Happy Holidays!

Stefan Archer

head librarian
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Knotted 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Fir Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
4/2015 (46)
Happy Holidays HNZers! ^_^

For those already celebrated/ing - what did you do?! Have you had a good day? What presents did you get??

For those looking forward to it - what are you gonna get up to?? Anything you're hoping for as a gift?? What holiday traditions do you have?

Hope you all enjoy!
Meri kirihimete (Merry Christmas) to those who celebrate, and kia pai ngā hararei (Happy Holidays) to everyone!

My Christmas has been a quiet one - I got sick 5 days ago so we've postponed our family celebration a week to be safe (not covid just a cold, but my mum's health is awful so we always play it safe) and my cousin and aunt have covid so we've had to postpone our trip north to see the whānau as well.

So instead I spent the morning with a few people on a video call for the end of Daph's bday, then had a few afternoon phonecalls w the fam (once the christmas sleep-ins were over :r ) and I've spent the evening inventing terrible cocktails with what I have in the fridge and reading Disco Elysium fanfic. So, a pretty good day! Our only real family traditions are watching Legally Blonde together, and my sister and I going for a hike in the native bush above my mum's house 💕 Looking forward to all of that next weekend.
Merry christmas. Happy holidays, Merry mid-winter, happy midsummer, Happy hannuhah, Meri Kirihimete, Glædelig Jul, Feliz navidad, vrolijk kerstfeest, häid jõule.

I hope everyone has a happy and safe holiday period and a happy new year.

We have a few family traditions. we start the day with presents before going to the beach mid-morning. for an hour or so. then it is lunch at nanas before a chill afternoon and slow dinner cook. then dinner. this year my sister is over from over east with her boyfriend, and we have a family friend coming for dinner (who has come the last five or so years is pretty much a brother to me by this point)

as for presents, I got a beautiful stained glass sunflower from my parents, a necklace with the moon phase when I was born on from my sister (such as Selene gift) and while I have made book bags for a lot of my friends, my mum used all my offcuts and test fabrics and made me a patchwork one which is awesome.

I hope that you are all having a happy and safe day. and that you get to spend time with family and/or friends.
I hope that you feel better soon rowan.
Merry Christmas!

I just finished eating Christmas dinner and I am in a food coma - I made potatoes, we had ham, turkey & pork with some salads. Last night we had seafood and I stayed at my parents house so I could drink and not drive (as I will tonight because I had a drink with dinner).

As you can guess it's mostly about the food. :r We did the gift exchange in the morning and we worked right up until the 23rd where we got some work presents so the leadup has been a bit rushed. It hasn't felt very Christmassy for me what with work and all and with living alone so I never feel that festive but the food certainly helps. I still feel a bit alone even when I'm here so I hope anyone else feeling a little isolated and lonely this Christmas has a wonderful time anyway, reaches out to friends and loved ones and takes care of themselves.
Merry Christmas to evryone! ❤️ I was first time good and was dating and then got a little sick and cold. I was at home celebrating but now i am feeling a little better. Tomorow will be go and meet others from my family and going a little trip. I wish you all grate day and take care of yourself.
Merry Christmas! :wub:
I hope everyone is having happy holidays! I’m spending the holidays quite calmly and quietly with my mother this year. Yesterday morning we went for a walk through a snow-white meadow and forest (we're lucky to have lots of nature around our house). For lunch we baked “piragi” (traditional Latvian buns filled with bacon and sauerkraut) and later we had dinner. Then in the evening, according to our family tradition, we gave out presents and lit candles on the Christmas tree while Frank Sinatra songs from the fifties, our favorite Christmas music, played in the background.

Hopefully, you all are in good health and have a nice and peaceful holiday. <3
Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you all are having a fun and safe holiday so far!

Honestly, we don't really do much on Christmas haha! We just had the usual Christmas dinner and opening gifts! I spent most of my day using the gifts i received as well as spending time with my family! We watched the second Knives Out movie that recently came out on Netflix! (I'll then watch the new matilda movie that came out on Netflix too a little later!)

For Xmas I got a few things from my friends and family! I got some new shoes! I also received a few things for my console and some pyjamas! And a few other bits and bobs!

I hope you all have a good holiday and stay safe out there! Many hugs to you all! xx
MERRY X-MAS!! :santa::santa:

I hope everyone has an good time.

I spend time with my parents and sister last evening and we did some presents for eachother and watch an tv show what is kind of an tradition. It's called All you need is love and they bring people to the Netherlands or the other way around to meet up with family that they haven't seen in a while or have an romatic relationship with. And it 's always :cry::cry: (wet eyes)

And the rest of the days we are gonna do an winter bbq with some karaoke with family and going out for dinner tomorrow. Usually te a lot of food, music, games and that kind of stuff.

And I can't wait for the new year with friends celebrating, with some nice cocktails, games, music and watching fireworks.
Happy holidays everyone!!! :hug: Sending lots of love to you all

It's a quiet Christmas here, opened some presents, went for a walk with my mum, and we'll probably watch a film later! ^_^
Merry Christmas!!!

I'm visiting my mom and family for the holidays and it's been a nice few days so far. It's been a bit of a speed run Christmas because my aunt's family is off to Hawaii this morning lol. So we celebrated mostly yesterday and went to a farmers market before going to a nice lunch and seeing new Avatar movie. Then we saw some Christmas lights and had tamales my family made last weekend (the best part of Christmas) while my aunt insisted we watch It's A Wonderful Life. She is trying very hard to make it a tradition lol

Today will be pretty quiet and my mom and I will probably go see some friends around my hometown which should be nice! Hope everyone is having a good time and if it's a not so nice time you're getting through it :hug:
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Technically mine happened over the month of December because my excitement won't let me wait to give gifts. So I got mom a heated blanket so she can use during her dialysis treatments, and I got my grandfather a Keurig dual coffee machine since he drinks more than just one cup.

I got a Michael Myers/Halloween throw, 3 Zelda books I needed, a Zelda controller, cash, and a Killer Klowns from Outer Space wall decal.

Today I was supposed to see my dad after 3 years and my grandmother, but we were snowed in (mountains with curvy roads, hills, and other roads with no guardrails where you will drive off the side of a mountain - not keen to travel through that). I am cooking a huge dinner soon, so I will be keeping busy with that. Other than mom and I arguing over stupid stuff, the weekend is turning out pretty well.

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