Closed A different light

Monday Weeks

sda president • what's sleep?
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Sexual Orientation
13" Rigid Yew wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
May 16, 2044
Monday Weeks sat on the rocky shore of the lakefront, as he thought over the break. He received a badge in the post that he had made prefect, but hid it from his family because he did not want to rub it in. His mom would have loved it, but for now, he wanted it to be hidden. That is, until he got to the school where it became more like public news. Monday didn’t want to brag so maybe now he likely looked more like an ass to his sisters. It did not help the fact that he likely got on the wrong foot with one of his sisters’ friends. He didn’t even catch her name. Wait, he did, but he could not think of it. He was just so irritated that it went through one ear and out the other. If he saw her again, no doubt that it would come to him. Monday picked up a pebble and hurled it into the water, making it skip twice before sinking into the abyss. It did suck knowing that he wouldn’t be here for all of his siblings’ schooling to keep an eye on them, but oh well. Monday picked up another pebble, before dropping to see that the edges were not smooth for skipping.
Veronica was happy to start a year where she got to choose her classes - though if she was honest she didn't really like any of them. She just took what she did for a means to an end. The girl walked the lakefront shoreline trying to get new ideas for her sketch journal when she spotted a familiar face. One she distinctly remembered not getting along with. He had accused her of being two face in a round about way, and she didn't tolerate that very well. But it was Wednesday's brother, and it was only right they be on even ground right? So Vern approached. "That rock not the right one?" She asked, watching him drop a pebble. "Monday, right?" She asked, making sure she remembered him correctly - though she was sure she had.
Monday was not sure what to expect, but he did not expect being approached by one of his sister’s friends. Someone he did not even know if he could trust her because of how vain she seemed. Monday glanced at her and wondered if he should actually reply to her or not. Ultimately, he decided to be cordial - this was Wednesday’s friend. "That is me, yes. The edges are not smooth. The smoother, flatter the surface is, the more likely they will skip." Monday ended up finding another pebble, and demonstrated it with having it skip four times before sinking into the abyss. "Two-dimensional objects will bounce on the surface before being swallowed by the depths of reality. Their facade can only last for so long." Monday was off-hand letting her know that if she was as two-faced as he called her to be, it was only a matter of time before her true motives came to light.
Veronica could almost feel the hesitation in him talking to her. It was palpable. She moved to take a seat a few feet from him so he had space. As he spoke the Slytherin girl raise an eyebrow. She then chuckled. He thought he was so clever. Two could be cryptic. “Often you hold an object that seems two dimensional but you split it open and there’s much more inside. Like a geode.” She picked up a rock. “Not that any of these rocks are pretty enough to have quartz inside.” She spoke again. “Who taught you to skip stones?” She asked, making conversation
Monday watched as she sat down next to him, but enough space to not invade his bubble. That was good for him because he was not comfortable with such things. He listened to her talk and shifted his head so that he was full on facing her. That came from her? Right on the spot too so it could not be rehearsed. "Huh, I suppose that is true." Monday had to keep from chuckling when she mentioned quartz. There it goes, to the jewelry part. He doubted that any of these would have quartz. He would have to study some geology to figure it out. "My twin taught me." Monday skipped another one, assuming that if she knew Wednesday well, then Veronica would know that Tuesday was dead.
Veronica watched his face, as he looked at her she couldn't help the small and smug smile that turned her lip-glossed lips upwards. It seemed that she had gotten her point across. Just because she was pretty, and fashionable, didn't mean she was a complete airhead. She had passion for things she cared to know about and it made her quite the adversary to anyone else with the same special interests as her. She softened her features though when he mentioned his twin. Wednesday had mentioned not to bring up the eldest sister because it was a soft spot. "She must have been pretty clever." She said, tossing a stone and failing to get it to skip. "How do you do it?"
Monday could not help but smirk when she failed to skip a stone, but the statement of his twin did not go ignored. He just didn't want to point out the obvious. She was dead, and that was that. Although, he wondered if there was a way to talk to her with magic - but so far, the magic seemed to end at anything 'dead' besides ghosts, and who knew if she was a witch or not. "Stand up and I'll show you how," Monday offered as he jumped to his feet, and picked up a couple of smooth, flat pebbles to practice with. He would have to get close to her to show her the movements, but he could tolerate it for now. This was something Tuesday taught him. "It is better to stand up and give a demonstration than to sit."
Veronica was surprised when he offered to show her. After all, they had gotten off on the wrong foot previously. Veronica stood, making sure her outfit still looked good with minimal creases and wrinkles. Her vanity may have been obvious but it paid off, she thought, in how good she always looked. She moved her hair into a high ponytail feeling this task took the utmost concentration. "Okay, ready." She said with a smile, clearly a little excited to learn how to skip a stone.
Monday could not help but roll his eyes as she dusted herself, and made sure that her outfit was fine. It was, but he was a guy and didn't notice a lot of things. He walked behind her so that he could show her how to toss it by guiding her wrist. This was weird, even for him but this was the best way to show her how to do it. "The trick is the wrist. If you flick it, like you would a wand, you can get the pebble to skip." Monday took a step back and held out a pebble that was smooth. "And a smooth rock of course. See if the trick helps." Monday gave the third year an encouraging smile, glad that he was no longer close. Physical contact was just not his thing, especially with girls.
Veronica wasn't sure how he was going to teach her, but when he grabbed her wrist from behind she felt herself... blush? Veronica was never embarrassed like this, and she wondered why it was that this guy, this muggle-born, wannabe fashion disaster of a cute older boy that did it to her. Cute? Veronica looked back at Monday when he stepped back, holding out a smooth pebble. "Uh y-yeah, smooth." She said, looking back at the water. She then moved her hand like he'd shown her and let go of the rock. It skipped. and again. and then plunk it was in the water. "Hey! Look at that!" She said excitedly.
Monday noticed how her speech somewhat faltered a bit there, but he thought nothing of it. He was a bit out of the loop with things after all. Especially with things of that nature. He watched as she attempted to skip a pebble, and it skipped not once but twice. He gave her a genuine smile when she seemed excited about succeeding. "Not that hard, is it? Glad that you managed to get it to skip a couple of times. Took me a while to get it to skip more than once, honestly." Monday shrugged his shoulders but he was working on being encouraging. He bent down and picked up another smooth pebble, and tossed it, making it skip three times before sinking into the water. "This helps me think."
Veronica watched his lips upturn into a smile and she smiled back. "No I suppose it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be." She said honestly. She watched him effortlessly skip another rock and heard his statement. "Someone like you got a lot on their mind?" She asked curiously. Now that she had found some interest in him she actually cared enough to ask about thing sand mean it - rather than her generally shallow approach.
Monday figured that when one did not want to make it too complicated, then it was going to be easy. Just needed to find the right pebble and the flick of the wrist. Easy to do. He nodded at her question, "Yeah, but I tend to overload myself with all the classes and homework. I need some peace to help quiet all the noise in there." Monday bent down and skipped another pebble. "And I also worry over my sisters. Even the ones that are not sorted yet. They will be in when I am a seventh year, and then I can't watch over them anymore."

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