Open WPC - Plant What You Like

Lysander Summers

Expelled • Legilimens • The One To Blame
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 11 ½ Inch Sturdy Maple Wand with Ashwinder Dust Core
June 20 2038 (24)
Spring was always the best time for planting. A lot of the old plants had been cleared following the Winter, and it was time to breathe some new life into the Wild Patch. Lysander had spent a lot of his free time digging around in the dirt, creating empty spaces for people to utilize as they saw fit. Everyone had been welcome to come and go over the semester as they liked, and learn some things along the way, but sometimes it took getting everyone together at once to get the best results out of the garden. Lysander had procured himself a large handful of seed packets for today's meeting. And he meant large, like, a burlap sacks worth of whatever he could get his hands on. There was a lot of variety, both in magical and non-magical flora. A few posts had been stuck into the soil, sections cordoned off into singular square plots. He'd gone on to borrow some art supplies from the Conglomerated Arts club, a few coloured inks and paints, and a variety of materials for members to write on to stick to their assigned posts, so people knew whos was whos.

As always, and to absolutely no one's surprise, he was sure - Lysander waited to greet his floral court decked out in his King of Flowers attire. He waved everyone over, gesturing for them to find a seat on the grass before he began. "Welcome, once again, my subjects, to another Wild Patch event. Today, everyone's getting their own specific spot in the patch to use, and we're growing whatever we like. You want sunflowers? We've got sunflowers. You want chomping cabbages? We've got chomping cabbages. You name it, and I'll see if I can find it in here." He said, giving the sack of seeds a hefty pat. Maybe he didn't have whatever they liked, but he had the most common plants he expected people to ask for. "All you need to do is take your seeds and some writing equipment, stick your names to one of the posts, and get planting. You learn best by doing, and I wanted this to be an opportunity for you guys to do what you feel like, or I guess, grow what you feel like. Think of it like a Herbology lesson, except you don't need to focus only on what the professors decide you have to grow for the semester, and you don't have to worry about failing. We can make mistakes here, and we can learn from them without any pressures. I'm here to help you out and give you advice, and plenty of other members are too, so don't be afraid to work together and ask for help." He said. He opened up the sack and withdrew his wand. There were way too many seed packets to sort through, so he'd have to resort to trying to summon whatever he was asked for. "Okay, just grab your writing stuff and line up for some seeds. If you need any specific equipment it should all be in our greenhouse."
Just chill, plant yourselves anything you like (within reason :r) in your own small plots that your characters can tend to andd ecorate how they like for the year.)
Ajaccio arrived at the wild patch and happily waved to his friend. He had always enjoyed the fresh air that this club brought and thought it was a rather fun place to spend time. He nodded along as the boy told them what they were doing. He was rather surprised they were allowed to just plant - mostly anything - and decided to grab some chomping cabbage as the leader had said. he might not have to deal with them but someone would have to....He began planting them into the ground.
Continuing his plant education was something that was very important to Leonardo, so he'd stuck with the wild patch though they hadn't yet done that. He got to the area, before anyone else he knew, but where only a couple of other people had beaten him to getting there. He wasn't sure he'd get much learning from just planting stuff, but he didn't mind that either. He looked at the plants until he found some carrot seeds. he knew it wasn't very exciting, and would probably be way less interesting than anything else, but he just found a spot to put them in ground and set about planting them.
Rosie had been so excited about the first wild patch event that she would attend. She couldn't wait to be able to go along and spend the tiime in amount others who like her loved plants. When she reached the area she was rather surprised that there were fewer people there than she'd expected. She listened eager to what was said, and immediate went to get some seeds, though there were a lot, she picked sunflowers, since given the time of year they'd grow beautifully. She wanted them to grow beautifully. The girl found a patch of the wild patch and began preparing the ground for the seeds.
Poppy felt a little melancholy as she walked out to the Wild Patch garden. She had come to love the green house and getting to take care of the plants. It reminded her so much of home and she was grateful for it. She couldn’t help but laugh a little at Lysander’s get up but she listened to him as he explained what they would be doing for this semester’s meeting. The idea of growing something just for them seemed like the perfect activity. She had left all of her plants under her father’s care while she was at school and it wasn’t like she could grow much in her dorm room, so this seemed perfect. Poppy dug through the bag of seeds trying to find anything that excited her. Eventually she found some package of peas and she grabbed it before she lost track of it. She knew these would grow quickly and would make a nice snack. Planting the seeds was the easy part and it would be some time before they would need it but she looked around to see if there were supplies around to make a trellis for them to grow on.
Caleb loved Wild Patch meetings as well as any excuse to get out of the castle. He noticed a spot that was sectioned off just for him and immediately went to check it out. He was only half listening when Lysander started talking but eventually looked up at the mention of chomping cabbages. He liked the idea of getting to plant something and take care of it himself. He had never really done anything like this before and it would give him a good reason to make trips out to the garden. When it was his turn to pick his seeds he just stuck his hand into the bag and grabbed the first things his hand made contact with. When he pulled out his hand he frowned when he realized it was for honking daffodils. His grandmother had them in her garden and the would always surprise him when he walked by and scare him half to death. He considered grabbing something else but it didn't seem worth the hassle so he went back to his spot and started to get to work.
Xinyi usually enjoyed the wild patch meetings anyway. But knowing @Rosie Archer would be there made it even better. He was a little late, having spent longer getting ready in an attempt to make sure his hair looked nice. Everyone had dispersed already by the time he got there. He hurried over to Rosie, smiling as he came up to her. "Hello!" He greeted, kneeling to the ground she was working on. "What are you doing?"
Aubrey walked down to the wildpatch, hoping she'd see Salem there. She'd run late in her classes. She watched Lysander talk, eventually taking her turn perusing the seeds. She gathered some daisies and found a nice patch of dirt. She tied her hair up and settled in to work, enjoying digging in the dirt. @Salem Lee
Despite every interaction he had with Lysander somehow winding up as awkward as possible, Connor did quite enjoy the Wild Patch. He had been looking forward to coming back to the club all year, to doing something normal that didn't require him to manage an unruly team or spend hours buried in his books. He listened as Lysander explained the plan, relieved beyond belief. This sounded like exactly what he needed. Connor took a selection of different flower seeds, quite liking the idea of having his own flower patch to tend when school got too much. He chose a patch and put up a sign with his name before setting to the task of sowing his chosen seeds.
Rosie glanced up from what she was doing and smiled at Xinyi, "I'm planting some sunflowers," the young gryffindor said excitedly. "The leader of the club said plant whatever you like and then mentioned that there were sunflowers and sunflowers are beautiful flowers," Rosie told him, probably over explaining what she was doing but she didn't mind. "Did you have anything you wanted to plant?"
@Xinyi Huang
Xinyi listened to her talk, honestly just enjoying the sound of her voice. He smiled shyly at her question and shook his head. "Oh, I didn't get anything yet. I thought maybe I could come help you plant things?" He asked, thinking it sounded nice. "If we finish early we can go back and get something else, I just thought it would be nice to spend time with you." He told her. @Rosie Archer
Rosie nodded, "Sure!" she told him in agreement. She would've got more plants already but she got the impression that though Xinyi did like plants he was more in Aurora's camp of liking but not loving plants as she did. "Okay, so sunflowers are simple," and then Rosie launched into how to do it. "And talk to the seeds, positive reinforcement helps them grow. At home I usually sing to them...but there are...a lot of people here...," she told him.
@Xinyi Huang
The Wild Patch Club was one of the best parts of Hogwarts for Natalia. She didn't exactly have friends in the club, but at least she was around other people and doing something she really liked. She spent a lot of time at the Wild Patch area on her own as well, simply taking care of the plants. She saw the club leader had collected a lot of seeds, as well as other materials. Natalia didn't know what they were going to do, but she hoped it would be fun.

Lysander spoke to them, and Natalia was trying her best to ignore how he really pretended to be a king. She was pretty happy to hear they were getting their own patch of land to use and to plant whatever they wanted. She listened to his explanation, wondering what she wanted to grow. Flowers, probably. She liked flowers. Natala grabbed some equipment to make a little sign for her name and got started on that, finding a patch of soil in a corner that didn't have a lot of neighbors.
Xinyi listened to Rosie, taking everything she told him to heart. He tried to help her plant the seeds. He looked up as he noticed she suddenly seemed shy. Not wanting her to miss out, he shifted a bit. "Alright, if you say so," He gave her a warm smile before turning back to the sunflower seeds, singing them a gentle lullaby in his native tongue that he remembered his mother singing to him back at home.

@Rosie Archer
Roise was only half watching as Xinyi followed her instructions, she trusted him enough to be able to follow what she'd just told him to do. So she wasn't concerned to watch more than a little. She was mostly doing what she needed to, to be able to plant the other seeds, making sure they were the right distance apart. She looked up after a moment and listened to him singing. It wasn't in english but it sounded sweet. She continued to work away.
@Xinyi Huang
Salem was keen to get some work done in the Wild Patch now that the weather was getting really nice; glad for the break before the castle descended into exam chaos. She'd never been particularly book smart, so the fuss mostly went over her head and tended to make the last few weeks of the semester drag terribly. Lysander was giving them a bit of free reign today which was interesting, Salem spent far too long pondering what seeds to take, ending up with a mix of root vegetables and squash she wasn't sure would grow this time of year without a little help before scanning the patch for Aubrey, glad to spot her nearby already working.

"Hey, what's your opinion on-" Salem paused, squinting at the small text on the seed packet she'd grabbed. "-Butternut squash versus Yellow squash?" She asked her, reaching out to brush some of Aubrey's hair from her face where it'd come loose from her pony tail, not even thinking about the action until she'd already lowered her hand and feeling her face flush. "I couldn't stop thinking about jack-o-lanterns but I don't think you can carve these," she added after a moment, returning to fuss with the seed packets. @Aubrey Miller
Xinyi continued singing a soft lullaby to the seeds as he planted them. They kept working, and before he knew it he'd run out of seeds. His singing faltered, and he looked up to Rosie. She looked so content, he couldn't help but smile. He scooted a little closer to her. "Now what?" He asked gently, giving her a warm smile. @Rosie Archer
Rosie worked alongside Xinyi as they planted, eventually stopping when she'd run out of seeds. Then she glanced to Xinyi and gave a little nod, "Then we water them!" Rosie told him happily. They'd have to fill some watering cans to do it together so she got them one each with water and held one out to Xinyi, "Sprinkle as evenly as possible, sunflowers need a lot of water to germinate but then they need less, so be generous!" she told him, doing the same for herself.
@Xinyi Huang
Rose loved the wild patch events not only did she like to be outside and be busy with nature she also loved the people that attended the events. Most people had similar interests and so it was easier to make some new friends. She arrived at the event and took a seat on the grass. When Rose heard about the event she got super excited. This was exactly what she loved and Rose found herself a spot to plant a couple of flowers in. She wrote her name on a plastic tag and placed it in the ground to claim her little plot. She walked to the table and grabbed some vegetable seeds and a couple of herbs and flowers seeds that made a good couple with the vegetables. She first went with carrot and chives. Chives kept the carrot fly away so the carrots could grow in peace. She also planted some strawberries and poppy’s. She was just busy with her little plot.
Aubrey looked up at the familiar voice, smiling warmly. "Hey, sweetness," She greeted affectionately. She shut her eyes, smile widening at the touch. "Thank you," She murmured, opening her eyes again to look at Salem. "If you're thinking of pumpkins, you would want the butternut squash. It's more similar in taste to a pumpkin, kinda sweet and nutty. It's a winter grower, though, the Yellow squash is a summer grower. It's more buttery when its cooked, with a bit of a black pepper kick to it." Aubrey hesitated and let out a shy laugh. "Sorry. My mum likes to grow things." @Salem Lee
Xinyi nodded, watering the sunflowers carefully. "You work with plants a lot?" He asked Rosie, peeking up at her as he went about his task. He would have to remember that, especially around her birthday. "Do you just like it, or...?" He asked, wanting to know more about her. @Rosie Archer
Rosie gave a nod, "I love plants," she gushed happily, "I love flowers, I love herbs, I love weeds, I love all of it," she knew it was probably a lot more than most people did like flowers or growing things. But Rosie had always enjoyed the lifecycle of it, how beautiful they all were. "Dad let me grow anything in our garden, and I just....fell in love with it,"
@Xinyi Huang
Xinyi smiled, listening to Rosie talk. She was just adorable when she went on like that. Feeling bold for a moment, he reached out to put his hand on hers, smiling gently. "Do you want to meet me in the gardens later?" He asked. "I could show you some of my favorite spots." He offered, thinking it might be fun. @Rosie Archer

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