Open Professor & Staff Meeting Y46 | S1

Professor Matt Alcott-Ward

Somehow in charge | Laid back | Friendly
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Bi (Kyle)
3/2007 (55)
With the new school year starting, Matt wanted another meeting to have the staff meet and chat. He was going to do it more casually than he had last year, no forced assignments to push people to bond. He treated it more like a party this time, having gotten snacks and drinks and even a bit of music playing for a more casual atmosphere. He hoped it would be nicer for his colleagues, though he also still had a whole book's worth of icebreakers to use if it was necessary. Matt smiled as he used his wand to pour a few more drinks into glasses, then turned around and greeted the first of the professors and staff to come in. He was glad the common room was on the ground floor, otherwise he would've had to used another space for this meeting. Matt decided to wait a little longer to greet everyone, offering drinks to any of the staff members that came in.
Yvonne was usually someone who arrived fashionably late so she was surprised when she had managed to make it to the professor's common room right on time and was even one of the first to arrive. She gave an appreciative nod as she took in the spread of food and beverages. She spent too many days fueled by cups of tea and pastries provided by her tower-mate so it was nice to get a bit of a variety into her diet. She grabbed on of the pre-poured drinks and hovered around the drinks waiting for the rest of her colleagues to arrive.
Noel was excited for the second year of teaching at Hogwarts. He was glad the first year was over, and felt pretty at home again at Hogwarts. It seemed helpfull that he knew his way around here, but the places where professors could come and students not were new to him. He returned back to Hogwarts, and had packed out his stuff. But this time without Adorah. He would miss her here, but he respected every choice she made. Once Professor Noel Waldgrave made his way into the professors common room he greeted the headmaster and another professor and took an drink. He would like to build up some more social contacts with his colleagues, so this was an good opportunity to start.
Shiori had been enjoying his time at Hogwarts so far, though he of course missed his wife and his son dearly. It was a different experience to what he was used to, and a somewhat lonely one. He hadn't made any connections yet with the other adults and he thought this was surely a good way to. Unfortunately, he tripped slightly on his way into the room. He didn't fall, catching himself in time, but he felt his cheeks start to flush somewhat. Not the best way to make a first impression but he hoped no one had witnessed it. He grabbed a drink, sipping on it and looking at the other professors. He wasn't completely sure who to approach, so he just kept to himself for a moment, his nervousness spiking with each passing moment at his decision. Maybe he should have initiated a conversation but it would be weird now he'd settled himself to stand on his own. Hopefully maybe someone would come in and greet him. Shiori hoped that would be so as he stood, a little on edge, and sipping his drink.
Gabrielle was starting to feel like a bit of the furniture at Hogwarts. Sure, she'd only been there five (and a half) years, but that was practically long service given the turnaround. She hadn't expected to be around so long, and wondered if that meant she just didn't have anything better to do or anywhere else to go. But it was comfortable, and perhaps she was becoming a little complacent in the job. Maybe she needed to change it up a bit. Take the students tomb raiding. Explain funeral curses of ancient civilizations to them. Surely there'd be no problem there.

Gabrielle slunk into the office, looking around and noticing one of the new professors who, for once, didn't look like he was fresh out of high school. Sighing with mild relief, Gabrielle approached him with a smirk. "Thank God," she muttered, standing next to him and sipping on her own coffee. "I was beginning to think they only hired children as professors." It was probably a bit too blunt, but Gabrielle was too old to actually care. "Welcome."
@Professor Shiori Nakamura
Leif by now felt like he had gotten used to life at Hogwarts again, even if it still felt a little odd every now and then. He felt at home though. Felt like things had finally clicked right into place for him. He also appreciated the staff meetings that were held more often now. Not only did it give them a chance to discuss more serious matters but it also helped in getting to know his colleagues. Being so spread out through the castle meant he hardly saw some of them at times other than dinner and he thought it would be nice for them to change. Arriving at the meeting a little early Leif grabbed a drink and offered Noel a nod hello but refrained from heading over. He didn't want to create some sort of illusion of the younger professors just flocking together.
Joseph knew he could be a difficult person to reach, especially for his colleagues. His time was divided between his classroom, his office and the different areas where the creatures were kept which meant it was never an easy task to find him. It wasn't a new thing that he spend too much time on work, his daughters had always told him the same. Something that had gotten even worse when he became a professor. He truly enjoyed it but at times it could feel a little isolating. Which was exactly why he staff meeting was a welcome change of pace. Joseph smiled at his colleagues as he entered the room and got himself a drink before standing over to the side.
Shiori laughed at the woman's comment, a little awkwardly but there was some genuine humour in there. "Thank you," Shiori replied politely to her welcome. "It's an honour to be here," he said somewhat stiffly, then relaxed a bit. This was a colleague, someone he might get to know better. "It is an interesting choice for the young to graduate and then decide to stay at school, but I can't find, hm, a problem with that. The allure of school is what brought me here," Shiori admitted. He had a slight Japanese accent, blended with an American one with slight affectations of a New Zealand accent. It made an interesting mix.
@Professor Gabrielle Moncrieffe
Percival had taken this job as a temp as a favour more than anything. He had no interest in getting to know the people, evident when he lumbered into the staff room and with a grunt, slouched into the chair as he waited for the meeting to begin. Despite his rough exterior, there was a certain air of competence about him, a silent assurance that he could handle whatever came his way, even if he didn't want to handle it in the first place.
Cairo may not have been the newest member of staff, but she still felt like a newbie. Joining midway through the previous year meant she missed out on all the typical star of year traditions, including meetings like this one. It was her first real opportunity to sit among her fellow professors in a setting other than the Great Hall. As she entered the room, a sense of uncertainty lingered within her. She couldn't shake the feeling of inadequacy, fearing she might be the only one struggling with spells like stupefy. Despite her apprehensions, she knew she was teaching the subject she was most passionate about. Putting on a brave smile, she greeted the others with a cheerful "Hello everyone!" before taking a seat.
Professor Kingsley entered the common room, happy that she was the the first to arrive. It released the pressure of having to be on and feel the need to greet the others. Finding an empty spot, the professor nodded her head to her colleagues but remained relatively quiet. She was curious what the Headmaster had planned for this meeting. The professor left her spot to grab a glass of water but quickly returned, happy that her spot remained empty.
Professor Misha Haden did not mind going to the Professor meetings. He had things to get on with, and knew this would take up quite a bit of time. But he knew it was necessary and given that staff were able to attend, he'd at least be able to spend a bit of time with his girlfriend. Misha stood amongst the other professors, a coffee in hand, trying to keep an eye on the door for Isabella.
Minnie walked into the professor's common room, it wasn't a place she'd known during her schooling (of course) and it wasn't a place she knew that well yet either. She just hadn't spent a lot of time at it. She was busy with getting her classroom up to scratch, tidying things, making sure she had everything in place to be able to do things. Minnie spotted Noel immediately, Minnie approached, knowing that at some point she'd need to rip the band aid of him being there before too long. "Hey," she said, going to nudge his arm to get his attention.
@Professor Noel Waldgrave
Stefan was always surprised and pleased when the staff got invited to meetings. He knew it wasn't always, but he welcomed it when it was. The man was trying to handle his own emotions at the fact his daughters would be graduating and he'd once again be the only Archer at the school. The man had been a librarian, the librarian for a long while. But the fact it was the best job and he loved it greatly did help. He lingered, a little apart from most others, just waiting for things to get underway.
Angel was feeling optimistic for the coming school year, sweeping confidently into the Professor's lounge and taking a drink from Matt with a nod and a smile. "Hello, lovely colleagues, we all looking forward to another win for Slytherin this year?" He asked the room at large, fully aware he was being cheeky but well, frankly, the numbers of the past several years were hard to argue and Angel didn't see why this year needed to be any different. He dropped into an open seat, specifically trying to catch the eye of his fellow Heads of House to raise his glass in a toast before the meeting began.
Late was generally how James operated so he was pleasantly surprised to find that he had arrived at the staff meeting on time. There were no first day nerves for him, he wasn't the nervous type generally but even then, coming back to Hogwarts was like coming home. The walls of the castle were filled with wonderful, if slightly painful memories of his time at the school. He hadn't yet taken advantage of his position to wonder the halls at inappropriate times but he would, he would visit old haunts and he knew that when he did he would be reminded of the people he had lost since graduating.

He pushed thoughts of Maddie to one side, he would have to deal with those later, for now he had a meeting to attend. James walked into the staff room to be greeted by mostly unfamiliar faces, which was to be expected given how long it had been since he left school, but one face stood out as being distinctly familiar and despite sharing the space as colleagues, seeing her made James feel like he was a student all over again who had been haled into the professor's common room after being caught doing something dangerous. "Professor Kingsley, long time no see," James greeted the woman professionally, not yet able to bring himself to use her first name without an invitation to do so.

@Professor Cyndi Kingsley
Ignacio hadn't intended to be late for the staff meeting, but in tending to the gardens and disposing of any weeds that had sprouted from the dirt throughout spring he had somehow allowed time to get away from him. When he realized he was supposed to head to the castle he was already behind schedule, so he rushed in an effort to show up before the meeting started, pleased that when he arrived he wasn't as late as he first thought. He kept to himself when he didn't spot Killian in the room and moved to lean against one of the far walls as he waited for the meeting to begin.​
As time passed, Kahurangi was starting to adjust to Matt's new role. Her goofy childhood best friend, then her goofy colleague, and now her goofy boss. As nervous as she knew he had been about the job, it was thoroughly rewarding watching him thrive as he moved forwards with his career. One thing she wasn't used to though, was the age of the new teachers coming in. She remembered more than a few of them as students, and seriously questioned some of the hires. But they were here, and hopefully had matured since their student days. It was a relief to be around the older staff, and she chuckled at Angel's comment, raising an eyebrow as she came to sit next to him. "Not a chance." She smiled, elbowing him lightly.
@Professor Angel Castillo
Although she felt more comfortable around her colleagues these days, Maria still found staff meetings a little overwhelming. In her quiet corner of the library, it was easy not to really be aware of just how many people worked here. Seeing them all together though... it was a little overwhelming. And so many of them were so young that she recognised them from their student days. Spotting a more familiar face, Maria smiled as she moved to sit near Stefan, waiting for the meeting to begin.
"Indeed, long time no see Professor Cade" the Gryffindor Head of House stated with a smirk as she greeted one of her former students. She had been surprised to see him at the staff table at the start of year feast, not because she was not used to seeing former students in the space. A quick look around and she could easily spot a few other former students. But she'd never quite pictured James as a professor. An Auror, sure. A professor was an interesting change of pace. "How does it feel being back?" she asked, curious about his experience. She could remember the day she'd returned, feeling very much like a student who was about to be told off for being in the staff room, when she'd first come in. It hadn't taken her too long to begin to find her place, to feel right at home as an adult in the castle.

@Professor James Cade
As Noel took an sip of his drink and saw more professors coming in he noticed an few new faces as well. Ofcourse the one who had Adorah's position now too. He saw Leif too, giving him a nod back. He was the one he spended to most time with since he was here. But he figured it was good to mix with the older professor as well. Not only his previous head of house. But he didn't felt the need to speak to some. He had to grin about Angel coming in, but he would be lying if he didn't liked Gryffindor to win once again. It was time for someone else at least. But he also knew the Gryffindors liked many things outside of the classroom. When someone suddenly nudged his arm and greeted he than turned to her. Making an suprised face as she saw Minnie. He never expected her to return here in such an position. But for him it was the same, he hadn't expected him to be back here too. He had let things of the past be there, but Minnie always had an special place. She had been his first love, and this first to ever break his heart too. But that was a long time ago. And it good to see her again. '' Oh.. Hey!'' He greeted her back with an smile. Staying silent for an minute. '' I didn't expect to see you here..'' He said with grin.

@Professor Minnie Calida
Mallory was in an amazing mood. She and Atkin had finally been married, and it was the most wonderful feeling in the world. She was walking on clouds. She'd almost not come back this semester, but she would've missed the children, and the friends she'd made on staff. She felt a bit bad when she realized she was late to the meeting, but thankfully it hadn't started when she arrived. She grabbed a drink and found her way to Misha with an easy smile. "You should've knocked on my door when you came down, I was completely lost in the book I was reading," She teased him, both hands wrapped around her cup. @Professor Misha Haden
Minnie gave him a little smile, and nodded slightly. "Me neither," she really hadn't expected to be there, and really she had forgotten that she knew Noel worked here. But she was quite happy to see him, for all the trouble they had had in school, she hoped they could be friendly. "How've you been?" Minnie asked.
@Professor Noel Waldgrave
The emphasis Cyndi gave on James’ new title wasn’t lost on him, of all her previous students he suspected he was one of the last she expected to walk through the door of the staff room years after he had left the school. His eighteen year old self would certainly not have believed it, but he had been a different man then, newly engaged, hopeful, his life had changed so much in the years between in good ways, in bad ways, in soul crushing ways. He returned to Hogwarts a different man, not the cocky, troublesome and hot-headed kid he had left it, not entirely at least.

“That’ll take some getting used to for both of us I expect,” He laughed lightly. James had always had a soft spot for his head of house and was glad she was still at the school for his second go around. A familiar face so near and dear to his heart would make the transition much easier. “The castle looks smaller than when I was eighteen,” He laughed. “I picked an interesting time to come back, I’m sure my kids aren’t thrilled with the idea they might see their father around any potential corner,” James had run his decision by his children, they hadn’t been thrilled but he was looking forward to seeing more of them during the school year. “But enough about me, how are you Professor Kingsley? How have you been?”

@Professor Cyndi Kingsley

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