Y37 Sorting Reactions

Actually I can't even imagine where Nathaniel will end up so I feel extra excited:D and also he is the only one I am going to sort because my answering speed right now is not the best I swear I am trying and also he is first boy I am going to play so I feel even more excited:D
Hey! ^_^
I hope, I be the same house with my best friend and big brother ^_^ He is realy nice person and deffinetly be Hufflepuff house.
Hey, I'd be in the same house with his brother and sister, but then will see how it will be.
Kinda leaning towards Gryffindor or Hufflepuff with Noah here but sensing major Gryffindor vibes.

Someone give me a lottery ticket cuz this boy's on FIRE todayxDxDxD
I didn’t think both my firsties would end up being gryffindors. But nice surprise! :party:
Something I've noticed is that with only sorting one this year I weirdly have less of an urge to sort an extra kid than I normally do 🤔
I mostly feel the urge when I see a thread I wanna join but don't think Salem would fit/couldn't join that location and go "what if...."
I mostly feel the urge when I see a thread I wanna join but don't think Salem would fit/couldn't join that location and go "what if...."
I relate a lot to this, literally yesterday in bed I couldn't fall asleep so I created 3 new characters in my head. Trying to control myself and don't actually create them or else i'll end up sorting them.
I might as well share who I am sorting. Had to check the list because otherwise, I would always miss one, or three.

Matteo Burke - Celeste and Severo's son, Jacqueline's nephew
Connor Chamberlin - Bryce's nephew
Tobias King - Ava King's son
Athene Styx - Hades Styx III's sister

Trysta Zhefarovich - Chavdar's daughter / Kalif's niece
Kiril Zhefarovich - Azerail's son / Kalif's nephew
Audrie Zhefarovich - Videl Zhefarovich II's half sister
Elitsa Zhefarovich - Naiden's sister

Other schools, I have 3
Yukio Arai - Mahoutokuro
Jared and Aleric Vyhnal - Ilvermorny

1 is uncertain where I will place her. She is Zoya Kvalheim.
Okay, so I only sorted most but not all. So, here are my reactions:

Matteo Burke: A Slytherin he was, which was not surprising. His father's side of the family might not be heavy into Hogwarts, but his mother's side was on the other hand. He will fit right in!
Connor Chamberlin: I am glad that Connor is not in Ravenclaw, because all Chamberlins' that have went to HNZ were in Ravenclaw. I thought that either Gryffindor or Hufflepuff would suit him the best, and it looks like Hufflepuff won!
Tobias King: I just knew he would be a Gryffindor. He really wanted it, which I didn't even plan out until I was writing it. The more he wanted it, the more that I wanted him to have it.
Athene Styx: I knew that Athene was not a Hufflepuff or a Gryffindor. I thought that she would be a good Slytherin or Ravenclaw. I am glad that she ended up in blue though!
Elitsa Zhefarovich: Elitsa, I was predicting the same as Athene. Blue or green. I was surprised when she ended up in Ravenclaw though, because now I have half of the quads in the same house.
Zoya Kvalheim: I thought to sort her on a whim. She is an adrenaline junkie and loves to take risks. I just knew that she was destined for Gryffindor for that, but her cold attitude could have put her in Slytherin though.

I am not going to sort the others, as far as I am aware. I don't have enough going for them for the effort xD
Ahh so Valencia was sorted into Ravenclaw! I'm actually glad she was sorted into Ravenclaw, cause i felt that she was heading towards that way anyways! I'm so excited to rp her!
Martha was one of those who could have been almost anywhere!! (Just not Ravenclaw :lol: ) I had no idea what to expect but I'm excited she's in Gryffindor ^_^
I had no clue where Julien would end up. I wanted to sort a boy didn't had him planned, but let's be spontaneous. I didn't have much Ravenclaws I believe this is my third, and I think it suits him! Very happy.
🐍 🐍
Something I've noticed is that with only sorting one this year I weirdly have less of an urge to sort an extra kid than I normally do 🤔
do transfers count as sorting? I really didn't want another student, at least not a first year lol
I have only sorted two and im totally ONLY going to sort two so I was happy that they got seperate houses. For Cindy I was thinking at first she would be a Gryffindor because she's everything ML isn't. But as I got further down her form, I noticed that as different as they were, the differences came from the same place and so it wasn't a surprise she got Hufflepuff.

With Yuki though, I honestly expected her to get Hufflepuff. It wasn't until I read the sorting post again after her placement that I understood. I hadn't thought about her ambition or her drive for people to like her, or that she cared what people thought, but it was all there in the post and her form. I really ought to pay better attention.
it was all there in the post and her form. I really ought to pay better attention.
I think that's one of my fav parts about how sorting works vs it being some four question quiz with a predictable outcome. Fun to piece together a sorting you never saw coming and go "Oh. Duh."

(See also: me having the exact same reaction and wondering why my trivia buff musician kid was a Ravenclaw last year because I'm Not Clever sometimes)
Yaas I’m always excited to see what the hat sees in my character that I didn’t think about!!!
When I’m filling out the form I always end up daydreaming about how each house would shape their personality and I just get excited that it’s ultimately out of my hands :teehee:
Ravenclaw oooohhh I was not expecting that at all (was thinking Slyth, Puff, and Gryff were most likely in that order), yet I can immediately see how well she'll fit in here, better than anywhere else. I cannot wait to see how this shapes her :party:

And she'll be ridiculously pleased about it too!!

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