James Cade (Dan)Analei Westwick (Donna)
Aine Thompson (Camilla)Did not voteAdorah Zumwalt (Kiersten)
Harper Alston (Ana)
Elliot Briar (Kris)
Harper Alston (Ana)Poppy Perkins (Kadi)
James Cade (Dan)
Adorah Zumwalt (Kiersten)
Professor Elvera Le fey (Mia)

James Cade (Dan)
Jamie 3
Mia 2
Donna 1
Kris 1
Also as noted at the start of the game, the Hypnotist visited me night 1. That means they know i’m not the wolf. Who hasn’t even glanced in my direction =))

BUT in the hypnotists eyes i could also be the second wolf I guess.. so who HAS been sort of semi looking my way? Donna and Jamie xD
ok not to be too about the mind games but wouldn't the hypnotist point right at you so people would lynch the wrong person instead of not glancing your way, if they knew you weren't a wolf?
ok not to be too about the mind games but wouldn't the hypnotist point right at you so people would lynch the wrong person instead of not glancing your way, if they knew you weren't a wolf?
I mean, that or they’re trying to figure out if i’m their secret friend

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