One summer's day

Sky Eriksen

CAC Conductor, Honeydukes assistant
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
16 (08/03/2043)
Sky made her way out of the castle. it was a beautiful day, it was warm. much warmer than she was used to at home and the sun had been shining bright all day but now it was later in the afternoon and the sun wasn't so bright and the light was soft. in her hand she carried her viola case. she had been practising in the practice rooms of the arts club and she had printed off some new sheet music at home over the break but today she was fed up of being outside so her feet meandered out across the lawn through the garden to the lakefront. she took her viola out of the base and used it and her shoes to hold the paper down before sitting down on a log overhanging the lake one foot trailing in the water she started to play. the song was one from a movie she had loved when she was young. there was something about it that really captured summer days at home when the sun never slept and she played outside until she fell asleep she was still learning it. going back over bits and consulting the sheet when she messed up but she was pleased with how she was getting it.
After having finished a full semester at Hogwarts, gone home, and come back, Giulia couldn't really deny that this was her future now. Mama had been glad to see her, of course, but having spent so much time in France, where she belonged, and then come back to New Zealand, she could no longer deny that this was where she lived now, that home had just become a holiday destination. It was hard not to feel dejected about it, but she was doing her best. At least Giulia's English had been getting more and more fluent, and she felt at least somewhat more comfortable in classes and making conversation with her peers.

Having spent the holidays in France though, Giulia was suffering upon returning to New Zealand. It was supposed to be winter, and she had enjoyed a few weeks of comfortable cool back at home, but here... it was hot and sunny, and that was all wrong for this time of year. She was miserable, hot and sweaty all the time, no matter where she went. Giulia had eventually settled for dragging herself outside, hoping fresh air would help avoid the mugginess of the castle. She had brought sunscreen, and was slathering it on her arms when she heard a familiar song, looking over to see where it was coming from. She remembered Niamh had been nice to her at the pyjama party, and only hesitated a moment before approaching the Hufflepuff, smiling shyly when she caught the girl's eye. "It sounds good." She said politely, still getting used to the shape of English in her mouth again.
Sky was lost with the feeling of sunlight penetrating her bones and the memories of summers of the past. she didn't notice anyone or anything other than the ripples of the lake. that was until she heard someone speaking. "Oh." she gasped stopping playing and landing back in reality with a thump. well, at least it wasn't a splash. "ta, umm thank you" she said looking around and seeing the girl from the slumber party with the superhero pyjamas.
looking at the girl she realised that she seemed rather red and flustered. "are you okay? you look hot" she asked.shuffling back up the log slightly to make room for Giulia where she too could dip her feet into the water.
Giulia was pleased when her compliment landed, smiling back at the Hufflepuff. She laughed a little awkwardly at Niamh's comment about her looking hot, holding up the bottle of sunscreen awkwardly. "I, euh, the sun... cuts me, easily." She said, blanking on the English word as she tried to explain. She gratefully took the offered seat next to Niamh, dipping her feet into the lake with relief. "It is hot, going from winter at home back to summer here."
Niamh nodded as Giulia explained that the sun didn't like her. and showed her a bottle of sunscreen "I left my solkrem in my dorm. but it is late now and the sun is getting less strong. she said.
she nodded as giulia said that it was arm coming from winter to here. "i know. back in my home there is no sun a the moment. but I went from summer there to winter here before school and the weather was very little different, just less sun but more than normal winter" she said. she wasn't sure if tha made sense. she wasn't sure if it was perfect English but when she was talking ot giulia perfect grammar was less important as she was fairly sure she too wasn't natively an English speaker. "did you go back home and have a good holiday?" she asked.
Giulia nodded warily as Niamh spoke, though she had no idea what solkrem was. Turning the word over in her mind for a moment, Giulia felt very silly as she finally realised what it reminded her of. Crème solaire. Oh. She felt silly for a moment, but Niamh was talking again and she needed to pay attention to understand. Giulia nodded when she talked about the differences with her home, curious about the other girl's life. "Where are you from?" She asked curiously. Giulia nodded when Niamh asked about her holidays, perking up slightly. "I went back to stay with my mama in France, it was nice."
Niamh slowed down slightly looking at the expression on Giulia's fave she was talking to fas and letting her accent get in the way. She knew she had an accent, people kept telling her. Norwegians said she sounded Irish, Irish people said she sounded Scandinavian and other people gave her a lo of descriptions. but she just sounded like herself. "sorry." she said. "I come from nor way. the north end inside the arctic circle. my family moved here last year. my dad got a promotion" she said. it had been the plan to move to New Zealand once she had finished the year at barneskolen which she did but instead of her enrolling in a New Zealand school she had been accepted here. she missed home. New Zealand was pretty she couldn't deny that but it wasn't the same as home. "what did you do in France?" she said.
Giulia nodded as Niamh explained where she was, nodding in curiosity. "Your English is very good..." She commented, wishing it would come as easily to her as it seemed to come to Niamh. "Is Norway nice?" She asked, wondering what it would be like to live somewhere so cold. Though New Zealand was already plenty colder than she was used to. She shrugged when Niamh asked about the holidays, shifting a little. "I just, euh, saw my mama, I haven't seen her in a long time. And we went to see some movies."
Sky smiled as Giulia said her english was good. "thank you. my mum is Irish and speaks it at home. and we learn it early at school" she said. she knew a lot of countries were not the same as norway and especially her parents using english a lot. she had grown up on a hybrid language.
he was a but surprised at the question is nroway nice. how could you answer such a large question. it was like trying to explain the whole universe in a simple sentence. "norway is beautiful. the city i live in is in the very north where the sun is up all day in summer and the world is full of light and the cliffs and fejords are stunning and in winter it never rises and the world is cozy sith fires and lights and warm sweet food. we get the northern lights, and it is still just as pretty as winter" she said. picturing it in her head.
as geulia described her holiday sky smiled. it sounded nice. "I bet she was happy to see you. what movies did you see?" she asked

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