Open Y41 End of Year Feast

Emery tuned out Professor Kingsley as she spoke, barely paying any attention to the points and winning house. He didn't really care much about the house cup, and rolled his eyes at the cheers coming from the Slytherin table. His mind drifted to the upcoming break and be sighed slightly. His parents had planned a family vacation, but Emery wasn't all that excited about it. Both his parents loved to work, so it always felt a bit forced. And he preferred to be at home as well. Maybe they'd think him old enough to stay home alone for a few weeks? Doubtful.

Emery started grabbing food once it arrived, realizing at once that he had been starving. In his haste, he knocked over a glass. Thankfully, not his own. "Oops." He said, glancing to the side to notice Ethan. He didn't mind that it had been his glass at all, he couldn't quite let himself look sorry. "Sorry."

@Ethan Alexander
Angel generally at least tried not to look too smug when he was up at the staff table but he figured today it was perfectly justified as he leaned back to survey the silver and green adorning the hall for the feast. If anyone asked, naturally, he'd say the two year Slytherin winning streak of both the House Cup and the Quidditch Cup was all thanks to the students, of course, but privately he had to think their streak starting right when he had taken over as the head of house couldn't all be coincidence...

He made a point to stand and clap loudly as Professor Kingsley announced Slytherin's win, feeling completely shameless in his celebration which also carried over to when River was announced as Slytherin's top points earner too. With the announcements done, Angel leaned back again, holding up his goblet and toasting his fellow professors, especially the other heads of house, to another year survived and done with.
Lucas wasn't entirely sure why he was now discussing his future with a random third or fourth year girl he barely knew, but he found himself unable to answer her question dishonestly. "Ideally Quidditch." He admitted, quietly praying she wouldn't bring up his recent loss. "I'll probably be doing that too. Do you have family here at Hogwarts?" He asked, wondering if she barely saw any of her family, like him. It had been fun once, being the only special magical one in the family, but lately it just felt lonely. His sisters had grown up and moved on with their lives while he had been learning spells.

@Molly Burke
Sawyer looked up at the green and silver banners about the great hall, head elsewhere as Professor Kingsley went over the end of year announcements. Things were going to be pretty different next year, he figured. Theia would be gone and Thistle would finally be starting, not to mention a whole new headmaster on top of all that. And it'd be his last year too. Sawyer wasn't sure he could conceptualize it at all, really. It was easy to think things would just be like this forever.

He shook his head as the food finally appeared, trying to shake himself back to the present. "Going to be interesting next year, huh?" he said to Delilah sitting nearby, sliding over a dish so she could reach it, glad they were back on better terms even if things were still more distant than they had been. @Delilah Thorne
While Brooke was a firm believer in house pride, making a point to support Slytherin during matches and do her best to keep her grades up and earn points for the House Cup, it was hard to feel like she was really contributing to her house's victory anymore. Classes these days felt more like a struggle to get by than a chance to excel anymore and Brooke felt more and more each year like she was fading into the background; no top points, no prefects badge, no club leadership. She refused to spend the feast feeling sorry for herself but it was hard to drum up the urge to truly celebrate as Professor Kingsley announced their house win along with the top points winners.

She glanced briefly over at Natalia, frustrated with herself that her talking to Liusaidh left Brooke with few people to talk to as the feast proper commenced. Things were still off between them and Brooke decided to keep to herself, picking at her food until the night was over.
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As fun as the big school feasts were with everyone all crowded in the hall together to eat, Salem had to admit it was a bit of bummer that Gryffindor hadn't managed to win the House Cup two years in a row. They'd been winning it since Salem had started coming to school and it still sat weird for her to see the hall in green and silver instead of the customary red and gold. It was odd to see Professor Kingsley up there announcing the end of year stuff too and Salem wondered what it'd be like next year with a whole new headmaster up there instead. Still, at least one of their prefects had won the most house points and now they could all eat together one last time before the holidays, a break Salem was more than ready for after everyone had spent the whole year fretting about OWLs.
René could hardly believe his fourth year was over already, frowning down at his plate as Professor Kingsley addressed the hall. He was glad he'd finally managed a proper spot on the Quidditch team but René still couldn't help but feel like he was lagging behind his friends somehow, glancing easily over the heads of the students to try and spot where Louis and Caleb were sitting. Next year was their OWL year, which was supposed to be really hard, a thought that had René frowning all over again.

He was thankfully distracted by the feast beginning though, laughing as he spotted Nolan immediately stuffing his face. "Woah man, slow down before you choke," he said with a snort. @Nolan Burke
It's feasts like this that make Cameron wish Margo and Isadora had been in the same house as him. He gets on okay with Ngawaiata he knows, but she's also a bit quiet and serious and when half the house table is all excited about winning the house cup again the activity sets Cameron's teeth on edge. During normal meals it doesn't feel like a big deal to slip over to one of the other house tables, though Cameron's been pointedly sitting at the Gryffindor table more often than not, keeping his distance from Hufflepuff for no particular reason, but he gets the feeling if one of the staff saw him moving now it'd be a problem.

Cameron never looks forward to the end of year, going back home always leads to too many questions about school and his grades and what magic is like and Cameron never has enough words to satisfy his mother, the disappointment at his clear lack of magic ability obvious even if she won't say anything. At least he has new classes next year, he tries to assure himself, dropping his chin into his palm, so maybe things'll be different next year.
Marnie couldn't believe she'd made it through one whole year at Hogwarts already. It was crazy to think that next year she wouldn't be one of the youngest kids at school, in fact there'd be a whole new batch of Hufflepuffs running around their common room. It'd be pretty fun feeling like she knew a thing or two about the castle and she tried to pay attention so she'd know what to expect from an end of year feast going forward, clapping politely for Slytherin and then much louder for the top points winners. She knew Rosemarie was one of their prefects though she had no idea how anyone could win as many points as the girls who'd won did. Marnie could barely get through one essay paragraph without getting distracted.

Still, Marnie was practically bouncing in her seat as the feast proper started, already mentally ticking off all the things she wanted to tell her parents when she got back home. She'd been writing to them plenty but she felt like she could never fit everything she wanted to say into a single letter and she'd been told off more than once for trying to cram too many things into the margins after she'd already finished. Yeah, it'd be much easier to tell them everything once she was home, she couldn't wait.
Molly nodded along as the head boy spoke about what he wanted to do. "Oh, that's cool! What position were you thinking of? Are you on the Hufflepuff team?" Molly asked the older boy. She probably thought it was a dumb question to ask, but the girl didn't really pay attention to Quidditch at school or in general, so she didn't really know who was on the team and what not. "I have my older brother here, and I've got my younger brother coming next year! Do you have any family here?"

@Lucas Fletcher
Nolan whipped his head around when he noticed René had commented. He gulped the food quickly, chuckling at his friend's comment. "Sorry, I'm starving," Nolan says with a chuckle, before taking a bite of his food again. Even though he liked the food that was given to them, he couldn't wait to get his hands on his mum's cooking when he got home for the break. "You got any sort of plans for the break?"

@Rene Tofilau
Celia always looked forward to the school breaks, but this one in particular would be special because for the first time in four years, she'd be going back to the U.S. for an extended period of time. Sure, it was for a summer study program that was supposed to look good on college apps, but at least she'd be home. She couldn't wait to spend seven weeks on a pretty campus, surrounded by like-minded people her age, all of whom would know what the internet was.

She listened impatiently as Professor Kingsley started to go through the usual end-of-year announcements. Celia had zero house pride, but she pasted on a smile and clapped when Slytherin was named the house cup winner. Despite not being the top points earner — how did River do it? — Celia knew she had contributed substantially to the win, and she hoped her efforts had not gone unnoticed.

It was Professor Kingsley's last announcement that caught Celia's attention. She'd been wondering when the school would get a new headmistress, and the start of the next academic year made sense. But that was only one question answered, and Celia had many more. Who chose the headmistress? Were they going to bring in someone from outside the school or pick from within? And of course, the most important... "Who do you think will be the new headmistress?" she asked her tablemates, wondering if anyone had heard anything.
Gwen liked being in the winning house, even if she didn't really care that much about the house points or try all that hard to earn them. It was just like a nice bonus. She listened quietly to Professor Kingsley's speech, hands folded in her lap. Once the food arrived, she served herself with a bit of everything she liked. She looked up as Celia asked a question. "Who says it will be another lady?" She commented idly. "Though I personally think it's going to be Kingsley. She's already basically taking over."

@Celia Vuong
Celia shrugged. "It could be a man." Ever since noticing that some textbooks and academic writings used feminine nouns as the default, Celia had made the switch too, but she knew there was a chance that the next person who ran the school would be a man. She frowned when Gwen threw out Professor Kingsley's name though she couldn't fault the girl's logic. It was hard not to notice that Professor Kingsley had introduced both the welcome feast and the end-of-year feast this year. "Ugh, I hope not. She's a total nutcase. She made us talk to trees in Ancient Runes this semester." That's when Celia had lost all respect for the professor.

@Gwen Goodwin
Gwen wasn't Celia's biggest fan, mostly because she saw her as competition. But she had to admit there was something admirable about the way the older girl spoke her mind openly, something Gwen rarely allowed herself to do. She put her hand over her mouth and giggled. "What? Really?" She asked, eyes wide in shock and humor. "That's so weird!" She paused, letting out another giggle. "Let's hope I'm wrong, then."

@Celia Vuong

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