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Hey guys! This is my first BWU in over 2 years, if I can recall! We have a lot of updates for you, so here we go.
All forums are now open for students or the break between semesters. It will be open for a while, but keep an eye on the calendar which will have the exact date of when holiday forums will close.
Yule Ball
It is time to show off some dancing moves as the Yule Ball is now open. Whether your student wants to dance, or just stuff their faces at the food table, come and RP here. And be sure to post your picture here.
Yule Ball will close on Friday, because of the time lost from the server update.
Hogwarts Monthly
Another wonderful addition to Hogwarts Monthly has been released! We want to extend a thank you and a highlight to show off all of their hard work. You can come read it here!
Thank You: Professors
Grading is done and we are ready for semester two! We want to thank you to all professors that have posted lessons and graded them swiftly! We never would have made it without you guys! Thank you!
Club Sponsored Event
Looks like some students are polishing the dust off of a club, and celebrating a Christmas event! If your student is artistic and talented, be sure to check it out here.
And that wraps it up! See you guys around!
~ Kaitlyn
(On behalf of the HNZ Site Staff)
All forums are now open for students or the break between semesters. It will be open for a while, but keep an eye on the calendar which will have the exact date of when holiday forums will close.
Yule Ball
It is time to show off some dancing moves as the Yule Ball is now open. Whether your student wants to dance, or just stuff their faces at the food table, come and RP here. And be sure to post your picture here.
Yule Ball will close on Friday, because of the time lost from the server update.
Hogwarts Monthly
Another wonderful addition to Hogwarts Monthly has been released! We want to extend a thank you and a highlight to show off all of their hard work. You can come read it here!
Thank You: Professors
Grading is done and we are ready for semester two! We want to thank you to all professors that have posted lessons and graded them swiftly! We never would have made it without you guys! Thank you!
Club Sponsored Event
Looks like some students are polishing the dust off of a club, and celebrating a Christmas event! If your student is artistic and talented, be sure to check it out here.
New Server Update
I hope everyone enjoyed the couple of hours of discord while we changed up servers. Thanks to Nick and the donations from the Birthday, we now have more space! Report any bugs to Nick that you may come across. You can read more about the announcement here.
Professor Apps
We have a couple of positions open for professors! We have one temporary one (Charms) and one for Defence Against the Dark Arts (Years 1 - 3). These positions require a lot of time and dedication, so apply at your own discretion! Also, if you are wanting DADA, be mindful of who you are working with.
Still interested? Come apply here!
OSW (Old School Week)
Today, we started OSW! What is OSW you say? It is when you post a random RP, and anyone can join! The replies are typically short, from a few lines to one single line! You can read all about it here.
Downtime Competition
During the downtime, Nick came up with a new trophy to give to someone who had the most replies in a span of 6 hours! Come here to see the results! The numbers will surprise you, as they did me.
Be Patient
Just a reminder that some people take a little longer to reply to threads than others, so don't worry! They will get to them! Just because they have not replied yet, doesn't mean that they won't. Also, be mindful of RPs with multiple people, give time for everyone to react! Sometimes, people get caught up in RL situations and threads aren't a priority.
I hope everyone enjoyed the couple of hours of discord while we changed up servers. Thanks to Nick and the donations from the Birthday, we now have more space! Report any bugs to Nick that you may come across. You can read more about the announcement here.
Professor Apps
We have a couple of positions open for professors! We have one temporary one (Charms) and one for Defence Against the Dark Arts (Years 1 - 3). These positions require a lot of time and dedication, so apply at your own discretion! Also, if you are wanting DADA, be mindful of who you are working with.

Still interested? Come apply here!
OSW (Old School Week)
Today, we started OSW! What is OSW you say? It is when you post a random RP, and anyone can join! The replies are typically short, from a few lines to one single line! You can read all about it here.
Downtime Competition
During the downtime, Nick came up with a new trophy to give to someone who had the most replies in a span of 6 hours! Come here to see the results! The numbers will surprise you, as they did me.
Be Patient
Just a reminder that some people take a little longer to reply to threads than others, so don't worry! They will get to them! Just because they have not replied yet, doesn't mean that they won't. Also, be mindful of RPs with multiple people, give time for everyone to react! Sometimes, people get caught up in RL situations and threads aren't a priority.
- Muggle and Magical Q&A event
A ministry event to bring the magical and muggle world closer together sheds an interesting light on the differences between the two groups.
- Lots and lots of RPs
- Semester 2!
- Roses!
- Dueling!
And that wraps it up! See you guys around!
~ Kaitlyn
(On behalf of the HNZ Site Staff)