omg so many ideas!!!! I cut this down to just my favourites, but if I removed any you were super eager for let me know and we can talk about them more
Thistle/Nova - Aww yes I love this, I think they'd get along well!
Jenna/Kaia - ahahaha
yesss a gossip session is the perfect way to cement them as BFF!!!
Maggi/Nate - OMG I love this, a terrible relationship would be so much fun! (for me. to write. not for Maggi sry mags

) DEFINITELY keen for this! Maybe we set something up close to the Yule Ball?
Giulia/Evander - Yessss! I rly enjoyed their last thread, def keen for them to get closer

Ngawaiata/Aika - Ohhh yes I like this a lot! I love them being Quiet Buddies in their dorm

Daria/Mila - Yessssssss! Super keen for Daria & Mila, and them being a lil friend group with Lizzie is super cute!
@Samantha Jacobs if you're keen we could do a thread with all 3 of them?
Clifton/Raven - Aww yes this sounds good! Clifton's def in need of a friend, he's been pretty isolated since school so it would be great for him to connect with someone new!
Shale/Eden - Yesss a short wee fling between these two sounds perfect!
Connor/Kiara - Awww yes I would love for them to catch up post school! He's pretty embarrassed about how grad went so he'll be hiding a bit, but she could corner him in the stock room at work for a catch up?
Emily/Jason - Awww this sounds cute! Could you tell me a bit more about Jason?
I think maybe a few good ones to start with would be Ngawaiata & Aika, Daria, Mila, and maybe also Lizzie, and Connor & Kiara? And then revisit the others later in the year?