Monday Weeks
Name Number 9 | Personality Number 1 | Heart's Desire Number 8 | Expression Number 9 |
muhn-day wEEks
Monday is the first weekday, but it also comes from Anglo-Saxon word Mōnandæg, which somewhat means 'the moon's day.'
Weeks is a variant of an English surname, Wicks
Monday, if asked not to lie, would say that he absolutely hates his name. The name had brought him a lot of grief growing up, to the point where he had to be transferred to a new school because of it. However, as he ages, he finds strength in his weakness and is aware that his name is the reason why he fights every day to keep going and make a name for himself. Monday is aware that with a name like his, it could lead a lasting impression on others if he allows it.
Monday's name came from his father, as his father wanted to have children named after the days of the week, as a play-on much like a name such as Sunny Day or something equivalent. His father somehow convinced Arianna Bates to agree with it, and thus the first days of the week were born. Since Monday was the firstborn, Arianna and Zach agreed that they should start their children with Monday and not Sunday. Monday's name is, obviously, the first in the family, and the only.
Monday does not have any nicknames. If he had a middle name, he would have answered to that versus his actual first name.
Currently, Monday does not have an alliance, but this will be updated during his 7th year.
Monday was born on May 16th, 2044 in the late afternoon. His birth was in Ninewells Hospital, which is a hospital in Dundee. As Arianna was having twins, they had to induce labor at 36 weeks due to some complications, and Arianna ended up having a C-section. Monday and Tuesday were both healthy, but underweight. They were kept in close observation for three weeks until they were able to go home. Monday was born with a head full of curly, brown hair but it fell out shortly after birth, and he remained bald until he was almost one.
muhn-day wEEks
Monday is the first weekday, but it also comes from Anglo-Saxon word Mōnandæg, which somewhat means 'the moon's day.'
Weeks is a variant of an English surname, Wicks
Monday, if asked not to lie, would say that he absolutely hates his name. The name had brought him a lot of grief growing up, to the point where he had to be transferred to a new school because of it. However, as he ages, he finds strength in his weakness and is aware that his name is the reason why he fights every day to keep going and make a name for himself. Monday is aware that with a name like his, it could lead a lasting impression on others if he allows it.
Monday's name came from his father, as his father wanted to have children named after the days of the week, as a play-on much like a name such as Sunny Day or something equivalent. His father somehow convinced Arianna Bates to agree with it, and thus the first days of the week were born. Since Monday was the firstborn, Arianna and Zach agreed that they should start their children with Monday and not Sunday. Monday's name is, obviously, the first in the family, and the only.
Monday does not have any nicknames. If he had a middle name, he would have answered to that versus his actual first name.
Currently, Monday does not have an alliance, but this will be updated during his 7th year.
Monday was born on May 16th, 2044 in the late afternoon. His birth was in Ninewells Hospital, which is a hospital in Dundee. As Arianna was having twins, they had to induce labor at 36 weeks due to some complications, and Arianna ended up having a C-section. Monday and Tuesday were both healthy, but underweight. They were kept in close observation for three weeks until they were able to go home. Monday was born with a head full of curly, brown hair but it fell out shortly after birth, and he remained bald until he was almost one.
Life Path Number 4 | Birthday Number 16 |
Monday was born a male, and identifies as a male, therefore he is a cis male.
Monday is able to speak only 1 language, and that is English. He does have a Scottish accent that is native to the Dundee area.
Monday's diet is the omnivorous diet. This is the most common diet. He has a healthy supply of meat, grain, dairy, vegetables, and fruits in his meals. Monday tends to eat the proper amount and does not consume too many sweets. He prefers natural food and does not like processed anything.
Monday and his family currently reside in Nelson, New Zealand. The house is decent sized, which was paid off from the divorce and support that Zach had to pay for the care of his children. There are three bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a basement. The residences are: Arianna Bates, Monday Weeks, Wednesday Weeks, Thursday Weeks, Friday Weeks, Saturday Weeks, and Sunday Weeks. Wednesday and Thursday share a bedroom, Friday has her own room, which is the smallest. Saturday, Sunday and Arianna share the master bedroom. Monday has the basement to himself as the only boy. It has a lot of storage, so his 'room' is roughly the size of Friday's.
Monday is aware that he was born and raised in Dundee, Scotland. He absolutely despises it there because it has all the memories of his bullies. He spent the first 12 years of his life in Dundee, and he wants to never see it again. The house was quaint, but a little nicer than what they have now based on the income level with both parents versus one. If he had to go back to be buried there, it would be far too soon for his liking.
Monday's parents are both 100% Scottish, therefore his heritage is Scottish.
Arianna and Zach are both muggles, and that makes Monday a muggle-born because he inherited the magical gene. Magical relatives are unheard of prior to Monday and his siblings.
Monday had no idea what blood status was until he attended Hogwarts Scotland. Not many students were prejudice against him for that reason, but he learned that there were some that looked down on him for having muggle parents. Monday himself does not care about it, and has yet to encounter someone truly prejudice or a supremacist against people like him.
13" Rigid Yew wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
Monday's length symbolizes misfortune due to it being the unlucky number 13. The style is straight, so there is nothing special about it. The wood that is in his wand is Yew, which are powerful with dark arts, and battling against it. It is a wand that can go either way, and it is up to the wielder on which side they want to go: good or evil, life or death. The core of his wand is the Thestral hair, which does not bond to many - except those that have faced death in the past. It is also rumored not to have allegiance to the wielder. Monday's wand is also rigid, so it can be difficult to control, and easily broken, but powerful in a fight.
He works in Flourish and Blott's. Monday likes this job because he can buy books, read, and earn money on the side to help pay for school expenses for himself and his siblings. He works hard and puts in more time than any student should.
Monday has a variety of co-workers that he has either gone to school with, or currently going to school with. He looks up to Branson Archer as he was a Ravenclaw prefect and works at the store. He is friendly toward the others, but it is showing that he is closer to the Ravenclaws due to liked interests, such as Axel Zhefarovich II.
Monday does not have a good balance of his social, work, or school life at all. He tends to overdo it in either school or work. Socializing is one of his greatest weaknesses so he does not know how to balance anything, if it smacked him in the face.
Monday currently suffers from insomnia, (plot ID #120289), which makes it hard from him to sleep at night. He is managing this with counseling and potions to help his body recoup. Otherwise, he will go nights without sleeping more than 3 hours a night.
Monday does not have any allergies. He does not have seasonal or pollen.
Personality Strengths Reliable, patient, practical, devoted, responsible, stable | Personality Weakness Stubborn, possessive, uncompromising | Taurus Likes Gardening, cooking, music, romance, high quality clothes, working with hands | Taurus Dislikes Sudden changes, complications, insecurity of any kind, synthetic fabrics |
Element Earth | Element Meaning Practical, stable, grounded | Colors Green, pink | Quality Fixed |
Day Friday, Monday | Planet Venus | Numbers 2, 6, 9, 12, 24 | Compatibility Scorpio, Cancer |
Monday is known as the wood rat, and his characteristics are "independent, self-confident, virtuous and talented, with a strong sense of teamwork." And, as a male rat, his characteristics are known for being "very curious so they tend to try their hands at anything and they can deal with tasks skillfully."
Lucky Numbers 2, 3, and numbers containing them | Lucky Colors Blue, gold, green | Lucky Flowers Lily, African violet | Lucky Directions West, northwest and southwest |
Unlucky Numbers 5 and 9 | Unlucky Colors Yellow, brown | Unlucky Direction South and southeast | Most Compatible Ox, Dragon, Monkey |
Monday's Playlist

Monday is very firm in his beliefs as if nothing can sway him. Monday believes that all evil people are a plague, and he will be one of the people to help make the world a safer place, as his aspires to be an Auror one day. Other than that, he is just a typical, nerdy boy that loves muggle comics, video games, and books. He doesn't typically get along with others because people make him a little nervous. He does like to observe humanity, seeing the darkness and light, and judging from there. He is brilliantly smart, and has a strong memory. He can come across as weird and intimidating at times.
Monday is very firm in his beliefs as if nothing can sway him. Monday believes that all evil people are a plague, and he will be one of the people to help make the world a safer place, as his aspires to be an Auror one day. Other than that, he is just a typical, nerdy boy that loves muggle comics, video games, and books. He doesn't typically get along with others because people make him a little nervous. He does like to observe humanity, seeing the darkness and light, and judging from there. He is brilliantly smart, and has a strong memory. He can come across as weird and intimidating at times.
Meaning: introverted, initiative, thinking, judging, assertive
Group: Analysts
Also Known As: Architect
Strengths: Quick, imaginative and strategic mind, high self-confidence, independent and decisive, hard-working and determined, open-minded, jacks-of-all-trades
Weaknesses: Arrogant, judgmental, overly analytical, loathe highly structured environments, clueless in romance
Monday is an agnostic. This means that he does believes in the existence or the nonexistence of God or a god. He thinks that every religion has its unknowns and unexplainable, so it is hard to say which is true or false. And if there is an existence of a(re) higher power(s), it is likely unknowable. Monday does not have an opinion one way or another. If one asks, he will just divert them to science.
Monday has a wide variety of activities that he enjoys. The thing that he enjoys most would be reading. He will spend hours reading all sorts of books, though his favorite would be horror or thriller stories. He loves to learn new skills that he would likely use in the future. This would include potions because it reminds him of chemistry in the muggle world. Monday collects knives and has several different kinds. His favorite is a large hunting knife. He enjoys swimming in a pool, lake, any body of water he can get to. He also dreams of living by the ocean, or on it.
There are several things that he does not like. One of his most hated things would be clowns. He absolutely hates clowns and does not want to have anything to do with them. He feels the same way about zombies, and by relation, inferi. Anything dead reanimated freaks him out. What is dead should stay dead in his opinion. He does not like stupid people - as he does not have the patience to deal with them, and just let them live in 'ignorance is bliss'. He sees things in black and white, so he is judgmental and does not like evil people or bullies. It is random but he also hates the color orange.
An ugly zombie clown; see zombie clown from Zombieland. This was confirmed when he saw the boggart turn into a zombified clown when he saw a boggart in Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom in his third year.
If Monday were to look into the mirror of erised, he would see his family, perfectly happy. They would be happy and healthy. That would make him the most happy - though they would all be single and without husbands. Wives are fine.
Monday's worse memory would be when he saw a couple of bullies picking on his sisters over their names. Monday stepped in to help them, but he hates that any might endure what he had endured.
Monday's memory that he uses for his patronus charm would be when he woke up in the hospital wing, and saw his friends. It showed him that he had people that he could trust, count on, and love as much as he felt about them.
His patronus form takes the shape of a snowy owl. It might be said that the snowy owl is fearless, protective over their nest, and keen on learning.
If Monday was given veritaserum, he would say how he secretly hates his name because of how people made fun of him, and how he loathes his parents for turning their children into a laughing stock
If Monday were to smell amorentia, he would end up smelling fresh parchment, spearmint toothpaste, and a soft but elegant perfume scent.
There are several aspects that would be considered strengths for Monday. He has a large amount of stamina due to his habit of running. During primary, he used to run track. This also helps his reflexes and agility. He has them from his athletic ability and his video game skills. He has a strength from his high intelligence. He is also determined to do as he wishes, and won't let anything get in his way. His ability to retain facts and trivia is also a strength. He is a jack of all trades, so he has strengths in various areas, though often limited to what he is interested in. He is also a very talented flyer.
Like everyone, Monday has a variety of weaknesses that he owns up to. He is severely overprotective over his siblings to the point where it can be a little extreme. He also has issues functioning in a crowd. He tends to get nervous around a crowd of people - often more than three people. He does have a short fuse but it is rare to trigger. He does have issues bringing up his past, including anything about Tuesday. Monday also has an issue with overdoing things, such as taking every single class no matter how much his mental state will suffer. He overthinks everything, and often does not have a filter when he speaks.
Monday does not look up to anyone.
Nerd, witty, assertive, calculating, quiet
Monday has an array of talents. He is excellent with carving, remembering facts and trivia, observing people, judging good from evil (from his own point of view and bias) and remembering small details. He is also great at skipping rocks. He is also a talented beater when it comes down to Quidditch.
Monday is super loyal to his friends and family. The family bit only extends to his sisters and his mother. He does not care about the others at all, as they have no contact with them. He is also loyal to the Ravenclaw house, though not so much loyal to it versus his friends from other houses.
Monday tends to remember things to an amazing detail. However, this is limited to his perspective only, which can change over time.

Monday has naturally dark brown hair. It is straight and fine. As of right now, he has it bleached blond. When he has it bleached blond, he often uses wild and unnatural colors on the blond hair to make it stand out. He has had it blue, orange, and pink. His hair is magically dyed using potions because he does not like the harmful effects of muggle hair dye. He uses good shampoo and conditioner, which can be expensive. He works to pay for it himself. He does not style his hair but he keeps it medium length, just over his ears and parts it in the middle.
Monday's eyes come from his mother. His eyes are hazel, which goes well with his eyes, even with the various colors that he dyes his hair. Depending on the light, his eyes might appear to be green, blue, or gray. The shape is round, but not overly large. He has his father's eye shape. The expression that sits within his eyes would be mostly exhaustion, though curious. He can seem like an old soul and does not hide how he feels. His eyes show every single emotion, though not necessarily his thoughts.
He is taller than average, as he stands roughly 6'3" (191cm). He is proportioned evenly.
He is an average weight, weighing 189lbs (85.729kgs). He has some muscle on his body from his time running and working out to become an effective beater for the Ravenclaw Quidditch team.
Monday's build is tall and lean. He had lost the scrawniness that he had as young teenager. He does not have any very distinguished muscles, but he does not look fragile either. This build helps him remain fast with his reflexes.
Monday does not have any vivid, noticeable scars. He has a couple on his legs from rough outside play as a child, but they are almost completely faded.
Monday does not have any body modifications except for his ears. They are pierced once, on each side. He does not have any goals to have tattoos or other piercings when he becomes of age.
The scents that he uses in soaps or cologne would be the breezy scents. He might have some that smell crisp and clean, and others might be oceanic or water based.
Has a more alternative style. When wearing muggle clothes, he will have more of an edgy look, and started painting his nails different colors. Otherwise, he has relaxed clothing, somewhat loose to easily maneuver in.
When Monday smiles, it is almost crooked, and he does not show his teeth often. It is a smile that shows that he has a gentle side to him, and is friendly. When he smirks, it often means that he is up to something, or he is being sarcastic or judgmental.
When Monday talks, it is a normal pitch, and he has a Scottish accent.
Monday is ambidextrous. He can write in either hand, though he does favor his right more than his left. He can alternate hands when it comes to casting spells or eating. With writing, he prefers his right hand because his penmanship is neater.
Monday doesn't really care about his appearance that much. He does know that he needs to be kept up, and clean. He just doesn't care about what others say about him. He does as he wants and won't answer to anyone for being anything but himself.
Monday has naturally dark brown hair. It is straight and fine. As of right now, he has it bleached blond. When he has it bleached blond, he often uses wild and unnatural colors on the blond hair to make it stand out. He has had it blue, orange, and pink. His hair is magically dyed using potions because he does not like the harmful effects of muggle hair dye. He uses good shampoo and conditioner, which can be expensive. He works to pay for it himself. He does not style his hair but he keeps it medium length, just over his ears and parts it in the middle.
Monday's eyes come from his mother. His eyes are hazel, which goes well with his eyes, even with the various colors that he dyes his hair. Depending on the light, his eyes might appear to be green, blue, or gray. The shape is round, but not overly large. He has his father's eye shape. The expression that sits within his eyes would be mostly exhaustion, though curious. He can seem like an old soul and does not hide how he feels. His eyes show every single emotion, though not necessarily his thoughts.
He is taller than average, as he stands roughly 6'3" (191cm). He is proportioned evenly.
He is an average weight, weighing 189lbs (85.729kgs). He has some muscle on his body from his time running and working out to become an effective beater for the Ravenclaw Quidditch team.
Monday's build is tall and lean. He had lost the scrawniness that he had as young teenager. He does not have any very distinguished muscles, but he does not look fragile either. This build helps him remain fast with his reflexes.
Monday does not have any vivid, noticeable scars. He has a couple on his legs from rough outside play as a child, but they are almost completely faded.
Monday does not have any body modifications except for his ears. They are pierced once, on each side. He does not have any goals to have tattoos or other piercings when he becomes of age.
The scents that he uses in soaps or cologne would be the breezy scents. He might have some that smell crisp and clean, and others might be oceanic or water based.
Has a more alternative style. When wearing muggle clothes, he will have more of an edgy look, and started painting his nails different colors. Otherwise, he has relaxed clothing, somewhat loose to easily maneuver in.
When Monday smiles, it is almost crooked, and he does not show his teeth often. It is a smile that shows that he has a gentle side to him, and is friendly. When he smirks, it often means that he is up to something, or he is being sarcastic or judgmental.
When Monday talks, it is a normal pitch, and he has a Scottish accent.
Monday is ambidextrous. He can write in either hand, though he does favor his right more than his left. He can alternate hands when it comes to casting spells or eating. With writing, he prefers his right hand because his penmanship is neater.
Monday doesn't really care about his appearance that much. He does know that he needs to be kept up, and clean. He just doesn't care about what others say about him. He does as he wants and won't answer to anyone for being anything but himself.

Chocolate cake
Big fan of chocolate milkshakes
Crows and ravens
All with a good beat

Considering that his background was muggle, while he lived in Scotland, he attended Victoria Park Primary School up until he was ten. While his academics were strong, and he was considered a gifted student, he often had fights with students that either picked on him, or his sisters. He was constantly being warned by the teachers, but his parents only told him to keep standing up for himself, and to keep up with his studies. His favorite subjects in primary school were mathematics and science. He always had the highest scores of his grade when he was attending it. This changed when a Ministry Official came to the house to let them know that Monday was a wizard.
For the first two years, Monday Weeks attended Hogwarts Scotland, and was promptly sorted into Ravenclaw. He did have some Slytherin tendencies, but his wit and lust for wisdom won over his ambition. By the time he was in his second year, his magical education was hell on earth. The students often picked on him for his name, which was the same as his muggle counterparts. His father convinced his mother to go to a new country to start over, and Monday was soon transferred to Hogwarts New Zealand to start his third year. His experience at the new school has been different, such as night and day. He immediately made friends, and did not encounter any bullies. Monday took all classes and became well known for his ambition and points earning. He even earned prefect in his fifth year, and joined the Quidditch team in his fourth. His time at school started to become more stressful, and eventually led to a mental breakdown from everything he had on his shoulders at once, including Head Boy responsibilities. He earned less points but in the end, he ended up with the grades he wanted.
September 2055 - June 2057; September 2057 - June 2062 (Y40 - Y41 Hogwarts Scotland; Y42 - Y46 Hogwarts New Zealand)
Monday has joined the Brotherhood of MAGIC in his fourth year to attempt to make some friends. He joined Student Defence Association when he was in his sixth year, and became president when he was in his seventh.
Quidditch Beater, Dueling Champion (4th, 5th Year), Prefect, SDA President, Head Boy
Monday's favorite class is Arithmancy. It is the class that reminds him the most of his favorite class when he was in primary school; mathematics. There are a lot of power and knowledge in numbers that Monday had never considered. Monday is gifted in Arithmancy and reading numbers, though their meanings can often confuse him, he understands them for the most part.
His least liked class would be Astronomy. The astronomy part he does not mind, but as soon as the professor said that the northern lights were formed from a spell, and how the solar flares were responsible for magic was when he no longer took the class seriously. He dreads that class every time he enters the towers, but he will continue to take it to see if anything will change.
Monday graduated in June 2062. He gave a long speech, which was normal for all Head People, for the most part. He never felt more relieved and sad at the same time, since he was worried that he would end up losing out on some of the friendships that he had made over his tenure at the school. Unlike some of those in his class, he still does not know what he wants to do after he left.
Monday made Outstandings in the classes that he has taken up. More details on his grades are below.
Considering that his background was muggle, while he lived in Scotland, he attended Victoria Park Primary School up until he was ten. While his academics were strong, and he was considered a gifted student, he often had fights with students that either picked on him, or his sisters. He was constantly being warned by the teachers, but his parents only told him to keep standing up for himself, and to keep up with his studies. His favorite subjects in primary school were mathematics and science. He always had the highest scores of his grade when he was attending it. This changed when a Ministry Official came to the house to let them know that Monday was a wizard.
For the first two years, Monday Weeks attended Hogwarts Scotland, and was promptly sorted into Ravenclaw. He did have some Slytherin tendencies, but his wit and lust for wisdom won over his ambition. By the time he was in his second year, his magical education was hell on earth. The students often picked on him for his name, which was the same as his muggle counterparts. His father convinced his mother to go to a new country to start over, and Monday was soon transferred to Hogwarts New Zealand to start his third year. His experience at the new school has been different, such as night and day. He immediately made friends, and did not encounter any bullies. Monday took all classes and became well known for his ambition and points earning. He even earned prefect in his fifth year, and joined the Quidditch team in his fourth. His time at school started to become more stressful, and eventually led to a mental breakdown from everything he had on his shoulders at once, including Head Boy responsibilities. He earned less points but in the end, he ended up with the grades he wanted.
September 2055 - June 2057; September 2057 - June 2062 (Y40 - Y41 Hogwarts Scotland; Y42 - Y46 Hogwarts New Zealand)
Monday has joined the Brotherhood of MAGIC in his fourth year to attempt to make some friends. He joined Student Defence Association when he was in his sixth year, and became president when he was in his seventh.
Quidditch Beater, Dueling Champion (4th, 5th Year), Prefect, SDA President, Head Boy
Monday's favorite class is Arithmancy. It is the class that reminds him the most of his favorite class when he was in primary school; mathematics. There are a lot of power and knowledge in numbers that Monday had never considered. Monday is gifted in Arithmancy and reading numbers, though their meanings can often confuse him, he understands them for the most part.
His least liked class would be Astronomy. The astronomy part he does not mind, but as soon as the professor said that the northern lights were formed from a spell, and how the solar flares were responsible for magic was when he no longer took the class seriously. He dreads that class every time he enters the towers, but he will continue to take it to see if anything will change.
Monday graduated in June 2062. He gave a long speech, which was normal for all Head People, for the most part. He never felt more relieved and sad at the same time, since he was worried that he would end up losing out on some of the friendships that he had made over his tenure at the school. Unlike some of those in his class, he still does not know what he wants to do after he left.
Monday made Outstandings in the classes that he has taken up. More details on his grades are below.
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