Let's Plot Some Chaos

Harper Alston

off we go, into the wild blue yonder
OOC First Name
Blood Status
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Straight 12.5'' Flexible Larch Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
In the spirit of the title, this PD will be formatted rather chaotically. If you have an idea that's not listed below, let me know. I'm up for anything!

Celia Vuong
Sixth Year Slytherin


Biography | Aesthetic

Celia is currently having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad year. Her family life is in shambles, so she's back to her 12-year-old self and will be in a permanent state of rage. She has pretty much stopped caring about anything except setting herself up for post-graduate success by any means necessary.

I'm looking for...
  • Quidditch plots - Celia is the new Slytherin captain, and I'm looking for all the Quidditch plots: captains/seekers/beaters on other teams to feud with, older teammates to strategize with, younger teammates to mentor, underperforming teammates to threaten, teammates who think she's being needlessly intense, adoring fans, and anything else you can think of! I also had two starting ideas for plots in case anyone's interested:
    • Celia plans on trying to spy on other teams' tryouts and practices. If you're on the Slytherin team and want to join her, let me know. There will be disguises and gossiping strategizing! Also welcome are random quidditch enthusiasts or people on other teams who catch her.
    • Celia is looking for local shopkeepers or wealthy Slytherin Quidditch alumni who would be willing to sponsor the team and/or donate equipment. She refuses to let anyone on the team fly with anything less than the most expensive professional-grade equipment. (And she also wants nice gear for herself lol). I'm envisioning letter threads for this.
  • Prefect plots - I think Celia will care a little more about exerting her will on others enforcing the rules this year, so I want prefect plots! That includes younger students who see her badge and (mistakenly) think she is a kind older student who wants to help them, Slytherins of all ages to yell at and take points from, professors who want to saddle her with additional chores responsibilities because hey free labor, other prefects to complain to and patrol with, and anything else you can think of!
  • Romance - I'd like to either break Celia's heart or have her break someone else's heart before she graduates. (Or maybe both at the same time for extra angst). At the very least, she could probably use a distraction from everything.
Also looking for friends (god knows she could use some), enemies (several of them graduated last year, and she needs new ones), plots related to her extracurriculars (especially dueling and the Hogwarts Monthly), and literally anything else. I'm open to everything!

Weston Stirling
Seventh Year Ravenclaw


Biography | Aesthetic

My boy is somehow??? a seventh year????? He's freaking out. I'm freaking out. We're freaking out. Weston is very much not ready to leave Hogwarts and has no idea what he's going to do after school. He's also extremely worried about NEWTs and is on track to have at least one nervous breakdown before graduation.


I'll be honest, my favorite threads with Weston have always been ones where he is being dramatic and stupid (and potentially dramatically stupid). So this is me asking for lots of magical hijinks and chaotic adventures. He's a big fan of the supernatural as well as myths and legends (the creepier, the better) although he's a major wimp when he's confronted by anything truly scary. He has been working on a yearslong project to document the eel, so eel plots are always welcome.

Weston's social skills are a lot better these days, but threads centered on miscommunications would be fun. He wants to spend as much time with his friends as he can before he graduates and is always looking for new ones. If you ask Weston, he would say he has no enemies, but he's definitely been known to annoy a few people. Weston doesn't really have any experience with romance, but it would be fun to plot something out.

Finally, I want any and all threads related to seventh year/NEWTs/graduating. Weston will probably spend a good amount of time asking his classmates about their plans and subsequently panicking over his own lack of plans. He's always loved music and is in a band, but he's not completely sure how to turn that into an actual career. Threads with fellow musicians or other directionless seventh years would be great.

EDIT: Apparently Weston is also a prefect, so I'm looking for prefect plots as well. Unlike Celia, he actually does care about the rules and genuinely wants to help younger students.

Harper Alston
18-year-old HNZ Alumnus


Biography | Aesthetic

Even though the pink hurts my soul, I'm telling myself that I'm excited she's an adult because now she can plot with everyone. Here's what she'll be up to for the next year...

For the next six months, she'll be...
  • ...living in the muggle world. Maybe you have a very underused muggle character who needs some interaction. Or maybe your character also really missed electricity and wants to spend some time in a place where the internet is a thing.
  • ...making frequent trips to the magical world. She's always down to visit her friends, no matter where they're located. She'll also be spending a fair amount of time in Brightstone because she's giving animagus lessons there.
  • ...spending her days coaching and reffing youth soccer. Maybe your character is between the ages 5-13, and she's their coach. Or maybe your character is a parent who is overinvested in their kid's success and picks a fight when she hands their child a yellow card.
  • ...spending her nights bartending. At a muggle bar, but maybe your character is avoiding the usual magical haunts and needs a place where they can drink incognito. Or maybe they're a friend, and they know that Harper will sneak them free drinks.
After six months, she'll be...
  • ...traveling the world. Maybe your character is also traveling, and they link up with Harper for a bit. Or maybe you have an adult character in Europe/the Americas/literally anywhere in the world who needs more plots.
Other ideas...
  • Letter threads - She's always happy to write to her friends who are still stuck in the castle
  • Animagus plots - She's a falcon who can talk to birds and is available for all your bird of prey needs
  • General young adult shenanigans - Graduation celebrations! Magical mishaps! Ill-advised flings! Drunken adventures!
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So I am 1. forgetful and completely terrible at responding to anything and 2. have a muse that is all over the place and not very helpful on plots so don't feel obligated to plot anything if you don't want to, I was mostly thinking maybe Aine and Celia could have some teeth-clenched teamwork on the paper? Aine's in a weird spot where she genuinely admires and respects Celia but doesn't like her very much as a person based on initial impressions, though she's getting a little better at talking and expression and maybe starting to chill out a bit over the next year after she realized that working herself stupid over classes failed to make herself feel any closer to belonging. :r Could be a case where they're both looking into something, like checking if the snitch has in fact been tampered with, lol. I feel like it's a case where at least on Aine's part, she knows they're never going to be friends but hopes one day they can at least come to an understanding because they do have some similar goals and ambitions, if not directly aligned. Though of course with Celia Going Through It she might not have the same line of thinking.

If you have some shenanigans going on with Weston I am down to help in some way whether it's if you need a prof who's a little too willing to help out with finding creepy myths and legends currently writing her not very subtly recommending students check out weird stuff like the Malleus Maleficarum in the restricted section (or reluctantly doing her job catching some rulebreaking) or younger students to get caught up in it! I am very much down for adventure plots and crazy stuff and things happening.

That's just what I had off the top of my head, always down to plot even if I'm a bit slow about it though!

I love Celia so much and want to plot with her forever :r

That said, I think Natalia might not really go along with her plans of spying, I think she would see it as juvenile and childish. Could be some conflict there?

I could see potential plots for her as prefect as well, though it depends a bit on if Gwen will be a prefect too or not. If she is, I think she could try to bond with Celia over it. If not, I could see her getting in trouble for something small and conflict happening.

Finally, I can always offer Louis, their interactions are too funny. Don't really have a plot idea for that (though, just occurred to me, maybe he could give her very bad romantic advice or something)

(I love your other characters too but I'm trying to limit the amount of threads I have so I don't get overwhelmed :r )

So I can offer Seamus Reid for any amount of things. He desperately wants to finally be on the team. He could be any number of things for her, someone who would be on her side if he thinks it'll help him get the spot. So he'd spy with her for sure, would do all that he could if he thought it would help him.

He can also maybe be a romance. I'd be happy to plot something out between them, happy for her to break his heart. But chill if you don't think it would work.

For the wealthy benefactors, I can off Liusaidh xD but can also offer her brother Rory Fergusson. He was on the slytherin team and is on a professional team now.
So I am 1. forgetful and completely terrible at responding to anything and 2. have a muse that is all over the place and not very helpful on plots so don't feel obligated to plot anything if you don't want to, I was mostly thinking maybe Aine and Celia could have some teeth-clenched teamwork on the paper? Aine's in a weird spot where she genuinely admires and respects Celia but doesn't like her very much as a person based on initial impressions, though she's getting a little better at talking and expression and maybe starting to chill out a bit over the next year after she realized that working herself stupid over classes failed to make herself feel any closer to belonging. :r Could be a case where they're both looking into something, like checking if the snitch has in fact been tampered with, lol. I feel like it's a case where at least on Aine's part, she knows they're never going to be friends but hopes one day they can at least come to an understanding because they do have some similar goals and ambitions, if not directly aligned. Though of course with Celia Going Through It she might not have the same line of thinking.

If you have some shenanigans going on with Weston I am down to help in some way whether it's if you need a prof who's a little too willing to help out with finding creepy myths and legends currently writing her not very subtly recommending students check out weird stuff like the Malleus Maleficarum in the restricted section (or reluctantly doing her job catching some rulebreaking) or younger students to get caught up in it! I am very much down for adventure plots and crazy stuff and things happening.

That's just what I had off the top of my head, always down to plot even if I'm a bit slow about it though!

I can also be terrible at responding to things, so don't worry haha

Aine and Celia - Ohhhhh I would love to force these two to work together. I think Celia is a long ways away from coming to any sort of understanding. From her point of view, Aine has always been needlessly rude to her, and she still associates Aine with the puff-piece approach to student journalism. But there's definitely potential for that change (I think Aine getting top points + writing that Quidditch article has at least given Celia pause lol). In the meantime, we can definitely have them investigate the snitch together. Celia might be snarky and rude, but she's not going to risk sabotaging anything that could have her byline.

Gabrielle and Weston - (I'm putting Gabrielle down because the only adventure-ish plot I can think of atm is him and Aine trying to bait the eel lol. But if you have a particular character in mind, I can try and think of more stuff :p) I'd love to have Gabrielle encourage him to look up creepy stuff. Maybe he starts a conversation with her after seeing her emerge from the restricted section?


I love Celia so much and want to plot with her forever :r

That said, I think Natalia might not really go along with her plans of spying, I think she would see it as juvenile and childish. Could be some conflict there?

I could see potential plots for her as prefect as well, though it depends a bit on if Gwen will be a prefect too or not. If she is, I think she could try to bond with Celia over it. If not, I could see her getting in trouble for something small and conflict happening.

Finally, I can always offer Louis, their interactions are too funny. Don't really have a plot idea for that (though, just occurred to me, maybe he could give her very bad romantic advice or something)

(I love your other characters too but I'm trying to limit the amount of threads I have so I don't get overwhelmed :r )

It's okay, I listed Celia first for a reason :r

Natalia and Celia - To be fair, I don't think Celia would ask Natalia to join her haha. She knows Natalia's a little too proper for her sneakier strategies. But Natalia is free to find out and criticize her since Celia will be sharing the information she gathers with the team.

Gwen and Celia - If Gwen wants to bond with Celia, she doesn't have to wait until prefect selections (although they can definitely bond over that too if Gwen becomes prefect). Celia's always happy to gossip or talk fashion with others. But we can also start up some conflict if you'd rather have that.

Louis and Celia - Their threads are some of my favorites, so I'm always down for more of these two! I love the idea of him trying to give her romantic advice although she's probably going to poke at his ego and ask him why he thinks he's qualified to be giving advice :p


So I can offer Seamus Reid for any amount of things. He desperately wants to finally be on the team. He could be any number of things for her, someone who would be on her side if he thinks it'll help him get the spot. So he'd spy with her for sure, would do all that he could if he thought it would help him.

He can also maybe be a romance. I'd be happy to plot something out between them, happy for her to break his heart. But chill if you don't think it would work.

For the wealthy benefactors, I can off Liusaidh xD but can also offer her brother Rory Fergusson. He was on the slytherin team and is on a professional team now.

Hi Emzies!

Seamus and Celia - Yessss definitely want to thread these two together. She thinks he's a good beater, but she's a little worried he won't be willing to knock out Hamish. Maybe she could bring up her concerns while they're out spying on another practice? Or they could even have that conversation now if you want. And I think we could probably work our way towards a romance. She doesn't dislike him, which already puts him ahead of most people lol.

Fergussons and Celia - I think Celia would rather jump off the cliffs than ask Liusaidh for money xD Although I do think it would be fun if they ran into each other sometime in the future (but no worries if Liusaidh is completely done with Hogwarts/NZ haha). Anyway, Celia can definitely write Rory! I can go ahead and start something in the Owlery for him?

I'm trying not to pile my plate up too high but I rly wanted to get to these!!

Celia & Jenna - 👉 👈 I know I've gotten too busy the last few times we tried, but I'd love to do something more with the Elite Sisterhood before Jenna graduates!

Harper & Hester - Even though we never RPed them much as students they were roomies with compatible vibes, so I've always imagined they get along well! Hester's gonna be keeping to the Muggle world for the next while as well (she's off to uni!) so they could defs be magical world links for each other! (Possibly even flatmates if you're keen? Hester's family lives in Ōtepoti so she'll be going to Otago Uni down south so idk how compatible that is with your plans...)
Seamus and Celia - Yessss definitely want to thread these two together. She thinks he's a good beater, but she's a little worried he won't be willing to knock out Hamish. Maybe she could bring up her concerns while they're out spying on another practice? Or they could even have that conversation now if you want. And I think we could probably work our way towards a romance. She doesn't dislike him, which already puts him ahead of most people lol.

Fergussons and Celia - I think Celia would rather jump off the cliffs than ask Liusaidh for money xD Although I do think it would be fun if they ran into each other sometime in the future (but no worries if Liusaidh is completely done with Hogwarts/NZ haha). Anyway, Celia can definitely write Rory! I can go ahead and start something in the Owlery for him?
I love both of it. I'd love for them to run into each other in the future especially as Liusaidh will be likely a Styx by the time she graduates. Happy for you to start that.

I can start the Celia and Seamus one now then - but set it as if they're watching the ravenclaw try-outs?

I'm trying not to pile my plate up too high but I rly wanted to get to these!!

Celia & Jenna - 👉 👈 I know I've gotten too busy the last few times we tried, but I'd love to do something more with the Elite Sisterhood before Jenna graduates!

Harper & Hester - Even though we never RPed them much as students they were roomies with compatible vibes, so I've always imagined they get along well! Hester's gonna be keeping to the Muggle world for the next while as well (she's off to uni!) so they could defs be magical world links for each other! (Possibly even flatmates if you're keen? Hester's family lives in Ōtepoti so she'll be going to Otago Uni down south so idk how compatible that is with your plans...)

Jenna and Celia - Yes, they need to either hold a meeting or blow it up :r I'll message you in a bit so we can plot this out

Hester and Harper - I miss their names being Gryffindor red already :cry: Anyway, I've always thought of them as friends, so I definitely want to thread them together! I think Harper will be relieved she's not the only muggleborn who will be returning to the muggle world for a bit. Sadly, she lives up in the Auckland region, but she would definitely be willing to portkey/apparate over to Ōtepoti to visit Hester!

I love both of it. I'd love for them to run into each other in the future especially as Liusaidh will be likely a Styx by the time she graduates. Happy for you to start that.

I can start the Celia and Seamus one now then - but set it as if they're watching the ravenclaw try-outs?

Celia is going to be appalled when she finds out haha. I'll let you know when I get Rory/Celia up!

And setting Seamus/Celia at the Ravenclaw tryouts sounds good to me!
It's okay, I listed Celia first for a reason :r

Natalia and Celia - To be fair, I don't think Celia would ask Natalia to join her haha. She knows Natalia's a little too proper for her sneakier strategies. But Natalia is free to find out and criticize her since Celia will be sharing the information she gathers with the team.

Gwen and Celia - If Gwen wants to bond with Celia, she doesn't have to wait until prefect selections (although they can definitely bond over that too if Gwen becomes prefect). Celia's always happy to gossip or talk fashion with others. But we can also start up some conflict if you'd rather have that.

Louis and Celia - Their threads are some of my favorites, so I'm always down for more of these two! I love the idea of him trying to give her romantic advice although she's probably going to poke at his ego and ask him why he thinks he's qualified to be giving advice :p
Haha, it's okay she's amazing :r

That works for Natalia and Celia, which would make their thread be a bit later in the semester after she spied?

True with Gwen and Celia. I think things have been a bit uneasy between them ever since Celia saw right through her, though Gwen has been playing oblivious happily over the past few years. I think we could go for a friendship where neither of them trusts the other, which could be an interesting dynamic.

Louis and Celia are very funny. I'm not sure how the subject of Celia's love life would come up (Louis probably) but I can easily see this happening.

Should we do the Gwen ad Louis plots first and put Natalia up for later?
*slides in...* Hi Ana!!! I have a couple of ideas to give to you, but feel free to decline any if they don't stand out to you or anything!

Weston x Valencia - I cannot believe it's their last year of Hogwarts already... What the heck?! I would love to plot with them! Especially since it's their last year! I'm happy to offer Valencia for any of the "seventh years/newts/graduating" threads!! Valencia particularly doesn't know what she wants to do, but she sort of has an idea once she leaves school. I'm also happy to offer her some chaos as well, I want her to have some fun before she leaves bahaha!

Celia x Xiuying - Xiuying is the captain of the Ravenclaw team and is also a prefect, so I am happy to offer her for either quidditch threads or prefect threads or both! I'm not sure in particular, but I'd be keen for some sort of Quidditch rivalry! Xiuying will definitely see it as a friendly quidditch feud, im not sure how Celia will see it though haha!

Those are the ideas I have for you! Again, feel free to decline any of the ideas!
Haha, it's okay she's amazing :r

That works for Natalia and Celia, which would make their thread be a bit later in the semester after she spied?

True with Gwen and Celia. I think things have been a bit uneasy between them ever since Celia saw right through her, though Gwen has been playing oblivious happily over the past few years. I think we could go for a friendship where neither of them trusts the other, which could be an interesting dynamic.

Louis and Celia are very funny. I'm not sure how the subject of Celia's love life would come up (Louis probably) but I can easily see this happening.

Should we do the Gwen ad Louis plots first and put Natalia up for later?

Natalia and Celia - Waiting until a little later in the semester sounds good!

Gwen and Celia - I think Celia thinks what Gwen did (or at least what she suspects Gwen did) was a little pathetic, but she quickly realized she has bigger problems in life than Gwen being salty haha. Plus, she's happy to accept good gossip from anyone. But yeah, I don't think she trusts Gwen, so some kind of surface-level friendship would be fun.

Louis and Celia - I kind of figured Louis would have to bring it up since Celia wouldn't ask him for advice :p But do you think he would flirt with someone in front of her? Like, they're in the Great Hall/Student Lounge/somewhere crowded, and he makes a passing remark to someone while she's in earshot? Then she could comment on his love life and start that conversation.

Do you want to start one of the Gwen/Louis threads, and I can start the other?

*slides in...* Hi Ana!!! I have a couple of ideas to give to you, but feel free to decline any if they don't stand out to you or anything!

Weston x Valencia - I cannot believe it's their last year of Hogwarts already... What the heck?! I would love to plot with them! Especially since it's their last year! I'm happy to offer Valencia for any of the "seventh years/newts/graduating" threads!! Valencia particularly doesn't know what she wants to do, but she sort of has an idea once she leaves school. I'm also happy to offer her some chaos as well, I want her to have some fun before she leaves bahaha!

Celia x Xiuying - Xiuying is the captain of the Ravenclaw team and is also a prefect, so I am happy to offer her for either quidditch threads or prefect threads or both! I'm not sure in particular, but I'd be keen for some sort of Quidditch rivalry! Xiuying will definitely see it as a friendly quidditch feud, im not sure how Celia will see it though haha!

Those are the ideas I have for you! Again, feel free to decline any of the ideas!

Hey Maria!!!

Valencia and Weston - I love these two, so yes, I want more threads with them! Weston would love to hear Valencia's plans. Or if you want chaos, maybe there's some kind of magical incident (a spell goes wrong/a group of gnomes attack them/they get stuck in a portable swamp/a staircase malfunctions/etc), and Weston tries to convince Valencia that "no, this is totally fine, magic is still awesome"?

Xiuying and Celia - I would love a Quidditch rivalry! Celia does not believe in friendly competition :r Depending on how antagonistic of an interaction you want, Celia could start an argument over practice times (she would 100% try to reserve the pitch in such a way that it inconveniences the other teams) or she could strike up a relatively friendly conversation with Xiuying with the goal of getting information about the Ravenclaw team and maybe make a few not-so-subtle digs at Ravenclaw while she's at it.
Valencia and Weston - I love these two, so yes, I want more threads with them! Weston would love to hear Valencia's plans. Or if you want chaos, maybe there's some kind of magical incident (a spell goes wrong/a group of gnomes attack them/they get stuck in a portable swamp/a staircase malfunctions/etc), and Weston tries to convince Valencia that "no, this is totally fine, magic is still awesome"?

Xiuying and Celia - I would love a Quidditch rivalry! Celia does not believe in friendly competition :r Depending on how antagonistic of an interaction you want, Celia could start an argument over practice times (she would 100% try to reserve the pitch in such a way that it inconveniences the other teams) or she could strike up a relatively friendly conversation with Xiuying with the goal of getting information about the Ravenclaw team and maybe make a few not-so-subtle digs at Ravenclaw while she's at it.
Valencia x Weston - Omg, a magical incident would totally be awesome! This is going to make Valencia not like magic even more bahaha! She'll be annoyed at the moment but will totally laugh about it later! So I'm defs keen about that! We could also totally have them talk about after school plans like in the second semester as well, if you wanted to? Totally cool if not!

Celia x Xiuying - Oh yessss!!! I'm keen for all of this! I think arguments over practice times should be good, we can totally do that once the semester is underway and the try-outs are over? I'd also love to do more quidditch threads, so its cool if you wanna combine those ideas into one thread or but them into different threads!

Did you wanna start one and I can start the other?
Gwen and Celia - I think Celia thinks what Gwen did (or at least what she suspects Gwen did) was a little pathetic, but she quickly realized she has bigger problems in life than Gwen being salty haha. Plus, she's happy to accept good gossip from anyone. But yeah, I don't think she trusts Gwen, so some kind of surface-level friendship would be fun.

Louis and Celia - I kind of figured Louis would have to bring it up since Celia wouldn't ask him for advice :p But do you think he would flirt with someone in front of her? Like, they're in the Great Hall/Student Lounge/somewhere crowded, and he makes a passing remark to someone while she's in earshot? Then she could comment on his love life and start that conversation.

Do you want to start one of the Gwen/Louis threads, and I can start the other?
I like the surface-level friendship idea for Gwen and Celia, I think that could be fun!

For Louis and Celia I think that's a very fun idea, he would definitely flirt in front of her. I think its just kind of how he interacts with attractive people around his own age at any given moment :r

I could start the one for Gwen and Celia maybe? You can just say for Louis that Celia heard him flirting without specifics, since I think it would be a bit difficult for me to write that in naturally without a third character actually being there. Could be like, Louis charming someone into letting him borrow class notes or whatever?
Those sound good! Would you like to start one and I'll start the other? No rush either way, I am slowly getting my energy back this week. :lol:
Valencia x Weston - Omg, a magical incident would totally be awesome! This is going to make Valencia not like magic even more bahaha! She'll be annoyed at the moment but will totally laugh about it later! So I'm defs keen about that! We could also totally have them talk about after school plans like in the second semester as well, if you wanted to? Totally cool if not!

Celia x Xiuying - Oh yessss!!! I'm keen for all of this! I think arguments over practice times should be good, we can totally do that once the semester is underway and the try-outs are over? I'd also love to do more quidditch threads, so its cool if you wanna combine those ideas into one thread or but them into different threads!

Did you wanna start one and I can start the other?

That all sounds good to me! Happy to do two threads for Valencia/Weston, and then maybe for Xiuying/Celia, we start with the argument and go from there?

I can go ahead and start the Valencia/Weston thread now (let me know if you have any preference for the inciting magical incident), if you want to do Xiuying/Celia once tryouts are over?

I like the surface-level friendship idea for Gwen and Celia, I think that could be fun!

For Louis and Celia I think that's a very fun idea, he would definitely flirt in front of her. I think its just kind of how he interacts with attractive people around his own age at any given moment :r

I could start the one for Gwen and Celia maybe? You can just say for Louis that Celia heard him flirting without specifics, since I think it would be a bit difficult for me to write that in naturally without a third character actually being there. Could be like, Louis charming someone into letting him borrow class notes or whatever?

I had a lot of Celia muse, so here's the Louis/Celia thread :p Let me know if I should change anything!

Those sound good! Would you like to start one and I'll start the other? No rush either way, I am slowly getting my energy back this week. :lol:

Awesome, I can start Gabrielle/Weston if you want to start Aine/Celia?
That all sounds good to me! Happy to do two threads for Valencia/Weston, and then maybe for Xiuying/Celia, we start with the argument and go from there?

I can go ahead and start the Valencia/Weston thread now (let me know if you have any preference for the inciting magical incident), if you want to do Xiuying/Celia once tryouts are over?
Yesss sounds good!
You saw me coming.

Let's just get into it.

We both know by now that if Celia and Weston are involved I'm here XD

Celia. Dear Celia.

First, she should absolutely approach Brayden. Who owns the hogs head. And is the uncle to one of her alternate beaters. (Is he still an alt? I'm not sure at this moment. (@Stefan Archer this could also piss off Seamus?)

And we should update the Mallory/Celia thread for this semester and do the same for Jordie/Weston.
@Aine Thompson - For Gabrielle and Weston! Let me know if you want me to change anything

@Samantha Jacobs - For Valencia and Weston! Let me know if you want me to change anything

You saw me coming.

Let's just get into it.

We both know by now that if Celia and Weston are involved I'm here XD

Celia. Dear Celia.

First, she should absolutely approach Brayden. Who owns the hogs head. And is the uncle to one of her alternate beaters. (Is he still an alt? I'm not sure at this moment. (@Stefan Archer this could also piss off Seamus?)

And we should update the Mallory/Celia thread for this semester and do the same for Jordie/Weston.
I did, and I'm glad you're here!

Brayden and Celia - Do you think there's any way she would know that Brayden is a former Slytherin? I ask because I think she prefers getting no-strings-attached donations from Slytherin alumni instead of sponsorships from local business owners (she doesn't want to be put in a position where she has to advertise for a business in exchange for money/gear). She's already in talks with a Slytherin alum (Rory Fergusson) about donations, so depending on how much she gets from him, she might not want to bother approaching Brayden-the-Hogs-Head-owner. But she would still approach Brayden-the-Slytherin-alum since then she wouldn't be asking for a sponsorship but rather a straight up donation, if that makes sense.

Mallory and Celia - Yesssss. Celia actually needs Mallory's help with some complex enchantments for her Quidditch practices. (And then I'm sure they'll end up talking about other stuff as they always do haha). I can start something in her office?

Jordie and Weston - I can't believe it's their last year, I want a million threads. Maybe we start with something related to their prefect badges? Weston is super excited for Jordie and is still kind of in shock that he managed to get a badge as well. They should probably also discuss the future of their band sometime before they graduate haha
Brayden and Celia - Do you think there's any way she would know that Brayden is a former Slytherin? I ask because I think she prefers getting no-strings-attached donations from Slytherin alumni instead of sponsorships from local business owners (she doesn't want to be put in a position where she has to advertise for a business in exchange for money/gear). She's already in talks with a Slytherin alum (Rory Fergusson) about donations, so depending on how much she gets from him, she might not want to bother approaching Brayden-the-Hogs-Head-owner. But she would still approach Brayden-the-Slytherin-alum since then she wouldn't be asking for a sponsorship but rather a straight up donation, if that makes sense.

Mallory and Celia - Yesssss. Celia actually needs Mallory's help with some complex enchantments for her Quidditch practices. (And then I'm sure they'll end up talking about other stuff as they always do haha). I can start something in her office?

Jordie and Weston - I can't believe it's their last year, I want a million threads. Maybe we start with something related to their prefect badges? Weston is super excited for Jordie and is still kind of in shock that he managed to get a badge as well. They should probably also discuss the future of their band sometime before they graduate haha
Oooh I love them all. I'm sure she's heard of him from hamish or seamus, I bet they do complain about him.

the other two sound freat, i can start jordie and wes if you want to start mallory and celia?
Here to bring you the usual suspects haha

Indi x Celia: Indi was a little salty about not getting the quidditch team until she got the Head Girl badge so I'm sure there is something to play with there.

Caleb x Celia: Messy kids. I think Caleb has moved past antagonization after their last encounter and is pretty firmly avoiding her. But it is always fun for them to but heads. But I have noticed the issue with her father isn't too far off from what happened with his father and why he had to move to New Zealand as a kid. But I also know she would rather die than admit anything haha

Indi x Weston: So much for these two to do haha. Can't believe they're seventh years. Prefect/patrol stuff could be fun as well as eel searching of course. She's going to be quite stressed so might be fun if he provides a little distraction here and there

Ethan x Weston: I really enjoy the idea of Ethan being Weston's almost assistant in his paranormal research haha. Maybe he can find out Ethan spends a lot of time in the forest and wants in on that? Or something entirely different. Either way I really like these two.

Nikko x Harper: Would love for them to have a post grad check in. Nikko would definatily stop by the bar she works out to hang out or pester her, or maybe they could go celebrate after one of his quidditch games. But yeah he would want to see her before she goes of traveling.

Gemma x Harper: Speaking of traveling, if you want Harper to meet an international friend I do have a few. But I think the might at least be somewhat aware of each other since she was at the graduation party. But just an idea.

Not the most full formed ideas but wanted to toss them out there! Sorry I am very tired right now lol
Oooh I love them all. I'm sure she's heard of him from hamish or seamus, I bet they do complain about him.

the other two sound freat, i can start jordie and wes if you want to start mallory and celia?
I'm not sure she's close enough to the twins yet to hear about Brayden. Maybe we wait a bit before we do this one?

In the meantime, here's Mallory/Celia! And if you could start Jordie/Wes, that would be great ^_^

Here to bring you the usual suspects haha

Indi x Celia: Indi was a little salty about not getting the quidditch team until she got the Head Girl badge so I'm sure there is something to play with there.

Caleb x Celia: Messy kids. I think Caleb has moved past antagonization after their last encounter and is pretty firmly avoiding her. But it is always fun for them to but heads. But I have noticed the issue with her father isn't too far off from what happened with his father and why he had to move to New Zealand as a kid. But I also know she would rather die than admit anything haha

Indi x Weston: So much for these two to do haha. Can't believe they're seventh years. Prefect/patrol stuff could be fun as well as eel searching of course. She's going to be quite stressed so might be fun if he provides a little distraction here and there

Ethan x Weston: I really enjoy the idea of Ethan being Weston's almost assistant in his paranormal research haha. Maybe he can find out Ethan spends a lot of time in the forest and wants in on that? Or something entirely different. Either way I really like these two.

Nikko x Harper: Would love for them to have a post grad check in. Nikko would definatily stop by the bar she works out to hang out or pester her, or maybe they could go celebrate after one of his quidditch games. But yeah he would want to see her before she goes of traveling.

Gemma x Harper: Speaking of traveling, if you want Harper to meet an international friend I do have a few. But I think the might at least be somewhat aware of each other since she was at the graduation party. But just an idea.

Not the most full formed ideas but wanted to toss them out there! Sorry I am very tired right now lol
I love the usual suspects

Indi and Celia - I think Celia will want to stay on Indi's good side this year since she's Head Girl + SDA president. (She also does genuinely respect Indi). I saw something in your PD about prefect mischief? Celia might be down depending on what it is. Also happy to do other prefect/dueling/Quidditch stuff. For the last one, I think Celia would treat Indi as more of an equal than an underling if that helps with her saltiness at all haha.

Caleb and Celia - Do you hear that? That's the sound of Celia rejoicing :r I like that their clashes grow more and more bitter every time, though I'm not sure how we up the ante for the next one short of an all-out duel lol. You're right that she would never tell him about her family, but depending on how some plots shake out, there's a chance that information might enter the school rumor mill.

Indi and Weston - It should be illegal for them to be seventh years. We could combine the two ideas and have them patrol the lake at night haha. Maybe the new eel theory is that it's mostly nocturnal, and that's why sightings are so rare. And Weston would be happy to try and distract her! (Although seeing her stressed might make him stressed)

Ethan and Weston - Same, I find their dynamic so amusing. Weston is too much of a rule-follower (and wimp) to go into the forest though it might be funny if he catches Ethan walking out and tries to give him a lecture only to get distracted when Ethan brings up something cool he saw in the forest. Or they could go ghost hunting indoors?

Nikko and Harper - Yesssss very glad these two can finally reunite! I love both ideas. It'll be like a grown up version of all their Hogwarts kitchens hangouts haha

Gemma and Harper - I'd love to have these two meet up when she goes traveling. We can just say they met at the party or that Delilah mentioned her to Harper?
I love the usual suspects

Indi and Celia - I think Celia will want to stay on Indi's good side this year since she's Head Girl + SDA president. (She also does genuinely respect Indi). I saw something in your PD about prefect mischief? Celia might be down depending on what it is. Also happy to do other prefect/dueling/Quidditch stuff. For the last one, I think Celia would treat Indi as more of an equal than an underling if that helps with her saltiness at all haha.

Caleb and Celia - Do you hear that? That's the sound of Celia rejoicing :r I like that their clashes grow more and more bitter every time, though I'm not sure how we up the ante for the next one short of an all-out duel lol. You're right that she would never tell him about her family, but depending on how some plots shake out, there's a chance that information might enter the school rumor mill.

Indi and Weston - It should be illegal for them to be seventh years. We could combine the two ideas and have them patrol the lake at night haha. Maybe the new eel theory is that it's mostly nocturnal, and that's why sightings are so rare. And Weston would be happy to try and distract her! (Although seeing her stressed might make him stressed)

Ethan and Weston - Same, I find their dynamic so amusing. Weston is too much of a rule-follower (and wimp) to go into the forest though it might be funny if he catches Ethan walking out and tries to give him a lecture only to get distracted when Ethan brings up something cool he saw in the forest. Or they could go ghost hunting indoors?

Nikko and Harper - Yesssss very glad these two can finally reunite! I love both ideas. It'll be like a grown up version of all their Hogwarts kitchens hangouts haha

Gemma and Harper - I'd love to have these two meet up when she goes traveling. We can just say they met at the party or that Delilah mentioned her to Harper?
Indi and Celia: You know that would help with her saltiness haha. I don't think I had any specific mischief in mind but I kind of liked the idea of her abusing her power just a little bit.

Caleb and Celia: Well keep me posted on that rumor mill 👀 but yeah I can't see their rivalry really escalating without them straight up attacking each other lol

Indi and Weston: Ah, yes that sounds good!

Ethan and Weston: I like the idea of Weston wanting to use is prefect title but finding it's Ethan and not knowing how to react maybe??

Nikko and Harper: Yay!

Gemma and Harper: Yeah I think it's safe to say they were probably quickly introduced, enough to vaguely recognize in public.

These all sound fun, not sure where you'd like to start?? But I'll be happy to start something soon.
Indi and Celia: You know that would help with her saltiness haha. I don't think I had any specific mischief in mind but I kind of liked the idea of her abusing her power just a little bit.

Caleb and Celia: Well keep me posted on that rumor mill 👀 but yeah I can't see their rivalry really escalating without them straight up attacking each other lol

Indi and Weston: Ah, yes that sounds good!

Ethan and Weston: I like the idea of Weston wanting to use is prefect title but finding it's Ethan and not knowing how to react maybe??

Nikko and Harper: Yay!

Gemma and Harper: Yeah I think it's safe to say they were probably quickly introduced, enough to vaguely recognize in public.

These all sound fun, not sure where you'd like to start?? But I'll be happy to start something soon.
Indi and Celia - Oh, Celia is 100% down to abuse her prefect powers

Ethan and Weston - Weston did once turn in his best friend for entering the forest, so I'm not sure he's going to hesitate much just because it's Ethan :p But he could probably be talked down to like taking away a single point or something lol

Maybe we start with Indi/Celia, Nikko/Harper and one (or both) of the Weston threads? Let me know which thread(s) you want to start, and I can do the rest?

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