Y36 Club Fair

Professor Landon Carter

herbology 1-4 | laid-back | father of 4 girls
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 1/2 Inch Sturdy Alder Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
Professor Landon Carter was very excited to be organising this year's club fair. It was the first one he would be organising, and so he wanted it to be special. He thought the courtyard was the best location, better than the Great Hall where it was last year. It had some fresh air and was out in the open and something that passing students might be able to join if they wanted. Better yet, it was almost perfect weather for it and he was very excited. The man wanted to make it as welcoming as ever, putting a banner at all of the entrances that read in big colourful letters 'Welcome to the Y36 Club Fair'. He added some colourful flowers around and made each table a different colour, which the leaders of the clubs could choose from. He then put a snack table in the middle, courtesy of the school's house elves, that had small snacks and drinks in case anyone was feeling peckish. Soon enough, the club leaders began arriving early, which was something Landon had suggested to them all, and the man beamed at them as he welcomed everyone, just knowing that it would be a great event for them all.

OOCOut of Character:
Official Clubs/Leaders
Accio! / Vader Hume
The Brotherhood of Magic/ Abian Hunter
Heta Omega/ Emilia Manning
Wild Patch Club/ Elliot Briar, William Kaimaira
Student Defense Association/ Analei Louw, Willow Cullen
Hogwarts Monthly/ Nell Wright
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Finaly started clubs and Page wanted enyoi this all the time. She hoped soon see her friend Sofia. She looked around and hoped that @Sofia White she will be here. - Hello, Proffessor, can i join?- She asked with warm smile and wanted know what she would be do here.

@Professor Landon Carter
Sofia looked at the Courtyard and smiled. Everything was so colourful and well organized, she could see that someone had put a lot of work in it, it was just amazing!
In the middle of the crowd, the girl, finally spotted Page talking to a professor and decided to approach them.
She was really excited as this was her first club fair and couldn't wait to find out more about the school activities.
"Hello Professor! Hi Page!" She said with a friendly smile.
Vader had a few positions he needed to fill, or well, people he needed to fill positions in for. The teen knew he needed to pick a replacements, a little in advance, so the graduating members could properly mentor them in what they needed to do for that position, he wanted to be sure that everyone on the team got the time to learn all that they needed before just being handed the role. He had already encouraged one person to come see him, and he hoped this would help others come to him too. They were very specific, very selective. Vader had his stand ready, even if they couldn’t as freely add people to their team as the other houses they were still expected to turn up and people could look at the old yearbooks if they wanted to. He stood there and waited to see who might come along.
it was strange to be back here on her own, without Athena Rey-Martinez as co-president. But Emilia was no longer nervous about running the magical sorority of Heta Omega. In fact, it was the one thing she felt like she was alright at these days. Emilia set up the stall as usual. She put out a box with bracelets again for new members, putting up a banner with the club name on it as well. She also placed out a plate with chocolates for new members to grab, shaped like hearts. She had made sure to look nice today, as she knew she had to represent the club well. She had dressed in clothes from her cousin's brand EVELYN, and had tied up her hair in en elaborate twist. She smiled brightly as she clasped her hands together, waiting for girls to sign up for the club. It was strange that this would be her final year leading the club, but she knew she would work hard to make it the best year yet.

OOC: Anyone who wants to sign up for Heta Omega, talk to Emilia! If you have questions about the club, you're free to ask her! Or PM me. If you want to make sure I don't miss your reply, please @ me!
Blake was excited about the club fair. She wanted to join something since the day she got to Hogwarts. She always liked to be a part of bigger things, also because it keeps her from thinking a lot and when you are a conpulsive overthinker the necessity of always being able to keep your mind from overthinking is greater than anything else, so there she was. She saw a booth saying with a banner saying "Accio!". It was the yearbook committee, she had never been great with cameras that's why she asked her old friends to take pictures of her to post on social media. Accio! was a hard pass. Then there was one saying Heta Omega. Her mom talked about Heta Omega and how they were a sorority for girls, made by girls, to support other girls. Her mom went to Heta Omega so, why wouldn't she try for a spot there?

"Hi! My name's Blake. You are here to recruit people for Heta Omega right? I'd like to sign up if that's possible" she said giving her most charming pearly smile to the girl on the other side of the booth.
@Emilia Manning
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After being hired temporarily as an ollivander’s assistant, Chloe had decided that she wanted to be more involved when the new year began. It really wasn’t bad at all, working with people, and she figured that since she was already in her fourth year, she might as well bond with people more. She had to socialise a lot this year to make up for all the previous years spent in the dorms or the library studying, or practicing for the Quidditch games. Instead of making a real effort to meet someone new. The Ravenclaw arrived to the courtyard, finding it refreshing that the club fair was being held here instead of indoors. She took her time to look around, wondering what exactly she could get involved in, and when she spotted the Accio! club, she approached the stall, deciding to start there. "Hi," she greeted with a small smile towards the boy behind the stall, wondering if he was the editor. "This sounds interesting, could you tell me a little more about it?" she asked him, wanting to get more information and see how it worked exactly before making a decision to commit.
Edward hadn't joined any clubs last year since his mind had been too filled with all of the exciting things within the school. Making a promise to be more helpful he decided that he wasn't to join as many clubs as possible. He figured he would make his way around the tables and sign up for as many as he could that he thought looked interesting. The first being the 'Accio' table, he'd enjoyed the hard work that he been put into the yearbook last year and figured it would be something he could be useful at doing. He saw an older girl @Chloe Chan was already in front and asking, @Vader Hume a question and figured he would stand next to her and listen before offering to join.
Vader looked up as a girl approached the table, and gave a little smile as she asked for a little more information, he could note that there was another boy who seemed to be listening in. "Accio is the yearbook, of course, so what we do is produce the yearbook, every year." the teen said with a nervous expression knowing that he was repeating himself somewhat, "Currently we're looking for photographers, these are people who would be able to help at school events taking pictures, doing the profiles. We typically do ask for people to have some experience and interest in photography before joining since it can be a lot of work," Vader said, he knew he wasn't exactly selling it very well. But the accio yearbook was different from other. clubs, where others did just let anyone sign up the process for accio was pretty rigourous. "We usually ask for some examples of the work too." he said, he picked up the form he had for those interested, "Still interested?"
Abian was better prepared this time, and was actually on time too. He set up the Brotherhood booth with a large bowl of candy that he had specifically bought for the club fair. He hoped it would entice some people to at least come check out the booth. He put put a banner advertising for the Brotherhood of MAGIC, and placed a few photos on the table as well that he had taken at the snowball event last year, the moving pictures showing different brotherhood members getting hit by snow. He hadn't picked anyone to run the club with him, because everyone he knew that was older and in the club was already so busy. He had thought about asking Jacob, but he knew the other boy was busy with Quidditch. Then there was also a part of Abian that just... wanted to see what he could do with the club, on his own. He hadn't been like Kauri last year, but he hadn't been awful either. He had been a president in his own right, which had felt good. He was already thinking of a few cool events for this year, and hoped there would be many new boys signing up for the club.

OOC: Anyone who wants to sign up for the Brotherhood, talk to Abian! If you have questions about the club, you're free to ask him! Or PM me. If you want to make sure I don't miss your reply, please @ me
Aisling stepped out into the courtyard and looked around at all of the stalls that had already been set up. It wasn't to busy yet, so she decided to walk around and have a look about. There was a good variety of clubs, and she did want to join as many as she could. Aisling stopped by the Heta Omega stall and had a closer look. Smiling, she walked up to the girl who was running it. “Hello,” she said. “Um, I’m interested in joining. I’m Aisling, by the way.”

@Emilia Manning
Flynn had heard there was some sort of 'club fair' going on so he had decided to go anf check it out. Just to see what all the fuss was about. Though he didn't really know what he was supposed to be expecting. Apparently it was just quite a few different stalls advertising the different clubs at Hogwarts. Flynn was quiet as he peered over all the shoulders over everyone else, curious as to what everything was about. Then he saw a sign reading 'Brotherhood of Magic' and paused. "What's the Brotherhood of Magic?" He questioned, moving a little closer to the stall and the boy who happened to be running it.

@Abian Hunter
Anna was just waiting for Elisa pretty close to Club Fair so of course she saw banner and heard people. And she wanted to know what is going on, Elisa will see her if she comes over but Anna wanted to look what is there. Sorority? Maria told her something about that and now Anna understood what exactly - Heta Omega, Maria gave her little advice to join them because it will help her a lot, she didn't know how but if Maria told, then Anna did. She stood next to stall and saw a chocolate she almost took it and then thought that before she needs to sign up. "Hi, I'm Anna, first year Gryffindor, can I join to Heta Omega?" she said to @Emilia Manning and then happily, bravely smiled. She wasn't shy one.

@Elisabeth Easterling
Elliot remembered how overwhelming the club fair had seemed in his first year of school, and he couldn't help but feel it was still just as much being on the other side of the table now. He liked to think he'd found his stride more at school this year, but running the Wild Patch Club was still looking to be pretty daunting, even with William's help.

They'd set up the Wild Patch booth, picking one the of green tables Professor Carter had set up since it seemed most appropriate, and decked it out in the usual floral display. Elliot had been weaving flower crowns since he'd gotten back to school, a selection of which he'd laid out on the table, and they'd also picked out a few of the potted plants to set up around the booth to show off what the club had been cultivating in the previous year. Now, with the sign-up list, Elliot just had to wait to help answer any questions or sign up new members. He wasn't sure if he was more nervous about the idea of chatting with new first years or having to make small talk with William while they waited, since he still hadn't quite gotten used to William's strange brand of humor.

OOC: Anyone who wants to sign up for the Wild Patch Club, talk to Elliot or William Kaimarama! If you have questions about the club, you're free to ask them or PM us. If you want to make sure we don't miss your reply, please @ us
Ajaccio had been thinking about joining the team for a while, but after his holiday, taking pictures with his dad he had come to realise that he really liked it and wanted more than anything to do it. It would be hard work he was sure and he wasn’t entirely positive he would be good at it, but Ajaccio was keen to at least give it a bit of a try. The teen turned up at the club fair knowing that was where he’d best be able to sign up. He spotted the older boy immediately and was quick to walk over to it, there were a few other people at the stand but he was singularly focused. ”Hey Vader,” he greeted holding his hand out to the other boy, ”I think I’d like to sign up to be a photographer, I have some examples,” He had briefly talked about accio to him at the pride event, but he was taking it more seriously now. His pictures were all taken with the brand new cameras he’d gotten over the break. He had a few in his hands and ready to hand them in with the form.
Edward wasn't very good at taken pictures, it had always been something his brother was better at then himself, at least while using a phone anyways. He decided to move away from @Vader Hume and the Accio stand and instead saw another one that advertised for the Brotherhood. There was a student @Flynn North there as well and so Edward walked over curious as to what the brotherhood might entail and if it was a club that could work out for him. He stood next to the younger student and listened to what @Abian Hunter might say about the club.
Lily walked past the courtyard and saw the Club Fair going on.decuded to check it out and while she walked around she spotted The Wild Patch club. So she walked closer to the boy behind the table and smiled "Heyy. I'm Lily Harbour, I was wondering if you could tell me what happens in this club? Ohh and I just wanted to know if I can join 2 clubs at once?
@Elliot Briar
Marco wasn’t often at the club fair, so he wasn’t quite sure what it was that brought him here. He didn’t think he was going to join anything new, already being in his sixth year he didn’t see much point in it, he was graduating at the end of next year, and he was already part of two clubs as far as he remembered (his memory failed him at times). But for some reason or other he was at the courtyard, and hands tucked into his pockets the Hufflepuff walked around to see the different clubs that were being advertised. It didn’t take him long to spot the brotherhood, and figuring it would give him something to do, the boy went over to the stall and sent a nod towards Abian. "Hey Abian," he greeted his roommate. "Do you want any help?"
@Abian Hunter
"Hi Lily, I'm Elliot," Elliot said, smiling when a girl approached their table. "So the Wild Patch grows and cares for plants around the school grounds. We get together to do things like help pull weeds and plant things once a semester. We have a plot in the school gardens and we also help grow things for school events like Valentine's roses," He said, motioning to some roses he'd gathered from the Wild Patch to decorate the table. "And I'm sure as long as you have time to attend all your club events, you can join as many as you like." @Lily Harbour
Lily listened closely as Elliot explained what The Wild Patch club is about. She liked it. "That sounds great, so how do I sign up?" Lily asked in a excited tone. She hoped Sofia would also sign up. Lily really loves nature so this is just the club for her.

@Elliot Briar
Elliot was happy to see they'd already have one new member signed up so far, pointing Lily over to the sign up sheet. "Great, just write your name down here and you'll be all set," He said, feeling the same friendly persona that he'd gotten used to working at Ollivander's slip into his voice as he did so. "If you like you can take a rose or a flower crown with you too," he added. @Lily Harbour
Lily smiled as he said to write down her name. She blended down and wrote Lily Harbour on the paper. " There. All set. I'll take a rose crown thank you. " Lily said with a smile and took a rose crown and placed it on her head.

@Elliot Briar
As Lily was finished at The Wild Patch club table she walked around some moet and saw The Heta Omega club. She walked closer and smiled at the girl behind the table and said " Heyy, I would like to sign up for the Club if possible. I'm Lily by the way. " Lily was very excited to be part of a club or 2.

@Emilia Manning
Ruben decided to take a look over the Club Fair. Girls sorority, no. Yearbook, photography wasn't really his thing even though he could take some nice shots. Gardening, not really his thing since he didn't really appreciated getting his hands dirty. Herbology classes would be a pain. The Brotherhood seemed interesting. Boys only, snowball fighting. He saw that two other boys @Flynn North and @Edward Elric were already there so he decided to stick around to hear @Abian Hunter explain what was the Brotherhood of MAGIC all about
it didn't take long for the first boy to approach, and Abian smiled at him as he asked his question. "It's a club where boys can hang out and have fun." He said with a shrug. "We have events every semester, and we just kinda do cool stuff." He told the boy, and he smiled at two other young boys who came to the booth. "Older students help younger ones, and we always have each other's backs." He explained. "Sometimes we do stuff with the Heta Omega girls too. Last year we all had a party together." He then looked up as Marco approached. He shrugged at the fellow Hufflepuff with an easy smile. "It's going fine so far, but you can help out if you want." He told him, then handed him the bowl of candy. "Maybe hand this out?" He then looked at the three young boys again. "Do you guys have more questions?"

@Flynn North @Edward Elric @Ruben Right @Marco Mariani

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