
Granted, but you eat it and choke, then you have to go to hospital and eat hospital food, liquidised through a tube-for MONTHS muhahahahaha

I wish I wouldn't drift apart from people
Granted but instead you get glued to them forever and get sick of everyone but can never leave them!

I wish there wasn't so much bad drama in teenage life and everything was simple!
Granted, but theres double the drama in your adult life, and everything is much more complicated.

I wish my neighbours didn't do construction work in the early hours of the morning.
Granted, but instead they will be doing construction all night long.

I wish my daughter hadn't eaten the asparagus up.
granted but she didn't eat anything

I wish i knew what to do, and had the strength to do it.
Granted, but her friends are sucky rpers that never reply, but when they do, its super duper short.

I wish I wasn't addicted to the internet, or anything else!
Granted but you become unsortable and all schools reject you and you have to live alone in a cave for the rest of eternity :p

I wish there was some way to contact Laura so we can finalize plans.
granted but all plans fall through
I wish that labs weren't so rushed.
¬¬ The plans did fall through... I blame you
Granted but now they are so deserted they get abandoned and locked forever before you can use them.

I wish my dog would stop being scared. :/
Granted, now your dog is afraid of nothing, runs in to the street and is hit by a car. :(

I wish I could RP. D:
Granted, you become an addict to role playing though :r

I wish I can wish
Granted but you can never stop wishing
I wish I had proper close friends
Granted but than you get the ones that bug you a lot and come to your house just to eat all your food and gossip

I wish my pain will go away so I can rp :(
Granted, but every feeling you ever have will be gone forever :DE:

I wish unhealthy food was healthy.
granted but then you have a pile of graphics requests to do, and a load of asignments

I wish that i could talk to the boy i like, and not get all shy around him
Granted, but you talk too much, and he can never get a word in.

I wish I had the motivation to rp.
Granted, but then all the crops don't grow and you starve to death.

I wish that my eyes would stop burning.
Aran Reynolds said:
Granted. But you get so much motivation that you can't stop RPing. :p
This is okay :r

Granted, but instead, they water all the time, obscuring your vision. Bleh.

I wish cockroaches didn't exist.

granted but there are seven times as many mosquitoes to make up for it
I wish i could understand and speak mandarin as well as english
Granted but now no one can hear you and you can't prove it to anyone or speak to anyone at all.

I wish everything and everyone ever, including me, was suddenly happy and good and not ill or anything and it was great.

(corrupt that!!)
granted, but it is only for a minute and then everyone will miss it when that moment is passed, and will get upset, and blame each other for the sudden demise perfection

I wish that my foundations assignment was fully done to a high level. so i could spend more time on HNZ without thinking about it, (and whilst i am still wishing i wish that my CRF's are completed without any mistakes).

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