Y48 Dueling Tournament Sign Ups!

Savannah Walters

sda president; seeker; independent
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curved 8 1/2 Inch Flexible Walnut Wand with Vampire Blood Core
02/2046 (17)
Hey guys!

I am going to be hosting the dueling tournament this year! I will be hands on with it, of course, the entire way. The tournament will begin officially on February 22nd! People in and out of SDA can sign up, so if your character wants to sign up, then by all means! If your student wins their year, they will get a fancy button made from yours truly!

The duels are held in the Dueling chamber, so please look over the rules, points system, rules and previous duels to refresh your memory.

So, who can sign up?
There is a bit of an addition. It is still 2nd year and up, and for all students and Hogwarts staff. While Hogwarts staff won't earn house points for participating, they will have bragging rights, and perhaps a special button/banner from me too.

How long do the matches last?
They last 6 days. They will go from Monday to Saturday (late GMT), unless a winner is declared beforehand. If the duel is still ongoing, then on Saturday, the winner will be chosen by RNG. You will also have 24 hours from the start date of your round, or from your opponent, or else you will time out and forfeit the match. So, be sure to post within 24 hours of the last post in your duel!

What you can win!
Other than the button, you can get house points for your house just by participating! You will get 5 points if you lose a round, 25 points if you win a round, and the final winner of their year will get 50 points!

Last notes
Sign ups will close on Friday 21st February for me to put everything together. If you have any other questions for me, let me know by PMing me.

So, what are you waiting for? Let's gooo!

Second YearsThird YearsFourth YearsFifth YearsSixth YearsSeventh YearsHogwarts Staff
Eoghan BlythSofi AyreMorrie AyreTen Layton-KingSantiago TorresLeah ThorneEdward Pirrip
Felix Layton-KingSunny DayAroha BlenheimOskar StromHinata EdogawaElio Boneheart Gabrielle Moncrieffe
Demi ZephyrIgnatius WolffortOsiris ValeTeddy PirripTheodore NightrayAnisha Khatri Killian Fox
Lilith IlvesIvy CullenApolline FontaineAurora ChaseOswald BrambleheartTerror ZhefarovichJames Cade
Amory RavenMagne KleosAudrey BeauchampTempest VeroSavannah Walters
Sybil St. JamesAlana CosgroveDante StyxJune Davenport
Jasper Beese Enoch GoldewynHorror Zhefarovich
Elijah Edogawa Veronica Walden-CadeHugo Stark-West
Rose EdogawaBailey Walden-Cade
Tori de Lacey
Lumos Walden-Cade
Kanako Kurosawa
Sayuri Edogawa
Eurydice Nightray
Ruth Thorne
Beatrice Grey
Magdalene Grey
Asher Styx-Potter
Ravage Zhefarovich
Imogen Styx-Cade
Last edited by a moderator:
Eoghan Blyth - Second Year
Felix Layton-King - Second Year
Demi Zephyr - Second Year
Ten Layton-King - Fifth Year

Lilith Ilves - Second Year
Amory Raven - Second year
Leah Thorne - 7th year
Santiago Torres - 6th year
Oskar Strom - 5th year
Sybil St. James - 2nd year
Yay I love the dueling tournament!

Professor Edward Pirrip - Hogwarts staff
Teddy Pirrip
- 5th year
Morrie Ayre
- 4th year
Sofi Ayre
- 3rd Year
Sunny Day
- 3rd Year
Jasper Beese
- 2nd Year
Elio Boneheart - 7th Year
Aurora Chase - 5th Year
Elijah Edogawa - 2nd Year
Rose Edogawa - 2nd Year
Tori de Lacey - 2nd Year
Lumos Walden-Cade - 2nd Year
Okay not going to forget this time around...

Aroha Blenheim - 4th Year
Kanako Kurosawa - 2nd Year
Hinata Edogawa - 6th Year
Theodore Nightray - 6th Year
Sayuri Edogawa - 2nd Year
Eurydice Nightray - 2nd Year
C'mon duelling tournament, let's get...this over with. :lol:

Professor Gabrielle Moncrieffe - staff
Oswald Brambleheart - 6th year (Hufflepuff)
Audrey Beauchamp - 5th year (Ravenclaw)
Ignatius Wolffort - 3rd year (Slytherin)
Ruth Thorne - 2nd year (Slytherin)

(I'm on my phone so I can't really colour names properly sorry)
Ivy Cullen gryfindor third year (to defend her title)
Professor Killian Fox - Hogwarts Staff

Terror Zhefarovich - 7th Year
Horror Zhefarovich - 6th Year
Dante Styx - 5th Year
Osiris Vale - 4th Year
Asher Styx-Potter - 2nd Year
Ravage Zhefarovich - 2nd Year
Imogen Styx-Cade - 2nd Year

Fingers crossed that I don't forget.
Wow. What’s happened to the second years. :o

Why not. Let’s add
hugo stark-west to sixth years.

(But if he throws the numbers out and makes it less round he doesn’t have to join in, )
Folks, sign-ups for second years is closed - closing early just due to the number of sign ups.
Damn can't believe I missed the second years.

Professor James Cade - Hogwarts Staff
Alana Cosgrove - Third year
Veronica Walden-Cade - Fifth year
Bailey Walden-Cade - Sixth year

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