Open First Year Castle Tour!!

Felix Carnahan

circus performer🔥middle child🔥'61 grad
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Curly 9 Inch Swishy Oak Wand with Boomslang Venom Core
04/2043 (20)
Felix had started the tradition of first year tours and while his heart wasn't exactly in it this year he thought it'd be much worse if he didn't do it at all. So he dug out the old glittery poster and made his way to the entrance hall one morning before classes had properly started. He shook out some of the tension in his shoulders before bringing his hands to his mouth to make his announcement. He knew he could use a charm to amplify his voice but he like the more basic approach. "First years! Or...any year if you really want." he began and instantly started to doubt himself. "If you want to learn your way around the castle gather round!" Felix announced like it was some kind of carnival and not a kind of underwhelming walk around the school. "First years!" he repeated. "Come follow me if you don't want to get lost on your way to class!" Felix took a moment to catch his breath and waited to see if he'd find any takers.
Lucy hadn't been expecting there to be any tours but she was pleasantly surprised by the prospect. She'd already done a little bit of exploring on her own but there was nothing like someone actually providing guidance through the castle. Hopefully she'd learn a thing or two along the way as well. Besides, like the older student said, the idea of getting lost on the way to class was a very real possibility for Lucy and if this could put a stop to that, well, so much the better.

Lucy stepped forward and waited patiently, peering about to see if anyone else would be joining.
Marley had been enjoying everything about Hogwarts so far. Everything was massive! Marley may or may not have lost her way around the castle a few times though... There were so many twists and turns. And almost all the corridors looked the same. Marley sighed in relief when she finally recognised that she had made it to the entrance hall. She was about to make her way towards the great hall to grab a bite to eat when she noticed that an older boy had been calling the first years for a castle tour and Marley knew that this might be the best option so she doesn't get lost again. She made her way towards the older boy and noticed there was another first year already there. She gave them both a wave as she waited for other people to join.
Enoch knew it was very important for him to know where everything in the school was. If he was to not slack off then he needed to know where everything was in the school. He had therefore decided to come to the tour. Knowing that it would probably be a slow and painful tour, but it would be worth it. He had time to just be shown around now. He had a note book out in front of him and a quill in his hand ready to learn about the various areas of this school. he stepped towards the older boy who was showing him around. "Excuse me, prefect? Will you be showing us all of the school or just most of it?"
@Felix Carnahan
Vanity liked the look of the castle, but she had to admit ti wasn't the most efficient building. It was very easy to get lost, so when she saw first year tours being advertised, she reluctantly decided to go. It was a bit silly, but she figured it would be worse to still be lost after weeks of being at this school. Vanity joined the little group, led by a Hufflepuff prefect. She gave both girls that joined a small smile but looked around to see if anyone else would join. Vanity rolled her eyes when a boy asked if he would show all the school. "Have you seen the size of this building? The tour would take two days if he showed all." She interrupted.

@Enoch Goldewyn @Felix Carnahan
Damsel wasn't really one for tours. Her parents had been more of the "go explore the city and be back before dinner" type, so knowing how to follow organised structure wasn't in her wheelhouse. Actually knowing her way around the castle would eliminate any excuses for being late to class. But, she figured she could always pretend to be a helpless first year while dawdling and possibly spend the few extra minutes doing actual exploration. "But what if I want to get lost?" Damsel asked the prefect.
@Felix Carnahan
Renata was keeping busy to start the semester, what with trying to get things set up for Heta Omega, but there was still a bit of time before the year got going. She had just finished breakfast when she spotted Felix with a sign up, offering the first years a tour. He looked pretty tired and seemed like the first years were going to be a lot to deal with, and thought she should stop over and see if he needed a hand. "Getting lost might be fun at first, but it might not stay very fun," Renata said, diplomatically, giving a smile to the Hufflepuff girl who'd joined the crowd. "We'll make sure you know where the important things are, right, Felix?" she said with a nod, moving over to stand next to her classmate. "...thought you could use a hand," she added under her breath, not unkindly.
Felix wasn't sure why he was still surprised when first years started to appear around him and every time they seemed so much smaller than he remembered being. Of course as the students came so did the questions. He made a face when one of the kids called him prefect. "Ok, first of all my name is Felix. Nice to meet all of you." he said in a loud voice so they could all hear him. "And to answer your question. I don't know." he admitted. "I was going to start with the first floor and go from there. if you get bored feel free to leave or stay till the end. Up to you." he explained. Of course another first year pipped up claiming the castle was too big. She had a point. Maybe if he showed them each room. But he was planning on being brief. Felix was getting a bit overwhelmed when Renata showed up out of nowhere and came in with an answer right on time. "Right!" he said in agreement with her and gave her thankful smile. "Ok, if that's all of you let's start walking. Follow me!" @Enoch Goldewyn @Vanity Mettlestone @Damsel Hawke
Vanity was surprised when another prefect joined them. Did they think it was fun to hang out with eleven-year-olds? Weird. Vanity tapped her foot impatiently. Were they ever going to leave? The boy introduced him as Felix, though Vanity didn't care. She spoke up. "So are you going to just show us our classrooms and boring stuff like that?" She asked the prefects.
It was the most wonderful time of the year. The first few days of the new term were so chaotic, the poltergeist could almost sit back and allow the first years to do his job for him. But where was the fun in that? The only thing better than chaos was more chaos, and Vex intended to deliver exactly that. He had been watching the Hufflepuff prefects from his perch up in the glittery heights of the entrance hall, waiting for the right moment to make his appearance, and now he saw it. "Boring?" he said, vanishing for a split second and reappearing just above the first years' heads with a puff of bright orange smoke. "Ooh, no, it won't be boring. There's so much to see! Are you going to show them the spider pit? What about the bloody cellar? I can't believe Professor Alcott-Ward still hasn't got rid of the stains!" Of course, no such places existed in the castle, but the ickle firsties didn't know that. Such fun!

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