Closed Still mad

Monday Weeks

sda president • what's sleep?
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Sexual Orientation
13" Rigid Yew wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
May 16, 2044
Monday Weeks was entirely mad to keep all of the electives and not drop anything at all for the new year. Yes, he was absolutely mad. In his third year, he earned the most house points for Ravenclaw, and then his name was broadcast all over the Great Hall. That was fun, except not. Monday decided to take some time to clear his head by taking a walk out to the lake. The water would help him relax. The sounds of the water that is. Monday set his bag down and sat down on the rocks next to the shore to enjoy the breeze. He had a hoodie on and was dressed appropriately for the weather. He was still getting used to the seasons being backward compared to England. Monday would enjoy the afternoon before things would pick up. He did not look forward to that. Although, he did look forward to Arithmancy. That was about it.
It was quite chilly outside, but Kate had bundled up. It was rather pleasant to take a walk in the crisp air, away from the hubble of the school. School had been average. It hadn't gone exactly how Kate thought it was going to go but it also wasn't terrible. She was learning a lot and most of the people were kind if she stayed out of their way. It was different to what she had been brought up to believe, but after a few conversations with her mother, they decided it was just the way that teenagers were.
After a slow walk around the Lake, Kate saw a familiar face, but she couldn't quite place it. It took a few moments before she realized who he was. "Hey," Kate started gently when she got closer to the boy. "You're the one that won the most points for Ravenclaw, right?" Kate asked, impressed.
It was rare that Monday did not have any books open, but he was so lost in his head that he flinched when he heard a voice near him, despite how gentle it was. He turned his head in the direction of where it came from, and it was a slightly younger blonde girl approaching him. She asked a question on whether or not he was the one that won the most points for Ravenclaw. Monday wondered if that made him famous now or something. "Yeah, that is me. Why are you asking?" Monday asked, though his tone was not unfriendly at all. It was more curious on why she was approaching him. Was it such a feat over what he did? Maybe it was. Who else was insane enough to take as many classes as him? Well, there was one person. "Aine Thompson earned more than me and she is a Hufflepuff. Could not tell you where she is at right now."
Kate felt bad that she had surprised the boy into flinching. She didn't get a chance to apologize as he confirmed her question. Kate smiled at the boy, but it quickly disappeared when he spoke again. "Oh, no, sorry, I - I don't know where Aine is either. I wasn't s-stalking you, I just saw you, and, and thought it was cool. Sorry." Kate finished, awkwardly.
Monday noticed that her smile vanished, but then heard her words. Wait, he wasn't accusing her of anything! He gestured with his hands as he spoke, "No, I wasn't saying you were! It was just a statement! I don't know how it was cool because my academics caused me a social life, so to earn that much, you have to make sacrifices." Monday gave her a smile, trying to make things a little less awkward between them. He held out his hand so that he could do a proper introduction. "You know my name, I think, so it is only nice if I know yours, right?"
The knot in Kate's stomach quickly untied itself as Monday replied. The rope still sat heavy in her stomach though, her embarrassment about the whole conversation still lingering. She weakly smiled back at Monday, taking his hand in hers to shake. "I'm Kate Kensington." She replied introducing herself. "Well, I don't have much of a social life, and I don't have your grades." Kate said with a small chuckle before inwardly cringing - why had she said that? "Anyways...I'm sorry to bother you."
Monday wondered if she was still nervous or embarrassed for some reason. It seemed like it as he studied her behaviors. Her name was Kate, which went well with her surname. And she even shook his hand. Monday let go of her hand to put his hands into his pockets. "Well, I am trying to have a social life, so maybe we could attempt it this time." And now she was apologizing for bothering him. Monday chuckled. She was not a bother at all. She seemed to be pretty insecure. "You aren’t bothering me. Are you shy or something, Kate?"
The rope seemed to disappear from Kate's stomach as Monday said they could attempt to have a social life. She would absolutely love a new friend, and a smile grew on her face when he said she wasn't bothering him. The whole conversation had started off awkward, and Kate hoped that she could redeem herself. She chuckled slightly when he asked if she was shy. "I try not to be...sometimes I just...don't know what to say." She said with a small smile, shrugging her shoulders.
Monday realized real quick that she was indeed shy and a bit awkward. But then again, so was he so he could not say anything bad about it. She didn’t know what to say so he made sure that he was facing her. "Well, just anything you want, honestly. We can talk about subjects, quidditch, family, whatever. I am a muggle-born so I can tell you actual facts about my world." Muggle Studies he felt was outdated and needed to get with the times. Monday took it just for laughs, and easily passed the class.

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