Open Y47 Club Fair

Forrest had heard there was some kind of 'flower club' he wasn't sure on the details but he hoped it would be generally more nature focused rather than just flowers, so he headed to the club fair to check it out and found the table for the 'Wild Patch Club', he made a beeline for it. "I'd like to sign up,"

@Daria Bright-Root
At first, Rhea did not think that she could join one of the school clubs, but in the end, after talking with her sister, she decided to join one of the clubs and therefore went to the courtyard on the first floor, where all the leaders of the club had gathered. She had heard about Heta Omega and at first she wanted to sign up there as well, and then maybe in another club that would seem interesting, so that everyone was quite interesting, although on the other hand, applying to all of them in the first year would be crazy. Maybe in two or three at first. She walked over to Het Omega's table. "Hi! I wanted to apply to the Heta Omega club."she said, looking at the girl who was probably the manager of the club.

@Penelope Marshall
There seemed to be a lot going on in the club fair and one of the table that seemed to have the most interest was the brotherhood. As luck would have it, that was were Nox wanted to find himself. He headed over and spotted his brother who was in the process of signing up, as him. Nox chuckled and figured it was only fair to return the favour. “I’d like to sign up too, Lumos Walden-Cade,”

@Teddy Pirrip
Felix nodded to the older girl and added his name to the list, hoping it was the right choice to get involved in a club that specialised in casting spells. "Thank you," he added, before slipping away so that he didn't have to worry about his sister catching up to him.

@Savannah Walters
Arthur looked at the boy and gave a little nod, he looked around to see if he'd be talking to someone else but he had already nodded. "Yes please, I can make friends there right?" he asked, his voice was quiet, nervous. He didn't want to say it too loudly.
@Teddy Pirrip
Demi wasn't sure if students mostly not getting hurt was entirely convincing, but she followed the suit of other students and wrote her name down for the SDA too. In theory, it couldn't hurt, but she supposed she'd find that out for herself. She placed down the pen, turning in time to see @William Potter-Cade signing up too, and flashing him a smile before heading away to see what else was on offer.

@Savannah Walters
Kanako entered the courtyard, surprised at how many students were milling about. Her brother had told her about the club fair, and how joining clubs was a good way to engage with the rest of Hogwarts and not just her year. She knew one club she wanted to join - although she didn't particularly want to join since her brother was in it - but she also knew one where her brother wouldn't be. Kanako smirked. An easy means of escape, since they were forced to abide in the same common room.

She approached the Heta Omega stall, eyeing the chocolates curiously. She wondered if they were any good, or merely cheap ones intended to please what she considered the peasants (Kanako thought this despite not being nearly in a position to be called wealthy). Kanako was very picky about her sweets. She smiled at the older student. "Hi, can I sign up?" she inquired politely.

@Penelope Marshall
Kairi smiled at Daiki, and shook her head. "I haven't looked around too much yet, I just got here." She reached out, wanting to slip her hand into his. "Did you want to look around at anything?" She asked, looking around herself and spotting a few clubs that sounded like what they'd talked about- like the arts club and the wild patch club. @Daiki Saito
Sunday scribbled down her name, just to make sure she'd ensured her place without her brother there, and with a small smile to the girl running the club she left. @Savannah Walters
Vikram gave a small smile as he was motioned up, and slipped between the other students. He signed his name, then left and wandered over to the Brotherhood table. He didn't say much of anything, weaving amongst all the boys and signing his name on that sheet as well before turning and taking himself from the chaos of the hall. @Savannah Walters @Teddy Pirrip
As they were going around, Elio also put his name down for the student defence association. It would be a good place to work out stress he hoped.
@Savannah Walters
Daiki took her hand as she reached out to him and then glanced around at anything else, thinking back to what she'd said she wanted when they'd been in the common room. "I think there's a wild patch club, which is outdoors stuff," he said points towards it. "You said you wanted that, right?"
Daria had barely finishing hanging flowers when a boy approached her stand, and she fumbled nervously for the words. "Oh - um, it... we don't... do the same as-as class work, but... if you want to practice your... your general gardening skills, then... yes, it... it would probably help..." She stammered out, shame blossoming inside her. How was she supposed to be a leader when she could hardly even talk to these children? Before she could even really get hung up on the thought, the stall was swamped with children and Daria blinked around at them all, fighting against the sudden feeling of overwhelm. "Um, h-here..." She mumbled, pushing sign-up sheets at all of them.
@Elijah Edogawa @Hinata Edogawa @Ten Layton-King @Beatrice Grey @Forrest Kaster
The blonde enjoyed working in the greenhouse with her dad and perhaps something she looked forward too was working with magical creatures as well. She had spoken with June and her father and came to the conclusion that perhaps Wild Patch was something nice to join. Perhaps she would like it, but she was scared of joining a club. And had no clue actually what she was signing up too and had to do. So she made her way to the club fair and looked for the Wild Patch stand. She overheard some people in front of her and there was just an sheet to sign up. So Camille felt it was good, she didn't had to make an conversation that badly. So when it was her turn she smiled shy to the older girl and written her name down.
'' Thank.. you..'' she said figuring it was strange if she didn't said something at all. And an older girl would perhaps didn't have any interest in her or making conversation. But she did had to know where the club area was. '' Where.. is.. the club.. gathering?'' The blonde asked with her soft voice.

@Daria Bright-Root
Daria had hoped the worst of the rush was over, doing her best not to wince as yet another girl approached with a question. "Oh, um, there's a section of garden, near... near the greenhouses, we've got a space there..." She mumbled, shifting from foot to foot.
@Camille Carter
For a moment, Ten wasn't sure if she'd approached the right person when the girl seemed agitated at how many students were gathered around her table. A younger student asked her a question, meanwhile, Ten took the opportunity to sign up her name back up on the list she'd presented to them, just in case it had dropped off before. She didn't think she would have had any problems at all trying to lead a club if it came to it. She'd spent years bossing her brother around, how would that be any different from a bunch of other students? When she was finished she stood up straight, looking straight at Daria as she did so. "You're the Queen aren't you?" she asked, one hand flung out in front of her, "Amortentia Layton-King," she introduced herself, never breaking eye contact, "Royals know how to command a crowd," she finished, adding a smile on for good measure. She wasn't being judgmental by any means, but she did want to see her favorite club run by someone who at least looked like they knew what they were doing.

@Daria Bright-Root

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