Slytherin Quidditch Practice Y38/S1

As soon as she was close enough Liusaidh threw the ball and it sailed through the hoops. She smirked happily at having managed it and though it was good to have managed it first.
The Slytherin boy was still flying and searching for the snitch, without any luck.
Blake kept one eye on the rest of the game, grinning when Liusaidh scored. "GOOD SHOT!" He called out as he flew close by, still looking for any signs of gold.
After Liusiadh managed to score, Jasper caught the quaffle when it was thrown back into play.
Blake flew lower as he continued to search for the snitch, hoping he could catch it soon and get his head back in the game.
Ruben suddenly saw the snitch so he flew towards it only to lose it out of sight again. He then proceeded to search around the last place he had seen it but he couldn't find it again.
Indi cheered Liusaidh scored and quickly followed the older chaser as he grabbed the quaffle, not wanting to be left behind.
Blake flew a low slow lap around the pitch, looking for any signs of the snitch and keeping one eye on the rest of the team.
Ruben kept his search for the snitch, flying a bit higher this time hoping to find it soon.
Daintree wasn't having much luck today but he had to push that out his mind and just keep trying.
Mordred had completely missed the quaffle. All he could do was prepare for the next chaser to attack the hoops.
Liusaidh followed in behind the older chaser who had the ball. She would loathe to admit it, but he was rather good at playing so she'd avoid stealing the ball from him unless he left it really open.
Lucie was glad that the girl managed to score. Maybe this team really was good. The second year kept looking for more bludgers as the game continued on, but there was definitely no luck, and the girl missed.
Indi followed Jasper closely as he started toward the hoops. She wondered if she could try and steal the quaffle. He was a much more experienced player and it would defiantly be one way to make an impression on him. She waited a bit longer, hoping for a better opening.
Indi finally saw her opening and grabbed the quaffle away from the older boy. She couldn't help but let out a nervous laugh as she raced off towards the hoops, ready to try again.
Indi was already so close to the goal when she had stolen the quaffle and got ready to make her shot. She threw the ball as hard as she could through the right hoop and she cheered as it went through.
Ruben kept the snitch search, his frustration was growing bigger with time but also his determination to find it.
The third year flew a little closer to the ground this time, hoping that maybe the snitch would be there.
Having seen no sign of the snitch close to the ground, Blake flew higher just in time to see Indira score, giving the girl a thumbs up. "Good shot!" He called out, before flying higher above the level of the hoops.
Jasper was frustrated when the youngest chaser managed to steal the quafle from him, though he was grudgingly admirable when she managed to at least score with it. He quickly grabbed the quaffle again, holding it closely this time to avoid it getting stolen again.
Blake flew on, soaring higher over his teammates and looking for any signs that the snitch was nearby.
Jasper flew up to the hoops and threw the quaffle, smiling when he managed to score. He still got it, for sure.
Blake kept one eye on the chasers below, grinning when he saw Jasper score. "GOOD SHOT!" He called out from above before flying on, looking for the snitch.
Indi grinned as Blake complimented her and felt confident she was getting the hang of this whole quidditch thing. She was also quite impressed as the other chaser grabbed the quaffle and she followed him as he quickly made a goal. She hung back for a moment before she decided to try her luck again and grabbed the quaffle as it was thrown back.
Blake flew on high over the other players, looking eagerly for any sign of the snitch.

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