PAX Vacay

Lysander Summers

Expelled • Legilimens • The One To Blame
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 11 ½ Inch Sturdy Maple Wand with Ashwinder Dust Core
June 20 2038 (24)
Hey everyone!
I'm typing this on my bus to the airport, where I'll be flying to Melbourne for two weeks! :party:
As usual this time of the year, the Penny Arcade Expo is happening in Melbourne, so I'm flying from Sydney to go and stay with Ash while we attend. I'll still have easy access to HNZ, but replies may be slower and shorter while I'm away. So I'll still be around, I just won't have as much time, and there may be a three day period during the convention that I'll be almost completely absent for. It depends on how much fun I'm having :p
See you guys when I get back!
Safe travels and have fun!
PAX is always fun, have a good time!
Have fun!
Yay :wub: enjoy!!
Ooo! Have a safe and fun time!! 🥰

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