Feeling adventurous

As Sophia emerged from the abyss of the forest, his big blue eyes widened. Looking towards Sophia as she approached him, Kale whispered with the impression that she'd gotten caught, "Where the hell are the others, Sophia?"
Professor Manteia now turned his attention to finding the remaining student in the forest. Standing in the middle of a clearing, not far inside the forest boundary he removed his wand and aimed it at a tree approximately 50 feet off to his left. With a quick flick of his wand, a stunning spell erupted from the end of his wand and crashed into the tree, terminating in a blast of green sparks.

Professor Manteia listened intently to see if there was any movement following his unexpected spell.
Sophia focused her gaze on Kale, anger flaring in her golden eyes. She shook her head very subtlety, only a few times, not wanting to give anything away.
Zoe was far enough, she only heard a slight noise, and saw some very faint green light come from where she was before, and kept tip-toeing towards her destination, which she didn't even know yet.
Hearing Kale say, "Others" Professor King summoned his patronus and sent it to Professor Manteia, "You're done when you find more then one student, I'm not sure if you knew how many are outthere or not, but I know it's more then one." it stated and then shimmered back into non-exsistance.
Ford was torn, the situation was wreaking havoc with his emotions. On one hand, he knew that things would be best to give himself up. But, emotionally, his stubbornness told him to keep evading the Professor. Upon seeing the Professor cast a spell to try and draw him out by scaring him, Ford became angry, he wanted to pick up a nearby branch and hit him with it. Take him down by a 'lower' technique, a muggle technique. He was torn in three different directions, and on the perifery, Ford was confused. He had been so sure of himself before, but he was now questioning his views, his beliefs. Everything. But that was only going on on the edge; right now, instincts ingrained into Ford's mind by millions of years of natural selection were kicking in. Then, all emotion was gone, he crouched down to the ground, and stalked away from the Professor, feeling the ground in front of him, and avoiding whatever sticks he came across.
Kale could see that Sophia was obviously upset, so he thought it would be smartest if he kept his mouth shut and watch what was happening around him. At that he stood in silence, looking to the floor.
Sophia refused to let her face show the emotions rushing through her head at that moment. She was feeling something very rare for herself, fear. Ford was still out there, and things would not be good if he was caught by Professor Manteia. Sophia merely stared forward, and intense gaze in her golden eyes as she looked blankly at nothing.
Professor Nicolas King said:
Hearing Kale say, "Others" Professor King summoned his patronus and sent it to Professor Manteia, "You're done when you find more then one student, I'm not sure if you knew how many are outthere or not, but I know it's more then one." it stated and then shimmered back into non-exsistance.
Kales mouth dropped...he didn't know what to say. Crap. CRAP. CRAP CRAP CRAP! he thought to himself screaming inside. I just gave them away!! in the inside Kale was cursing every word in every language. Looking over at Sophia and Scorpius, he had no clue what to do or say.
Zoe kept walking away, careful not to step on anything that would make a noise, at this point, she couldn't see or hear anything that anybody but herself was making. She then thought she heard a noise, and walked a bit deeper into it.
Professor Manteia absorbed the message from Professor King's Patronus with some regret. Deep down he knew that there were others in the forest other than Bellatrix, but he had hoped that Sophia would have recognized the severity of the situation and not put the others in jeopardy. Professor Manteia knew that it was time to call out the others before they got hurt. He brought his wand back to his throat and his voice echoed ominously throughout the forest.

"To all students in the Forbidden Forest. The Ministry of Magic has been notified of your excursion. The forest is now being monitored for the use of magic by underage wizards by what is commonly known as The Trace. We do not wish any of you to get injured and as such, you will now be located as soon as you utilize ANY magic spell. The sound of my voice has almost certainly stirred any of the creatures in this forest that were as yet, unaware of your presence. Professor King and I will remain here until you are located and with each passing minute, the severity of your punishment will escalate. It is now time for you to reveal yourself and I will come and escort you out. You may signal us as to your location by pointing your wand in the air and casting Stupefy or any other spell that would be visible from the edge of the forest."

Professor Manteia sighed, this was not how he had envisioned his night being spent.
Zoe heard the booming voice of her HOH, but didn't know where he was. With much regret, she took out her wand, pointed it up, and sent green sparks so she could be found. She then sat down on a rock awaiting to be found.
Professor Manteia noted a shower of sparks not far off to his left and strode purposefully through the forest in its direction with his wand at the ready. He came upon Zoe-Hope Weasley sitting on a rock and stopped, disappointed to find yet another of his students sitting there. "Follow me!", he commanded roughly and headed back in the direction of Professor King and the others.
Zoe got up, and followed the professors, and the other mopingly, only glancing at the others, wondering who gave them out.
Adrenaline pounded in Ford's ears, and Professor Manteia's voice barely made it into his brain over the din. Somewhere in Ford's mind, he thought that calling in the Ministry of Magic was a tad overzealous, but the thought was trampled by his fight or flight instincts. It was as if a decade of stoicism was crashing down upon Ford in one five minute swoop: rage, fear, hatred, anger, fury, love, confusion, depression, and many others exploded into his mind. Tears welled on Ford's face, but he continued on. On some sophisticated level, Ford was worried about his emotional well-being. Why was he feeling this? What was going on? But the instincts of the great apes had taken over, and Ford continued to evade his Head of House. There was no chance in any Hell conceived by mankind that he would be able to walk proudly amongst his fellow Slytherins, but he forged ahead anyway.

Ford reached the edge of the forest. He didn't leave out to the openness of the lawn, but stayed within the forest, following it's edge to the lake. He knew that his Head of House would be very disappointed in him, but Ford had never quite established a liking to him on any firm basis, just a far-off respect, so this fact did not bother him as it might have.
(((so ford is just inside the forest on the edge of the lake?)))
(((And Bellatrix is somewhere in the middle. I think we should wait for her to come back on before continuing anything else lol she wasn't even given a proper chance to escape :p though i doubt she would obey :ph43r: )))
(((Same, I agree :D )))
Kale Thomas said:
Upon returning to the group, Professor Manteia stopped and surveyed the students. "Now, I will ask this only once. Miss Green is still unaccounted for, but I will be returning into the forest shortly to find her. Are there any other students in that forest that I need to be aware of. Lying to us now would be a serious mistake and could jeopardize the safety of one of your classmates and friends. Once I return into the forest you will all return to the Slytherin Common Room where you will await my arrival. At that point, I will determine your respective punishments. However, at this point I am only concerned with the safety of any students remaining in that forest. Precious time is wasting, speak now if you know anything.", he commanded.
Zoe noticed that Ford and Bellatrix weren't among the other Slytherin's that were 'caught', and wondered where they were. She wasn't sure if Ford had gone out a different way than she attempted, so she didn't speak.

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