This is Tamara and her good friend Lukey! They've been together since fourth grade. Samara in the background, a sibling of one of the graduates.
Tamara and her crush Geoff (the teacher, fabulous guy) she got him up to dance with her multiple times, only she'd run away screaming whenever he came over

Her teacher of two years Ellen appears in the background.
One of my personal favourites. Tamara and her lifetime mentor. They have such a special relationship

Her son and Tamara have been together since Pre-K when they were four.
Tamara and myself (Teigan)
Tamara hearing her name to graduate. She was increasingly fascinated by the balloons and lights
Tamara, her date (our cousin Brian) and Brian's son, Deakyn
Tamara, Mum and Dad
Tamara with the people who taught her over the years

The lady who is handing her the plaque was Tamara's very first teacher and set the groundwork for her development over the many years.
School Captain Tamara given the honourable role of cake cutter
Tamara with other School Captain (and friend) Jarrad (left) and friend Lukey (right)