I mean you can claim to be a villager, in my understanding. Or is it a term only used for special roles?
Oh yeah, true true. I guess whoever claims villager too will help us pin point the last seer/fool although that might not be the best idea
I had a dream someone turned on me

It was all very suspicious.
So I know Daphne and Camilla might still be other roles, but if we’re focusing on who is a wolf, using Mias chart, here’s my thoughts on them:
Mia: Initially sus although I will say her long explanation yesterday did make sense. She tried to kill Teig the first night but wasn’t really around for that discussion. Then she voted for Donna and if they’re not on the same team, that points eyes at Donna.
Jamie: Jamie voted to save Teig on the basis of maths, then lynched Kadi. i’m not sure why Kadi thought because she’d not done anything. Second night she voted for Mia off my thoughts rather than her own. Now she’s being very aggressive and not looking at anyone except the most innocent. I’m growing more sus of Jamie as I write this out..
Kris: Kris didn’t want to vote for Teig, nor did she vote for Kiersten during my “strong” theory. Kris has always been sus of Jamie although honestly I can’t recall as to why so early on. Then Kris voted for Dan because of a lack of info he was giving which although I didn’t agree, also makes sense. There’s others that could help more. Kris is still one of the least sus in my eyes (although that much couldn’t be said about Kris in my dream

Donna: Donna was one of the least active at the beginning, potentially skating under the radar, which has been noted that previous games she’s been a wolf she’s done that before. When she did come to vote day 2 she joined the Mia bandwagon, and today she’s the first to continue to Mia bandwagon. If Donna and Mia are not on the same team.. makes me less sus of Mia.
Ana: Ana was agreeing it was silly to vote for Teig round 1. Instead she went to vote for Kadi and then changed to Dan when she realised Kadi was hinting about being a seer. Day 2, She also voted for Kiersten then Mia then Dan, but to me it doesn’t look sus that she keeps changing when she has more information. That’s being pointed out as a wolfie move but wouldn’t it also be villager move? Ana, if there any way you can put a gif up for each of these above people i’ve mentioned, to confirm who you’re most suspicious of? Let’s say, Office meme for Mia, Harry Potter gif for Jamie, Shrek for Kris, Schitts Creek for Donna

No relation with who has what but they’re each very distinguishable
I’m gonna do this for the Hypnotist too, however two of the five above have to be wolves. To me it’s clear it’s Donna, but also maybe Jamie?