Havoc Ivann Zhefarovich

Havoc Zhefarovich

Cruel / Protective / Proud
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 16 1/2 Inch Unyielding Ebony Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
h a v o c - i v a n n - z h e f a r o v i c h


a - f i g u r e - f o r - t h e - c l o s i n g - o f - t i m e, - t h e - a n t a g o n i s t - d i v i n e
v o i d - o f - v a c a n t - w o r d, - o n e - f i n a l - a n s w e r - t o - b e - h e a r d
i - w i l l - c a r r y - m y - d e c r e e - i n t o - a - s t o r m - o f - l e a d
t h i s - i s - t o t a l - w a r, - m y - w a n t - f o r - t o l e r a n c e - i s - d e a d
t o - m y - l a s t - b r e a t h - i - a m - s o m e o n e - t o - h a t e
i - w i l l - s p i t - u p o n - t h e - i d o l - f o r - w h i c h - y o u - s t a n d

b a s i c s
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[NAME] Havoc Ivann Zhefarovich
[ETYMOLOGY] The first name Havoc means widespread destruction or to lay waste to, to devastate. The middle name Ivann means god is gracious. The surname Zhefarovich means powerful, dexterous, virulent enforcer which is true in the darker nature of the entire family, very few have been unaffected by this. The name does fit Havoc, almost too well.
[SURNAME ORIGIN] The surname Zhefarovich originates from Romania and Bulgaria. However the heritage of Romanian has long since washed away. The Zhefarovich family are large, containing three branches, with one typically being the main branch, which is the darkest, another being the more likely to be in businesses, and the last branch being the quietest and also the more pleasant if one could consider them pleasant at all. Most of the Zhefarovich family are pure-blooded, and have laws and strict rules which they are known for, and many are either Death Eaters or associated with them. They are known for their tightness and also on how they hate muggles and anything to do with them. While allying with some other families, the Zhefarovich do control others. They are very isolated, and while some people consider them to be legendary, they are also very hostile and malevolent, and will not stop a fight until they die from it. More often than not, they keep to themselves in Bulgaria while some spread around, their main base is in a Manor where no one can access unless they know where it is, and have many other secret places. The Zhefarovich had this tradition to give into the inner dark nature, and many other traditions that if broken, one would die. However his first and middle name are both unique to the family.
[NICKNAME] Love, from his wife
[ALLIANCE] He aligns himself with the side of evil, more than anything.
[BIRTHDAY] February 7th, 2026
[AGE] 24
[LANGUAGES] English, Russian and Bulgarian. Learning French.
[ORIENTATION] Demisexual
[HOMETOWN] Akaban, Russia
[RESIDENCE] Napier, New Zealand
[HERITAGE] 1/2 French, 1/2 Bulgarian
[BLOOD STATUS] Pureblood
[WAND] Curly 16 1/2 Inch Unyielding Ebony Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core

Length: A little on the longer side of things, wands of this length are slightly more uncommon and not easily forgotten by others.
Style: Great care was taken in crafting this wand's wood to spiral to its point, giving it a beautiful aesthetic quality.
Wood: Ebony wands choose a wizard or witch who could easily be seen as an outsider, but continues to dare to be themselves. The owner of an ebony wand is not easily moved from their purpose: whether that be good, evil, or something perhaps a little more grey.
Core: One of the rarest of wands cores, thestral hair is not to be taken lightly as a wand core. Thestral hair is a tricky ingredient to work with and will not just bond with any caster. This core works best for people who have faced death in the past. Because of the fears of the creature from which it comes, rumors have abounded that thestral hair wands have no allegiance to the wand's caster.
Flexibility: A wand which takes a special skill and determination to master; but once mastered its spells leave an unforgettable impression.
[HEALTH] Healthy
[PET] Ruby, a large red snake
[THEME] Coming soon

p e r s o n a l
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[OVERALL] Similar to Chaos, Havoc has a personality that is unique. Like those within his family, he is very quiet with what he wants to do, which is similar to the murderous feelings that Chaos shares. Havoc enjoys making those around him suffer, but he prefers not to lift a finger. He prefers to use his talents to rip someone apart by picking apart weaknesses that he can spot. While Chaos prefers to get physical, Havoc prefers to tear apart the mentality. He is the spirit of what the Zhefarovich family stands for, and yearns to rid the world of what gets in the way of his family. He uses his manipulation to control those around him if he wants to have allies, and also can easily change from his 'kind or sweet' personality to his more demonic if he so chooses. He is clever at hiding who he really is, and fooling everyone around him, even family.

Meaning: introverted, observant, thinking, judging, assertive
Group: Sentinels
Also Known As: Logistician
Strengths: Honest and direct, strong-willed and dutiful, very responsible, calm and practical, create and enforce order, jacks-of-all-trades
Weaknesses: Stubborn, insensitive, always by the book, judgmental, often unreasonably blame themselves
[LOVES] Seeing others in pain, emotional or physical, being in pain himself, blood, observing others, seeing others in fear of him, being alone, outdoor activities.
[LOATHES] Mudbloods, people that try too hard, weaknesses. He dislikes a lot.
[BOGGART] Blast-Ended Skrewt
[ERISED] Having the perfect family
[DEMENTOR] Worst memory would be seeing his brother expelled
[PATRONUS] Best memory would be when he was married
[VERITASERUM] His biggest secret is that he is a bit of a masochist
[STRENGTHS] Manipulation master, intelligence, planning abilities, cunning attitude, falsifying himself, loyalties, defence against the dark arts, charms.
[WEAKNESSES] Lack of empathy toward others, calculating and over-analyzing everything. Being a little excessive with details, Herbology, friendships.
[IDOL] Asparuh Zhefarovich and Kalif Styx
[5WORDS] Calculating, psychotic, manipulating, observant, controlling
[TALENTS] Plays the organ, fighting, manipulating people, not getting caught, curses, charms, hexes, anything he can learn, he masters
[LOYALTIES] Zhefarovich Family
[GOALS] Having the perfect, pureblood family
[QUIRKS] Havoc rearranges books constantly in his home

z o d i a c
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[CHINESE] Horse. People born in the Year of the Horse are popular. They are cheerful, skillful with money, and perceptive, although they sometimes talk too much. The are wise, talented, good with their hands, and sometimes have a weakness for members of the opposite sex. They are impatient and hot-blooded about everything except their daily work. They like entertainment and large crowds. They are very independent and rarely listen to advice. They are most compatible with Tigers, Dogs, and Sheep.
[SIGN] Aquarius, the Water Carrier. The good traits of being an Aquarius is being friendly and humanitarian, honest and loyal, original and inventive, independent and intellectual while the bad traits are intractable and contrary, perverse and unpredictable, unemotional and detached. What an Aquarius likes are fighting for causes, dreaming and planning for the future, thinking of the past, good companions, having fun and they dislike full of air promises, excessive loneliness, the ordinary, imitations, idealistic. Their color of choice is turquoise, and is their starstone.
[FIXED SIGN] A person can be described as someone who has stabilization, determination, depth and persistence
[TRANSPERSONAL SIGN] A person who is principally aware of and concerned with humanitarian and existential concerns
[PLANET] Uranus. The energies of Uranus can induce a sense of a special purpose or individual, oftentimes very unique. The energies of Uranus allows further truth and awareness to unfold to the seeker. The most sexually active, and inactive, people appear to be influenced by the energy of Uranus. The effects of this energy can vary significantly in individual charts. They often find it hard to let anyone into their lives; close emotional relationships for Aquarians are much more difficult than for any other sign. They find it hard to settle into and sustain one due to their powerful need for independence. Closeness for them means modifying their lifestyle and tolerating an invasion of their privacy, both material and psychological but when and if they do allow this to happen, (they do have a strong romantic streak), they will be very committed and true. The good side of being ruled by this plant is loathing restriction, resourceful, intuitive, inventive and humanitarian. The bad side is resisting change, rebellious, erratic, perverse and eccentric.
[ELEMENT] Air. Airy people are usually natural communicators. On a positive note they are great and conceptual tasks and often tend to 'have their head in the clouds'. On the down side though, they may be so busy living in their head that they lose touch with reality. The lack of air in a birth chart can indicate difficulty in the expression of that person. Communication of ideas and the ability to conceptualize may prove difficult. Some of the positive influences that the element of air gives out are intellectual and thirst for knowledge, social, idealistic, rational and theoretical. While on the bad side, it seems to be unemotional, objective, impersonal, opinionated and distant.
[BIRTHSTONE] Amethyst. The folklore attached to he amethyst associates it with sobriety, tranquility, protection and peace. This birthstone as also been linked to improving the skin and preventing baldness, as well as protection from deceit.

a p p e a r a n c e
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[PLAYBY] Nico Tortorella
[HAIR] Havoc has dark brown hair, and it is extremely fine. It is also very full as well, seeing as it covers his scalp perhaps too well.
[EYES] His eyes are a shade of purple. Exquisite and sophisticated color that has connotations of spirituality, nobility, psychic energy, and purity. Violet eyes can indicate a refined and noble person who is both a natural leader and seeker of spiritual truth. Inside his eyes, one can find nothing but vague emptiness. When he shows his true self, one can see a bottomless pit of torment he wishes to inflict on others.
[HEIGHT] 6'7"
[WEIGHT] 235
[BUILD] Havoc is a little more lean than Chaos is, due to the fact that Havoc does not play Quidditch. However, he is still muscled because of his outdoor activities.
[SKIN] Havoc is slightly paler than his brother. Both carry a good, beige color
[SCARS] Havoc has several gashes along his upper and lower arms, but is mysterious on how he received them
[MODIFICATIONS] Zhefarovich symbol on his entire back
[SCENT] Very clean, masculine smell
[STYLE] Havoc wears the finest robes his parents can afford. He only wears magical clothing. He can also be seen wearing a cryptic or controversial necklace, as well as black boots
[SMILE] Havoc's smile is now nonexistent, unless he is carrying his 'peaceful brother' facade. When he finally shows a little emotion, it is generally a smirk that can scare a cat.
[VOICE] Example. His voice has a light Bulgarian accent, and tends to be slightly deeper, and much colder
[LAUGH] Snickering mainly
[HAND] Ambidextrous
[FEELINGS] Havoc isn't too superficial. He just makes sure he is presentable.

f a v o r i t e s
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[COLOR] Black
[FOOD] Steak
[DRINK] Goblin made firewhiskey
[ANIMAL] Snake
[MAGICAL] Dementor
[SPELL] Killing Curse
[MUSIC] Slow, dark sounding
[SEASON] Winter
[DAY] Night

s c h o o l i n g
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[ATTITUDE] He didn't care too much
[ATTITUDE] He liked it okay, learning more
[SCHOOL] Hogwarts New Zealand
[HOUSE] Gryffindor
[SORTING] Below is his post:
Sorting Post said:
Havoc Zhefarovich looked forward to sorting, and he hoped that he could be in the same house as Demonia, so that she could still watch over him. She was the best big sister that they had. Havoc also wanted to be in the same house as his brother, Chaos, to keep an eye on him. Havoc let out a sigh before he realized that he would be one of the last ones to be sorted, and Chaos would be sorted before him. That was something. At least he would know where Chaos was going. Havoc stood with the other first years, looking up at the Headmistress and the mysterious hat. He let out a sigh as the crowd grew smaller and smaller. His purple eyes stared down onto his shoes before he finally, at long last, heard his name called up to be sorted. Havoc grinned and he walked up to the stool. He sat down and felt the hat land on his head. 'What sort of magic made you? My parents didn't go to Hogwarts so I don't know much about the houses, or how you even work,' thought Havoc, not really sure that the hat could or could not hear him. Havoc was definitely unique.

"Magic that far surpasses anything you could understand. It's off to Gryffindor for you!"

[YEARS] Y22 - Y26

[FAVORITE CLASS] Defence Against the Dark Arts
[FAVORITE PROFESSOR] Professor Styx. He's family.
[LOATHED PROFESSOR] Professor King. She expelled his other half.

Sorted into Gryffindor
Nothing too interesting
Chaos was expelled
Dropped his 'nice guy' act
Met Aethlinde Arlett
[GRADUATION] June 2044
[GRADES] Gradebook

i - w i l l - c a r r y - t h e - w e i g h t
i - w i l l - b u r y - y o u r - d e c e p t i o n - w i t h - a - w r a t h f u l - h a n d
h e a r t - i s - c o l d, - a n d - m y - w e a p o n s - a r e - w a s h e d - i n - b l o o d
i - a v o w - t o - t h e - c a l l - o n - h i g h
m y - r e s o l v e - i n - t h e - b l e s s e d - a b o v e, - i n - t h i s - e v e r - c o n s u m i n g - d i v i d e
a - f i g u r e - f o r - t h e - c l o s i n g - o f - t i m e, - t h e - a n t i t h e s i s - d e f i n e d

f a m i l y
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Life Span: May 5th, 1910 - June 17th, 2000
Blood Status: Pureblood
Heritage: French
Marital: Married to Thomas
Occupation: Homemaker
Education: Beauxbatons Alumni

Playby: Amanda Schull
Life Span: December 10th, 1893 - April 12th, 1999
Blood Status: Pureblood
Heritage: French
Marital: Married to Colette
Occupation: Head of the Lefevre Family
Education: Beauxbatons Alumni

Playby: Josh Holloway

Life Span: July 29th, 1930 - September 30th, 1988
Blood Status: Pureblood
Heritage: Bulgarian
Marital: Married to Azazel; arranged
Occupation: Ghost, Sacramental Advisor
Education: Durmstrang Alumni

Playby: Alyssa Milano
Life Span: June 6th, 1926
Blood Status: Pureblood
Heritage: Bulgarian
Marital: Seeing Isla Smith
Occupation: Retired; Necromany Scitorari
Education: Durmstrang Alumni

Playby: Julian Richings

Life Span: December 2nd, 1951 - April 14th, 2045
Blood Status: Pureblood
Heritage: French
Marital: Married to Asparuh
Occupation: Retired; Ex-Death Eater
Education: Durmstrang Alumni (Prefect & Head Girl)

Playby: Emilie de Ravin
Life Span: October 31st, 1949
Blood Status: Pureblood
Heritage: Bulgarian
Marital: Widowed
Occupation: Retired; Ex-Death Eater
Education: Durmstrang Alumni (Prefect & Head Boy)

Playby: Julian Sands






Life Span: October 31st, 1972
Blood Status: Pureblood
Heritage: French, Bulgarian
Marital: Married to Jacqueline
Occupation: HNZ DADA Professor; Slytherin HoH
Education: Hogwarts Scotland Alumni (Slytherin Prefect & Head Boy)

Playby: Rhys Ifans
Life Span: October 30th, 1973
Blood Status: Pureblood
Heritage: French, Bulgarian
Marital: Married to Rosita
Occupation: Trades
Education: Hogwarts Scotland Alumni (Slytherin Prefect & Head Boy)

Playby: Steven Valentine
Life Span: February 22nd, 1987
Blood Status: Pureblood
Heritage: French, Bulgarian
Marital: Married to Desdemona
Occupation: Retired; Ex-Auror
Education: Hogwarts Scotland Alumni (Ravenclaw Prefect & Head Boy)

Playby: Jensen Ackles
Life Span: October 31st, 2019
Blood Status: Pureblood
Heritage: French, Bulgarian
Marital: Married to Pandora
Occupation: Bartender
Education: Durmstrang (Expelled)

Playby: Nathaniel Buzolic
Life Span: February 7th, 2026
Blood Status: Pureblood
Heritage: French, Bulgarian
Marital: Married to Alana
Occupation: Chef
Education: Hogwarts New Zealand (Hufflepuff; Expelled)

Playby: Nico Tortorella
Life Span: July 1st, 2026
Blood Status: Pureblood
Heritage: French, Bulgarian
Marital: Married to Asya
Occupation: Family Business
Education: Durmstrang Alumni

Playby: Kevin Flamme
Life Span: July 1st, 2026
Blood Status: Pureblood
Heritage: French, Bulgarian
Marital: Married to Primavera
Occupation: Family Business
Education: Durmstrang Alumni

Playby: Kevin Flamme
Life Span: May 7th, 2027
Blood Status: Pureblood
Heritage: French, Bulgarian
Marital: Single
Occupation: Family Business
Education: Durmstrang Alumni

Playby: Daria Zhemkova
Life Span: May 7th, 2027
Blood Status: Pureblood
Heritage: French, Bulgarian
Marital: Married to Jayson
Occupation: Family Business
Education: Durmstrang Alumni

Playby: Allegra Carpenter
Life Span: December 20th, 2029
Blood Status: Pureblood
Heritage: French, Bulgarian
Marital: Single
Occupation: Family Business
Education: Durmstrang Alumni

Playby: Gigi Hadid
Life Span: December 26th, 2032
Blood Status: Pureblood
Heritage: French, Bulgarian
Marital: Single
Occupation: Student
Education: Durmstrang

Playby: Elsa Hosk
Life Span: May 25th, 1984 - January 12th, 2043
Blood Status: Pureblood
Heritage: Bulgarian
Marital: Married to Astrid
Occupation: Tutor
Education: Durmstrang Alumni

Playby: Jared Padalecki
Life Span: November 25th, 1993
Blood Status: Pureblood
Heritage: Bulgarian
Marital: Married to Ivy
Occupation: Restaurant Owner
Education: Hogwarts Scotland Alumni (Slytherin Prefect)

Playby: Alexander Skarsgard
Life Span: November 25th, 1993
Blood Status: Pureblood
Heritage: Bulgarian
Marital: Married to Viviana
Occupation: Potions Master; Potions Scitorari
Education: Hogwarts Scotland Alumni (Ravenclaw Prefect & Head Boy)

Playby: Alexander Skarsgard
Life Span: November 25th, 1993
Blood Status: Pureblood
Heritage: Bulgarian
Marital: Married to Emerald
Occupation: Cauldron Shop Owner
Education: Durmstrang Alumni

Playby: Cam Gigandet
Life Span: March 14th, 2000 - August 12th, 2045
Blood Status: Pureblood
Heritage: Bulgarian
Marital: Married to Noah
Occupation: Healer
Education: Durmstrang Alumni

Playby: Angela Lindvall
Life Span: September 13th, 2009
Blood Status: Pureblood
Heritage: Bulgarian
Marital: Married to Amycus
Occupation: Ex-Quidditch Player
Education: Durmstrang Alumni

Playby: Jared Leto
Life Span: September 13th, 2009
Blood Status: Pureblood
Heritage: Bulgarian
Marital: Engaged to Dannii
Occupation: Healer
Education: Hogwarts New Zealand Alumni (Slytherin Prefect & Head Boy)

Playby: Jared Leto
Life Span: July 13th, 2010
Blood Status: Pureblood
Heritage: Bulgarian
Marital: Married to Jaxith
Occupation: Artist
Education: Durmstrang Alumni

Playby: Emma Roberts
Life Span: August 2nd, 2024
Blood Status: Pureblood
Heritage: British, Bulgarian
Marital: Married to Sophia
Occupation: Duelist, Assassin
Education: Hogwarts New Zealand Alumni (Slytherin Prefect)

Playby: Joseph Morgan
Life Span: October 31st, 2024
Blood Status: Pureblood
Heritage: Bulgarian
Marital: Married to Valentina
Occupation: Family Business
Education: Durmstrang Alumni

Playby: Allan Hyde

Life Span: October 31st, 2043

Blood Status: Pureblood
Heritage: French, Bulgarian, British
Marital: Single
Occupation: None
Education: Home

Playby: Freddie Highmore

Simon Saint-Clare
Nicolette Saint-Clare
Joseph Rogers
Alphonse Snow
Noah Snow
Jaxith Mauven
Jayson Katsaros
Nicolette Styx (Hensel)
Jacqueline Styx (Burke)
Rosita Styx (Khamidouline)
Astrid Zhefarovich (Castellonos)
Cyrille Chevalier (Laurent)
Desdemona Zhefarovich (Romanes)
Ivy Zhefarovich (Kingston)
Viviana Zhefarovich (Baros)
Emerald Zhefarovich (Pisces)
Amycus Zhefarovich (Thoreau)
Dannii Merrythought
Pandora Zhefarovich (Matthias)
Sophia Zhefarovich-Dolohov (Snow)
Valentina Zhefarovich (Vetrova)
Alana Finch
Asya Zhefarovich (Vetrova)
Primavera Zhefarovich (Cardosi)
none none

f a m i l y t r e e
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[FAMILY TREE] Zhefarovich Family Tree

r o m a n c e
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[MARITAL STATUS] Married to Dove Zhefarovich nee Williams as of June 20th, 2050

Dove Williams
Met: A club
Started: June 2050
First RP: Of Age
Thoughts: "While I absolutely hate your family for what they did, you are the picture perfect, pureblood wife and any male would die to be in my shoes. I promise to work on becoming the perfect husband, and giving you what I know you deserve."
History: Dove and Havoc met at a club, where he had a couple of drinks. He recognized Dove at the bar since she was someone that his relative told him about and was friends with her. They left to go to a pureblood party, but ended up at a hotel instead, sleeping together for the first time. Not too long after that, Havoc heard that he was going to be a father. Dove's parents threw her out and she dropped out of school. From there, Havoc took over Dove's care. When baby Chaos was born, he informed her of the Zhefarovich laws, where the descendant had to raise the child. He made it seem like if she left, she would never see the child again, so the two moved in together. Havoc started his dueling career after graduation, alongside Ivaylo. The two lived liked a couple, raising their kid together for several years. Once Dove got back into modeling with Suki Arai, Havoc researched the Arai family and resented the man for coming too close. As a result, he forbade Dove to be near Suki due to the Kira side of the family, where they wanted pureblood children for blood magic (also due to his possessiveness and jealousy). He proposed to her, and they were married. Havoc decided to wait a while before having more children, while supporting Dove with her career, without the Arai in his way.

[VIRGINITY] Taken by Sage Ottavi
[FIRST KISS] Aethlinde Arlett
[FIRST TIME] Havoc gave his innocence to Sage Ottavi, despite her blood status. He felt that he needed to 'experience' sex, and used someone that had a lot more than him.
[APHRODISIACS] Blood and strawberries
[FIRST HEARTBREAK] Never happened
[TURN ONS] A deep connection to someone
[TURN OFFS] Almost everything
[SEXUAL PARTNERS] Sage Ottavi, Dove Zhefarovich
[PERFECT DATE] Quiet evening, alone and with candlelight, eating dinner
[DREAM PARTNER] He doesn't have one
[OVERVIEW] Havoc never cared much about romantic interests, all through growing up. He had a hard time becoming attached to people, and was also asexual and aromatic at the time. Now, he only has Dove at his side, and believes that is what he needs overall.

f r i e n d s h i p
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e n e m i e s
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First RP:
Last edited:

t h r e a t - t o - f a i t h - u n t r u e, - i - a m - t h e - e n e m y - o f - n e w
a l l - y o u - a d v o c a t e s - o f - h e l l, - y o u - c o r r u p t o r s - o f - f r e e - w i l l
t h e - c u l l i n g - i s - n i g h, - b e t t e r - g e t - y o u r - f i l l
i - a m - t h e - c r y - f o r - t h e - f a l l i n g - o f - t i m e
b o r n - i n t o - t h e - l u s t - w i t h i n - o u r - e y e s
t a u g h t - t o - w r i t e - t h e - s c r i p t u r e s - f o r - o u r - l i v e s
w e - i n h e r i t - t h e - l i e s - t o - m y - l a s t - b r e a t h, - t o - m y - f i n a l - d a y

r o l e p l a y s
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[YEAR 2] 2038 - 2039 (Y22)
Gryffindor House Meeting: With Gryffindor House
[YEAR 2] 2039 - 2040 (Y23)
No burning anything please: With Aethlinde Arlett and Hemi Te Rua
Ashes to Ashes: With Emily Hayes-Magonus
Amid the Chaos: With Scarlett Joussane and Alana Finch
Technically I Came: With Aethlinde Arlett
Constant Chills Deep Inside: With Aethlinde Arlett
Den Meeting: With Gryffindor House
[YEAR 3] 2040 - 2041 (Y24)
This will be a disaster: With Alana Finch, Scarlett Joussane, Chaos Zhefarovich
Close to the edge: With Aethlinde Arlett, Stella Lagowski
A Chaos free Halloween: With Alana Finch
Gratitude for reasons unknown: With Aethlinde Arlett
[YEAR 4] 2041 - 2042 (Y25)
Make it Holy: With Alexis Bennet
Just the beginning: With Emily Hayes-Magonus
[YEAR 5] 2042 - 2043 (Y26)
Deep Breaths: With Emily Hayes-Magonus
[YEAR 6] 2043 - 2044 (Y27)
Devil may care: With Lydia Archer, Darcy Pratt
Practice: With Callum Lloyd
Of Age: With Dove Williams
[YEAR 7] 2044 - 2045 (Y28)
Shattered: With Alana Finch
Facade: With Annabelle Williams
Haunted: With Chaos Zhefarovich, Alana Finch, Ivaylo Zhefarovich-Dolohov
Memories of the water: With Aethlinde Arlett
Logical Solution: With Dove Williams
EVELYN brand launch party: With many others

h i s t o r y
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Born as Havoc Ivann Arnaunt on February 7th, 2026, in the middle of night, to the lovely couple of Vladislav and Kasura Arnaunt, who were the surrogate couple to Danielle and Asparuh Zhefarovich. They were lucky to be born since Kasura was injured during her wedding by Danielle and Axel Zhefarovich. The twins were born, luckily, later on. Some might say that Kasura's injuries caused her children to behave like they do, but there is no substantial evidence that would support that theory. For a while in their life, they were raised to be away from their family, until the death of Arnost. That brought Asparuh to remove the exile from Vladislav and the family became Zhefarovich's once more. Havoc has very little memory of his former name, but pictures it as a cowardly name because of the actions of his father. Growing up in the Zhefarovich Manor grew to be challenging on the young children. Vladislav continually lived in fear that Asparuh would turn and kill them all. Chaos and Havoc were rather inclusive to some events however. Vladislav also taught them how to ride on a flying motorcycle by the time they were five. When they were ten, they could operate one, if they could place their legs on the pedals. During the play dates that Havoc had on the playground with his twin, he would watch his brother behave recklessly, before he would place him under his watchful hand. He stood with his brother, often saying that Chaos was performing what he wanted to do, but was too slow because of his perfectionist attitude. Vladislav and Kasura agreed that the best school would be the ones with their family. So, they sent Chaos, Havoc and Demonia to Hogwarts New Zealand. While his family was surprised with Chaos' sorting, no one knew what to expect with Havoc because of his strange behavior. Deciding that playing the older protector would be the safest bet, Havoc stood in the background while his family got into trouble, and made sure that his brother was doing okay. This was during his first year.

The second year ended up going smoothly, unlike Chaos'. Havoc was not forced into an arranged marriage. Instead, he, like others within the school, were ordered to keep an eye upon their future relative, Alana Finch. Havoc watched in the background while Chaos relentlessly destroyed Logan Vacarius' self esteem, before loosening the reigns to allow his brother to do as he pleased, and allow Havoc to watch. While Havoc grew concerned with Chaos being caught for his actions, Havoc did not think that his assistance was needed. With the break over, he started to suspect that Chaos was starting to lose control. Havoc did not know if he should attempt to make Chaos bend to his will once more, or just let him go free. Havoc observed as Chaos managed to make a friend named Scarlet Joussane. However, he grew suspicious of her and Chaos, before he watched from the window of Chaos' attempt on Logan's life. He was the only other one other than Alana who saw the whole thing, except he was from above, someone watching over Chaos. He rushed to get Chaos free from the professors, but he was too late. Chaos was taken away and then expelled from the school. Before his hearing, Havoc warned Chaos to think before speaking, which worked out, thankfully. Havoc remained at the school, while manipulating Aethlinde Arlett, someone that caught his eye and used her as a distraction. She was also usable for the manipulation skills he possessed. His mask of a good person was faltering, but he was determined to keep it up until he knew just how far his manipulation skills could go.

During his sixth year, after he was of age, he had a few drinks, also practiced having intercourse with Sage Ottavi, he seduced Dove Williams. He soon enough heard that he would become a father. The kid, he planned, would be used to take the place of his twin brother, Chaos, if he died. After graduation, he had Dove move in with him, and they started raising Chaos II as a family, while he worked as a duelist. Dove went back to modeling, but Havoc didn't like who she was working with. So, he ordered her to stay away from Suki Arai, but chose to support her career regardless. They agreed to be married, and give Chaos II more siblings, over time.

c r e d i t s
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This template is made by me, Kaitlyn. Do not steal.
Influences go to Jessye as well, and the lyrics are:
Someone to Hate by Demon Hunter
Images belong to their respective owners

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