Y47 Sorting Reactions

Sorting is still a short while away, but that doesn't mean we can't have some exciting sorting chats here! It's never too early, right? As always, we love to hear your thoughts and reactions as we work through the process of sorting and transfers and exchanges! This is always such a fun time! :party:

]Are you having a character sorted or transferred this year? Maybe more than one? Ten? (You know who you are. :r

Are you going to try for an exchange student?

Where do you think your character will end up?

Do you think they'll be happy about where they end up? How is it going to impact their first year or their entire schooling? Do you think the sorting hat will have a difficult time placing them? Any character expecting that the sorting hat won't be able to place them and they'll have to go home?

If you've already been sorted: Did you get what you/your character expected? Did the sorting hat say something funny to you? What'd you think of that? How nervous was your character to be sorted? How nervous were you?

Happy Sorting! :party: :party:
:party: :party: :party:

Susie's a bit of a wildcard - I think she'll be a Gryffindor, but I could see her fitting into any house, and my thoughts usually change once I've finished filling out the form, so we'll see xD
So this year, I have 3 because I was tempted into 1 more thanks to Dan

Ravage Zhefarovich: He is the youngest brother to Terror and Horror. He is a bit of a wild card, since I'm sure he has the same tendencies as both Alana and Chaos. If he ends up in Slytherin, I apologize to their HoH for hosting all 3 of Chaos' sons.

Samael Styx: The final kid of Hades and Anastasia, and younger brother to Cassius and Dante. I think he is a lot like his dad, calm and cool-headed, but likely as demented. So, he could be in either Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff or Slytherin. Definitely not a Gryffindor.

Imogen Styx-Cade: She is a twin to Esme Styx-Cade, and a granddaughter of Professor Styx, and daughter of James Cade (that he is unaware of). She is a bit of a mean girl, so she could easily be a Slytherin or a Gryffindor.
Yay! Sorting time again!

My kid this year is Sybil and I am very excited and scared for her! I've described her as "running for class president" even though that definitely isn't a thing haha. But she's very social, very academic, and 100% a know-it-all. She loves chess and reading and is about to be everyone else's problem.

My heart says Slytherin which would be great. Quietly hoping for anything but Ravenclaw even if it would be a good fit, so I can avoid having a fourth claw girl. But I could honestly see her going into any house. Will see if I feel differently after the sorting form!

This year I have Ruth Thorne, cousin to Leah and sister to Cyrus. I think I've inadvertently made another borderline Slytherin/Ravenclaw type. :r she could possibly go Hufflepuff but I think she's a little bit too manipulative for that (plus she's gotta be in keeping with the family line).

I may try for an exchange student, I've had her in mind for a while. I feel Kana would likely be a Hufflepuff if I do get myself together to make her. Artsy and creative (and fun and flirty lol).
Ahhhh sorting!!! I really hope i’m able to sort my character this year but we’ll see with my timeframe! I’m sorting my character, Sophie Shepherd this year! i feel like she’d be sorted into Gryffindor, with her hyper, athletic energy but knowing the hat, we shall see hehe
omg how is it so soon already!

I'm sorting Te Rēweti Mahuika, he's another one of Kahurangi's nephews. He's very 'wells for sensitive little boys' so I'm thinking Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw seem most likely. I'm pushing for Ravenclaw, Kahurangi's managed to have niblings in every house EXCEPT her own so far so it'd be really nice for both of them if he wound up there - he's definitely a bit clingy, so he'd love having a familiar adult to attach himself to. All of that does sound very Hufflepuff though, so we'll see.
The Walden-Cade twins should be in Gryffindor for the vibes.
Sorting just the one this year (I try to limit myself to one but the temptation to expand is always there). Her name is Kanako, Kyousuke's sister, honestly not the nicest (you might have seen some of that already...) but she isn't malicious or anything. I'm thinking she'll probably be Slytherin like her brother. She just has a Slytherin vibe. So excited to see the new students and how sorting works out! Always an exciting time of year.
The Walden-Cade twins should be in Gryffindor for the vibes.
I agree - however... Slytherin Lumos and Gryffindor Nox would also be hilarious!

I don't want to get too into this at the moment because I'm still developing some of these guys, but! I have technically five this year if I count the transfer I'm wanting as well. I won't speculate on him though, because it might not be a sure thing at the moment! (also he might not get in and I dont want to shoot myself in the foot!)

I wrote up whole explanations about these characters in depth, I will post them once they've been sorted iykyk

Simply put - Lumos will be either Gryffindor or Slytherin (im leaning Slytherin)
Tori very much reads Hufflepuff to me.
Rose - very much like her mother, but either Gryffindor or Slytherin
Elijah - Ravenclaw is my guess, ill be surprised if he's Slytherin for certain reasons.
Sorting form done! Don't think I've ever put as many '10's in the number section before lol

My heart still feels very strongly about Slytherin but we'll see!
This year I have Ruth Thorne, cousin to Leah and sister to Cyrus. I think I've inadvertently made another borderline Slytherin/Ravenclaw type. :r she could possibly go Hufflepuff but I think she's a little bit too manipulative for that (plus she's gotta be in keeping with the family line).
I think Cyrus would like to keep Ravenclaw for himself but I'd love it if she came to bug him there :r

I'm not sorting anyone this year (.....probably) since I'm trying to cut down on my characters. We'll see if I'll last :r
:party: :party: :party:

Susie's a bit of a wildcard - I think she'll be a Gryffindor, but I could see her fitting into any house, and my thoughts usually change once I've finished filling out the form, so we'll see xD

Man, having filled in the form..... I still think Susie could go anywhere, but I no longer think Gryffindor is the most likely choice. If I had to put money on it, I'd say Hufflepuff hehehe
After doing Te Rēweti's form my mind's actually flipped - I thought his clinginess would catapult him into Hufflepuff, but his other answers leaned enough that I do think Ravenclaw's the more likely option. It'll be fun either way though!

watch him get neville longbottomed into gryffindor somehow now THAT would lead to some wild plots lmao
Lumos - the thing about Lumos is he's quite malicious. Which doesn't exclude him from Gryffindor, in fact that might be what pushes him into Gryffindor rather than out of, but the thing about him that might make him more Slytherin is the fact he's not afraid to "go dark" if necessary. He's insanely curious and he won't let a little something like rules or danger to stop him. He's attracted to the mysterious in a lot of ways because he has to know how it works and that's sort of where his pranks play in a lot there. So really I'm seeing at least three options for him, but my real thought is Slytherin for the moment. I might change my mind once I actually write his sorting form, because that's when various aspects of him will come out on paper. Certainly in my head he's Slytherin, but the translation isn't always that simple and sometimes other elements come into play with this. He's the kind of person who's fiercely loyal, but only to a point. He won't cover for you if he wants the attention you have, and though he loves his family unconditionally, he's not totally opposed to throwing them under a proverbial bus if you will. Still, this is only a prediction and I don't know for certain which of these elements are actually going to come out in play. I guess the thing here is that Lumos wants to be remembered, he wants to be a great wizard, but not in the same fame clawing way (sorry Gryffindors) as some of the others houses. He wants a legacy, something to leave behind, and that's what makes me feel like he might be in Slytherin. Still, we'll see! (I don't think I'll actually post this, but I'm enjoying writing it out.) He has strong personal goals and a drive to achieve greatness, this of course reflects on the whole ambition of the house. So it will be fun to see for sure. Lumos is exceptionally good at finding innovative solutions to problems, using his resources and skills to their fullest potential.

Tori - Based on Tori's personality and characteristics, she could fit into several Hogwarts houses, but one stands out the most for me. Hufflepuff: Tori's deep sense of empathy, resilience, and value for honesty align well with Hufflepuff traits. Hufflepuffs are known for their dedication, patience, and loyalty. Tori's friendly, approachable nature and her determination to make her family proud also fit the Hufflepuff ethos of hard work and fairness. Her adaptability and eagerness to learn could thrive in Hufflepuff, where these traits would be nurtured and celebrated. Tori’s curiosity and quick learning could also make her a good fit for Ravenclaw, where intelligence and a love for knowledge are highly valued. However, her strong emotional connections and values lean more towards Hufflepuff's nurturing and inclusive environment. Her impulsiveness and need for approval might lead some to consider Gryffindor, where bravery and daring are prized, but her defining traits of empathy, resilience, and honesty suggest Hufflepuff as the most fitting house for her.

Rose - I think she is the most likely candidate of all my characters for Gryffindor as she's very dramatic, a lot like her mother to be honest. She can be very arrogant and unforgiving about a lot of things, she's a bit rough around the edges and she can't really function on her own without relying on her family (specifically her triplet siblings, mostly Eli) - she responds to most issues by either hyperventilating herself into a panic, or she flings herself dramatically onto the closest piece of furniture. This might sound Gryffindor, but the most important thing to note here with Rose is she's incredibly insecure and a lot of her outward behaviour is based around the fact she's putting on a bit of a facade. She's more bravado than brave because of this and is likely to jump into a pit of snakes to prove she's not scared rather than stop to think about why that's not a good idea. She tends to act first and think later, and her insights are definitively not academic. She's the sort of person who only excels in the classes she's interested in, but outside of that she really couldn't care less. Being her friend can be difficult though, because she's energetic and very trusting of you. Betraying her is a toss up on whether she'll forgive you, but depending not he betrayal she might find a way to avenge her trust. Actually writing this out, she might slip into Slytherin.

Elijah - His intellectual curiosity and love for reading reflect the house's value for learning and intellectual pursuits. Elijah's desire for solitude and preference for a quiet environment align with the introspective nature of Ravenclaws, who often seek peace to concentrate on their studies. His practical problem-solving skills and resourcefulness, demonstrated in how he handles his sister Rose's dramatics, further showcase his Ravenclaw traits. While he feels responsible for his siblings, he often wishes for the tranquility to immerse himself in his books, indicating his preference for intellectual engagement over social interaction. This balance of caring for others while craving personal space and intellectual pursuits is a nuanced characteristic that aligns well with Ravenclaw's values. In Ravenclaw, Elijah would find the perfect environment to thrive academically and intellectually, away from the noise and drama of his family, allowing him to pursue his passions in peace.

These were my late night ramblings a couple days ago
I think Cyrus would like to keep Ravenclaw for himself but I'd love it if she came to bug him there :r
I think he's safe, she was reading a little more Slytherin I think. :lol:
I’m not as surprised by this placement as i thought i would be, after having filled out her sorting form, i can definitely see why gryffindor suits her - i tried a bit of a different format this year and offered the hat some insight into where i intend to take her character growth, so maybe that made a difference?

we’ll see.
Demi - I’m so glad she’s in ravenclaw! She’s so much like her father that it was definitely the house I saw her in most, so this is gonna be so fun ;D

Eoghan - I did think he was going to end up in Slytherin as I was filling out his form, but i’m very curious to see what he makes of Ravenclaw!
Yay my girl is in green! Very excited and obviously not surprised at all.

Also wasn't surprised at the Gryffindor mention either. The only other character I've had whos as eager and enthusiastic as her is probably Leah. And if she wasn't so logical I could see her going in that direction. Would love to see how the AU version of her in Gryffindor would end up.
I'm also really not surprised about Lumos being in Slytherin, I thought he might have slipped into Gryffindor, but this really makes the most sense.
So now that I’ve gone through the sorting of my two Edogawas:

- Jonah will probably my Hufflepuff this season. He’s scarily like his aunt was when she was 11 and Ai was very much a Hufflepuff.

- Sayuri, I feel will end up in Slytherin (sorry Momma). There may be a slight chance for Gryffindor (Momma hopes). We’ll see xD
So now that I’ve gone through the sorting of my two Edogawas:

- Jonah will probably my Hufflepuff this season. He’s scarily like his aunt was when she was 11 and Ai was very much a Hufflepuff.

- Sayuri, I feel will end up in Slytherin (sorry Momma). There may be a slight chance for Gryffindor (Momma hopes). We’ll see xD
Ah well, im sure at least *one* of her 10 kids will end up in gryffindor... she says knowing shes only got three more to go xD
Ah well, im sure at least *one* of her 10 kids will end up in gryffindor... she says knowing shes only got three more to go xD

Jericah could have been a Gryffindor but she got sent to Mahoutokuro xD
Jericah could have been a Gryffindor but she got sent to Mahoutokuro xD
there’s no way she’s a gryffindor, she’s too much like Yuki and she was a slytherin :lol:
Man, having filled in the form..... I still think Susie could go anywhere, but I no longer think Gryffindor is the most likely choice. If I had to put money on it, I'd say Hufflepuff hehehe

Caaalled it :lol:

The form really made me realise Susie’s patience, tolerance, and sense of fairness/justice were her strongest traits, even though she’s also both curious and bold

Also, while she would have adapted anywhere, Hufflepuff was the only house she didn’t have any worries about fitting into!!

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