Open Y41 Club Fair

Professor Kahurangi Josephs

contented | comfortable ancient runes 5-7
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Siobhan ) ( Lesbian
Straight 15 1/2 Inch Sturdy Black Walnut Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
3/2007 (54)
It had been a while since Kahurangi had hosted the club fair, and she had braced herself appropriately. In her experience these things could be chaotic and messy, and she was determined to keep a clear head and not get distracted by everything going on around her. She had set up a table for each club in the courtyard, giving them plenty of space to advertise their clubs and attract new members, with a large banner for each club floating cheerfully above the tables. Once the decoration work was done she conjured herself a chair and settled in for the fair, keeping an eye out as the leaders began to set up in case anyone needed her help.

Club NameLeader
Accio!@Eugene Nestor
The Brotherhood of MAGIC@Lumio Skey @Lucas Fletcher
The Conglomerated Arts Club@Casper Beckett
Heta Omega@Ana Sofia Burleigh
Hogwarts Monthly@Estella Fuentes
The Student Defense Association@Flynn North
The Wild Patch Club@Rosemarie Chatwin
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It did feel weird to be the sole leader of the SDA, but Flynn wasn't worried about it. He was sure he could handle it. He had spent time making sure that the stall was set up nicely, pictures from previous dueling tournaments out on display so people could have a look at the previous winners. He'd even brought his own collection of badges from previous dueling tournaments, setting them out near the pictures so people could look at those as well. Though he did hope no one thought they were just for taking, they were his and he wanted them back. And after setting down the bowl of jelly slugs he had brought to try and entice people over, everything was complete. Now all he needed to do was stand there and hope someone was interested in signing up.

(If you want to sign up for the SDA please make sure to @ me so I don't miss it!)
Essie felt a little sad to be attending the club fair this year without Poppy. Now that she was all on her own, it gave her opportunity to do whatever she wanted, but for once she didn't like it. Poppy always made the better decisions, and with everything that had been going on, it had been hard for Essie to think of some original ideas. Nonetheless, the girl just showed up as early as she could to the club fair so she could set her stand up. She headed over to her table, spreading a pink coloured table cloth over the top. She added some glitter around the table, before placing down some copies of the previous issues that had been published and a bowl of lollies free for anyone to take. She then just sat there and waited, hoping that the brightly coloured table would attract some new members.
Lumio was feeling excited about the brotherhood. They had a number of good ideas for things to do with the brothers, and the brothers themselves were always keen to be a part of things too. Lumio came to the club fair with extracts from the yearbook about previous years and events they had had so that people could see what sort of thing that they offered. Lumio had always gotten some cakes to be made, so that people would have something to perhaps draw them in to the club. He was setting up and was a little ahead of Lucas, but given that the other boy was head boy, Lumio certainly had the time for this. "Brotherhood! Brothers come join us," he called out to the students.

OOCOut of Character:
Lumio runs the brotherhood with Lucas Fletcher. Feel free to tag me in your posts if you would like to join the brotherhood.
Eugene had never run a school club before now, and yet he found himself running a rather big one. Not in terms of size of students, but in terms of size of work needing to be done. He knew he was a younger editor not the youngest the group had ever seen, but he appreciated the chance to get to know how to do things before he was in his OWL. He'd come to the club fair, with Accio, though he knew he could've easily helped Casper out. He put the issues from the last few years out as well as the more indepth application forms for joining. They had one spot this year, and he was more than certain they would fill it. He glanced about at the other clubs but focused on the students who might approach him.
Sloane didn’t realy know what to expect from a magical school but for some reason she hasn’t thought clubs would happen. To be honest she didn’t think magic would happen either but here she was. She looked down the list of clubs and decided on some that sounded like they were suit her, and headed off to find their leaders.

“Is the Hogwarts Monthly only for students that write?” She asked the other girl at the stall. Sloane didn’t know if she was a good writer or not, but she did consider herself to be creative.

@Estella Fuentes
There weren't a lot clubs that Rose wanted to be a part of. But ever since she saw that there was a club that was themed around nature and tending their own little patch Rose fell in love. She had never thought about becoming the possible successor of the previous leader. There were other suitable candidates right. That mumbled way less and had more leadership abilities. Now that she had became leader of the WPC she had to show that she was able to do it. Rose had ordered special pencils over the holiday. Once you were done with one you could put them in the ground and a sunflower would sprout from them. Rose put them in a little jar and decorated her little stand. She wasn't very font of flower crowns, but had gathered enough tiny succulents over the year that everyone could take one. Her precious Edgar was also close by providing the necessary mental support.

OOCOut of Character:
Anyone wanting to join the WPC can talk to Rose.
Ana Sofia wasn't entirely sure what it had been about her that had made others think she was the right person to lead Heta Omega but she wasn't going to complain. It was exciting and she was sure that she'd be completely fine. Especially with the help of the two girls she had asked to be part of her little leadership team. Ana had made sure to set up the Heta table in a way that she thought represented the club. She had wrapped some string lights around the table and had set up several pictures of previous activities, making sure the girls could get an idea of what being part of the club was like. She had also put down a small basket of sweets and one that included friendship bracelets in pretty colours. The sign up sheets were right in the middle of the table accompanied by a few of Ana's pink, yellow and floral muggle pens. Content with how her table looked she took a seat as she waited for any possible future members to head up to her table.

OOCOut of Character:
Please @Ana Sofia Burleigh for any questions or if you're interested in joining Heta Omega!
Put yourself out there. Try something new today. So went the advice in the self-help book Aine had 'borrowed' from home. It had been left lying around for her benefit, naturally, but she didn't know that. Today also happened to be the club fair, and it was a good chance to put that in to action. She kind of wanted to join Heta Omega but that was a little too intimidating at this stage. Having sisters was daunting.

Hogwarts Monthly, however, was far more her speed. She liked to write - her essays sometimes ran a bit off the rails but they seemed to be amusing. Besides, it was an election year, and she was fascinated by the way wizards did politics. Hopefully she could write about it. And it was a way to put herself out there from behind papers. "Um. Hello," she said to the older girl at the stand, her heart racing with sudden anxiety. "I'm interested in joining the paper." God, could I sound more pathetic?

@Estella Fuentes
Clubs were not really Yuelia's thing, she supposed. Not that she really had the experience to go by, but she wasn't exactly a people person. She was, however, keen to learn how to duel. She was aware that first years weren't actually allowed to participate in duels, but if she could understand how they worked she'd be ready to show off her skills in second year. None of the other clubs really interested her, so she beelined straight to the SDA, giving a polite bow of her head to the boy there. "Hello," she said, softly. "I am very interested in learning about duelling."

@Flynn North
Estella was glad that it didn't take too long for people to start coming over. She smiled at the first year who asked if the paper was only for students that wrote. "Nope! Anyone can join. You don't have to have any background knowledge." she said, hoping this would help the girl make a decision. She really needed some more members for this year and part of her also wanted to make Poppy proud. When a younger Hufflepuff Essie had seen a few times also approached, she beamed. "Of course! Just jot down your name right here." she said, sliding the sign-up sheet towards her with the quill on top. "It's easy, and it's lots of fun!"

@Sloane Ari
@Aine Thompson
Casper was running a few minutes behind. He'd lost track of the time, gathering his name badges and art supplies, but soon enough he had his booth set up. He was a little sad thinking this was his last year. He would need to leave the club to someone, and while his first thought was Eugene, he wanted to give the boy someone else to help support him. His heart twisted a little at the thought. He knew how hard it was trying to run a club without support.

He set his supplies down, organizing his table, before straightening his sign up sheet and the poster for the club before sitting down. Not one to sit idly, he pulled over a nametag and set to work, making a very intricate, detailed nametag for Linden. The bustle of the fair faded a bit as he focused, his pencil making careful, smooth strokes of the tiny animal filled forest he was creating.

OOC: Please tag @Casper Beckett if you have any questions about the Creative Arts Club
The club fair was always fun. The noise of people talking on top of each other and the energy of the first years looking to join clubs was almost palpable. She was already a member of all the clubs she wanted to be. The wild patch, heta omega and the arts club but she liked the arts best. She stopped by the stand. hello Casper. Can I do anything to help? Do you want me to play something she asked now kiara wasn’t a leader and Eugene was caught up with a accio she thought he may need a hand. And a way to show that the club want just arts and crafts. she had brought her viola but if it wasn’t needed she would store it in the arts room.
@Casper Beckett
Evie hadn't looked too much into joining clubs previously, but with her luck for Quidditch running out, she knew that she would need something else to distract her and keep her in a good mood if she didn't make the team yet again. The girl make her way to the courtyard, looking around at all of the different stands. She spotted her sister at one of them talking to a couple of younger girls. Obviously, her table was covered in glitter, and Evie couldn't help but chuckle a little as she walked past it. That would clearly be very hard to get out of the tablecloth, and would potentially get all over everyone's clothes. But that was not Evie's problem.

As she continued to walk, a stand finally grabbed her attention. A bowl of jelly slugs sat upon it. She approached it, realising it was for the Student Defence Association. "Hey, this is cool... So is this just defending yourself from others or also defending yourself from magical creatures and stuff?" she asked the older guy that stood beside it.

@Flynn North
Margo was a little nervous to head to the elective's fair. She had signed up for Heta Omega last year and enjoyed the club but she thought it would be a good idea to be a little more involved this year. She liked her friends but she felt like she needed to try and make her own way a bit and her aunt had suggested she try a few more clubs. There were a few that did pique her interest last year but she had been too shy to join them alone. But this time she was determined to be brave and approached the table for the Hogwarts Monthly first. There were already a few other people who seem interested and she joined them, and recognized Aine as one of them. She smiled at her housemate before glancing at the club leader who was one of her house's prefects. "I'd like to join too, if that's alright." she said before reaching out to write down her name on the sign up list. @Estella Fuentes
She and her cousin Naomi had finally have time to mingle with each other. They thought joining a club would be a step forward for the both of them. Learning Naomi hasn't joined one. Arm in arm they entered the Courtyard, the yard was full of students and booths to choose from. Some were set up nicely and some just regular, Somjai then saw some succulents in one of the booths. Her shy demeanor suddenly faded and dragged Naomi with her, once up close to the booth she asked the older student manning it. "Do we get a succulent if we join?" Somjai was rather enthusiastic. @Rosemarie Chatwin
Birdie made her way into the courtyard amazed. Stalls upon stalls were set up like nothing she had seen before. She hadn't been to a fair, but it looked fun. Strolling along the path, she viewed the different tables, pondering on whether she should join one or not.

Birdie and magic were barely acquaintances, so she very much wanted a club that wasn't magic driven for now. Soon, she stumbled upon a stall with the name 'Heta Omega'. Birdie thought it sounded like a muggle sorority, and noticed some muggle pens which she hadn't seen much of around the place. Walking to the girl behind the table, she noticed that the girl was much older than her, and must know a bunch of stuff about the club. Birdie asked, "Hi, what's Heta Omego like?"

Before the girl could reply, Birdie quickly interjected, "Oh, and, I'm Birdie.". Birdie felt like a fool, not introducing herself first, but she felt like a bigger fool by cutting the girl off. Alas, she waited for the girl to respond, whilst wringing her hands.

@Ana Sofia Burleigh
Cas looked up when he heard Sky's voice. He smiled at her. "Hey Sky. Sure, you can sit with me if you want," He motioned to the spot beside him. "Let's not play anything yet, but if you set your viola on the table, you can play if you want if someone asks?" He offered. The hall was already crowded and chaotic enough without random music drowning people out. "How are you?" He asked. @Niamh Eriksen
Aine still hated quills, no amount of tutorials online and practice over the holidays had made her hate them less. She liked the aesthetic, but hated the inconvenience of them. Constantly having to redip the ink was just enough to make her lose track of her train of thought which did not help for writing in the slightest. Still, she didn't let her displeasure show too much, putting on a painfully awkward smile and nodding at the older Hufflepuff girl, turning and giving a small smile and a wave to Margo. She scribbled down her name on the signup sheet, carefully placing the quill back down so as not to stain the paper or anything. "Um, thank you. I...look forward to it." Although her words were awkward, her mild excitement was evident, keen to get involved with something that she might actually be decent at and maybe even make some acquaintances, possibly even friends (though that may have been a stretch).
"Can I join Wild Patch club?"He asked the girl @Rosemarie Chatwin He wanted join wild patch club.
"Hi, my name is Demeter, can i join Heta Omega Club?" She asked the girl @Ana Sofia Burleigh
Estella smirked at how popular her stand was becoming. "Of course!" she exclaimed when another Hufflepuff joined them. She watched as the first Hufflepuff wrote down her name and thanked her. "I look forward to it too! See you at the first meeting!" she said, happy that convincing others to join wasn't too hard at all. She could really get the hang of this.

@Margo Fox
@Aine Thompson
Renata was so excited to look at all the clubs that Hogwarts had to offer. Well, maybe not the defence association - defending from dark arts was much better than learning curses, but she was a little bit too scared to duel. And probably not the Brotherhood, for obvious reasons. But there was such a wide assortment that there seemed to be something for everyone, which was really nice to see. She gave Eugene a little wave as she went past the yearbook committee, before stopping at the arts club, giving Sky a wave and a smile. "Hello," she said, cheerfully. "Is that your viola, Sky?" she asked, impressed by how much musical talent was around at the school. She looked over at the older boy and held her hand out to shake it, knowing it was a bit of an old fashioned gesture but wanting to make a good impression. "Hello, I'm Renata! I would love to join your club, if you would have me?"

@Niamh Eriksen @Casper Beckett
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Josh wasn't at Hogwarts for that long, but the boy was enjoying his time here so far. He had made a few friends and was learning bits and pieces of the magical world. Which was still confusing to him. He had heard that there was a club fair to join the clubs and Josh knew that he couldn't turn down the offer. As he entered the fair, he looked around to see if there were any clubs that caught his eye. Until he heard someone call out something about brothers or something and that had somewhat caught Josh's attention. He made his way towards the table, looking around the table. "Hey! What's the brotherhood?"

@Lumio Skey
Soon the flood of students began to marge into the building. Soon there were people at her stand as well. One of them was asking her a question and Rose smiled broadly. ’Yes, you will get a succulent of your choosing and if you sign up you get this cool pencil that once planted in the ground will grow into a sunflower’’ Rose said excitingly to the girl. @Somjai Wu.

Soon a boy joined the stand and Rose shot him a nice big smile.
''Of course everyone can join!'' Rose said happily. ''You can grab yourself a succulent and you can plant this pencil to grow it into a sunflower'' Rose said. @James Wagner

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