Y39 Gryffindor Practice S1

Lysander Summers

Expelled • Legilimens • The One To Blame
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 11 ½ Inch Sturdy Maple Wand with Ashwinder Dust Core
June 20 2038 (21)
Lysander had spent part of his morning assembling gear and getting the pitch ready for practice, and soon found himself floating lazily above the pitch while he waited for the players to arrive. There hadn't felt like enough time to settle into Hogwarts again yet, and already they had their first match to prepare for. The break had been good for Lysander, and with time to recuperate from their losses the previous year, he felt more confident that this year, they'd do better. They had a real chance with some of the major players having left. Eventually, the captain touched down on the grass as he caught sight of his team arriving, and gave them a broad grin when they'd gathered around. "Hey, team! Welcome back!" He greeted, pleased to see everyone gathered again. It had felt like ages since they'd all been in one place. "Or welcome, if you're new. Congrats on making the team, we're glad to have you guys." He continued. He briefly looked between Chloe and Isaiah, wondering what it was going to be like having the Thompson cousins on the team, and quickly continued on. "We have a match against Ravenclaw very soon to prepare for, so let's get started. We're going to do the usual teams - Team Scarlet is with me, and we'll defend the north hoops. I'll take Sully and Noel, Ronald, and Elara. Team Gold will be Emma, Isaiah, Chloe, Flynn and Nikko, and you're taking the south hoops. Sound good with everyone?" He asked before they headed on up. Sully and Chloe worked particularly well together, so he was interested to see what it would be like having them compete against each other for a change. "Alright, everyone jump in and get started!" He called, blowing his whistle and letting loose the chest of Quidditch balls.​

OOCOut of Character:
Just dive right in! Let me know if there's any issues with your roles in the QCP, or if you have any questions.

Sully was confident this year was gonna be Gryffindor's year for the Quidditch cup. Blake was out of the picture which made it feel like anything could happen on the pitch. He rolled up to practice, already feeling pretty amped and bounced on his toes as Lysander addressed the team and handed out practice assignments. "Let's go team Scarlet!" He said with a whoop, blowing Chloë a playful kiss now that he was playing against her before taking into the air, immediately snatching up the quaffle and looking for Noel.
Lysander took to the sky and hunted after the first of the bludgers he could see.
Nikko was feeling optimistic about the upcoming season which wasn’t saying a lot. But he didn’t discount what a positive attitude could do for performance. He kept his zen thoughts to himself and sighed. He had been listening to his mom too much over the holiday. Once they we’re given instructions he gave Lysander a nod before kicking off and taking up his position at the south hoops.
Ronald so good that he is back at the Gryffindor Quidditch team, he focuses on the north hoops and tries his best to prove to their captain that my second year at the Quidditch team is worth it, he opens his eyes when his teammate Sully so active and cheers our Scarlet team they going to the south hoops and wish he made us team the 1st goal in our practice game.
Sully shot forward, not able to get a good angle on Noel without making him too vulnerable to a steal, especially since he was used to how Chloë played. Instead, he sped straight towards Nikko, not giving him a chance to warm up before lobbing the quaffle through the right-hand hoop. "Whooo, it's our year, guys!" He called as his shot sailed through, grinning at the rest of Team Scarlet.
Lysander caught up to the bludger he'd been pursuing, and managed to smack it toward their newest beater. "Heads up!" He hollered, trying to give him enough time to defend himself by hitting it back.
@Isaiah Thompson
Nikko sighed as Sully managed to get shot past him. At least he was likely to get some good practice in being opposite him. He tossed the quaffle back into play and got back to keeping watch.
Lysander wound back to hit another passing bludger, though it veered off and into @Noel Waldgrave instead. He winced, waved an apology, and flew on to find another.
Sully looped back near the hoops as Nikko got the quaffle, feeling pretty pleased with himself. He'd just turned to boast to Noel some more when Lysander knocked a quaffle at him and Sully could only laugh in response. It wasn't like Noel couldn't take a few hits.
Lysander shook his head with a small laugh at Sully, and flew on to chase down the next bludger.
Flynn was still a little nervous about the upcoming match, but he was trying not to let it get to him. Wasting no time at all, he hopped on his broom and set off in search of the snitch.
Nikko kept his eye on the quaffle, ready to see how his team Gold's chasers would do. And extra ready incase Sully or Noel tried to steal. But after a bludger hit he figured Noel would be the least likely of the two.
Still no sign of the snitch, but he kept looking.
Lysander swung his bat at a bludger, though it spiralled harmlessly away.
Ronald waiting for another team if they going in my place and Ronald is ready to protect their scarlet team hoops and not a single quaffle going to his hoops, Ronald does his best because this practice session will be the warm-up for the upcoming game against the Ravenclaw team.
Elara was rather astounded that she had made the quidditch team, even if it was just as an alternate. However, it gave her time to work on her skills before being the accountable seeker. She grasped her new broom, as her dads had caved and purchased one for her since she'd proven then wrong by making the team, and took the air, keeping an eye out for any gold nearby.
Noel was ready for practice and smiled as he joined the team on the pitch. This was the last year he and Sully would be there. One chance to win it all. And he wanted to put everything into it. He smiled to Lysander and went standing with Sully and Chloe. He grinned as Chloe and Sully didn't got in the same team, he and Sully were now together. '' Go Scarlett!!'' He than said competitive and was ready to practice. As they were ready he quickly mounted his broom and went along after Sully. As he managed to score quickly he cheered. Sully was an very good player, he thought of him and Chloe as better than he was. But he enjoyed quidditch a lot. But he knew he didn't want to make an carreer out of it. As he moved on he got hit by an bludger. Looking suprised as he noticed Lysander hit him. '' Do you need glasses captain?!'' He than said with an grin. He could take an hit, he was used to it but it always hurted badly. As he flew close he managed to intercept the quaffle before the other team did, taking some meters before he would try and score.

Rule 2A
Emma was glad Lysander had kept his position as captain. If he hadn't, he would have just been a prefect now instead of a prefect and Quidditch captain. At least that made him less boring. She also was just happy to be on the team with her best friend as the captain. As usual, they were divided into two teams. Emma grinned at her teammates, then got to the air and started chasing the nearest bludger.
Chloë was excited to be back for another year of quidditch, hoping that maybe this would be their year. She listened to what Lysander had to say, ruffling her cousin's hair and jokingly sticking her tongue out at Sully when he cheered for his team before pushing off into the air. She watched as he went straight for it, barely giving Nikko a chance to think. She was about to swoop in to catch the quaffle when Nikko threw it back out, but was a little distracted when she noticed her cousin get hit by a bludger. She quickly shot after Noel when he managed to get a hold of it though, keen not to make it too easy on him.
Isaiah was stoked to be on the team as an alternate, grinning as he eagerly waited for practice to kick off. He glared at Chloë for a second when she messed up his hair before hopping onto his broom and getting up into the air. Zay hadn't even noticed a bludger to chase yet when Lysander hit one his way, a little annoyed when he was too late in taking a swing at it and it hit him right in the shoulder. Ah, so that was how that felt. He rubbed the area of impact for a second before chasing after the bludger. He looked for the player closest to him as he swung his bat at it, watching as it sailed right for @Elara Chatelain. "Sorry El!" He called over, pretty proud that he had managed a hit right away but simultaneously feeling a bit guilty that he had send it flying into his friend.
As Noel came closer to the goal he tried to make an good attempt. Frowning as he noticed the keeper got it. He at least tried, and could use the practice. He knew Sully and Chloe were just really good, and tried to prepare for the real game.
Chloë flew after Noel as he sailed across the pitch with the quaffle, giving Nikko a thumbs up when he blocked Noel's shot. "Nice!" She grinned, catching the quaffle when he threw it back out and turning around to head for Ronald's side of the pitch.
Isaiah flew on, looking around for another bludger to possibly hit.
Chloë tried her best to stay in front of Noel and Sully as she headed for the other side of the pitch, not keen to let them even try and steal the quaffle from her. She chucked it at the hoops once she was close enough, watching as it sailed right through. "Try to keep up boys." She joked, grinning at her friends after she had turned around to face them.

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