Hester MacGillivray

Hester MacGillivray

perky piper 💪 unstoppable! 🐸zoology student🐸
OOC First Name
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Curved 14 Inch Whippy Dogwood Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
7/2040 (23)

Name: Hester Eilidh MacGillivray
Meaning: Hester – Star, Eilidh - Radiant
Birthdate: 28th of July
Zodiac: Leo
Strengths: Confident – Ambitious – Generous – Loyal - Encouraging
Weaknesses: Pretentious – Domineering – Melodramatic – Stubborn – Vain

As a Leo born on July 28th, your personality is characterized by confidence, outgoingness and independence. While others lean on family and friends for support, you rarely rely on anyone but yourself. You are energized by the outside world and love being the center of attention when in a group. Others are receptive to your loving and warm personality, which makes it easier for them to accept the way you naturally take the lead in situations.
Hometown: Dunedin, New Zealand
Birthplace: Dunedin, New Zealand
Blood Status: Muggleborn
Wand: Curved 14 Inch Whippy Dogwood Wand with Meteorite Dust Core

Length: A little on the longer side of things, wands of this length are slightly more uncommon and not easily forgotten by others.
Style: Bending to its side, this wand is more difficult to aim than its straighter counterparts but provides character that some simply cannot pass by.
Wood: Dogwood wands are mischievious, and like the same in those who wield them. They refuse to perform non-verbal magic (and are often quite loud), and look for fun and excitement. However, in the right hands a wand with this wood should not be underestimated.
Core: This wand core works well for people who adapt easily to their surroundings while still maintaining their own personalities. Meteorite dust seems to produce wands that are useful in Divination work.

Flexibility: Whippy: A wand that is quite simple to master but lacks power
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor


Hester's naturally orangy-brown hair is thick and tightly curled, hanging at roughly shoulder length.
Eyes: A deep, near-black brown.
Build: Hester is built on the larger side, with a tendency towards curves.
Complexion: Warm light brown, with a tendency to freckle.
Style: Hester enjoys fashionable clothes, though not to the point of sacrificing comfort. She gravitates towards anything she can move in, and has a soft spot for tartans.
Distinguishing Features: Hester has several prominent freckles on her face, but the thing that stands out often before even seeing her is the volume of her voice.
Playby: Sonny Turner


The youngest of five siblings and the only girl, Hester has always had to be the loudest to make her voice heard. She grew up wanting nothing more than to keep up with her older brothers, throwing herself into everything she did wholeheartedly. Hester's entire family are involved heavily in their local pipe band, and she grew up travelling often for competitions, adjusting well to changing circumstances and uncertainty in her life. She is unafraid to work for what she wants, fiercely independent and enthusiastic no matter what.
-Hester's drive and curiosity pushes her to throw herself into things headfirst, and she's rarely held back by uncertainty or insecurity
-Hester has no issues in a wide variety of social situations, finding it easy to express herself and communicate with new people.
-Hester is deeply independent, and has no trouble doing things for herself.
-Hester isn't squeamish at all and relishes in things other people often consider gross.
-Hester's drive can push her to be reckless and throw herself into things that are too difficult or unsafe.
-Hester can be too competitive at times and turn things into competitions that really shouldn't be, sometimes to the detriment of friendships.
-Hester doesn't deal well with failure or criticism and finds it hard to process or accept.
Bagpipes – Hester's entire family is heavily involved in the local pipe band, and she's played the bagpipes since she was a bairn.
Karate – Hester has done a couple of years of karate lessons, a skill she isn't afraid to misuse.

Bugs – Hester loves bugs and creepy crawlies. Loves em. Gross.
Personality Type: ESTP (The Entrepreneur)
Entrepreneurs always have an impact on their immediate surroundings – the best way to spot them at a party is to look for the whirling eddy of people flitting about them as they move from group to group. Laughing and entertaining with a blunt and earthy humor, Entrepreneur personalities love to be the center of attention. If an audience member is asked to come on stage, Entrepreneurs volunteer – or volunteer a shy friend.
Strengths: Bold, Rational and Practical, Original, Perceptive, Direct, Sociable
Weaknesses: Insensitive, Impatient, Risk-prone, Unstructured, May Miss the Bigger Picture, Defiant
History: Hester's father moved to New Zealand for work in his early 20s, when he met her mother, who had recently moved from South Africa. Their first child was a surprise, and they only decided to get married when a second followed shortly after. They were able to buy a home out of the city and focus on their growing family, quickly joined by two more boys, and finally, after they had decided to stop, baby Hester as a final surprise. She was raised in a happy, though busy family, and due to having four rambunctious brothers she quickly developed a sense of independence, shrugging off coddling to chase after the boys and try to do what they did. Hester had a happy and normal childhood with her family, always pushing herself to do more and be better, She began playing the bagpipes like her father and brothers very early, joining the family pipe band with great pride and great volume. Hester spent a lot of her youth travelling with the band for shows from time to time, but was otherwise quite a normal child.
Health: Hester is in good health, though she's had perhaps more than the average amount of childhood broken bones due to her reckless lifestyle.


Be the BEST the MOST the MAXIMUM!!!!
Fears: Being forgotten
Secrets: Hester has buried secret treasure all over her parents property & the fields around.
Regrets: Part of Hester regrets leaving her entire family behind to attend Hogwarts, as much as she likes to act excited to be off on her own adventure.

Colour: Red
Food: Fish n Chips
Smell: Saltwater, fresh grass, forest smell.
Music Genre: Pop, classic rock

Animal: Tiger

Rhys MacGillivray
Date of Birth: 2009
Blood Status: Muggle
Occupation: English Literature Professor
Enzokuhle MacGillivray (née Mitchell)
Date of Birth: 2010
Blood Status: Muggle
Occupation: Baker
George MacGillivray
Date of Birth: 2032
Blood Status: Muggle
Occupation: Art Teacher
Robert MacGillivray
Date of Birth: 2034
Blood Status: Muggle
Occupation: Librarian
Cameron MacGillivray
Date of Birth: 2036
Blood Status: Muggle
Occupation: Audio Engineer
Eoin MacGillivray
Date of Birth: 2038
Blood Status: Muggle
Occupation: Social Worker
Zodiac information from here and here. MBTI information from here.
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Learning about the magical world was eye-opening to Hester, and for a very long time, she felt as though she was simply living in a dream. How could any of the magical things she was experiencing possibly be real? As she settled into school life though, she had to accept that yes, this was the real world somehow, and she had gotten lucky enough to be part of it. While she missed her family deeply she enjoyed the opportunity to branch out and try something totally new on her own, making a few friends and generally enjoying her time at Hogwarts.
Hester still didn't feel like this was the real world. She didn't know if this would ever feel like the real world. Even having held a wand in her hand, having seen all the magic in those shops, part of Hester still thought her brothers were somehow playing the most elaborate prank ever on her. A magic school? For witches? This couldn't really be happening. It all felt... deliriously real though, the train, the castle, the... magic in the air all around as she waited with rest of the new students, wondering what this school had in store for them. The doors ahead of them opened, and Hester couldn't help a loud gasp, pointing up in delight as the gaggle made their way far enough into the Great Hall for her to see the impossible brilliance of the ceiling overhead, stretching up into the night sky forever. That was magic. This was real. She stared upwards for a long, awestruck moment before the voice of the headmistress drew her attention back to earth.

Hester tried to pay attention to the headmistress's speech, she really did, but there were so many more interesting things to look at around this fascinating room. The tables lined with students... all in different colours? Hester wasn't quite sure what it all meant, she had never heard of houses before, and was quietly a little disappointed that if she got sent to a house she wouldn't get to live in a big magic castle. She was still definitely going to tell her brothers she did though, that was for sure. Thinking about her brothers sent a strange pang through Hester... though she had spent weeks prancing around the house smugly, basking in the fact that she was the only sibling magic enough to go to a real magic school, saying goodbye to them for an entire year had been a different thing all together, and now that she was off on her own, Hester found she missed them terribly already. All her life, Hester had never been alone before, and it was a strange feeling to experience now, in a room with hundreds of other kids. Other kids that, Hester realised as she started paying attention again, had started being called up one at a time to... try on a hat? Did... whoever the hat fit get to live in the castle? This whole process was terribly confusing, and Hester held her place, fidgeting as she waited for her own turn at... whatever this hat was doing to people. The more she watched the hat... talk, the more this started all to feel like a terribly funny dream again. The alphabet ticked away as the group around Hester shrunk and shrunk, and finally, after what felt like forever, the Headmistress reached the name Hester had been strangely afraid to hear.

"MacGillivray, Hester!"

Steeling herself, Hester stood up straight and marched her best march with her head held high as she crossed the room, not wanting to show an ounce of fear and uncertainty in the face of what had to be very powerful witches and wizards at the teachers table. She settled onto the stool and sat quietly as the hat was placed atop her curls, fists bunching in her robes as she waited for whatever the next step of this crazy journey was.

"You are definitely a force to be reckoned with. I know exactly where this drive and spirit need to go, Gryffindor!"
On The RoadWith Richard Andrews
A "Magic" WandWith Christian Cade
Croak CroakWith Mazikeen Roe
Gryffindor House Meeting Y36With various Gryffindors
Art and AriasWith The Blue Lady and Professor Landon Carter
Amazing PipesWith Blue Hoshino and Seraphina My
OverheatingWith Ivy Ashworth
Making A SplashWith Hunter Robinson


Having mostly adjusted to the strangeness of the magical world, Hester's second year at school was unfortunately punctuated by the strangeness of her social entanglements. Her whole dorm was at war, and Hester felt more on the outskirts than ever, not really having managed to bond with many of the girls she shared a room with, and harbouring a particular dislike for a couple of them. She found friendship in less complicated places at least, including one notable day when she and Tilly Drage bore witness to some strange creature lurking in the depths of the lake.
The Social Event Of The SeasonWith Blake Lodge, Seraphina My, Harper Alston, Skylar Anderson, Hildegard de Valeriane, Ivy Ashworth, Emmaline Hopkins-Vance, and Alena Romanova
Sunset SerenadeWith Tilly Drage, The Golden Eel, and Seraphina My
Little BirdWith Blue Hoshino
Flying SoloWith Mackenzie Dawson, Elara Chatelain, and Giselle Rosenberg
Sunny DayWith Tilly Drage and Seraphina My
Following Into DisasterWith Ivy Ashworth, Delilah Thorne, and Sawyer Carnahan
Y37 Semester 2 House MeetingWith various Gryffindors
Yule Ball
Valentines Dance


Hester felt less separated from her life returning to Hogwarts for her third year, though it was starting to really sink in that her brothers were growing up without her, and she was growing up without them. She had hopes for finding connection in a support group for Muggleborns, but quickly found it wasn't altogether helpful. She was pleased to be part of the Valentines deliveries this year, making new connections around the castle, though the year ended in an upset where Hester joined a game of Spin the Bottle, and quickly found that kissing wasn't to her taste whatsoever, leaving the game in a panic.
Fresh AirWith Alexis Rodes King
Y38 Muggleborn (and Raised) Support GroupWith various attendees
Gryffindor House Meeting Y38/S1With various Gryffindors
Wildfire in Your SoulWith Harper Alston
Cheerful BlossomDelivering Valentines Rose with Beckett Harrington
Shouted SentimentDelivering Valentines Rose with Issac Jacobs
Pink-Tinted RavenclawDelivering Valentines Rose with Oscar Davies
Blossoms BelowDelivering Valentines Rose with Brooke Townsend
Soaring HighDelivering Valentines Rose with Minnie Calida
Brilliant RedDelivering Valentines Rose with Jenna Jusantrea
Gold For A LionessDelivering Valentines Rose with ~Professor Cyndi Kingsley
Y38 S2 Gryffindor House MeetingWith various Gryffindors
Spin The BottleWith various 3rd and 4th years
Spun OutWith Delilah Thorne
Yule Ball
Valentines Dance


Returning to Hogwarts for her fourth year was again bittersweet for Hester, whose family had completely changed in the years she had been away at Hogwarts. Trying not to think about it, she did her best to focus on her time at school, spending time with her friends. She had felt a slight draw to her classmate Delilah ever since their run in last year, something she didn't like thinking about all too much. After a strange run in, Hester was surprised when Brooke decided to take her in and teach her about fashion and makeup. Hester had never really cared much about those things, but she decided to go along with it in the interest of making a new friend.
Loud and LongingWith Terrell Foley
Hop AlongWith Beckett Harrington
Froggy FriendsWith Estella Fuentes
Warm FestivitiesWith Delilah Thorne
DistancedWith Seraphina My
Bright and BalmyWith Flynn North
A Unique ChallengeWith Brooke Townsend
Gilding The LilyWith Brooke Townsend
Soccer Player
Yule Ball
Valentines Dance
With Brooke Townsend


Fifth year for Hester started with a bit of a bang, when a fight over Big Douglas caused an irreparable rift in her friendship with Brooke. On the other hand, she found herself drawn more and more to Delilah, unable to help thinking about how she felt about the Ravenclaw, wondering if she really was so opposed to dating after all. After taking Big Douglas to a pet picnic and serenading the entire school with her bagpipes at Valentines, Hester was ready to call it a good year, a feeling that quickly evaporated when Big Douglas was kidnapped. Worried sick and mourning desperately, Hester searched and searched for him, eventually discovering that to her horror he had been taken by a fellow student and used to hatch a Basilisk in the forest. Deeply shaken by her experience, Hester found herself more attached to Big Douglas than ever before.
Gryffindor House Meeting Y40 S1With various Gryffindors
Lunch For TwoWith Brooke Townsend
Y40 Muggleborn (And Raised) Support GroupWith various attendees
Your Flowers Will BloomWith Delilah Thorne
Quiet DayWith Josephine Arora
Pet PicnicWith Lysander Summers, Linden Cullen, Emma van Houten, Rosie Archer and Kiara Wood
ROSE RUCKUSDelivering Valentines Rose with Cassiah West
BOOMING BLOSSOMSDelivering Valentines Rose with Juniper Zumwalt
LOUD IN THE LIBRARYDelivering Valentines Rose with Ryan Fisk
DEAFENING IN THE DUNGEONSDelivering Valentines Rose with Gwen Goodwin
BEING OBTRUSIVE OUTDOORSDelivering Valentines Rose with Lysander Summers
HEAD-SPLITTING IN THE HALLDelivering Valentines Rose with Elizabella Drake
CACOPHANY OUTSIDE THE COMMON ROOMDelivering Valentines Rose with Lucas Fletcher
BLASTING AND BLUSHINGDelivering Valentines Rose with Delilah Thorne
Toad-ally AloneWith Brooke Townsend and Blue Hoshino
As a 1960s Girl
Yule Ball
Valentines Dance


Shaken by the near-loss of Big Douglas, Hester mostly kept to herself this year. She was uncharacteristically quiet, keeping her boy close as much as possible. After years of dancing around their feelings Hester and Delilah finally went on a date, surprised after pining for so long to discover that attraction was about all that they had in common. Disappointed with her love life, Hester decided to swear off romance again.
More Alike Than NotWith Delilah Thorne
Yule Ball
With Delilah Thorne
Valentines Dance


Just like the previous, Hester's final year of school was a quiet one. There was a strange bittersweetness; for as out of her depth and overwhelmed she had felt when first coming to Hogwarts, it had become her home over the years. Now for the second time she was leaving home for the unknown, a thought that weighed heavy throughout the year. Graduation was a bittersweet experience, but having made up her mind what she wanted to do with the rest of her life, Hester chose to look to the future and left school to jump into the unknown once more.​
Catch More Flies With HoneyWith Brooke Townsend
Yule Ball
Valentines Dance

Graduation... this was it. It was real. Hester had spent the later half of the year feeling stranger and more conflicted with each day - part of her was desperately looking forward to a return to her real life, but the other part was both terrified and sad to be giving up her Hogwarts life. She had always planned to go back to the muggle world once she was finished with school, to catch up with her family and study something non-magical before making any decisions about her future. Now, though... the thought that she would really never come back here, to this place that felt like something out of a fantasy novel... her heart ached, and she was filled with a yearning to encase herself in the walls so nobody could make her leave.

She had snuck Big Douglas into graduation, tucked comfortably inside her robe, and now he sat on her lap for comfort as Hester watched the speeches begin. Professor Alcott-Ward spoke briefly, and Hester was glad to have a distraction as Emmaline took the stage. "WOOOO!" She cheered for her roommate - former roommate, before listening to the speech. It was short but touching, and Hester couldn't help a small sniffle as Emmaline finished. The Head Boy was next, and while she had never actually spoken to him in all seven years, she knew he was probably feeling just as conflicted as the rest of them about the end of school.

And then the speeches were over, and the part she had been dreading began. Hester's name was painfully far down the list, and she watched and applauded as her classmates took the stage one by one, accepting their diplomas and officially finishing school. She was so in her own head she almost didn't realised they had finished with the L-s, until she heard her name and realised this was it. Hester jumped to her feet, settling Big Douglas on her shoulder as she made her way up to the stage. She felt teary and nervous and strangely thrilled all at once, giving Professor Alcott-Ward a smile as she took her diploma and shook his hand, before turning to give Professor Kingsley a nod of thanks. That was it, then. For better or worse, school was over for good. Hester let out a shaky breath as she returned to her seat, diploma curled in her hands. Now, on to the next step.

“Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.” - Maya Angelou
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