Muggleborn Support Group!

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Poppy Perkins

chronically enthusiastic🌼 illustrator 🌼'56 grad
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Knotted 12 Inch Sturdy Vine Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
03/2038 (25)
Hi everyone!

Not sure if something like this has been done before but I wanted Poppy to get more involved with some kind of Cause™ this year and being a muggleborn herself she knows how hard it can be to transition into a whole new world. So I was thinking of putting together a meeting/hang out for muggleborn students to talk about their experiences or ask for help. And if you have an older student interested they can even give some advice to the younger students.

I’m trying to see if anyone would even be interested in joining a thread like that. Please let me know!
I'd definitely join it with Lucas Fletcher, and can offer Abian Hunter as an older muggleborn student who can share experiences!
Okay so... is this invitation extended to muggleborns only? Or also students who grew up in the muggle world with no access to magic? For example my marylou who for all intents and purposes is muggleboern, but she’s actually a half blood because her father (who is dead) was a wizard?
This is such a cool idea!! i have a couple muggleborns who i think would be interested in this! Though I have Alexander who didn’t know he was magic (his father is a wizard - but left when he was young) until this year. would that count as a muggleborn? haha
I'd seriously like to sign up Luxen if what Teigs asked applies for those that were basically raised as Muggleborn and had no knowledge of the magical world despite actual blood ties...
Ah, what a good question that I didn't really think of lol.

But if they grew up strictly in the muggle world with no knowledge of magic until they got their letter, they would definitely be welcome. I want to keep it a pretty positive thing and it be about different students bonding over share experiences, etc.
Landon would definitely want to help out with this! However, if you don't want professors to be involved, then that is totally fine!
@Professor Landon Carter that actually sounds great! I would love a professor around to moderate things if needed.

And thanks for all of the interest! I hope to have the thread up in the next couple of days and will post a link here when it's up ^_^
Can't wait! (someone please sit with Mary Lou so she's not with Luxen please)
Oooh I’d be interested! I only have one character as of now but she’s a Muggleborn so that’d be cool! :) I can’t wait to meet all the others! :)
This sounds like a great idea! I’d have Chloe join if you don’t mind a fourth year :p
I don't have any muggleborns or ones that grew up without knowledge of the magical world, but I do have 1 or 2 students interested in joining in.

Can't wait! (someone please sit with Mary Lou so she's not with Luxen please)
And they can sit with Mary Lou. =))
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