Hey, i'm back!

Henry Addams

Police student/ Police College.
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curved 13 1/2 Inch Sturdy Holly Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Hey, gays! I'm back hnz and do some new post and make leason to. I was so happy be back. I was lot of week going to doctors and now it's all better. Things make better to life and i'm happy again with smile. I also i got new cat, he name is Aegon our Arageon. I'm still thinking for his name. That name is from movie Game of thrones. I also thinking about Max, but not sure, what you think? :D He is black and white collors and so cute. I get him home,two weeks later when he a little grow up ^^

Hey Maiya! I'm so glad you're doing better - and welcome back. ^_^
Cool news about your cat - but I'll let others weigh in on the naming. xD
yes, i need advice, i like so many names but not sure :D
it's good to be back ^^
Welcome back!
Glad to have you back, Maiya! And glad to hear you're health is doing better. Can't wait to see pics of your new cat too :wub:
I promise i will take some picture and get hnz ^^
Thanky Kris and Cyndi to!:wub:
Yay! Welcome back :D
Welcome back :hug:

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