Open Magic from...the sun?

Monday Weeks

sda president • what's sleep?
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Sexual Orientation
13" Rigid Yew wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
May 16, 2044
Monday Weeks overlooked the world from the North Towers. Why the Astronomy teacher was teaching that magic came from the sun, he would never know. It was such an odd concept that he could not wrap his head around it. Magic was hard to explain with science and logic though. It was annoying. Monday had a Ravenclaw journal in his hands as he wrote some of his thoughts down in it. It was a good way to handle his mind from time to time. Plus, he needed a break from all the classes he took. He must have been crazy to take them all at once. The Ravenclaw let out a sigh and wondered how Wednesday and Thursday were doing. It also seemed like Friday might have been showing some signs of magic. Were all of the Weeks siblings magical? That would be crazy. It must be genetic or something. An ancestor must have been magic, way back when. Monday could look into it, if he cared. For now, he still focused on his academics and trying to learn how this world functioned. It was beyond his control. He just wished that magic could be explained more.

The Ravenclaw boy remained lost in thought, as he turned the page in his journal. He tapped his painted nails on the empty page as he thought over what else he should write. He had most of his thoughts down now, as bewildered as he was, writing it down did not help either. He started to draw a diagram to try to link everything together, and see if he was missing something. Had to be something out there that the Astronomy teacher was not telling them. Just where did magic come from?
Aika was tired of all the school life, it was quite dull, Akihiro's school life surely was far more impressive. Yet, Aika was trying to do better, she was just less communicative than her brother was. As much as she wouldn't like it, they were quite an opposites. Aika was just... Aika. Quiet, calm and in her own world, she didn't even had any friends while her brother had a whole girlfriend.

And as always, she tried to get away from the whole school's society and came all the way up to the North Tower to get some peaceful reading. But even here someone was... But surely one person was easier to handle than a bunch of them. "Hey," she gave a little smile to Monday, her classmate. "I won't bother you," she immediately cleared that up and sat down not really far away, leaned against the wall and started to read.
Monday was still writing when he heard a voice. A small 'hey' that made him pause to look up at the person with his hazel eyes. As far as he knew, this was a Slytherin girl, but wasn't exactly someone that he recognized at all. Though, it was hard because he spent so much time with his academics, he never bothered getting to know others except for Aine, and even then, it was rare. She was the only one that was crazy enough to take all of the electives like he was. And, she was muggle-born, so she knew how he felt in this magical world. He tapped the quill against his journal as he shrugged his shoulders, "Suit yourself."

Monday shifted his eyes back down to his journal to continue writing about how strange this world was, and how he wanted to keep his sisters away from this. Yet, no matter where they would go, their names would end up bothering them for the rest of their lives by others. It wasn't like Monday understood what was going through his parents' heads. He could no longer concentrate so he closed his journal, and stared out the window. At least it wouldn't be long until they were back home.
Aika just smiled at him as a short thank you and sat down not overly close to him, trying to keep a safe distance and not overcome her or the boy's space. And then she returned to reading a book in Japanese, in the end, she had grown up there and English sometimes still was a bit of a challenge. Even more, she thought that Japanese was a more beautiful language, and also, Aika just wanted to go back home. Like yeah, her brother was her home but she also missed her homeland, her friends. Yet, her dad was happier here and there wasn't also a lot of mentions of mom that left them, so at some points New Zealand was easier. But not enough.

As Monday closed his journal, Aika immediately looked up, it caught her by surprise, then took a moment to stare at him to know that nothing bad happened, and returned to reading. She said that she wouldn't bother him, so she was planning on not bothering him.
Monday just could not comprehend the entire process that someone might actually believe this stuff. Magic that comes from the sun. It was ridiculous and he could not believe it. He thought that it would be more like, genetics but surely it could be explained with science. Everything could be explained with science. At least, that was his thought process. He felt a set of eyes on him, so he turned to look at the Slytherin girl. What was her name? Aika, wasn't it? He believed that was what they said in class anyway. Monday often did not know much about his classmates, but since she seemed to mind her own business, that could be considered a good thing. "I don't like disturbing people, but I have to ask. Do you think that the professor in Astronomy is actually knowledgeable over the concept and origin of magic?" Monday moved his blonde hair out of his face, hating that he was talking to someone while they seemed busy, but his head could not move past it.

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