Y39 Gryffindor Quidditch Practice S2

Isaiah was starting to feel like the bludgers were avoiding him rather than that the players were avoiding the bludgers.
Lysander swung and missed. Sad.
Elara felt good about catching the snitch twice during practice. She was definitely getting better.
Chloë continued her way across the pitch, throwing the quaffle through the right hoop when she reached it.
Lysander accelerated after another bludger, keeping an eye out for the other beaters.
He did see the snitch around the same time as Elara. Unfortunately, the girl happened to be closer so he simply didn't bother. Instead, he sat back on his broom and disinterestedly inspected his nails.
Ronald think that Chloe is on Fire she always score whenever she attempt to score in my Hoops but Ronald don't lost his hope and try to blocked next time she going in the south area, Ronald passed the quaffle to his teammates and watch what will happen to the north area.
Nikko was doing his best to keep up with these chasers but they weren't making it easy on him. At least Chloe had the quaffle now and would give him a chance to catch his breath.
Sully took off after Chloë as she took the quaffle, slowing some when he saw Elara had nabbed the snitch again. "Aw, come on Flynn, you should at least try," he called to their seeker, glad Elara was showing him up a bit. And speaking of showing up, Sully had some of his own to do, grabbing the quaffle from Ronald again.
Tucked tightly to his broom, Sully zipped across the pitch, banking quickly to throw the quaffle at the center hoop, whooping again as it went through.
Elara heard Sully's comment and snickered to herself as she hovered. She didn't understand why Flynn was so grumpy about all of this. He was a good seeker, and it wasn't like she was going to show him up enough to take his spot. Or at least, she didn't think she would. As she pondered this, Elara noticed some gold light zooming around one of the posts and was surprised the snitch had reappeared so quickly. Figuring it wasn't cheating since it had gone off on its own, she zoomed after it, easily placing her fingers around the ball as the wings hit her palm, fighting to get away. The Gryffindor opened her hand and looked at the weird magical ball before watching it zoom off again.
He glanced up from his nail inspecting when he heard Sully. "Come on Sully you can at least try and score," he quickly snapped back at the older boy. And in the meantime while he was distracted, ths alternate had grabbed the snitch again. "How about you shut up and don't interfere with my job and I won't interfere with you."
Elara watched the snitch hide again and then turned her head towards some yelling. She wasn't sure if any of it was because of her but quickly went back to minding her own business.
"What, like that?" Sully called over his shoulder, reclining on his broom after his goal as Nikko got the quaffle. How they'd ended up with a seeker with such a bad attitude was a mystery but at least Elara was doing a good job too if they ever needed to throw Flynn back in the lake. "Touchy touchy," he said, clicking his tongue and shaking his head in a way he knew pissed his siblings off, and hopefully Flynn too.
He opened his mouth to say something, but happened to see something shiny right behind Sully's head. So, he quickly shot forward, flying past the older Gryffindor as close as he could possibly manage before his hand wrapped around the snitch. "What," he echoed in the most annoying voice he could muster, "Like that?" And as if to prove his point he then stuck his tongue out as he tossed the snitch somewhere over his shoulder.
Lysander hovered on the spot, listening to the pitch banter with a roll of his eyes. He batted a bludger, skimming narrowly between the two in warning. "Loving the team spirit, you guys. If everyone could stay focused on the practice, that would be really great." He called out. Did Sully really have to egg Flynn on? He didn't want to have to set up some kind of timeout corner if people couldn't get on. How had Jacob made this whole team bonding thing look so easy?​
Elara couldn't help but continue to listen to the banter going on between Sully and Flynn and watched as Flynn caught the snitch shortly after she did, not even making a big deal about it like he did when she did the same. Huffing, she zoomed off to the corner of the field to watch over the game and get away from silly arguing boys.
Chloë shook her head at Flynn's moodiness, knowing Sully egging him on didn't exactly help either. She was glad Elara seemed to be doing well though and didn't seem to care much for the other seeker's reactions. She caught the quaffle when Nikko threw it out again and turned around, heading back for the other side of the pitch.
Isaiah was a little distracted when he watched El catch the snitch both a second and a third time, shooting her a thumbs up inbetween the back and forth between the two older players before remembering that maybe he should be focussing on hitting some bludgers instead.
Sully snorted at Flynn, begrudgingly impressed he'd managed to grab the snitch just in time to show off about it, but he gave Lysander a mock salute and left it there, tailing after Chloë instead as she took possession.
Trying to get in some more fun Chloë casually started zigzagging across the pitch with the quaffle safely tucked under her arm. She looked back to see what Sully and Noel were up to before quickly throwing the quaffle through one of the hoops.
Isaiah took a swing at a nearby bludger but it sailed towards no one in particular.
Sully grinned as Chloë weaved cross the pitch, trying to match and pre-empt her movements. He couldn't manage to get in front of her to impede her shot, but he took the quaffle again as Ronald threw it back in. "Nice flying," he called to Chloë, throwing her a wink.
Lysander zipped forward to beat back the bludger Isaiah had hit, though his shot went nowhere in particular.
Ronald passed the quaffle to Sully and Chloe is unstoppable on his own way but I try my best to block her next attempt in my hoops.
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