Closed Truth or Dare #2

Lilith swallowed hard, her mind fighting to stay afloat. She appreciated the fact that Demi at least had the decency to admit she might have been wrong, which she had by the way thank you very much. However the Ravenclaw did not appreciate the whole fight being put on Tori's shoulders, if Demi hadn't gone off on a quest to spread rumours with no truth to them what so ever, none of it would of happened. She watched as Jonah just nodded and shied away somewhere close to Lumos and a faint smile graced her lips at that, she was glad to see them as friends. Before she could do anything she heard Felix speak from somewhere. Everything stopped and she turned to look and see the question directed at Tori. The memory of those moments after hearing that stupid rumour clawed at every inch of her throat and the second year was no longer seeing what was around her just waiting for the silence to break. It was all going so well, until it wasn't.
Tori whipped around to look at Felix, scandalised and annoyed, before looking to see Lilith's face, knowing where her mind had gone. Bloody hell. "NO, people need to stop assuming that, I'm so sick of it!" This was supposed to be a study session, this was why she hadn't wanted to do another one and this one seemed to be going the exact same way as the other one. She looked at Jasper. "I'm sorry, I didn't know it was going to be like this," maybe she shouldn't have come, or invited Jasper, they could have gone to study on their own and avoided this whole situation. She liked Jasper, she didn't want him to think any less of her just because of some stupid lies Demi had told to half the school.
@Jasper Beese
The study group Esme had been part of in her first year had been...interesting. Drama had been the only thing to come out of that event but she had been invited and Felix would be there and she liked spending time with her boyfriend. Things seemed to be in full swing already when she arrived which made her blush, she hadn't realised she was running late. She moved around the circle until she could squeeze in next to Felix. "Did they start already?"
The more the seconds ticked by, the more tense the room was getting. Suddenly Felix was making more accustations towards himself and Tori, Lilith was disassociating beside him and now Tori was starting to get angry, and rightfully so. "No, we're not." Eoghan said, watching the cogs turn in Felix's head as he made the connection. Wouldn't everyone be able to soon? If the students around them hadn't already caught on to what was happening then they were filling in the blanks with untruths. Yes, they'd decided to keep their status between them but if this was the result of all the secrets, wasn't it better to just tell them? At least those who were supposed to be their friends.

His palms were sweaty and his voice was shaking a little as Eoghan continued, "But Lilith and I, are." He didn't move his hand from her knee, hoping that he wasn't about to make things worse for her by saying so. He moved his gaze from Felix and the other students, turning back to face Demi. "I know you don't like me," he said, recalling the sheet he'd heard about in her dorm. "You don't need to. But I do think you are trying to stir things up so that I leave Lilith alone and I can tell you now that isn't going to happen." It was childish to resort to these methods in an attempt to break them up. Demi had never known they were together, not before now, but the assumption had been enough even if they'd only been friends. "Please stop trying to fabricate a story, for her benefit if not all of ours." He knew Lilith no longer called Demi a friend, but they still had a share a room together for the next six years.
Felix's eyebrows shot up at Tori as suddenly she was trying to bite his head off. "I was only askin'," he said under his breath, shuffling over so that his girlfriend could sit beside him. "Yeah but we've been here for like an hour and there's only been one question," he told her, one arm draping over her shoulder. He looked between Eoghan and Lilith again as the boy tried to ask Demi to chill out, but in truth Felix wasn't really sure why this was a big deal in the first place. "Congrats," he grinned at the pair, wondering if they could get on with the game now. Honestly no one else seemed to have a relationship as smooth sailing as his and Esme's, and he kissed the top of her head in gratitude.
Demi didn't really know what to say. Eoghan was right, she hated him, but the plea in his voice to leave them alone made Demi speechless. She wanted to say that she hadn't actually done anything to them since she'd told Lilith about what she'd seen that day, and now he was making it sound as though this was an ongoing problem. William had been wrong, sometimes things did need to be fixed. It wouldn't matter what she said, they were always going to have a problem with her weren't they? She crossed her arms over her chest and glanced to Lumos, wondering if her only friend would leave her soon, too.
Amory gave a nod to Eurydice, the Hufflepuff who had pried on his intentions towards her cousin, as she arrived. He then continued to watch the drama unfold, gripping Rose's hand a little tighter as the tension raised. He watched Lilith get increasingly uncomfortable and almost felt bad for the girl, but her now outed boyfriend seemed to have it handled as she relaxed when he spoke out. He gave Felix a funny look and before anyone made themselves any more of a fool he reached for a card. "Shame to put a stop to this grandma gossip circle but let's get back on track yeah?" The Slytherin spoke looking at his card. He cursed under his breath as he read it out loud. "What is the Forgetfulness potion for? And what are the ingredients? Well first part is obvious, to make one forget the second part don't know, did not memorize it." He was pretty sure he wouldn't need potions anyways.
Jasper had no idea what was going on. When Eurydice sat next to him and called him new, he smiled politely. If she meant new to this group, then sure, but he’d been at the school for nearly two years, so he definitely wasn’t new, new. "Uh, I’m Jasper," he said, a little thrown by the conversation around him regarding Tori and unsure how to react.

When Tori spoke to him, he gave a quick nod. "It's okay. Are you okay?" All the relationship talk went over his head and he wanted to leave but didn't think he was allowed to. He welcomed the distraction as another student picked up a card but couldn't remember the ingredients in a Forgetfulness Potion, "I just always say water, easy one to remember," he added, hoping to feel more relaxed. He couldn't help with any of the other ingredients mind.

@Eurydice Nightray @Victoria de Lacey @Amory Raven
Amory looked at the Gryffindor boy who made a fair point. Nodding his thanks he spoke back up, "Alright I change my response, to make one forget and ingredients are water among other things." He gave a grin, now to choose who to ask. He locked eyes with Felix, deciding he was the best option for now. "Truth or dare mi lord?" Amory asked with a taunting tilt to his voice.

@Jasper Beese @Felix Layton-King
Eurydice couldn't help but be amused when Jasper introduced himself, though she supposed she couldn't blame him for doing so since they hadn't really talked before this. She'd just known him in passing in class and put a name to a face and that was basically it. "Eurydice," she said politely with a nod before turning her attention back to Rose, subtly poking at her and whispering to ask how Amory convinced her to come to this "study" session. She couldn't help but snort though at Amory's attempt to answer the question which somehow ended up with Jasper helping. To which she gently nudged the boy at her side with her elbow, "You should ask someone for a truth or dare too since you helped lo- Amory over there."

@Jasper Beese @Rose Edogawa @Amory Raven
Felix had straightened out his legs on the carpet in front of him, and leant back to rest his upper body weight on one arm. "Me?" His eyebrows raised as Amory decided the next person to be sucked into the drama was him. "Give me a dare," he said, feeling pretty confident about his decision and hoping Amory was going to show him mercy.
Pleased to see that his friend wasn't one to chicken around with thruths Amory smiled. "Alright Dare it is, confess your undying love to your girlfriend." It was what he had been dared to do, but instead of doing it to a girl he had been dared to do it to Willyboy over there, about time someone did it to someone they actually wanted to.

@Esme Styx-Cade
When it came to the role models in his life that were there to show love, he had either Leda and Mervyn to choose from, who acted more like siblings than a couple, or Wendall and Mary-Lou, the former of which was sure still stuck in a childlike mentality. Inspired by Mary-Lou it was.

Sitting up straighter he turned properly to face Esme. "There is nothing that I wouldn't do to help you and support you. Whenever you need me I will be there," Felix was saying, trying to remember the sort of things his Aunt would say whenever he was over babysitting their tribe. "You are the prettiest girl I have ever met and I knew you were special the moment I found you. You make me feel like I am home, and that with you I can do anything. I love you." Dare or not, he did hope Esme didn't think he was only saying it because he was told to. It was the first time he'd said words of that effect to her but he was still doing his best to sound sincere. He looked across to Amory, waiting to see if it would meet his approval.
When Eoghan spoke out into the mess Lilith found herself blushing, but not because of anything bad actually it was a nice feeling finally having it out in the open. Her mind calmed down and she warily cast her eyes to the blond next to her, admiring him openly this time. She felt a lot more free now that the cat was out the bag and with that she leaned further into his side and her head on his shoulder, no longer having to care whether or not people got a certain impression. The Ravenclaw was very glad when Amory made to change the pace and atmosphere around the room and shot the Slytherin a small smile that fell unnoticed as the boy stared at Felix, who was now confessing his love? Well it seemed all to be going fine again at least.
It wasn't like Jonah actually expected the whole thing to explode between four people when it was only two people he knew of to be fighting so he'd just nodded when Demi first started to explain and shied closer to Lumos. Chaos was something Jonah didn't mind - his house was everlasting chaos, Quidditch was chaos. What he could barely handle was conflict. Especially one that was practically boiling over. He was frankly quite glad when Amory finally put a stop to it. Though it was certainly bringing about a different kind of chaos. He supposed this was much closer to what was going on the previous year. Jonah watched as his best friend turned to Esme and confessed his undying love. He couldn't help but actually blush because weren't those embarrassing to say? And in such a large group too. He didn't think he could actually say things like that where everyone could see and hear. Good on his best friend though! At least he was confessing to his girlfriend - they'd been together for like what? More than a year?
Jasper nodded, happy to have helped Amory out with his answer. He smirked at the suggestion that he should take a turn, but honestly he was more than happy to sit this one out and just watch. He listened to Felix, Jasper's gaze flickered between Felix and Esme as he did, he waited for someone to crack and start laughing. It was a dare after all and Jasper didn't really believe he felt things like this about a girl. Jasper had never thought like that about a girl and wondered if that would ever change and one day he'd be saying stuff like that in front of a room full of people. Merlin, he hoped not. He blinked, glancing at Tori, then back at Felix. He wasn’t sure if he was impressed at what he'd just witnessed or horrified. Maybe both.
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"Not really, I didn't know things would go this way," she admitted, her face going slightly red at the fact she was the centre of attention for a hot minute. She tried to ignore the rest of the room, focusing on the fact that she'd brought Jasper here and he didn't deserve to be in the middle of whatever sh*tshow Demi was trying to create here again. Felix wasn't helping any either to be honest and she made a point of not looking a him. She couldn't believe Eoghan and Lilith were kind of out now, though she supposed it was bound to happen eventually, but that didn't mean she was okay with this. Or any of it to be honest. Then came Amory to save the day and a love confession? Wow. "Me next," she said, reaching for one of the cards to look at it. "The command to make a broom active? Really? Who wrote this? It's up." She threw the card behind her because that was a dumb one. "I'm going again because that was stupid," she said, reaching for another.​
Demi was just watching the scene unfold in front of her, as Felix declared his love for Esme. If he could do it, why was it seemingly so difficult for everyone else? As Tori made a move to grab a card, Demi wondered whether she was going to dare William and Eurydice to kiss again half the chance, and cursed under her breath when she picked up the easiest question in the world. Honestly Demi didn't know how smart some of the students in the room were so she couldn't make them all hard. Trust Tori to make another song and dance out of it though, picking up another card because the first one wasn't good enough. Sure, and Demi was the drama queen.

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