Ainsley Lynch

🌼head in the clouds🌼6'3"🌼 🪄ollivanders🪄
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Amber ) ( Pansexual
Knotted 12 Inch Flexible Pine Wand with Fwooper Feather Core and 6'5" Sturdy Carved Walnut Staff With Phoenix Tail Feather Core
3/2030 (31)
[sticks one hand out from under a pile of threads] i want... new plots.... 2.......


I'm gonna preface this by saying I'm not the quickest to reply, I have a bad habit of taking on way too many threads at once and taking a while to get to stuff. Feel free to @ me if I miss something for wwway too long, but I'm trying to be realistic about both my RP speed and. how many plots I can realistically agree to this time around :p

Anyway here's all of my Hogwarts based characters in a cool table for your plotting pleasure. Feel free to suggest stuff for my non-Hogwarts characters too, but I am NOT making a table that big


Nell Wright
Ravenclaw 7th Year • HM Editor
no free time only stress no feelings only stress

Clifton Ward
Hufflepuff 7th Year • Accio Photographer

open mouth, insert foot

Blake Irons
Slytherin 7th Year • Quidditch Captain
love and kindness are good things actually?
Nell spent all of sixth year trying to smooch away a broken heart, and she wound up with feelings for a new person, and not having gotten rid of the old feelings. Basically, she's a mess, and looking for absolutely any distractions she can find. The Nell Wright Kissfest of Y37 is officially over, but she could definitely use some friends to shake some sense into her.​
Clifton is another one who needs sense shaken into him. He's been doing relatively well after a shaky start to the last year, but the repercussions of how badly he messed up with Lily still haven't totally caught up with him. He's got a messy year planned ahead, and mostly just needs friends who will be gentle with him, but not put up with any nonsense.​
Blake is in a pretty fragile place right now, unsurprisingly. He doesn't regret choosing love over his family, but he's got a lot of baggage he's only now beginning to really examine, and it's going to take a lot of unpacking. He pretty desperately needs friends who aren't tyler to help him figure out who he is without his father's influence, and help him figure out how to be Nice.​

Connor Holland
Hufflepuff 5th Year • Buff Beater

pls stop pushing this very nice boy
Connor had a ROUGH year and he is NOT having any of anyone's guff this year. He is GUFFLESS he has NO TOLERANCE FOR GUFF. He really urgently needs some friends who didn't buy Nicole's lies about him and Eric, which.... probably means people from other years, unfortunately. Would also be down for any kind of drama with his own classmates, bring it alllll. Could also possibly discuss romance plans with boys from years 4-6, but I have a handful of things on the cards already.​

Finn Madison
Ravenclaw 4th Year • Weirdo Artist
[pigeon meme] is this a fully fleshed out character?
FINN NEEDS PLOTS DEAR GOD GIVE THIS BOY SOMETHING TO DO. I've really badly neglected Finn, and I'm hoping to devote a lot more time to him this IC year. He's a sweet weird art boy who likes the paranormal and collects pretty crystals like what more do you even want?????? Friends, enemies, bullies, romance (boys years 3-5 only) I am down for whatevs pls plots pl s​

Hester MacGillivray
Gryffindor 3rd Year • Ray of Sunshine

ok but the sun is rly hot tho that would hurt
Hester is an absolute scamp and a rascal and a delight and she always needs more to do. I would be really keen for her to connect more with her roommates, for better or worse. (So far all I really know is that she likes Blue and hates Seraphina and Ivy, and there are so many interesting chars in that group I would lllLLLlove her to meet.) Also always down for enemies if anyone has ideas, and romance is.... posssssibly on the table, but I kind of like the idea of her being a late bloomer, so we'd have to chat about the dynamic.​

Jenna Irons
Slytherin 2nd Year • Aspiring Queen Bee
mean girls was a how-to guide right?

Maggi Watties
Gryffindor 2nd Year • Broadway Dreamin'
bop bop bop bop to the top
Jenna needs henchpeople FRIENDS SO BADLY. Her first year at Hogwarts was awful, and she really isn't in the place she hoped she would be. Do you like bullying???? Do you like fashion??? Do you like horses????????? if your answer to any of the above was yes please direct all applications to Jenna Irons @ some room full of losers ew in Slytherin House. Also definitely down for her to fight and/or bully some folks so hmu​
Maggi also didn't really have a good time her first year at Hogwarts, and I'm really eager to flesh her out a bit more. She's sort of resigned to being stuck here now and hoping to make the best of it while she can. Friends would be rad, possibly enemies though she's pretty easygoing most of the time. Any performing arts-ey people especially welcome cause Maggi is DESPERATE for the stage and it is bumming her right out​

Manaia Te Rangi
Hufflepuff 1st Year • Mean As Muso

bruh chill out lets jam about it
Manaia is my newest boy fresh out the boy factory. He's Kahurangi's oldest nibling, and very excited to finally be at Hogwarts. He's generally a pretty chill, enthusiastic guy who enjoys life and doesn't like to worry too much about the small stuff. Big ol muso if you wanna jam with him, already affiliated with the dudebro band \m/ I'm down for any kinda plots with him, I have some thoughts about his character trajectory in future but for now I just wanna see where he fits in and get him out there.​

~Professor Kahurangi Josephs
Ancient Runes Yr 5-7 • Ravenclaw Head of House

expecting to be expecting

Maria Madison
HNZ School Counsellor • Mum of 4

maria is FINE with her rapidly emptying nest shes FINE
Kahurangi is having a big year. She's wanted to be a mother for her entire adult life, and that dream is finally coming true. She's going to be pregnant for most of this IC year (spoilers!) and I'd be super down for any plots relating to that, if colleagues have words of wisdom or supportive gestures to offer. Also as always; Ravenclaws, this is your Head of House! I literally always am down for plots with Ravenclaws, so feel free to drop into her office any time for kōrero.​
As it says above, Maria is the school counsellor, and her office door is open to any and all students with problems they'd like to discuss! PD aside you can PM me any time about Maria (or Kahurangi) and I will be super down for plots with students. IN terms of her own life, Maria's down to one child left at Hogwarts, and the empty nest is really starting to hit her. She could use some friends reminding her how to actually have her own life, after so long being focused on motherhood.​

PHEW that's the lot!! As I said earlier I'm trying (ha) to be realistic about how many plots I take on so I may be a tiny bit picky but pls suggest everything and I will be down to at least chat
Okay Rowan Rowan Rowan Rowan.
I should be waiting until I get back from my walk to Ost this or I will miss sunset. but that is okay.
For Connor I have Linden. he is in the year below. but Lin does tend to hang out with the fourth fifth years a fair bit. I have seen them being good friends for a while. potentially we could talk about something else further along the line but at the moment Lin is happy with Connors dorm mate Alexei.
Lin would also be good for Finn They are in the same year they could be friends again potential more in the future as above (minus the dorm mate)
Fin may also get on okay with Selene if you fancy more an older role model/big sister kind of person. just a thought
Maria and Elvera. elvera will at the end of the year be in a school without her girls. so they will be in asimilar situation. if they ever want to have a chat, in the great hall, grounds, wherever.
Elvera and Kahurangi . that is all I am going to say take from that what ever idea you want.
Kahurangi and Rhiannon: she is my healer and specialises in Obstetrics and neonatal. so she is there if you fancy RP'ing anything in that direction.

anyway I had better head off or I will miss sunset. I probably will anyway as it is only ten minutes away and where I like watching it from is longer than that

Connor & Linden: I am DEFINITELY down for these two to hang more, I'd imagine they'd know each other relatively well from Quidditch, so there's plenty of basis there to build on! Would definitely be open to a relationship too, depending how things go! connor gradually dates his way around every quidditch team

Finn & Linden: Also definitely keen to throw em together and see how things go! I think they could have a very interesting dynamic & it would be fun to explore!

Finn & Selene: I WOULD BE SUPER DEFINITELY EXTREMELY KEEN FOR THIS YESSSSSSS Cool Psychic Mentor Selene is like. the dream absolutely love this

Maria & Elvera: Oooh this is interesting. It might be nice for them to talk towards the end of the year maybe around grad? Maria's got a few years left before Finn graduates but she's watched enough of her kids graduate now that she knows where Elvera's at & they can connect over emptying nests.

Kahurangi & Elvera: so bank heist?????? (jk i am always down for them to chat)

Kahurangi & Rhiannon: Yessss i would absolutely love to RP some of the like. medical side of Kahurangi's pregnancy! She's on the older side to be having a baby so she would probably need some additional monitoring (i need to do research oops) & it would be very fun to RP that!!
needs some friends who didn't buy Nicole's lies about him and Eric, which.... probably means people from other years, unfortunately.
So I kinda jumped into a thread with this character (Connor) And I don't mind if maybe you want to make him like a mentor or something for Alexis because I do want her to be more open and I was thinking he could help with like pointers.

And I already have a thread with Hester so we can keep that friendship.
Connor & Linden: sounds great. I forgot that they were both on the team, so they obviously know each other and I guess they are friends. maybe hanging off the pitch would be good as I can't really see how a beater and keeper would generally train together drill wise other than broom skills. maybe they could get talking in the locker room after a training session or try outs.

Finn & Linden: it would definatly be interesting but maybe we should hold off on it until after Connor and fin and fin and selene (Which leads us to)

Finn & Selene: This would be fun I think the common room would make sense, do you want t start or do you want me to?

Maria & Elvera: sounds good. and a good one to leave for a while too which saves overloading.

Kahurangi & Elvera: I am looking forward to it. Is Kahurangi supplying the ski masks? why dis my brain suddenly go to the halloween feast?

Kahurangi & Rhiannon: That would be fun. and to add to it Rhiannon and Tybalt are also currently trying fo a baby which means that she would possibly be going through pregnancy at a similar time so if they got on they could go on play dates too.
Hi Rowan!!

I have some thoughts which you are free to take or leave.

Hester and Harper - I love roommate plots, so I'd definitely be happy to do something with the two of them. Harper's fun-loving, adventurous and easy-going. She enjoys muggle sports of all kinds and can usually be found outside or on the Gryffindor trampoline. Based on their very brief interaction at the dorm decorating disaster, I think she generally likes Hester (she generally likes everyone except Ivy). I'm down for anything with the two of them.

Jenna and Celia - Celia likes fashion and passive-aggressive, snarky remarks (so bullying, kind of??). She is currently going through A Thing (she is trying to get expelled/transfer out of Hogwarts so she can return to her normal life), but after she calms down a bit, she's going to need friends to gossip with. I've always imagined her friendships to be very close but very tumultuous, but we can figure something else out for the two of them. In general, she is sociable and ambitious and very much ruled by her emotions.

And then I'm offering Weston up in case you think he fits any of your plot needs. He's eager, gullible, a bit too enthusiastic, and very willing to be friends with anyone and everyone. He does really enjoy music, so he could get along with Maggi or Manaia? If you want plots for Finn, Weston would be happy to bug him and ask him awkward (and probably kind of rude) questions about his weird art hobbies. Or Jenna could bully him since he ruined their blind date, and he's just awkward in general. Someday, if I ever finish my plots in a timely manner, I might make him go to Kahurangi to deal with his whole I'm-bad-at-academics-so-I'm-a-terrible-Ravenclaw complex.
Hi Rowan, it’s nice to meet you!

Manaia seems like someone Jaewon could get along with 🤭 Jaewon is overall a pleasant and sincere person to be around. He’s never been out of Asia, and being a muggleborn, school and anything magical can be overwhelming for him.

Seeing that Manaia is the oldest child in his family, is he the brotherly type? He could be someone Jaewon leans to for moral support and be encouraged by. Someone Jaewon can talk to when he feels overwhelmed by his magical surroundings. Since Manaia is a pretty chill person and doesn’t worry too much, I think he may help Jaewon deal with his feelings.
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Hey Rowan!!

I would like to offer you a few characters!

I would like to offer Valencia for Maggi again! I liked thier interaction, and I would love to do something between them again! Valencia isn't really a performy type, but she would be up for learning a few things about performing. Maybe learn some choreography or something!

Its been a while, but i would also like to offer Quinn to Kahurangi. I don't specifically have any ideas between the two, but I'm honestly up for anything!

I've got Nolan, my first year, as you know, who is part of the dudebro band (which I'm excited about tbh!) I could offer him to either Maggi or Manaia!

I randomly just came up with this, but if you're interested I could offer Samantha to Connor if ever needs some sort of guidance (Or her brother, Issac if he just wanted to do some quidditch or anything)

Let me know what you think! (This a bit more than a few! lol)

Aaah thank you guys for all the replies :wub:

@Alexis Rodes King

Connor & Alexis: I'd definitely be keen for Connor to be a mentor to Alexis, if you're looking for one! I think he'd have a hard time seeing himself as any kind of leader/mentor/role model but it's a direction I'd love to develop him in!

Hester & Alexis: Yess definitely keen to see where their friendship goes!!

@Professor Elvera Le Fey

Connor & Linden: Locker room chats is a really good idea, I'm definitely down for that! We could start something once the quidge season is underway & see how it goes?

Finn & Linden: Agree, will sit on this idea for now!

Finn & Selene: You started our last thread, so I think it's my turn! I'll put it on my to-do list for my next round of replies if that's cool?

Maria & Elvera: Agreed, will try not to forget about this idea come next grad :p

Kahurangi & Elvera: just two professors robbin a bank on Halloween nothing to see here :r (ok in seriousness I am percolating a non-heist idea which I'll PM you about later :r )

Kahurangi & Rhiannon: Yeeees absolutely love that! I'll drop you a message once she's Officially Pregnant and we can talk more about threads then?

@Harper Alston

Hester & Harper: I AM EXTREMELY KEEN FOR THIS DUO YES HELLO!! I think Hester would really appreciate having someone sporty to be Rambunctuous with, she did karate & pipe band back home and she's not really gotten much physical exercise at Hogwarts. Super down for them to do rowdy sportsy stuff together (and anyone who dislikes Ivy is a bonus in Hester's eyes :p )

Jenna & Celia: This isssss very interesting and I'm extremely keen to explore the two of them and see how their dynamic could work out!! I've always pictured Jenna having the kind of friendships that are simultaneously very intense and close but do either of them actually like each other as people??? barely if that. so I feel like they could be very interesting together. Super super keen to play with this dynamic and see how it unfolds!

Weston is a sweetheart and I would love to RP with him again and make up for him having to go to the dance with Jenna.... I think any of the plots you suggested could be fun to explore, shall we pick one for now & make a note of the others for future? And yesss to chats with Kahurangi, he is welcome in her office any time!

@Jaewon Shin

Nice to meet you too, Seongjun!! Welcome to HNZ :D

Manaia & Jaewon: You've definitely hit the nail on the head when it comes to Manaia being the older brother type, he's very protective of his friends and likes to take charge a bit. He'd definitely love to help Jaewon out with his struggles in his new home, I think they could make good friends ^_^

(Also unrelatedly yesss as a guy who embroiders and crochets myself yesss male characters who like fiber crafts yessssssssssssss)

@Samantha Jacobs

Maggi & Valencia: I would definitely be keen to RP them again! I enjoyed their last thread too and it'd be nice for them to get closer! I think Maggi would be very keen to try and teach Valencia some choreography for better or worse, so that could definitely be a fun adventure!!

Kahurangi & Quinn: Yesss I am always keen for these two! I'm percolating a bit of an idea I'll PM you about a bit later if that's cool?

Manaia & Nolan: Defo keen for these two to be good buds, shall we see how their current threads play out and then plan some more?

Connor & Samantha: I think Connor would really benefit from a mentor this year so that would be amazing!! He's having a rough time of it and school is about to get so much harder with OWLs coming up and a bit of guidance from someone older who isn't eric would go a long way. Definitely definitely keen!
Connor & Alexis: I'd definitely be keen for Connor to be a mentor to Alexis, if you're looking for one! I think he'd have a hard time seeing himself as any kind of leader/mentor/role model but it's a direction I'd love to develop him in!
It will be a learning/developing experience for both characters!
You knew I would come, lol.

Jasper x Clifton: Hear me out. No nonsense Jasper, serious boy thats going to take over the family business. But boy needs friends.

Blake x Lily: I still want this one. He's dating her Lars. Lily is soft and sweet. Yes, Blake has a reputation and the rest of Lars friends are upset/worried. Lily, well, she has never spoken to Blake. And Lily trusts Lars' judgement and Jasper over the rumors about Blake's reputation.

Connor x ...someone, lol: Now I just like Connor, lol, but I'm not sure what exactly what you would want. Lucas is an Ilvermony student. They could be pen pals. Or he and Rose could be friends, she struggles with anger issues but doesn't really have any friends. She's in the same year, but did openly side with Connor and Eric.

Finn x Casper: Casper needs friends, he's pretty alone. Or at least, he feels alone. He's an artsy boy that could use some friends.

Hester x Aubrey: Aubrey is her roommate, I think. She's acting tough, but she's very soft. They could have an interesting dynamic.

Jenna x Charlie: You mentioned something about bullies? I have a soft boy here that needs bullied.

Manaia x Charlie: Also roommate besties would be nice.

Kahurangi/Maria: Professor Mallory Corrins is new and would love to have some friends.
Maggi & Valencia: I would definitely be keen to RP them again! I enjoyed their last thread too and it'd be nice for them to get closer! I think Maggi would be very keen to try and teach Valencia some choreography for better or worse, so that could definitely be a fun adventure!!

Kahurangi & Quinn: Yesss I am always keen for these two! I'm percolating a bit of an idea I'll PM you about a bit later if that's cool?

Manaia & Nolan: Defo keen for these two to be good buds, shall we see how their current threads play out and then plan some more?

Connor & Samantha: I think Connor would really benefit from a mentor this year so that would be amazing!! He's having a rough time of it and school is about to get so much harder with OWLs coming up and a bit of guidance from someone older who isn't eric would go a long way. Definitely definitely keen!
Maggi + Valencia - Yesss! Valencia will probably be confused with it at first, as well as maybe messing it up the first few times, but I'm sure she'll somehow get the hang of it... maybe? haha but yes! defiantly a fun adventure!

Kahurangi + Quinn - That's cool with me! :D

Manaia + Nolan - That's also cool with me! :D

Connor + Samantha - I think Samantha would be happy to give a bit of guidance to Connor! I think it would give her a bit of a learning experience, even may develop her a bit more!

Happy Season 9 GIF by The Office

I have ideassss.

Adorah & Nell - I think Adorah and Nell should be better friends! Especially now that she's joined HM. We could do something in there and maybe have them open up more?

Blake & Juniper - I don't know why this idea came to my head, but I'm wondering how well these two would get along. Juniper doesn't put up with nonsense, so she could be someone to help is his quest to be nice (although she can be mean, too...) Idk. Just an idea!

Michael and Connor - I'm gonna message you about this idea :r

Juniper and Finn - Juniper is really into divination so I could see them potentially bonding on that (and that they're both Ravenclaws).

Jenna and Seraphina - Umm, just yes. We must continue their friendship (is it a friendship? I'm not sure :lol)

Maggi and Elara - Also, I like their friendship.

Kahurangi and Siobhan - I would love to do have them run into each other again!

Maria and Giovanna or Finola - I think Siobhan has met Maria a while back, but since Maria's children are leaving, maybe Finola McGowan (Siobhan's younger sister, single, nurse, pretty upbeat) could be a friend? There's also the possibility of Giovanna My (Seraphina's mom. She's a terrible person but doesn't let her kids get in the way of living life so there could be something there). Depends on what way you want to go.
@Ainsley Lynch

Thank you Rowan!

I think so too, they could have dorm parties at night. I feel like Manaia could comfort Jaewon whenever he's feeling homesick. And Jaewon would even crochet a scarf or some sort of bag for any musical instrument because he's grateful! I actually imagine curious Jaewon asking Manaia if he could borrow his wand, so he could test if he could crochet using both wands =))

[ High-5! I've never learned crochet but I really want to, it's definitely on my to-do list. I know embroidery though! So I'm excited for Jaewon to also love these activities! ]
Hey, don't have a whole lot to offer but what about Connor and Minnie as friends, maybe she can "help" him with OWLs or something, i think she'd realise who he is but never draw attention to fact she gets along with his brother (unless connor already knows about that)
Can also offer Ajax as a friend for Connor? He's kinda on the other side with Nicole, but he's also not like vocal about it and is otherwise just happily chilling out.

Possible also we could do some Jenna Irons and Liusaidh? Liusaidh is not really a "mean girl" but she is loud, wild and all about being centre stage so could work as like frenemy or something i dunno.

Let me know if you'd be interested in exploring any of this.
@Jordan Harris

Clifton & Jasper: Hmmm, we would have to see. Clifton is All Nonsense, so I don't know if your Jasper would like him very much :p We can throw them together and see what happens though?

Blake & Lily: We've already talked about this, but Blake is not going to like or trust Lily at all :p He's fully braced for all of Lars' friends to hate him, and will probably think she's trying to get his guard down so she can catch him out somehow, or that she's lying about being Lars' friend. Either way, he's not going to be a fan.

Connor & Rose: Hmmmm, we could try them, but Connor already has a lot of people with anger issues in his life, I think he's trying to seek out calmer friends these days.

Finn & Casper: What's Casper like other than artsy? Would be keen to try them together and see what happens.

Hester & Aubrey: Definitely keen for these two yesssssssssssssssssss I think they would make good friends

Jenna & Charlie: Jenna's specialty is bullying girls, but she could maybe make an exception. What's Charlie like?

Manaia & Charlie: Aw yessss roomie friends definitely keen

Maria & Mallory: I think Maria would be a better match for Mallory personalitywise than Kahurangi, would defs be keen for them to be friends!

@Samantha Jacobs

That all sounds great!! Could you start for Valencia & Maggi & I start for Connor & Samantha? I have a starter idea :V

@Adorah Zumwalt

Nell & Adorah: Ohhhh yesssssssssss I would absolutely love for these two to be friends!! Shall we do something once HM is up and running for the year? (Nell could help Adorah with an article maybe?? Something like that?

Blake & Juniper: This is interesting ahaha I wouldn't have put them together but I am intrigued......... Did you have any ideas for how they could meet?

Finn & Juniper: Yesssss definitely definitely keen for more divination friends for Finn!!

Jenna & Seraphina: yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss i love their whatever it is so much I am always keen for more ahaha

Maggi & Elara: Also very keen for more of them! I think Maggi's made up her mind to pick Elara's brain for acrobatics/gymnastics help as much as possible because it's a performing arts area she has no experience in and like. the only thing she can really learn at Hogwarts ahaha so she may be a bit glued to Elara for guidance :r

Maria & Finola: I think Finola would be a better match personality-wise (though if you want someone to shake some parenting advice into Giovanna Maria is available :p) Would defs be keen for these two to meet! I think Maria really needs someone to remind her how to Exist without kids at home haha

@Jaewon Shin

CUTE I absolutely love all of that!! :wub: I know there's a Hufflepuff boys dorm thread right now, is Jaewon there? I'm planning to drop Manaia into that thread when I get to his threads so they could meet there to start with? Otherwise we could start something separate if you'd prefer :)

also if you're looking to get into crochet i really recommend yarnutopia, her video tutorials are amazing for beginners, i learned pretty much everything from her!

@Stefan Archer

Connor & Minnie: Oooh I like this! Connor would defs appreciate the study help, and he rly desperately needs friends who actually like Eric, whether he knows that or not :p

Connor & Ajax: They've hung out a few times in the past I think, so I'd definitely be keen for them to reconnect! I think as long as the subject of Nicole doesn't come up they'd be on safe ground haha

Jenna & Liusaidh: Ooh this is interesting. I don't know if Jenna would like Liusaidh very much, she thinks it's kinda gross when girls wanna do Boy Stuff like sports when there are more fun Girl Things like hair and makeup and ponies (she's got the same Parental Brain Poison Blake had) so I think they would probably clash a bit but it could be fun to explore!
@Adorah Zumwalt

Nell & Adorah: Ohhhh yesssssssssss I would absolutely love for these two to be friends!! Shall we do something once HM is up and running for the year? (Nell could help Adorah with an article maybe?? Something like that?

Blake & Juniper: This is interesting ahaha I wouldn't have put them together but I am intrigued......... Did you have any ideas for how they could meet?

Finn & Juniper: Yesssss definitely definitely keen for more divination friends for Finn!!

Jenna & Seraphina: yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss i love their whatever it is so much I am always keen for more ahaha

Maggi & Elara: Also very keen for more of them! I think Maggi's made up her mind to pick Elara's brain for acrobatics/gymnastics help as much as possible because it's a performing arts area she has no experience in and like. the only thing she can really learn at Hogwarts ahaha so she may be a bit glued to Elara for guidance :r

Maria & Finola: I think Finola would be a better match personality-wise (though if you want someone to shake some parenting advice into Giovanna Maria is available :p) Would defs be keen for these two to meet! I think Maria really needs someone to remind her how to Exist without kids at home haha

Nell & Adorah: YES :D I think that would be great. Would you mind starting it? It could be like a set meetup or maybe Adorah is already there and then asks Nell for help on the article? Now I have to pick a challenging article for her :r

Blake & Juniper: I wouldn't have, either! Maybe through the DA? Juniper could be practicing as she preps to beat Lysander (again :lol) later on? I could start that one.

Finn & Juniper: :D Where do you think would be the best for them to meet?

Jenna & Seraphina: yyyyyyyaaaaaay! I like the idea you had a while ago where Jenna tries to convince Seraphina to join Heta Omega. If she's gonna stay in the club, we could try that? I think it would be funny. And Seraphina is more vulnerable right now because of her grandma dying.

Maggi & Elara: Maggi is adorable so yes please! I think it might be fun for Elara to get singing lessons from Maggi so it's like a trade off of arts. What do you think?

Maria & Finola: I figured this would be the better pair :lol: Where do you think Maria would hang?

It might be interesting later to have Maria insinuate to Giovanna what a horrible mom she is, but I feel like I have too much going atm so maybe later on if you're actually interested :r
@Ainsley Lynch

Oh there is? Wait- I can post in the school threads already? I thought I had to wait till after the official first day of school to start 😳 I'll search for the thread and join when I can, thanks for that bit of info!

Thanks for the recommendations too! ^^
Hester and Harper - Ah, amazing! Definitely looking forward to them being happy and sportsy and a touch chaotic together. Hester can teach her karate moves, and Harper can teach her how to do a backflip? Juggle a soccer ball? She'll think of something. Want to do a thread somewhere outside?

Jenna and Celia - I want to say Celia actually likes the people she's friends with, but I think she just thinks she likes them since she has pretty high expectations for her friends (can't outshine her in the areas she cares about, have to take her side always) that usually lead to some kind of inevitable conflict. Anyway I'm interested to see how they interact!

As for Weston, we can start with him and Maggi? It should be easy to get them to meet since they're in the same year. Also Weston spends a lot of time in the Conglomerated Arts Room so they could easily run into each other there. He'd be happy to play backup while she sings (though he might occasionally go off-script and ~improvise~ because he's kind of self-centered and thoughtless like that)
@Adorah Zumwalt

Nell & Adorah: Yesss, I can start this some time after club fair if that's good?

Blake & Juniper: oooh yes SDA is a good idea, duel practice buddies :3 If you can start that would be awesome thank you!!

Finn & Juniper: I had half an idea that I want Finn to try and do a seance at some point this year, so maybe Juniper could stumble on him somewhere obscure in the school messing around with candles or something?

Jenna & Seraphina: We already talked about this offsite but I have now actually seen your post and yesss very keen for the Heta Omega plot. Would Seraphina tell Jenna about her grandmother do you think? Jenna would definitely prey on her vulnerability but I wanna gauge how much Jenna would actually know haha

Maggi & Elara: Ooooh yes I love that!!! Trade of skills is perfecttt

Maria & Finola: I haven't RPed Maria much around the magical world outside Hogwarts but she probably frequents Gladrags and Vibez, and maybe Madam Puddifoots? (She's a bit of a girly-girl). As for her & Giovanna I'm happy to shelve that for now & pick it up later when we both have time? (ha ha ha)

@Jaewon Shin

Yes! You can post around the school as soon as you're sorted, though you need to be careful about the date of threads you join. Anything that was started more than a couple of days ago will be set in the previous school year before Jaewon was at Hogwarts, so take care of start dates :) The Puff boys thread is here though, this one is set on the first night of the new school year, after sorting! I'm going to post there with Manaia when I get to his replies so they can meet there :D

No worries, glad I could help!!

@Harper Alston

Hester & Harper: Outside sounds perfect! I love all of those ideas aahhhh could you start this one?

Jenna & Celia: Ohhhhhh I absolutely love that! :wub: I can start something for the two of them once I get around to Jenna's next turn if you like?

Maggi & Weston: Arts room sounds perfect! Maggi would definitely be glad for any accompaniment even if it's a bit chaotic :p I can start this one too if you like!
Connor & Minnie: Oooh I like this! Connor would defs appreciate the study help, and he rly desperately needs friends who actually like Eric, whether he knows that or not :p

Connor & Ajax: They've hung out a few times in the past I think, so I'd definitely be keen for them to reconnect! I think as long as the subject of Nicole doesn't come up they'd be on safe ground haha

Jenna & Liusaidh: Ooh this is interesting. I don't know if Jenna would like Liusaidh very much, she thinks it's kinda gross when girls wanna do Boy Stuff like sports when there are more fun Girl Things like hair and makeup and ponies (she's got the same Parental Brain Poison Blake had) so I think they would probably clash a bit but it could be fun to explore!

Good with the first two, shall I start one and you can start the other?
For Jenna and Liusaidh, that's fair - honestly wasn't that sure if they'd get along, it's a toss up with liusaidh most of the time. We could throw them together at some point into the term and see how it goes?
Slinks in from under my own pile of plots...

I think with Alice gone, it'd be a perfect time for Elliot to funnel all his energy into getting too involved in everyone else's relationships and could spend some time shaking both Nell and/or Clifton :r

I also very much want some Finn and Ryan dorm nonsense again pls. Maybe Finn's weird crystal sudo-science is interfering with Ryan's weird investigative science or something?

And finally, I dunno what dynamic I like better, but please Salem and Jenna threads. Want some parallels between them and Blake and Tyler whether for good or ill 👀
Hey Rowan!

I could offer Giselle for Jenna. She is one year older and I am curious if they would be an good match or not. If the answer is that she likes quidditch, because of her brother is playing it will be more difficult to like. But she is not having trouble with bullying others or be mean to others, so either Giselle can be an rolemodel for Jenna or no haha. I'm curious what you will think.

Professor Kahurangi Josephs x Crystal: I'm sure Crystal is looking for an adult person, she was very hanging at her parents and afraid of having to do this at school all alone all of sudden. She would feel better if she had an good connection with her head of house. She will get in different situations, which she actually doesn't want to be in and do stuff for others because she doesn't want to dissapoint people and is too gullible and being an pleaser. So I can see her coming to the head of house after breaking rules or something as well. But for now it would be nice to just have an meeting and to give her an safe feeling of an person who looks out for her and all the other ravenclaws ofcourse.

Maria x Lauren: Now that Lauren is accepting and searching for help about her abuse situation at home, she is ready to talk about it. I'm sure the headmistress/her head of house are supporting her to speak about it and to prepare her for the interview at the ministry. If Lauren has an good feeling with Maria she will try to be open. But she is having troubles with trusting people.
@Adorah Zumwalt

Nell & Adorah: Yesss, I can start this some time after club fair if that's good?

Blake & Juniper: oooh yes SDA is a good idea, duel practice buddies :3 If you can start that would be awesome thank you!!

Finn & Juniper: I had half an idea that I want Finn to try and do a seance at some point this year, so maybe Juniper could stumble on him somewhere obscure in the school messing around with candles or something?

Jenna & Seraphina: We already talked about this offsite but I have now actually seen your post and yesss very keen for the Heta Omega plot. Would Seraphina tell Jenna about her grandmother do you think? Jenna would definitely prey on her vulnerability but I wanna gauge how much Jenna would actually know haha

Maggi & Elara: Ooooh yes I love that!!! Trade of skills is perfecttt

Maria & Finola: I haven't RPed Maria much around the magical world outside Hogwarts but she probably frequents Gladrags and Vibez, and maybe Madam Puddifoots? (She's a bit of a girly-girl). As for her & Giovanna I'm happy to shelve that for now & pick it up later when we both have time? (ha ha ha)

Nell & Adorah: Sounds good to me!

Blake & Juniper: Will do!

Finn & Juniper: Oh, I love that idea! Just let me know when you post it :D

Jenna & Seraphina: I think if Jenna pressed Seraphina about her break, she would eventually cave, seeing as Jenna is really the only person at school she kind of considers a friend atm. I can start one for us if you'd like?

Maggi & Elara: Yay! What about running into each other in the arts room again? Or they could be chatting in the dorms?

Maria & Finola: I think Fin might venture into Madam Puddifoots if that works for you.

Let's save the other one for later :r
@Stefan Archer

Sounds good! I can start for Connor & Minnie if you wanna do Connor & Ajax?

As for Jenna and Liusaidh I definitely think they'd clash in a fun and interesting way, would love to play around with that later in the semester!

@Elliot Briar

Nell, Clifton, & Elliot: Yesssss I am verrry down for Elliot being the Common Sense Friend in both of these messes :V Clifton's stuff is going to play out over the course of the semester but Nell is in the middle of her own drama so maybe we could do something with them early semester & leave Clifton til he's had more chance to implode?

Finn & Ryan: YESS I am VERY keen for them!! I love the idea of some sort of science vs pseudoscience dorm clash yes s s s s s slove this

Jenna & Salem: YES it's been too long :V I don't know how Jenna will feel about Salem now that she's not talking to Blake, it'll definitely change their dynamic. Super super keen for more though yesssssssss

@Crystal Holmgaard

Jenna & Giselle: This is very interesting.... I think they would get along very well. The Quidditch thing wouldn't be an issue at all. Jenna isn't on speaking terms with her brother anymore, and her personal opinion on Quidditch is that it's gross boring boys stuff and there are more fun things to do with your time, like fashion and makeup and horseback riding :p I definitely think they'd make good friends!

& Crystal: Definitely keen for this!! I think Kahurangi would definitely want to do what she could for any student having trouble with peer pressure, and I'm totally happy to set that up early. Maybe after the house meeting we could have a thread where Crystal pops into her office for help settling into the castle or something along those lines?

Maria & Lauren: Definitely happy for this, but I'd appreciate a bit more info about Lauren's home situation so I can do research about how best for Maria to help her. Would you be able to PM me some more details & the research materials you've been using about the specific kind of abuse she's facing so I can read up?

@Adorah Zumwalt

Jenna & Seraphina: That sounds perf, thank you!!

Maggi & Elara: Ooooh dorm thread is fun!! I can start this one!

Maria & Finola: Perffffff, I can start this too if you'd like?

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