Closed truth or dare?

William was surprised that Lumos got his question right, not because he thought he was stupid but because he figured the boy would want to play the game more than study. After Lumos, William grabbed a card and looked at it, "What was scurvy grass once used for? Heck, dare,"
Lumos snorted, his cousin was so silly. "To treat scurvy you noob," he said, before pointing to Ondine. "I dare you to kiss Lilith," mostly as a joke, but genuinely because he was curious if either of them would do it. Lilith had been pretty quiet.
Susie had been watching the others for some time now and a devilish idea had just come to her. “I dare you to kiss Demi,” she said, at the exact same time Lumos said Lilith.
Lumos looked to Susie. "Jinx!"
Will heard Lumos and Susie both dare him to kiss different people, he was significantly more interested in one than the other but he wasn't sure which one he was bond by. "Which dare do I do? Or do I do both?"
Eurydice’s eyes widened as everyone seemed to want William to kiss someone. Maybe he gave good kisses? “Could always give me a kiss instead William dear.”
Lumos snorted as one of the Hufflepuff's offered herself as sacrifice. Valid, because he couldn't imagine having to kiss William, yuck.
Demi’s heart leapt when everyone suddenly seemed to talk at once, although she glared at Eury once more. It was as though they were trying to keep her from kissing Will. “Kiss me, obviously.” she said to Will, not bothering to hide the fact she wanted to.
“Why isn’t everyone kissing everyone?” Everyone seemed interested in the whole kissing business anyways.
Eoghan was just glad everyone seemed to have moved on from the idea of Will kissing Lilith that was actually Ondine.
“Ooooooo,” Susie grinned, raising her eyebrows at Demi and William in turn. “She’s keen.”
Tori rolled her eyes. Oh for Merlin's sake. She walked up to William and planted a kiss on him. "Everyone happy? Good, someone pick another card."
Demi audibly gasped as Tori sealed the deal, and stood from her position on the seat. “That wasn’t for you!” she called out, getting more annoyed William still hadn’t come over to her.
“HEY!” said Susie. “That wasn’t the dare. Demi or Lilith. He still has to pick one.” If she had to follow the rules, so did Will.
“Thank you,” Demi nodded to Susie, for once she was glad the Hufflepuff was in her side. Obviously he wasn’t going to pick Lilith, right?
"He shouldn't be picking, he should be given someone else, otherwise the terms are still incomplete if you really want to go for it." When had this become about not studying.
“I thought he was kissing everyone anyway,” Eurydice said with a shrug as she came up to William and also got herself a kiss.
Will was stunned when Tori got up and kissed him. "Been holding that one in huh?" He smirked at her. He barely had time to think before Eury got up and kissed him too. "Merlin I'm popular tonight, not bad Eury," He smiled at her before looking over at Demi apologetically. "I still haven't done my dare," He got up, walked over to Demi and kissed her.
William absolutely should have picked! Demi watched in horror as Eury walked across and kissed William too, and she looked at him with hurt behind her eyes as he did nothing to defend himself. Maybe he really didn’t care.

That was, until he came over to her and kissed her there and then in front of everyone. All anger disappeared immediately as she kissed him back, lingering longer than others in the room had with their dares.
“Thanks William,” she said with a wink as she turns to another girl. Is it really important who kissed who? She went up to Ondine and gave her a quick kiss too. “There. Now you get a kiss too.”
Lumos looked over to Lilith. "I'm sorry my cousin is a ****, he should have kissed you too, he's clearly decided that Demi is more important to him than you and I want to apologise on his behalf."
Considering nobody could even get her name right, Ondine was jolly surprised when Eurydice gave her a kiss, too. “Oh,” was all she could think to say for a moment. Then, “Thank you.” She pulled up her knees and hugged them, thinking that if she made herself small enough, everyone might forget she was here. This was all getting a bit much.
Eoghan glared at Lumos as he told Lilith that William should have kissed her instead. He said nothing but that didn’t stop him from resting a hand on her knee, hoping the Slytherin would back off.

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