Open WPC Meeting Y38/S2 - Weatherproofing

Elliot Briar

| '54 Grad | Ollivander's Asst. |
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Demi (Alice)
10 1/2 Inch Alder Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
6/2036 (27)
With his NEWTs getting closer and closer, Elliot had found he'd had less and less time to spend in the Wild Patch. A part of him was morning the loss, sad to see such a big fixture of his time at Hogwarts figuratively (and literally in a few places) withering away, but deep down he knew he'd have to start letting the club and the garden go sooner or later. He'd arrived a little early for today's club meeting, getting a little extra time around the club greenhouse and garden by himself before the rest of the club gathered.

"Hey guys, with the weather starting to turn for the year, I thought we could spend today weatherproofing the garden. There's a few thermal or shield spells you can use for most plants, and for the more delicate ones, we can either move them into the greenhouse or cover them with plastic to make sure they stay warm over the winter," he explained, motioning to the rolls of plastic and netting as he drew his own wand. "And uh, well as some of you probably know, this is my last year as your King of Flowers. It's been a privilege and honour leading this club but at least I know I leave it all in safe hands at the end of the year," he said, trying to keep a smile on his face despite the niggling awareness of how close that end was. "To that point, I'd like to announce your new club leader next year will Lysander Summers. I trust he'll help you all work hard to keep the spirit of the Wild Patch alive," he said, nodding sheepishly over to Lysander before clearing his throat, unsure how to finish after his announcement. "But uh, let's get to it!"
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Jenna never know that day will be happen that her brother forgot her and that was weird feeling mayby he felt that when she spend time Australia with Daintree not him. Jenna now finaly feel how was that lost her lovely brother and feel more alone in Hogwarts. She was here without mood but she wanted join here and spend time with others. She was happy that he Sander was the leader and Kiara was the same arts. She just have some problems in her life she stop for the moment work.
Aubrey was slowly starting to come more into herself. At least, she liked to think so. She was drifting further and further away from her brothers and oftentimes the other people around her, and she had to admit it felt like the world wouldn't notice if she just faded away. She tried to ignore it, taking a brief respite in the wild patch. It made sense that Lysander was taking over; she had often wondered who would take over when Elliot left. She hung in the back, not really speaking to anyone. When they were dismissed, she began to work her way slowly around, laying out the proper spells and admiring the flowers as she did.
Zachariah knew that he didn't really know anyone here. So he hung back not really looking to get caught in any conversation. He would help out with what he could but chose to remain silent as he did so. He had actually come to realize he might enjoy working with plants. He looked around hoping to see who was going to take over the club next year. Maybe he would be a little more invested and want to help out a lot more.
It was a little bittersweet to go to what would be his final Wild Patch meeting. Lars wondered what Elliot had planned for it. Maybe a time capsule like the one they had recently dug up? But once they arrived, Lars quickly realized that was a pretty dumb thought. If they were doing a time capsule, Elliot would have asked them to bring something.

The head boy soon explained to them what they would be doing. They were going to use spells that would help the plants get through the winter. He then went on to give a little speech about his time as King of Flowers, before naming Lysander Summers as his successor. Lars mostly knew him as Emma's best friend but trusted Elliot's judgement on this. He clapped politely before realizing they weren't all clapping and quickly dropped his hands. He got to work, using the spells on the plants quickly. He was sad that he wouldn't get to see how they fared after the winter months
With exams coming up Ana Sofia was happy to grab any distraction that came her way. It wasn't that she didn't want to start studying, it just made her nervous and even though she knew procrastinating wasn't going to help her case she couldn't help but to do so anyways. She joined the others out by the wild patch, listening as Elliot explained what they would be doing today. It made sense to make sure most of the plants would survive the weather getting colder and it was nice to help them to just that. Felt like giving back a little for all the fun they brought her. She listened as he continued mentioning this was his last year and who would take over the club next year. She didn't really know the older boy, but he seemed to be pretty active around the club so she was sure it would be a solid choice. Once their leader finished his talk Ana looked around for a second, trying to decide what she wanted or would be able to do.
Poppy was glad that the year was almost over, it had been hard but she was happy to spend time in the Wild Patch even if it was just a brief distraction from her studying. She listened as Elliot addressed the club and frowned when he mentioned it was his last year. She had known that obviously but it was only then that it really hit her. She liked the Head Boy and would be sad to see him go, and Lars who she spotted across the greenhouse. But she laughed a little when Lysander was announced as the new King of Flowers and knew the next few years were likely to be interesting. She gave the Gryffindor a quick congratulations before getting to work casting the proper spells and thinking if there were any plants she would need to transfer inside.
Rose was busy with studying for her exams and on top of that she had her plant collection she needed to care for. Even though she was busy she wasn’t going to say no to the Wild Patch Club events. Rose arrived at the patch and listened to Elliot. It did sound like a fun and awesome event. The new leader was picked and Rose clapped, Lysander was already the knight of flowers so it only seemed logical. Rose walked over to Ana and smiled. ‘’Do you want to put plastic around these plants with me?’’ Rose said to her best friend. @Ana Sofia Burleigh
It had been a thrill to find out he would be the next Wild Patch leader, and Lysander turned up to the club gathering with an extra pep in his step. King of Flowers had always sounded like a more exciting title than the other clubs had, with their boring old "presidents" and "social chairs", and his imagination often ran wild with imagining a whole floral court. He beamed when Elliot announced him taking over the following year, and shot a finger gun at Lars when he started to clap. "Thank you!" He shouted, just to draw attention to the Ravenclaw. Another girl had joined in, which was sweet, and he thanked Poppy when she congratulated him before moving over to join Elliot in casting some charms, feeling he should probably hang out near the current leader to absorb some of his kingliness.​
Her final meeting of the Wild Patch. Everything Nell did these days had this creeping, aching sense of finality. Her time at Hogwarts was so close to over, and there wasn't any part of her that felt ready to say goodbye to all of this. But time was an inevitability, and Nell knew all she could do was enjoy the time she did have at Hogwarts. She gave a cheerful smile as she joined her clubmates in the patch, listening as Elliot told them the day's task for the last time, finding strange comfort in the thought that he, at least, likely felt the same as she did. She clapped for the club's new leader, pleased that at least the Wild Patch would carry on in good hands. Once the speaking was all done she got to work, working alongside Lars to secure the garden for whatever would be growing here next year.
Bern attend the last meeting for this year Wild patch organization he enters the Hogwarts garden and enters The Wild Patch area Head Boy Elliot treated us and said about what will be done in the winter day to protect the plant's wild use the shield spell or cover to make sure that the plants will be okay for this winter season, Elliot said that this is the last event in The Wild Patch it means he is graduation for this year and the king of the flower next year is Lysander, a proud Gryffindor student, Bern tries to accomplish their activity for this day.
Connor couldn't help feeling a little upset about today. He had already had his last Quidditch match with Elliot at the helm, and now would be the last Wild Patch meeting with the older boy. He had always admired Elliot, perhaps a little more than he really should, and the thought of Hogwarts without him was an unpleasant one. He listened as Elliot explained the plan for the day, relieved they were doing something practical. It would be good to work with his hands and forget about his problems for a while. He was pleasantly surprised Lysander would be taking over the club, clapping a little apprehensively for his classmate. Though the fight was a long time ago, Connor was sure where he stood with Nicole's core circle. Outsiders like Lysander though... Connor had no idea whether Lysander hated him or not, and he couldn't help feeling the same. He laughed at the boy's comment though, hesitating a moment before going to congratulate Lysander quickly before going to his work, helping move plants around for the upcoming winter.
Despite her uncertainty, Natalia hadn't regretted joining the Wild Patch Club. She didn't really enjoy the meetings all that much, but it was nice to be busy with plants again. She had headed to the Wild Patch garden more than once in her spare time just to pull out some weeds or take care of some of the plants. It was a relaxing experience for her. The King of Flowers gave a little speech and Natalia remembered he was graduating soon. He told them the new King of Flowers would be Lysander Summesr, and Natalia sought out the Gryffindor curiously. She had been wondering if she should approach him for a while now, as he was one of the few purebloods she knew about in the school. But he had never seemed very approachable. Maybe this was a good moment. A few people were standing near him but Natalia decided it wouldn't be strange if she congratulated him as well. She hesitated for a moment before heading over. Then she cleared her throat. "Congratulations on your new position." She said quietly.

@Lysander Summers
Salem was pretty excited that the semester was nearly over. Exams would suck, mostly because Salem wasn't expecting to do very well, but at least once they were done she'd get to go home and see her parents. Joining the Wild Patch, Salem was reminded that Tyler wasn't the only older student graduating this year, and that they'd be losing some of the older members here too, a long with their King of Flowers. She did cheer when the new one was announced though, excited it was Lysander. He had to be pretty smart to run both the Wild Patch and their Quidditch team.

Once the announcements were done, Salem turned to the garden that needed to be packed up for the winter, keen to get her hands dirty. She'd spotted some plants in pots that needed to be moved into the greenhouse, pulling out her wand to try and levitate it inside. "Oh, oops, oops, look out, sorry!" She said in a rush, grimacing as the pot floated along and bumped gently into one of the older Gryffindors in the club. At least she'd been moving slow, so it was more a gentle nudge than anything, but Salem hoped she hadn't gotten soil on her. @Aubrey Miller
Aubrey was lost in thought, working quietly, when she felt someone knock into her. She blinked, surprised, and looked over to see a younger student had just bumped into her. "Oh, no harm done," Aubrey smiled softly, brushing off a bit of dirt from her skirt. "What are you doing?" she asked, curious now about the floating pot. @Salem Lee
Caleb loved any excuse to get outside and being a part of the Wild Patch helped with that. He liked plants well enough but he like working with his hands more. He listened as the current club leader and head boy talked to them about what they were supposed to be doing and tried to pay attention. The task seemed easy enough but his interest did pique as the older boy announced who would be taking over the club next year. Caleb didn't recognize the Gryffindor boy but he seemed fine. He was glad when they finally got to work and he took charge and started to wrap up one plant after another, knowing that someone else would take the hint and move them to where they were supposed to go.
Salem was relieved the older girl didn't seemed bothered, though she did have to set the levitating plant pot down so she could focus on talking to her. She hadn't quite mastered focusing on a spell and speaking yet. "Oh good! I'm moving these into the greenhouse," she said, pointing vaguely towards the greenhouse door. "Though I might need some help with the door," she added as an afterthought. She'd been levitating the plant in front of her and wasn't sure she could beat it to the door without dropping it. @Aubrey Miller
Aubrey listened to the younger student talk, glancing automatically at the door. "Oh, let me help you," She gave them a small smile and walked over, opening up the door and brushing her hair back. "I don't think we've met yet. My name is Aubrey," she introduced herself.
Lysander had been in the middle of trying to show off a colourful caterpillar he'd found to Elliot, when one of the younger members of the club approached him to congratulate him. "Huh? Oh, thanks! I appreciate it. Here's hoping I make a good king. Or mud lord." He said the last part a little more quietly, winking at Elliot and nudging him lightly with his elbow. He grinned at the girl, and gestured toward the plants. "Did you want to help me with these?"
@Elliot Briar @Natalia Novak

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