Dear [Whomever]

Dear you, yes you know who you are

You always ban me from going to Waitrose! Just because a packet of TicTacs fell in my brothers shoes and blamed it on me you won't believe me!!

Hate, Waitrose-Craver
Dear n00b,

Wakey wakey - eggs and bac-y!

Hey you,
Why can't I breathe whenever I think about you?

I'm in love with you.

Hey My Charrie

Why are you so mean? I mean seriously! Why? Give people a chance! I wish I never made you so mean! What have I created!

But your awesome anyway!

Love Domino x

I am in love with you. From your goofy grin to the way your chest moves when your asleep. You have captured my heart and soul. I smile for no reason. I love you so much I feel like crying at times. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I thought wanted a fairy tale prince charming. I don't. I want you and your video games and your horrid taste in music. I want to tell you all my secrets. I want to hear all of yours. I didn't think I could ever feel this way but you proved me wrong. God you make my so very happy. I promise that I am going to get better and I am going to get back to you and when I do I am going to have a very serious question for you and I hope you say yes.

Love me and you know who that is even if you will never read this.
Dear, Whomever you are

I hate you right now and maybe last for forever. It is not that hard to move on. I wish I did not met you. I cannot say how much hate I am feeling now toward you.

I hate you, Joyce
Dear my real life crush,

I am so amazingly glad that you were being cute to me today when I said that I couldn't go to the camp you were organizing. I know how much Venturers means to you and you were being so sweet. I really hope it was because you miss me being there and you are worried. But I'm not going to get my hopes up if I can help it. Somebody that is as awesome as you wouldn't want to waste your time with a girl like me. Still, I long to be closer to you. I want us to be really good friends at least, but I know that might not happen because you know that I like you. But you don't know that you have gotten deeper under my skin and this crush has turned into love. If you knew would you stop talking to me? or would you start finally liking me back? I'm not about to tell you, your girlfriend might freak out and I don't want to break you guys up. Much.

The girl who wishes you love her.
Dear People,

You will know who you are, I know you will read this. I can't believe how much you have hurt over the last year and a bit. Even so it makes me feel sick to my stomach and it is tearing me up inside. I don't want to hurt anyone, I don't want to be mad at anyone and that is including you but its all mounted up and I can't forgive you. Not now. This has gone on far too long and I just want to distance myself from it. I don't mean to say I will never forgive you but I can't deal with this right now. Not with all the other crap thats going on. I don't mean to be a b!tch but I am over all the melodrama!
Oh and I liked your comment "Somepeople don't need to take drama, they are already drama queens" /sarcasm
Very nice, not.
Its things like that, that make me almost sure that I did the right thing by walking away, running away as fast as I can so I don't have to deal with it anymore.

But if you ever want to appologize for all things you did I am here and prepared to listen.
Like I said I hate fighting....

Love Melly

Dear life,

Why do you have to make me so depressed all the time? Why do you have to make me cry?
Why can't you let me be happy sometimes? I laugh but its all empty because I just don't feel it.
Please get better.

Love Melly

Dear Mum,

Lift the pressure please! I can't always live up to your expectations.
I can't stand being pushed all the time the stress is overwhelming and it makes me sad to dissapoint you all the time.

Love Melly

and lastly

Dear brother and step father and random people,

Stop calling me fat, I'm not fat! I'm only 54kgs Im almost under weight for my age and I can't stand the wise cracks about my 'big' butt.
Just so you know, I can't put on weight even if I wanted to , I eat and eat but I don't gain anything. I want to weigh more but I am not FAT!
Screw you I can't be bothered anymore.
I will just ignore you from now on
I have finally just accepted myself for who I am and I will not have you ruin it


Dear friends,

I'm genuinely sorry for my attitude yesterday. I really was in a bad mood and I tried to block you out but my iPod died so I kind of attacked you all in my anger. It's a part of me that I really hate and I'm sorry if any of you hate me now.

Sincerely and apologetically,
Dear Life,

Why, why do I have to be the weirdo, who everyone thinks is either too serious or too hyper!
Why can't I just be who IO am and seen as that girl.
Why do I have to be different and why can't my dreams come true?

Dear Cheapskate,

You know who you are, you won't even contribute $50 measly dollars to buy a new phone. Just because you aren't allowed to buy a crappy second hand one off trade me. You're the one who is always whining about the fact that you gave me a phone to keep in contact with you. Now you say that you don't want to hear from me? Well screw you, I am your daughter! most fathers want to hear from their daughters but you don't seem to want to know me. You only care about my brother and yourself, you bought yourself a $500 phone and you broke it!!! Well I am not going to your house this coming weekend, and you can't make me. And when I finally get a new phone I won't bother to text you. I don't care that I'm being childish but if you cant bother to give a stuff about me, I won't give a stuff about you.
Have a nice life!
Not, love
Your daughter!
Dear annoying loser,
All because you have no real friends and no life besides the fake one you have
with your friends that you will lose after you leave school, doesn't mean you
have to be a b!itch to people that actually have real friends. It's not my fault
that you will never have anything as special as I have.
The girl who has real friends (I can't stress that enough.)

<COLOR color="#650335">Dear Samuel's PB,
I love you with all my heart and my undying love will never end. Even in death.
When we meet again expect the unexpected. I will be an adult and we both
know how goddamn sexy I will be then. Due to my late bloomeryness.
With all my true love,
Your future wife, Annaleise.

Dear, Mom's friend
Wow, I mean, I liked you because you gave me a job
but weekend is my sleep away time. I woke up this
morning so early because me and my mom thought
you need help cleaning your house but instead you
sleep away anyway. My mom did not bother me for
cleaning the house with her because I WAS going to
clean yours and she just did not mind me on the computer
as well. And then we went to Port Aransas to meet
the owner of the motel BUT me, you, your sister and
the owner went at this wild life convention and we stayed
there for like 3 hours and then tomorrow you need me again
give me a break, I have to do my descriptive writing for
Monday or rather for tomorrow.

Sincerely, The good girl
Dear, Mom
Why do you want me to get adopted? Are you regretting me
too being your daughter? I didn't know what to say anymore
earlier while we are watching tv and eating dinner but dad
defended me, thanks to him. If you don't want me here then
I can book my ticket back to the Philippines, grandma can
take care of me. I sometimes hate you that is why I am ignoring
this adoption thingy, if child custody is acting in the Philippines
when my real dad and you separated, I should choose him, maybe
his current wife and my brother is better than you. I know parents
in America aren't like that but you act worst.

Sincerely, Your Daughter
Dear, Dad
Nice move on my pepsi earlier when you were working outside, I just
want you to open it but you took a sip after you opened it xD your
the best dad ever. I will bake your favorite cake on your birthday.

Love, A.J
Dear, Classmate who has a wife
Why are you so fascinated about me dressing girly? You always compliment
me about me dressing funky and colorful. However, that is not my problem
my mom buys the clothes I wear and I just make Selena Gomez my model
stylist xD and Demi Lovato as well, yes, like the short skirt I wore last
Wednesday is from Sonny with a chance outfit. And I was shocked when
you said you wish you have a daughter like me? Well, if you have a daughter
like me, you have to deal with lots of Harry Potter stuff and other things xD
I hope you won't bragged what I'm going to wear this Monday :)

Sincerely, Your Classmate

Dear you.

I don't think I care. Being friends with you stressed me out and thinking about everything I have been through with you and your bestie over there kinda seals the deal for me. I care a heck of a lot, but I'm not interested in your drama- you're more dramatic than you think hun. I've made some pretty amazing friends right here, we are able to laugh and have fun without it getting embarrassing (you know how self-conscious I am) and I have to say it's helped me with my stress quite a bit. Today I did an internal without freaking out- that's saying something.

What I've done to lose you and her, is blurry and full of blanks. Just thought you should know. But it was her lies that ultimately caused me to care less and less, and while I accept some responsibility here I have to say, at least I tell the truth.

Love Livi.​
Dear Everyone in the Universe,
I wish we could all get along like we used to in middle
school. I wish I could bake a cake filled with rainbows
and smiles and everyone would eat and be happy. ♥

Pierre and Strella Richarde said:
Daisy Harrison said:
Dear Everyone in the Universe,
I wish we could all get along like we used to in middle
school. I wish I could bake a cake filled with rainbows
and smiles and everyone would eat and be happy. ♥

Riley Alexandra said:
Pierre and Strella Richarde said:
Daisy Harrison said:
Dear Everyone in the Universe,
I wish we could all get along like we used to in middle
school. I wish I could bake a cake filled with rainbows
and smiles and everyone would eat and be happy. ♥

YOU BEAT ME TO IT. :cool:</SIZE><i></i>
Dear computer,

Quit fighting with me. Thanks. :)

Dear life,

please stop giving me horrible surprises... i really am getting bored.

Yours (patiently)


PS Thanks for being awesome yesterday though :D xx
Dear everyone in the world (okay, not really. Just all the relevant people. They know who they are.)

WILL YOU JUST STOP? It was hard enough moving back, not knowing how people would take it, would I be the freak of the class, some one so clingy they couldn't even move schools properly, but this is getting absurd. The moment I get back, I have to choose between two sets of people WHO I MISSED EQUALLY. Whenever you start gossiping or sniping about each other, I stand and walk away. Does that seem childish to you? Not wanting to hear you being horrible to each other?

I don't even know what you're fighting about, but really, whatever it is, it must have been pretty bad. Oh sure, I know details from one side or the other, but I don't have the full and complete story. And to be honest, I don't want it. I know everyone's telling me you'll never be friends again, that it's too late, but I think that's sad that you're so stubborn and selfish that you can't apologise. Sincerely. This may seem a bit harsh, but I am sick of feeling guilty for having one of my friends deliberately excluded from everything, or not being able to invite certain people to anything, for fear of fights. I have no clue what I'm going to do for my birthday party. Maybe I just won't invite any of the people involved.

Okay, I'm sorry now. I just needed to get that out of my system someplace where I knew you would all see it. I won't mention this at school tomorrow, and I'm (mostly) sorry if I offended you, or you feel I misunderstood in any way. But I just wish one of you would suck it up and say sorry. Or at least stay in the same room as the other. You wouldn't have to talk to each other.

It's just sort of hard, because I can't really talk to anyone else about it. I'm not that close with anyone who isn't involved, or in another country.

Anyway, rant over.
Your friend,

Dear Bree

I agree, the movie was awful. I have to see you soon to discuss. Did you cry? I didn't. I can't wait 'till Easter!

Apparently, however, Sean and co. are coming. We may have to take very very long bike rides.... all day... every day. You know why. xD

Your favourite sister :wub:
Dear you,

To quote from my favorite TV show because it literally has a quote for everything. "If you wanted to break my heart there was a thousand ways to do it. You didn't have to propose to [insert name here]." Just when I thought you were done breaking my heart you've gone and found another way to do it. Congratulations. I really hope you're happy.

The one who can't stop hurting no matter what I do

Dear place,

Please call me for an interview and even possibly offer me a job.

The person who desperately needs a new job
Dear Art Freak,

I understand that tomorrow when I tell you I like you theres a very good chance you wont feel the same way. Just please don't stop talking to me if that is the case. I need you. You are my 'tiny ball of light'.

Love, Sammy ♥

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