Harmony Niamh "Sky" Eriksen

Sky Eriksen

CAC Conductor, Honeydukes assistant
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
19 (08/03/2043)

The Basics

Name: Harmony Niamh Eriksen
Nickname: Sky

House: Hufflepuff
Birthday: 8th March
Hometown: Tromsø, Norway
Pureblood/half blood/muggle born: half/mixed blood.
Five words that best describe your character: unique, musical, otherworldly, free-spirited,


Hair Color: pale blonde
Hair Style: straight bob
Eye colour: blue
Height: Small.
Other distinguishing details: Sky is a free spirit and her style often shows that. she isn't one for fashion or trends. she wears what she feels like often mixing bright colours, and different fabrics. she does like gypsy skirts..
Playby: Aurora.


About me

Personality: People say I am quiet when you first meet me. People call me weird or if the are nice quirky. I think that is about right. i have been described as as a bit like a pixie before

personality type: INFP the mediator
introverted: introverted people enjoy solitary activities. too muck social stimulation exhausts them
iNtuitive: intuitive people are creative and curious and enjoy chasing the great what if
Feeling: feeling people are sensitive, they would rather focus on social harmony than be competitive.
Prospecting: prospecting people are non conformists who often dont like having too many plans

INFP: Although they may seem quiet or unassuming, Mediators (INFPs) have vibrant, passionate inner lives. Creative and imaginative, they happily lose themselves in daydreams, inventing all sorts of stories and conversations in their minds. These personalities are known for their sensitivity – Mediators can have profound emotional responses to music, art, nature, and the people around them.

Idealistic and empathetic, Mediators long for deep, soulful relationships, and they feel called to help others. But because this personality type makes up such a small portion of the population, Mediators may sometimes feel lonely or invisible, adrift in a world that doesn’t seem to appreciate the traits that make them unique.

J.R.R. Tolkien said:
All that is gold does not glitter; not all those who wander are lost; the old that is strong does not wither; deep roots are not reached by the frost.

Interests/hobbies: I like being outside somewhere outside where the sky is large, or in the woods. when inside I like to play music. my instrument of choice is the viola but I can also play the violin, chelo and piano. and am learning the guitar.

career: I am too young to have thought about that yet.

Boggart: seagulls swooping at me.


Patronus memory: being in the snow. all dressed up in warm clothes in the dark listening to her mum play the violin and watching the northern lights.

Patronus form: arctic hare.

Amortentia: Rosin, pine, snow, fire/smoke, and cinimon cloves and coffee.


Melody Wilde
mum is an air elemental witch who comes from Ireland originally. She plays the violin and has her wand built into the bow so she can really make magic with her music. which is a good thing as her main job is a northern lights witch workingng on summoning and recreating the northern lights. She also teaches violin.

Henrik Eriksen
Dad is a muggle engineer. he has worked in the oil industry working to try and clean it up. but now mostly lectures in environmental engineering. he is thereason we moved to new zealand as he got a promotion transferring to one of the universities there.

At Hogwarts

Your best subject: charms
Your worst subject: history of magic
Extracurricular activities: Wild patch club, conglomerated arts club and Heta omega
Favorite place at Hogwarts: conglomerated arts room, or The Cliffs
Do any of the staff members scare you?:
Do any inspire you?:
Sky entered the great hall in the middle of the other students. She hadn’t expected to come here. Growing up in Norway it has always been assumed that she would go to Durmstrang. But her dad had got a promotion to a university in New Zealand so after a year of him being here and she anther mum staying in Norway as she finished the year at baneskole. As it had been decided I was pointless moving her for one year of muggle school before he magic. Though other than the names of the schools. She didn’t now much about them or their differences. Which made everything unexpected. She ad had the run down from another student on the train. But even so she felt woefully unprepared for the castle. The great hall was amazing she looked around and was in awe of the ceiling. It was like sitting out under the sky at home. Except the constellations were different.

She listened to the headmistress talk and tell them about the sorting. The sorting hat surprised her she listened in awe as the had described the houses. She had only learned that there were different houses on the train today. She had no idea where she wanted to be, where she belonged. They were all just colours and animals to her. She listened to the description. She didn’t think she was brave, fair play and loyalty. Maybe the yellow table would be hers, then came creativity and air. Air was the element her family was closest aligned to. Or at least her mum was her ‘aunt’ was closer to the earth. she almost missed the last house. Silver and green they were good colour too. And sky meant clouds and sky meant clouds, and clouds were made of water.

She listened as the students were called out. The girl from the train was one of the first to come out. Then came the calling out of names the very excited girl from the train was sorted into Hufflepuff. She wasn’t too far down the list as she had her dads name Eriksen not her mums name Wilde. Before long “Eriksen, Harmony” was called. She rolled her eyes and sighed slightly and moved forward. She didn’t like the name harmony. It was her mums choice to go with her name of melody. But she had always gone by her middle name, Niamh or when she had gotten older and started at school she had picked sky as her name when Niamh had been too hard to write and confused the other students with its weird spelling and pronunciation.

"Hmmmm, an interesting one indeed, some gryffindor bravery, some slytherin cunning, but yes..I believe most of all, you'll find your best place in......Hufflepuff!"


Molly Burke

Sexual orientation: too young to care (pansexual)
Current relationships: none
Past relationships:
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First year

Ebony and skyNiamh buys her first wandCharlotte Owens
Magical ride into the unknownNiamh makes a friend on the Hogwarts express and they bond over being irishMolly Burke
Sparkling YellowFirst night in the Hufflepuff first year dormMolly Burke, Willabelle Covey, Tiffaney Phoenix Blakely
Tour for first yearsNiamh joins a tour of the castleConnor Holland, Felix Carnahan, Genevieve Fuentes, Molly Burke, Leonardo Orr, Hamish Reid, Seamus Reid, Gwen Goodwin, Michael Newton,
Y39 club fairNiamh joins clonglomerated arts club, Wild patch club, and Heta OmegaCasper Beckett, Lysander Summers. Samantha Jacobs, and others
Not what I was expectingNIamh runs into Leonardo at the Halloween feast, neither quite dressed for the occasionLeonardo Orr
CAC Y39 S1 - club posterNiamh attends the Conglamerated ars club poster eventCOC members
Y39 WPC meeting - build your own gardenNiamh makes a Terrarium with the wild patch clubMaisie Morvay WPC members
first year Girls Pyjama partyNiamh joins a slumbar party ofter receiving an open invitationGwen Goodwin, Molly Burke, Genevieve Fuentes, Andi Hart, Giulia Alcott
Sweet dancesNiamh makes a friend at the yule ballKatarina Laar
one summer's dayNiamh spends an evening playing viola and talks to GiuliaGiulia Alcott
Finding friendsNiamh runs into the leader of CAC while looking for a forgotten textbookCasper Beckett
Star LightNiamh watches the stars at an evening picnic with her dorm matesMolly Burke
Just a biteNiamh helps felix look after his frogFelix Carnahan, Clive the frog
Less FormalityNiamh runs into leionardo at the valentines dance they are both more thematically dressedLeonardo Orr
WPC/CAC meeting project garden kingdomNiamh attends the combined club meeting and paints purple flowers on cardboard wallsEstella Fuentes, Ana Sofia Burleigh, @Casper Beckett

Not Pictured
School photoconglomerated arts clubHeta OmegaWild patch club

Second year

Image by Rowan

Winter FlowerNiamh plays the viola while pixie studiesPixie Longmire
Melodies of the nightNiamh follows mollys cat out of the dorm room and runs into NolanNolan Burke,
OverdressedNiamh enjoys the Halloween feastLeonardo Orr
Yule PrepNiamh joins the heat omega girls getting ready for the ballnicole fisk, Emma Van houten, Jenna Jusantrea, kiara wood, Aurora archer, Rosie Archer, Gwen Goodwin, Molly Burke,
Not a usual thingNiamh compliments another student on her dressValencia Addington
Yellow sounds like bellsRose DeliveredJordan harris
Yellow Tastes Like Peachesrose DeliveredEugine Nester
Red Smells like CopperRose DeliveredKiara Wood
A Yellow EnigmaRose DeliveredConnor Holland
Red sounds like CymbalsRose DeliveredSalem Lee
Yellow Smells Like Butter PopcornRose DeliveredLucas Fletcher
Yellow Feels Like SunshineRose DeliveredElara Chatelain
Red Tastes Like CinnamonRose DeliveredCharlotte Grant
The Birds and the Beesrose Received from Giulia AlcottTina Seville-Lopez
The Sky is the LimitRose Received from Molly BurkeMaisie Morvay
Merrily we rose alongRose Received from Leonardo OrrSilas Broomhead
Finally I can restrose sent to Molly BurkeMolly Burke and Jordie Harris
Next stop of manyrose sent to Leonardo orrLeonardo Orr and Poppy perkins
It's MagicRose sent to Nolan BurkeNolan Burke and Naomi Wu-Maxwell
BonjourRose sent to Giulia AlcottGiulia Alcott and Felix Carnahan
Familiar SilenceSky runs into leo who is contemplating the idea of friendsLeonardo Orr
The Dance and The MusicSky and Nolan have an awkward date at the valentines danceNolan Burke
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