plots glorious plots

Chloe Thompson

☆ '56 Grad ☆ Bubbly ☆ Macaws Chaser
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 14 1/2 Inch Flexible Larch Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
04/2038 (23)
Could I be responding to other PD's instead of creating my own? Yes. Will I be trying to respond to other PD's later? Yes. Am I still going to post this first because I always also like to hear other ideas? Also yes.

I'm just going to throw my students in here + a few chars I miss rp'ing with, but feel free to mention any of my other chars as well. Also noted down some simple things I'm looking for but any and all ideas are welcome.

Ivelisse Burleigh · 7th Year
Heta Omega, Slytherin Quidditch Team

Ivelisse is now in her seventh year and to be honest, she's more than ready to graduate and leave the entirety of Hogwarts behind. She's given up on trying to make friends and will make do with whatever few people she tolerates. A big part of her pride has made way for the feeling of never being good enough and if she doesn't make head girl she might just consider transferring all together.​

Looking for: anything interesting really, I just want her to do some more stuff before graduating. Possibly someone to go to one of the dances with so she won't have to attend them all alone during her last year. Any plots with teammates might be fun. Romance?

Kiara Thompson · 5th Year
Heta Omega, Wild Patch Club (co-pres)

I can't really imagine Kiara has somehow already made it to fifth year. With her brother now graduated it's just her and Elijah at the school, which means no older family members to fall back on. Something that makes her a little nervous but will hopefully help her deal with things on her own as well. That and her new found role as co-president of the Wild Patch have made her realize that perhaps things aren't all so scary and will help her grow more confident in her own skin.

Looking for: more friends. Interactions with existing friends. Possible romance/crushes/dates to dances whatever you can think of. Things that could help boost her confidence or others that might dent it again.

Senna Overby · 4th Year
Heta Omega

I love Senna and I have been neglecting her a bit so I'm keen to get back in the game with her. She's still as enthusiastic as ever but has been struggling over the break with her friendships back at home being damaged due to her keeping her distance; living in a different world and not being allowed to the truthful about it is difficult. Sen is also still fully into quidditch and might consider trying out for the team, but is also totally up to work out the idea of setting up a quidditch club.

Looking for: more friends! Quidditch (Club) threads. People she might not get along with? Anything you might want to throw her into.​

Chase Campbell · 3rd Year
Brotherhood, Hufflepuff Quidditch Team
Chase is my not so typical Hufflepuff which I'm still fully developing as we go but he's been fun so far. He's starting to slowly warm up to the idea of perhaps making a few more friends. He'd tell himself it's because that'd make his mom happy, but in reality he's realizing that perhaps not everyone is bad. It just takes some time because of his trust issues. He's also still trying to figure out what it means to be on a team and how he should feel about that.
Looking for: a (v small) number of people that he could possibly start to enjoy being around. Teammate plots could be interesting. Or anyone to completely break his trust again.

Eloise Aster · 2nd Year
Heta Omega, CAC
Eloise is.. a challenge to roleplay because I've given her so little to work with lol. That also makes it super interesting to try and develop her more though. She comes from an upper-class family, is well-mannered and will always think before she speaks because that's what she's been taught. However, being away from her parents for most of the year is very, very slowly starting to affect her and I'm keen to see how that'll develop over the year.

Looking for: some friends. Either kids from a similar background to her or those completely different. Ones that might make her question why she shouldn't hang out with them even if her parents wouldn't aprrove.

Chloë Thompson · 21
Macaws Chaser

I genuinely miss roleplaying with Chloë and want to do a little more with her. She's obviously been enjoying a good career so far by having a starter position on the Macaws team and I know she'd try her best to keep in touch with her friends. And yet she has probably failed at that a little bit due to their busy schedules.

Looking for: anything! Catching up with friends. Bonding with her current teammates. Any other quidditch related plots. Whatever you would want to put her in really.


Isaiah Thompson · 18
currently not doing a lot

Sooo Isaiah has obviously just graduated but I'd very much like to keep up with him. He's happy to have left Hogwarts behind, even if it pained him a little more than he had expected it to, and is now travelling along with Elara and her company. In his fear of going from being someone to being no one I reckon Zay will try his best to keep up with his friends and others he knew at school, but will also do everything in his power to make new friends while travelling with the circus.

Looking for: plots with current friends! New friends. Other things he could experience while travelling to different places. Anything fun (or not so fun).

Noah Webb · 17
Ilvermorny Quidditch Captain

I love Noah and I'm keen to get him into some more threads. He's currently heading into his last year at Ilvermorny after transferring to the school a few years ago. He has also somehow made it to captain during this last year yet isn't entirely sure why the previous captains have picked him. Still, he's more than keen to lead the team for the little time he has left at the school. He's not a bad guy and can be fun to be around but he also has a tendency of becoming bitter a little too quickly when something's not to his liking.

Looking for: a little more interaction. Could be teammates. Could be a pen pal in one way or another. Threads during the break. Anything.


Summer Irvine · 10

Going to be honest here and say I haven't done a lot of thinking about Summer here yet other than the fact that she's the oldest of four and will be sorted next year. She'll be a bit of a princess; loves attention and will try to be everyone's friend just so that they can adore her in return. Summer thrives on anything that's pink or glittery and that's pretty much the very, very basic idea there is of her so far.

Looking for: any interaction that can help me develop her a bit more before school!

Marijkeeeeee! I'll likely come back with some Ivelisse/Celia thoughts later, but for now, here are some ideas:

Chloë + Harper - I just love these two and want all the threads with them. Harper recently got accepted as a trainee auror, so they could go out and celebrate? (I think Chloë was the one who first gave Harper the idea of becoming an auror, so it could be a cute full circle moment). Or if you want something Quidditch related, Harper finally has a decent salary and could use advice on buying a broom. I think Harper could also just use adulting advice in general lol

Isaiah + Weston - Since they never got to do their seventh year party, what if they did a big graduation party (with Kaia and Elara and whoever else wants to join) instead? Not sure if Isaiah and Elara would hang out in NZ for a few days after graduation, but if they would, they could throw the party then?

Caden + Harper - He's not on your list, but I enjoyed their thread last year, and I feel like they would've become friends? Down to do more with them if you want (but also totally fine if you want to say they were just work acquaintances and stopped talking after she quit).
Marijke!!! I'm going to dumb basically everything I can think of and it might be way too much so feel free to just pick what you like!

Ivelisse x Caleb - Depending on how the head girl thing shakes out Caleb would gladly be a supporter or a hater, whatever she wants haha. I really enjoy their friendship and I'd like to do a bit more with them before graduation.

Senna x Leah - She would be down for a quidditch club. She love quidditch but also knows she's not a great player but she'd happily help in anyway she could. I also think they'd just get along haha.

Chase x Leah - I think it's quite funny how close these two are. I think Leah definitely considers him her best friend. I'd love for them to hang out some more. If we wanted some drama, either now or in the future, I could see Leah getting a little out of hand with her bossiness and maybe pushing him a bit too far at some point and him pushing back. And they could "fight" for a while??

Eloise x Leah - For someone with a similar background I have Leah who is from a fancy pureblood family but definitely doesn't act the type. If Eloise needs to get the hint to lighten up a bit Leah would gladly help.

Eloise x Santiago - I would love for these two to chat outside of a dance haha. His family isn't bad by any means but he probably had a more humble upbringing than she did. I could see him maybe being not the nicest about her "lack" of personality if we wanted to go in that direction and if anything I think he might want to push her a bit to figure her out.

Chloe x Nikko - Would love for some teammate time! For others as well. I like to think they hang out a bit already but could be fun to maybe have a post game celebration or something.

Summer x Elise - I think these two have met briefly once but I'd love for Elise to make a few friends before school. She's a bit of a odd ball but generally very kind, and it's always fun to match up younger kids to see if they click.

Think that's enough for now haha.
Marijkeee!! Hello!!

Senna and Josh ofc!! I love the chaotic duo and would love to do more with them! Josh would 10000% be keen with joining the quidditch club for sure!! Josh can also relate to her with the muggle side of friendships bc he too has been struggling with his muggle friends and they are distant as ever towards him. But YEAH!! I'm always keen with these two!!

For Kiara, I'm happy to offer Abby! I'm not totally sure what we could do, but I'm happy to do some threads between these two as well!
Hiiii Marijke!

For bad influence friend for Eloise, I can offer Ruby! She's not the worst bad influence friend, but definitely someone that her parents wouldn't like if they met her! Haha
Hi Marijke!

For Kiara, I can offer Isadora to return to their friendship. Isadora is back at Hogwarts after a year away and is eager to see everyone again.

I also think Ezra is determined to befriend Chase, so maybe we can have him trying again :r
cracks knuckles
Let's see what we have here.
  • For Kiara: There's Monday, so possible interactions there. Romance is probably out of the question since he doesn't feel anything like that yet (late late bloomer I guess) but he is changing his style to more alternative?
  • For Senna: I think once we tossed around the idea of her not getting along with Chaos II so there's that idea.
  • For Eloise: Someone closes in her social class would be Loki. If anyone would tell her not to associate with the lower class, honestly, it would be him. He's as proud as they come (his dad is Styx so...)
  • For Chloe: I offer Apollo who plays on the other NZ team for Quidditch related plots. He is a beater so she might have been targeted by him a few times. He is a funny, flirty guy because trauma.
  • For Summer: I can offer Osiris Vale, who will be sorted next year. He is Astraea's little brother, and well, he likes to make things go boom. Anything princess-related will annoy him to bits. You know, if you want her to have an enemy going into the school next year.
I figured I have some to offer and you can choose what you like best, if any at all!
General disclaimer: I've responded to everything so the picking & choosing can be collaborative :p

Marijkeeeeee! I'll likely come back with some Ivelisse/Celia thoughts later, but for now, here are some ideas:

Pls Celia let my girl have some peace but also yes Ana give me the plots to ruin her year

Chloë + Harper: omg Chloë would be so proud!! Definitely should do that.

Zay + Wes: I was honestly thinking the same thing so I'll get a little group PM going about that.

Caden + Harper: I for sure think they would be friends by now and (since he put little effort into making actual friends since being in nz) reckon he would certainly honour that so totally up for doing more with them

Marijke!!! I'm going to dumb basically everything I can think of and it might be way too much so feel free to just pick what you like!

Aaaaaah so many!!

Ivelisse x Caleb: YES. That's it. Just yes pls.

Senna x Leah: if Sen & the others actually get to setting up the club this year I'll let you know! I feel like that could be a solid meeting point for them (and agree they'd probably get along)

Chase x Leah: my boy might not admit it but I don't think he'd be able to do without Leah so yes to more of them!! Also drama in the future yes pls let's give them some trouble later on

Eloise x Leah: this might be v good at her a little bit further in the future (probs next year?) when she's truly starting to doubt how things should go

Eloise x Santiago: yesssssssss.

Chloë x Nikko: totally up for a game win celebration. We could have them host and then invite their team? (and if no one shows up we could just turn it into them inviting other friends as well)

Summer x Elise: agreed! Always happy to throw unsorted kids together.

Marijkeee!! Hello!!

Sen x Josh: always ready for these bbies. Also totally up for them having a somewhat more serious conversation regarding their friends back home, I think it'd be fun to have them interact in a different way than just the usual energetic idiot stuff they do.

Kiara x Abby: yes! I'll message you about this later, I'm sure we can think of something hahahaha

Hiiii Marijke!
Helllooo. Oooh yes that would be fun! Been very eager to see what Ruby is like.

Hi Marijke!

Kiara x Isadora: she would be more than happy to see Isadora again! Also just the thought of her leaving, coming back and then still wanting to be her friend could be very good for Kiara's confidence
Chase x Ezra: for sure! Keen to see how he goes :teehee:

cracks knuckles
Let's see what we have here.
  • For Kiara: There's Monday, so possible interactions there. Romance is probably out of the question since he doesn't feel anything like that yet (late late bloomer I guess) but he is changing his style to more alternative?
  • For Senna: I think once we tossed around the idea of her not getting along with Chaos II so there's that idea.
  • For Eloise: Someone closes in her social class would be Loki. If anyone would tell her not to associate with the lower class, honestly, it would be him. He's as proud as they come (his dad is Styx so...)
  • For Chloe: I offer Apollo who plays on the other NZ team for Quidditch related plots. He is a beater so she might have been targeted by him a few times. He is a funny, flirty guy because trauma.
  • For Summer: I can offer Osiris Vale, who will be sorted next year. He is Astraea's little brother, and well, he likes to make things go boom. Anything princess-related will annoy him to bits. You know, if you want her to have an enemy going into the school next year.
I figured I have some to offer and you can choose what you like best, if any at all!

Kiara x Monday: I think these two would be interesting to put together, see if there could be a friendship of sorts?

Senna x Chaos II: completely forgot about that, could still be a thing yes!

Eloise x Loki: I think this would be good for her development because she could have a little devil/angel on her shoulder situation going

Chloe x Apollo: we could definitely do like a post-game thread with them or something?

Summer x Osiris: ooooooh that might be fun! It'd be interesting to see how she reacts to him
Pls Celia let my girl have some peace but also yes Ana give me the plots to ruin her year

Chloë + Harper: omg Chloë would be so proud!! Definitely should do that.

Zay + Wes: I was honestly thinking the same thing so I'll get a little group PM going about that.

Caden + Harper: I for sure think they would be friends by now and (since he put little effort into making actual friends since being in nz) reckon he would certainly honour that so totally up for doing more with them
Lol Celia is always down to ruin Ivelisse's year :r

I will keep an eye out for the Zay/Wes group PM! In the meantime, want to start with Chloë/Harper? Can also do Caden/Harper now if you'd like! She could visit him at the bar he works at (assuming he's still there) or they could hang out really anywhere
Kiara x Monday: I think these two would be interesting to put together, see if there could be a friendship of sorts?

Senna x Chaos II: completely forgot about that, could still be a thing yes!

Eloise x Loki: I think this would be good for her development because she could have a little devil/angel on her shoulder situation going

Chloe x Apollo: we could definitely do like a post-game thread with them or something?

Summer x Osiris: ooooooh that might be fun! It'd be interesting to see how she reacts to him
I'm in a mood where I want to have everything, so if you cannot handle having that many RPs, let me know otherwise I will put all of these on my list and start them. xD
I also literally cannot choose cause they all seem so good.

Kiara x Isadora: she would be more than happy to see Isadora again! Also just the thought of her leaving, coming back and then still wanting to be her friend could be very good for Kiara's confidence
Chase x Ezra: for sure! Keen to see how he goes :teehee:
Should we both start one? Any preference?
Lol Celia is always down to ruin Ivelisse's year :r

I will keep an eye out for the Zay/Wes group PM! In the meantime, want to start with Chloë/Harper? Can also do Caden/Harper now if you'd like! She could visit him at the bar he works at (assuming he's still there) or they could hang out really anywhere

Both of those sounds good! I might take a little extra time to respond at first because it's a busy month and I'll be away during the first week of June but definitely up for both! You pick one and I can do the other?

I'm in a mood where I want to have everything, so if you cannot handle having that many RPs, let me know otherwise I will put all of these on my list and start them. xD
I also literally cannot choose cause they all seem so good.
Ooooooh, don't think I'm ready for everything at once so I'mma pick and choose. :teehee: Kiara x Monday, Eloise x Loki and Summer x Osiris to start off with?

Should we both start one? Any preference?
Sounds like a plan! No preference here so feel free to pick either one and I'll get the other.

Both of those sounds good! I might take a little extra time to respond at first because it's a busy month and I'll be away during the first week of June but definitely up for both! You pick one and I can do the other?
Totally fine if you take extra time to respond! I can start Caden/Harper at the bar if you want to start Chloë/Harper?
Ooooooh, don't think I'm ready for everything at once so I'mma pick and choose. :teehee: Kiara x Monday, Eloise x Loki and Summer x Osiris to start off with?
That's why I should never decide xD
I can put all of them on my list! I am knocking them out because I am sticking to single paragraphs.
A big part of her pride has made way for the feeling of never being good enough and if she doesn't make head girl she might just consider transferring all together.
Wholesome thread idea: Celia and Ivelisse put aside their differences so that Celia can help Ivelisse fill out her transfer paperwork ^_^

In all seriousness, I think Celia would be awful about her new badge and definitely try to use it to make Ivelisse feel inadequate. So if you want an awful first night thread, there's an option.
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Sen x Josh: always ready for these bbies. Also totally up for them having a somewhat more serious conversation regarding their friends back home, I think it'd be fun to have them interact in a different way than just the usual energetic idiot stuff they do.

Kiara x Abby: yes! I'll message you about this later, I'm sure we can think of something hahahaha
Senna x Josh - Yessss I think a somewhat serious conversation/thread would be interesting, as I don't think we've really had a serious sorta thread between the two - So I'd defs be keen for something like that!!

Kiara x Abby - Sweet! And yessss I'm sure we can figure something out
Wholesome thread idea: Celia and Ivelisse put aside their differences so that Celia can help Ivelisse fill out her transfer paperwork ^_^ In all seriousness, I think Celia would be awful about her new badge and definitely try to use it to make Ivelisse feel inadequate. So if you want an awful first night thread, there's an option.

Pls I feel like Ive would be seriously considering transferring lol
But what if we make it like.. an open thread? :teehee: Could be in like the common room or great hall or whatever, just think it might be fun to give others the opportunity to jump in?

Senna x Josh - Yessss I think a somewhat serious conversation/thread would be interesting, as I don't think we've really had a serious sorta thread between the two - So I'd defs be keen for something like that!!

Kiara x Abby - Sweet! And yessss I'm sure we can figure something out
Yasss! Would you want to start something or should I?
Pls I feel like Ive would be seriously considering transferring lol
But what if we make it like.. an open thread? :teehee: Could be in like the common room or great hall or whatever, just think it might be fun to give others the opportunity to jump in?
I think Celia's a little less likely to be really terrible to Ivelisse if she knows she has an audience. She's definitely the type to try and isolate her victims

But... what if we did an open thread on the first night when the Slytherin prefects are leading the first years down to the common room? Celia would definitely assert her authority over Ivelisse/the other prefects by ordering them around and making comments to the first years about how she's head girl and in charge of the prefects so if any first years have issues with Ivelisse, they're welcome to complain to her
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Totally fine if you take extra time to respond! I can start Caden/Harper at the bar if you want to start Chloë/Harper?
Apparently I missed this but yeah that's good!

I think Celia's a little less likely to be really terrible to Ivelisse if she knows she has an audience. She's definitely the type to try and isolate her victims

But... what if we did an open thread on the first night when the Slytherin prefects are leading the first years down to the common room? Celia would definitely assert her authority over Ivelisse/the other prefects by ordering them around and making comments to the first years about how she's head girl and in charge of the prefects so if any first years have issues with Ivelisse, they're welcome to complain to her
Also very fair. I think that would be fun :teehee:
Basquiat x Senna: Bas loves flying and quidditch but seeing as he's homeschooled he isn't on any team so maybe during a break or something they meet and discuss quidditch and root for opposing teams or maybe they decide to have a race or something because Bas is kinda lonely and needs friends.
Basquiat x Kiara: Okay so fun fact about Bas is that he's a budding Yung Gravy (iykyk) so I'd imagine if these two met he'd probably be into her. Now he's a year younger so whether it's reciprocated or not is fully up to you but I think he'd like her vibes. He's pretty confident so he'd probably tease her and flirt with her saying that he's confident enough for the both of them because he can be a bit vain but also fully gas her up.
Zora x Summer: Outside of the fact that I'm going to be using Zendaya as Zora's face claim these two should definitely be friends. Summer is a touch girlier than Zora is but I think they'd get along because Zora's primary love language is gift giving and because she lovesss gardening, I'd imagine she'd gift her pretty pink flowers and maybe Summer would do her makeup and what have you during events when they get to school and before that they'd just play and have fun?
Also very fair. I think that would be fun :teehee:
We might have to godmod some NPC first years because there are like no Slytherins. But it'd be fun if some joined. It'll be like the annual first years tour... except much worse xD I'll write up a potential starter and PM you!
me: behind on threads, still have 1 assignment to finish
also me: set up more though

Okay I don't have a whole lot to offer and you don't have to take anything buuuut:

1. Dahlia is totally down for quidditch stuff with Senna, she's tried out for the team but if she does make it for whatever reason she's absolutely not getting anything more than an alt spot. That and I think she thinks Senna's pretty cool and rather than dealing with dramatic boys she should dedicate more time to hanging with cool Gryffindor girls. Not sure if anything specific there just a 'yes Quidditch club', lol; and

2. Although he's a bit hard to write as well, maybe Oz could talk to Eloise? He's probably exactly not the type of person she's 'supposed' to hang around (i.e. he's a part-goblin and from a middle class mercantile background) but he's perfectly polite (if a little quiet) unless provoked. They've probably got a passing familiarity from classes - he does kind of stand out for how short he is - but I doubt they would have really interacted. Not really sure what they could do but y'know.

That's about all I have off the top of my head for now!

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